Chapter 382
The elegant small courtyard is magnificent, graceful and luxurious, with rockery and strange stones in the courtyard, and colorful flowers.The pavilions and pavilions next to it, and the water lilies in the pool are all exquisite.

A girl with light makeup in the color of lotus root held a silver tray in both hands and walked respectfully and cautiously past the Chuihua Gate Tower and stepped onto the gravel path in the courtyard.The girl's lotus steps are elegant but loose, the embroidered shoes embroidered with light blue butterflies are faintly revealed between the swaying flesh-colored skirt under her body, and her eyes are lowered to the ground, and her hands are holding up the ginseng soup on the plate. The posture of a servant girl.

The girl walked up the corridor, stopped in front of an exquisite wing room, and called respectfully, "Third Master."

"Come in."

Li Chenxue was sitting by the window where the qixuan was placed, he stretched out one hand and casually plucked the strings of the qin, and the qin immediately made a sound that seemed dull but also crisp.

Xing Sha, who was checking the woman's pulse on the bed, frowned slightly. He didn't know if the woman's injury made him embarrassed or the noise made by Li Chenxue made him upset?

Li Chenxue asked the girl who came in to stand aside to serve her. He stood up and walked to the bed, and stretched out his hand to lift the bed curtain that blocked his sight.

The woman lying on the bed has a face like a lotus, eyebrows like a willow, a beautiful nose and cherry lips, and a creamy skin.Although she was stunningly beautiful, her complexion was as pale as paper, and her fair skin was so transparent that it would shatter at the touch of a touch without a trace of blood.Such a weak and morbid image should reveal the frailty of Fufeng Ruoliu, but she doesn't look like that. Although she is still in a coma, her brows are tightly furrowed.The frowning eyebrows were as sharp as a sharp sword, even stained with a bit of ferocity, and the bloodless lips were tightly pursed, outlining a cold and chilling feeling.

"You said it's all like this, why are you still so vicious?" Li Chenxue murmured, with obsession in her eyes, "No wonder you can kill so many masters of me..."

Xingsha's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak. Although he knew that the master was talking to him, the master didn't need him to speak back.He neatly bandaged the woman's wound, and after diagnosing the pulse, he said, "Master, although the dagger was inserted into her stomach, it didn't hurt the child in her stomach."

Li Chenxue raised her eyebrows, apparently very dissatisfied with the result, "Didn't that woman Xue Ruxue repeatedly promise that this method would definitely cause her to have a miscarriage..." There was a cold killing intent in his flat voice.

Xue Ruxue bewitched Yu Wenchen, and the two teamed up to bewitch Yudie and hypnotize her, making her mistakenly think that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage. Is it to let Yudie tell Cheng Yimo and then disturb her mind, and finally strike when she is defenseless!
did not expect……

"I didn't expect this child's life to be so serious that he wouldn't die like this." Li Chenxue sat on the edge of the bed, touched her swollen belly through the quilt, and said softly, "Speaking of which, this child is still my relative." As for the nephew, oh, maybe it’s a real niece.”

Instead, he chuckled, "Fortunately, I was prepared. Zhiyuan."

The woman standing aside with the ginseng soup stepped forward, "Third Master, the servant is here."

"Bring the ginseng soup."

The woman obediently handed him the ginseng soup mixed with abortion pills.

Li Chenxue asked the woman to help the unconscious Yimo to sit up, and then personally fed her with ginseng soup.He scooped up a spoonful of soup and blew on the hot air, his movements were gentle and graceful, and his face was full of tenderness and warmth.It was supposed to be a beautiful and tender scene, but the thought that what he fed into the woman's mouth was a deadly poison made people feel chills down the spine!
Spoonful of ginseng soup was fed into Yimo's mouth. Fearing that the medicine would not be effective, Li Chenxue asked Zhiyuan to fill half a bowl in the kitchen, and even fed the last drop into her mouth, "I don't believe it. His life is still so big, he can't die like this!"

Li Chenxue didn't feel anything wrong with such a woman who was seriously injured and comatose, and she didn't feel guilty about Xingsha who stood on the sidelines. Press your hand into the frying pan.

Li Chenxue handed the medicine bowl back to Zhiyuan, and when she realized her conscience, she picked up the silk handkerchief and wiped the soup from the corner of Yimo's mouth, and asked Xing Sha softly, "When will she wake up?"

"Considering that her martial arts are too strong, so the dagger used by Yudie is a little too much medicine...I'm afraid it will take two or three days before she wakes up."

"Two or three days later? That's okay, the baby happened to be lost..." Li Chenxue looked at her face tenderly, "Don't look sad."

"Okay. Come down, you all."

Li Chenxue waved the two of them back, and he sat alone in the room, looking at her face quietly.Suddenly, with a flash of light in his eyes, he became interested, turned around and picked up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk, placed them all beside the bed, and then brought a small table.He sat cross-legged on the soft cushion, then spread a piece of snow-white rice paper on the small table, picked up the pen, dipped some ink into the inkstone, looked at her face for a while, and then started to write.

The pure face was slowly formed under the pen, and every stroke was exhausted, and the outline of her face was depicted delicately and delicately.

Two hours later, he was satisfied with the handwriting, and the hem of the clothes flew across the air, wafting the fragrance of Long Yan in the room.

