Chapter 383 Suspicious!

While looking at the room, Yi Mo asked, "Thank you, your young master for saving me. Haven't you asked your young master's name yet?"

As soon as she talked about her young master, Zhi Yuan had an expression of admiration and chattered non-stop, "My young master's surname is Mu, his name is Zixue, and he is the third eldest in the family. Our master is in the ceramics business, and our Mu family's ceramics are in the ' Ji Xiang' is the most famous, and he was once praised by His Highness the Third Prince. The third young master is not only the master's most beloved son, but also the best at doing business. These years, the master's health is not good, and half of the business has been handed over to the third son. The young master takes care of it. Our third young master not only manages it well, but also makes a lot of money. The master also said that when he gets old, he will hand over all the business in the family to our third young master..."

"Your young master is really amazing." Yi Mo smiled and agreed casually.Ji Xiangmu's ceramics are quite famous in the Chengtian Dynasty, and she has heard of them more or less.

"Ma'am, I don't know your name yet?" Zhiyuan asked innocently.

"My surname is Cheng, you can call me Mrs. Cheng."

Zhi Yuan listened to her master's orders, and tried her best to play the role of a pure and lively servant girl in front of her, "By the way, Mrs. Cheng, you are pregnant, how could you lie alone in Shengfeng Ridge and suffer such serious injuries?"

"I got separated from my family, and was robbed later." After a pause, he asked, "Excuse me, was there anyone else there when you found me?"

"No more, you are the only one lying on the ground." Zhi Yuan brought her the warm soup, "Madam Cheng, this is the medicine prescribed by the doctor to treat your injuries. You can drink it at ease." Well, it will not affect the child in your womb."

"En." After Yimo drank the medicine, drowsiness hit him, and he fell asleep quickly.

Zhi Yuan took the medicine bowl and went to report to Li Chenxue, "Third Master, the princess woke up once. The servant gave her the medicine as you ordered."

"Well, let's go down." Li Chenxue did not raise his head, he concentrated on fiddling with the painting, picked up the ink brush to paint the lips of the beauty on the painting, and looked at the more and more lively characters in the painting, he murmured meaningfully , "...I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly."

On the second day, when Yi Mo woke up again, there was still only the maidservant in the room.

Zhiyuan served her wholeheartedly, "Mrs. Cheng, are you awake? Just in time, this servant has brought you some meat porridge. This servant will feed you some." She carefully lifted her up and placed her behind her back. A soft cushion, "The doctor said, you need to take a good rest in the last few days, you can't eat too much, you have to eat lightly to maintain your health..."

"Thank you." Yi Mo nodded politely, "By the way, why didn't you see your third young master?"

"Our young master comes here to do business. There are a lot of things to do. We go out early and return late every day. It's hard for us servants to see people." Zhiyuan said while busy, "Does Madam have something to see our young master? If If something happens, I'll go to Brother Dasheng and ask Brother Dasheng to pass it on to you." Then he walked out.

Yi Mo hurriedly stopped her, "It's okay, don't bother. I just want to thank him in person. Since your young master is so busy, then forget it."

Hearing this, Zhi Yuan turned around and came back obediently, with a sweet and sweet smile, "Ma'am, you can rest here to recuperate your wounds, don't be embarrassed. Our young master is a great kind person, and he often said, 'Qu everyone thinks that kindness is the one who is kind to others. Therefore, a gentleman can never be kind to others!'. Although the slaves don’t know what it means, they know that it must be a good word like ‘helping others’.” She praised her perfect young master while persuading her, “Young master still It is often said that "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue". Our young master does many good things every year. For example, when he was in Quanzhou last time, there was a little beggar who sold himself on the side of the road to save his mother. The little beggar was really pitiful. There was a plague in his hometown. The mother survived, and the two orphans and widows wanted to go to Beijing to join relatives, but on the way, the mother was caught by the cold and had no money to buy medicine for treatment. Our young master saw that he was pitiful, so he not only gave him money to buy medicine to save his mother, but also introduced him to the local area. The Mujia pottery branch works as part-time workers..."

Under the careful care of Zhiyuan, Yimo can get up and go to the field on the seventh day.The weather was fine that day, and Yi Mo carefully got out of bed by herself. The knife wound on her body was too deep, and it would take some days to fully heal, and her stomach was getting bigger and bigger, and it was a bit difficult to move.

"Ma'am, be careful, it's better for the servant to help you." Zhiyuan saw her fall to the ground as soon as she opened the door, and ran to help her in fright.

"It's okay, I can go by myself." Yi Mo gently pushed her hand away, insisting on coming by himself.

Zhiyuan had no choice but to stand aside and watch her.

After lying on the bed for a few days, Yi Mo wanted to go out for a walk today. As soon as he opened the door and walked to the yard, he heard the voice of a kite coming from behind him.

"Where are you going, madam?"

Yi Mo didn't care, and responded casually, "I'm going out for a walk..."

"Ma'am, the doctor said that your body is just right and you can't walk too far. Besides, you are heavy. If something happens to you, it will be too late to regret it. You'd better not go out, just walk around in the yard and sit. After a few days, the wound has completely healed, so it's not too late for you to go out and see." Zhi Yuan's words were reasonable, and no one could find any reason to refute.

