black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 384 Can't Drink Anymore

Chapter 384 Can't Drink Anymore
The Prince's East Palace, the Waiting Hall.

Guo Tingyi bowed and stood in the hall and reported, "His Royal Highness, shoulder to shoulder with the king to pass on the good news, the three cities of Wan country have been captured, and I believe that the capital of Wan country will be captured soon."

The prince sat majestically in a royal palace uniform, and the purple rusty golden dragon robe set off his beauty and majesty, "Well, are the next batch of rations ready to be sent?"

"Return to Your Highness, the Ministry of War has already started preparations, and we will be able to set off in five days."

"Okay, let's go." The prince impatiently threw the memorial on the table, "Moran, tea."

"Yes." Since that day, Mo Ran has been serving the prince carefully.

The moment Guo Tingyi entered the Hall of Marquis, he noticed the palace maid standing next to the prince. The woman was wearing a light pink dress, her brows were lightly drawn, her lips were bright red, and there was a hairpin hanging on her hair that did not meet the status of a palace maid. Jin Buyao, dressed in an ingenious way, is both delicate and charming, and there is a naked seductive look in his eyes.

"Your Highness, the imperial physician said that you are in good health, you should rest for a while."

The voice was soft and soft, even Guo Tingyi couldn't help but feel flustered when he heard it, how could the crown prince be able to handle such a charming woman all day long? !
Ahem, His Royal Highness is the man of his master, how could these bastards take advantage of him.

"Your Highness, my minister..."

"Master Guo, I will send you out." The eunuch who was serving outside the hall interrupted him first, and then led him out of the East Palace.A joke, how could such a good opportunity be ruined by this ignorant Mr. Guo.

When Eunuch Boots sent Guo Tingyi away and returned to Hou Shi Dian, he saw Mo Ran gently closing the hall door and coming out.

"Grandpa Boots." Mo Ran bowed his knees and saluted perfunctorily, not only was there no humbleness and cowardice in the past, but there was a hint of arrogance and contempt on his brows.She is the woman of His Highness the Crown Prince, he is an eunuch, how can he be worthy of her respect!

Eunuch Boots didn't care about her attitude either, "Miss Moran, did Your Highness rest?" Not only did he not care, but his words were flattering.Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not accepted her into the house yet, the Empress Empress mentioned it to the Crown Prince yesterday, and he did not object.In other words, this woman is really going to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.Master's woman is half of his master, how dare he let the master treat him respectfully.

Mo Ran nodded, straightened the ink on his dress, which was accidentally stained when serving tea to His Royal Highness just now, frowned in disgust, and said coldly, "Grandpa Boots, just watch here, I'll go and change." Clothes." She turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something, stopped and said, "If His Royal Highness wakes up, send someone over to notify me immediately."

Mo Ran went straight back to the wing room of the side courtyard. Ever since she became the personal maid of His Highness the Crown Prince, she immediately moved from the humble maid's room to the elegant wing room of the side courtyard. All the senior aunts in charge of the East Palace lived in the side courtyard.For example, the fourth-rank female official who is in charge of the internal affairs of the Eastern Palace and serves the daily life of His Highness the Prince: Yanhao.

Yan Hao ordered the maid next to her to go to the Huanyi Hall to get the clothes that the Prince liked, the maid walked in a hurry, she didn't see Mo Ran who was turning around, and the two happened to bump into each other.

"Ouch! You damn girl, you're dead! You're blind! You dare to hit me!" Mo Ran raised his hand and slapped the palace lady hard.

The court lady knew that Mo Ran was being favored by His Highness the Crown Prince recently, she didn't dare to refute, she quickly lowered her head to admit her mistake, "Sister Mo Ran, I'm sorry, it's..."

Before the maid could finish her words, Mo Ran slapped her twice again, "You are worthy of being called my sister! See if I don't kill you, a lowly maid." He punched and kicked the maid.

When Yanhao heard the movement, she opened the door and came out. Seeing that Shuma was bruised by her beating, she immediately yelled angrily, "Stop!" She walked over and pushed Moran away, and helped Shuma up.

"Mo Ran, you are getting bolder and bolder, you even dare to fight Shuma!" Yanhao is a fourth-rank female official, and all the palace people in the East Palace are of the highest rank except for the father-in-law.Shuma is her right-hand man, so her position in the East Palace is naturally not bad.

Mo Ran has long been displeased with Yan. In the past, she had a low status, so she had to grovel to please her. Now that she is about to become the prince's woman, who dares to show her embarrassment!

"Yanhao, be more respectful when you talk to me in the future, or you will suffer in the future." Mo Ran was extremely arrogant, "Also, what happened to me beating her? It was her luck that I beat her, who told her not to have dog eyes , hit me."

Yan Hao sternly shouted, "Mo Ran, don't think that serving in front of His Highness the Crown Prince will make you lawless in the Eastern Palace. The Eastern Palace has its own rules, and you, a palace servant, dare to wear the golden phoenix hairpin that only the master can wear. I'm really impatient. Come here !"

Two rough envoys appeared and bowed to salute, "Auntie Yanhao, what are your orders?"

"According to the palace rules, the imperial staff is twenty. Press it down and hit her!" Yan Hao had long wanted to punish her, but now she found a mistake, how could she let her go so easily.