At this time, Xing Sha came in, "Master, the time has come, and my subordinates came over to see if she passed."

Li Chenxue waved his hand nonchalantly, "Go and see." He didn't even glance at Yi Mo on the bed, nor at Xing Sha standing in the room, he was appreciating the just finished painting with satisfaction.

Xing Sha arched his body, walked to the bed, lifted the quilt slightly to look, and saw that blood was flowing out between his legs and stained his underwear, he nodded in satisfaction, and then called the midwife to come in and clean it up for her.

The midwife came in and wanted to tell the two men to go out, but she was afraid of the identity of the master of the house, so she didn't dare to speak, so she had to put down layers of gauze curtains to block the two men's sight.

"Master, this subordinate resigns." Xing Sha bid Li Chenxue his leave, as long as he gets rid of the child, he will have nothing to do here.

But as soon as I got to the door, I heard the midwife scream in the room, and then I saw the midwife running out in a panic, "Ah! Madam hasn't had a miscarriage yet, I just saw blood. Hurry up, call the doctor, maybe you can come back soon." Can keep..."

Xingsha's expression changed instantly, and he lifted the veil and walked in quickly, regardless of the defense between men and women.

Li Chenxue finally raised her head from the painting, waved Zhi Yuan to take the midwife out, and then walked into the inner room.Seeing Xing Sha frowning and standing beside the bed to check her pulse, he asked, "What's going on?"

Xing Sha was also full of doubts, "The fetal pulse is a bit chaotic but it is very stable!" Doesn't make sense?The bowl of ginseng soup mixed with abortion pills was tormented by him himself, and there must be medicinal herbs in it. The average pregnant woman would have a miscarriage after drinking half a bowl. She drank almost two bowls. ah!
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind.He hastily stretched out his hand to part her hair, and when he saw the steel needle inserted into her head, he was shocked, "The steel needle pierced the acupuncture point!"

"Pricking acupuncture points with steel needles? What do you mean?" Li Chenxue also looked at her hair.

"It's a folk prescription for preventing miscarriage in ancient books. I didn't expect...there would be people in the world who would use such a cruel method of 'steel needle piercing' to prevent miscarriage." Xing Sha looked at her Baihui and Shenting acupoints in astonishment. The steel needle, some admire the tenacity of this woman, the pain of the steel needle piercing the brain is nothing like digging out the heart, some women would rather die than suffer this pain.

"Then, what do you mean... even abortion pills can't kill the baby in her belly?" Li Chenxue narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the swollen belly under the quilt, a look of cruelty flashed in her eyes, should she consider tearing her belly away? Cut it open and take it out directly? !He couldn't believe that he couldn't be killed like this!

"No. It's just a little difficult. The steel needle in her brain can't be taken out. If it is taken out, it will hurt her life. The only way is to continuously feed her abortion pills. For ten days, 20 days, 30 days in a row... I I don’t believe that child won’t die!” Xingsha’s words revealed some excitement, the more difficult things are the more fun it is, isn’t it.

Li Chenxue curled her lips into a smile, and she was also full of interest, "As long as it can be shed. Take your time, I'm not in a hurry, I want to see how tough the child in her belly is..."

Yi Mobi Xing Sha woke up earlier than expected, and woke up the next night.When she woke up, Zhiyuan was by the bed alone.

"Ma'am, are you awake?" Seeing her opening her eyes, Zhi Yuan was a little surprised, and then put on a happy smile.

Yimo opened her eyes, there was no confusion or panic in her eyes, and Yingrui's hostility and vigilance flashed under her calm, "Who are you?" She propped herself up and wanted to sit up.

Zhi Yuan was afraid that she would use all her strength to open the wound, so she hurried over to stop her, "Madam, don't move around, the wound on your stomach is very deep, and it took a lot of effort to stop the bleeding. It's not easy."

Yi Mo heard the words, stopped the movement of getting up, looked down and saw that the stomach was still bulging, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, the child was not hurt.

Zhiyuan took good care of her, pressed the corner of the quilt for her, and then brought her the food that had been warm all the time, "Ma'am, our young master passed by Shengfengling when he went out to do business a few days ago, and saw that you were covered in blood. Lying on the ground, I kindly rescued you. You don’t know, you bled so much that day, and you had a big belly, it was really scary. We thought you were out of breath, but the housekeeper said hurry up Let's go, so as not to get bad luck. But the young master is kind-hearted, and he couldn't bear to expose your corpse to the wilderness, so he asked Brother Dasheng to bury you, and because of this, Brother Dasheng found that you were still breathing, so he brought you back." His tone carried Fortunately, "Fortunately, the young master asked Brother Dasheng to come and see you, otherwise you would really have died in that barren mountain."

Zhiyuan spoke with sincerity, making it difficult for life to doubt her.

Yi Mo gradually let go of his vigilance, thanking himself for his good luck, being able to save the child even with a stab in the stomach.He stroked her stomach soothingly, it was not in vain for her to drink so much medicine made from living herbs every day.

Suddenly thinking of Yudie, it seems that she and Yudie did not meet by fate, but someone deliberately led Yudie to Zhangjiacun to find her, and then stimulated the Gu control in her body when she was unprepared. She does it to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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