Yi Mo was also afraid that the child in his stomach would behave badly again, so he agreed with her words, did not insist on going out, and just sat on the stone bench in the garden.

At this time, Zhi Yuan came over with the medicine, "Madam, it's time for you to drink the medicine."

Yi Mo had no doubts, and drank the medicine in one gulp as usual.After drinking, she handed the medicine bowl to Zhiyuan, "I don't need to bring it tomorrow after drinking it today. The medicine is three-point poisonous, and I'm afraid it won't be good for the baby in my womb."

Zhiyuan's hand that took the bowl trembled slightly, thinking that she had discovered something, but seeing that the expression on her face did not change, she gradually felt relieved.She replied with a smile, "I will ask the doctor, if the doctor says yes, then I will stop making medicine for my wife tomorrow."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Yi Mo nodded.

"No trouble, no trouble."

The kite went down with the medicine bowl, leaving Yimo alone in the yard to enjoy the cool. After drinking the medicine, she felt drowsy, and Yimo stood up and went back to the room. She didn't go to bed, but lay on the soft couch and squinted for a while.But in the haze, she felt a faint pain in her stomach, and an uncontrollable warm current from her lower body instantly woke her up!
He opened his eyes suddenly, with a flash of sternness and panic in his eyes, he lifted the skirt and robe without thinking, and when he saw the scarlet on the underwear, his heart was instantly raised: See red?How can a good person meet red? !

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Zhi Yuan came in with a change of dress, "Madam, the clothes are finished. I'll put them in the closet for you... Ah, ma'am, why is there blood on your pants?"

Yimo calmed down with her pale face, and said calmly: "Zhiyuan, please go and invite a doctor."

"Ah? Okay, okay. Ma'am, sit still, I'll call the doctor right away." Then he ran out in a panic.

Zhiyuan knew the importance of Princess Ping'an to the third prince, so she didn't dare to delay, so she went directly to the front yard to look for the third highness, "Third Master, the princess has become popular."

Li Chenxue immediately stopped the pen in his hand, and a joyful smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "Xiaosha, go and have a look."

Xing Sha was also full of excitement. After using the medicine for ten days, he finally saw red today.

"Ma'am, the doctor is here." Zhi Yuan entered the room with a fishy knife.

Yi Mo had already changed his dress, and was lying on the bed, neither panic nor nervousness could be seen on his calm face.Xing Sha was a little surprised, and once again looked at her differently. As a woman, since she can withstand the pain of a steel needle piercing her brain and keep the fetus, it proves that she attaches great importance to the child in her belly.But when the child was about to be lost, she was so calm in front of outsiders, so calm that people thought she had no feelings for the child in her womb.If he didn't know about the 'steel needle piercing the acupoint', he would definitely be deceived by her calm expression now.

"How is it, doctor? Is Madam all right?" Zhi Yuan looked at him nervously.

Xingsha withdrew his hand, suppressed the excitement in his eyes, and ordered like an ordinary doctor, "It's okay. Get out of bed and walk around a little in the past few days, and rest well. I'll prescribe two anti-fetal medicines for my wife. Drink it for a few days and you'll be fine. "

"It's fine, it's fine." Zhiyuan patted her chest happily, "Madam, you lie down at ease, I'll take the doctor out, and I'll make you an anti-fetal medicine by the way."

With a tired look on his face, Yi Mo slowly closed his eyes, and his cold voice sounded worried, "Go."

The moment Zhi Yuan and the doctor stepped out of the room and closed the door, Yi Mo suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were as sharp as a goshawk in the night sky.When the doctor felt his pulse, she could clearly feel that there was a thick layer of dead calluses on his fingertips. Only those who often hold swords could make such calluses.Besides, she vaguely sensed the murderous intent that the other party tried to hide.A doctor who often holds a sword and is full of murderous looks...

In the veranda outside the door, Zhiyuan took half a step back and walked obediently behind Xingsha's side.

Xingsha handed the written pharmacy to her, "I've already seen blood, so I don't need to use the previous prescriptions. I use the current pharmacy. I have increased the dosage of the medicine. I believe it will be effective within a few doses."


In the evening, Zhi Yuan gave Mo Duan anti-fetal medicine.

"Ma'am, I've taken the medicine. This is the doctor's new prescription, which is said to be the most effective for preventing miscarriage. Drink it while it's hot."

Yi Mo glanced at the medicine bowl, pretended to have no appetite, and refused, "I'm feeling bored, I don't want to drink now, you can take it back."

"Madam, how can this be done! If you don't drink the medicine, the fetus in your womb will be lost." Zhiyuan persuaded nervously, "Madam, for the sake of the baby in your womb, you must insist on taking the medicine."

"You're right. For the sake of the child in your womb, you have to persevere no matter how hard it is." Yimo smiled helplessly, then took the medicine, and drank the whole bowl of 'anti-fetal medicine' without hesitation under Zhiyuan's gaze.

Seeing her finish drinking with her own eyes, Zhi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief secretly, then said a few more words, cleaned up the room and went out.

While she was going out, Yi Mo quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on the Stomach Meridian, and vomited all the undigested medicinal juice in her stomach into the flower pot in the room!

(End of this chapter)

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