The two careless women looked at each other hesitantly. Now that the prince likes Mo Ran, and it has been spread all over the East Palace, they naturally know it too.If they were injured by hand, if the crown prince knew, would he decapitate the two of them?

"What are you still doing in a daze! Do you want to be punished too?!" Yan Hao yelled.

"...Yes." The two wives took orders, they just obeyed orders, if His Royal Highness wanted to blame them, he definitely couldn't blame them.

The two women stepped forward to suppress Mo Ran, but Mo Ran took the lead, slapped the two women several times, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Damn old thing, get the hell out of here."

Yan Hao's face turned black immediately, "Mo Ran, you are so courageous!"

Mo Ran not only hit two old things, but also rushed forward, slapped Yanhao when she was unprepared, pointed at her nose and cursed domineeringly, "Bitch, want to hit me? There's no way!"

"You, presumptuous!" Yanhao became impatient, and was about to hit her with her hands.

"You are presumptuous! The empress said that after a while, I will consummate the marriage with His Highness the Prince, and make me the Prince Liang Di. His Highness also agreed." Mo Ran didn't dodge or dodge, and even stretched his face in front of her Hit her, looking proudly at the hand she didn't dare to let go, "I will be your master from now on, do you dare to give it a try?"

Yanhao was shocked, "His Royal Highness agrees?"

Mo Ran was very proud, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Boots, Mr. Boots was also there."

letter!Why don't you believe it!If it was the former prince, Yanhao would not believe it.But now... Yan Hao believes in her words.With the crown prince's love for her, I'm afraid that His Highness the crown prince will really take her into his house and make her a good concubine.

Mo Ran looked at the unbelievable expression on her face with satisfaction, and smiled triumphantly, "Yanhao, you just wait. When I become Liangdi, I will be the first to clean you up."

Yan Hao glanced at her contemptuously, "What are you proud of, if His Royal Highness hadn't hurt his head and forgot to be calm..." Thinking of the empress's silent order, she immediately changed her words, "You were born as a lowly maid, without talent and appearance, His Highness the Crown Prince is just a fresh picture for a while, when His Highness loses interest, it will be time to see how you cry!"

After all, Yanhao didn't bother to talk to her any more, turned around and went back to the house.

When Yan Hao turned around, a black shadow flew out of the Eastern Palace from the dark corner.

It is our handsome and wicked Mr. Guo Tingyi who eavesdropped on the corner.Guo Tingyi was walking down the street, holding his chest with one hand, rubbing his chin with the other, frowned in thought, just now the maid said that His Highness hurt his head and forgot to flatten... what?Princess Ping An?No wonder His Highness the Crown Prince was so excited when he saw his master gone before, and even threatened to die, but after waking up, he was so calm!Hiss~ This is bloody shit!

Guo Tingyi was walking on the street absent-mindedly. Just as he turned a corner, he was pulled into a dark alley by a hand that suddenly stretched out.

Zhang Yuelu pulled Guo Tingyi and jumped anxiously, "Rabbit, rabbit, it's not good. Something serious happened, something serious happened."

Guo Tingyi responded lazily, "What happened?" He took his words to heart.Zhang Yuelu has always been unreliable, and whenever he encounters something, he will start to growl and yell and jump. It was the same way last time, but when he asked, it was just a sore on his buttocks.

Seeing his attitude, Zhang Yuelu became even more anxious, and shouted anxiously, "It's the master who has something serious!"

"Lord Lixiao sent a letter saying that the master is gone!"

Mufu Villa, Yayuan.

Zhiyuan came in with the medicinal soup, "Ma'am, I've taken the medicine."

Yi Mo stood in front of the window, looked away, looked back at her, and said with a friendly smile, "Thank you, it's really troublesome for you to deliver medicine every time."

"Madam, you are too polite, this is what a servant should do." Zhi Yuan handed the medicine bowl to her, "Madam, drink it quickly. The doctor said that he will come to check your pulse after you finish drinking this medicine. If the fetal pulse is stable, there is no need to drink medicine."

Yi Mo handed the bowl to her after drinking the medicine, walked two steps while supporting his waist, went to the chair and sat down.Stretching out his hands to caress his belly, his beautiful face was glowing with maternal brilliance, a loving smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his head was lowered, his eyes were full of tenderness, "As long as he is safe and sound, it doesn't matter how much medicine he takes."

"Madam is such a good mother." Zhiyuan said a few words and went out.

Yi Mo was still sitting on the chair, still maintaining the posture of bowing his head, but his brows and eyes were no longer gentle but fierce, "Yes, I am a good mother." Whoever wants me to have no children, I dare Let her die.

Get up slowly, walk to the window, there is a pool outside the window, the water lilies in the pool are in full bloom, and the fish in the water are also swimming happily.He picked up a small stone and threw it out skillfully. The stone fell into the water with a muffled sound.As soon as the sound came out, two black shadows reflected on the water surface flashed across the roof.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he really thought highly of her, he was still worried about sealing her martial arts, and even secretly sent someone to watch her!Drawing away the eyes of the two in the dark, taking this opportunity, Yi Mo repeated what he had been doing every day for the past few days, vomiting out all the medicine juice in his stomach.If she hadn't noticed the clue last time she saw the red, she wouldn't be so vigilant.

No matter what the medicine is for, she can't drink it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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