black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 385 Disappearance!

Chapter 385 Disappearance!

The villa on the outskirts looks peaceful and undisciplined, but it is actually heavily guarded, that is, a bird flies over the villa, and in the next moment, countless sharp arrows will be shot from all directions to shoot it down.

Li Chenxue strolled out of the room, went to the courtyard and picked up the pigeon that was shot down by the dark guards. He casually scanned the corpse of the pigeon, and when he saw that there was nothing suspicious, he handed it to the Feng Sha behind him said, "Take it to the kitchen for a while."

"Yes." Feng Sha hurriedly took it with both hands, and really turned around and went to the kitchen.

Li Chenxue walked to the stone bench in the courtyard and sat down. On the stone table was a black and white chess game, and the black pieces were crouching on the chessboard like a giant dragon, coercive and unruly.Baizi lurked around him sparsely, seemingly cowardly and harmless, but in fact he had already turned into a skynet and firmly trapped the black dragon.

He twirled a white piece between his fingers and played with it, his eyes focused on the chessboard, as if he was thinking about which move to take. After a while, before the white piece fell in his hand, a cold voice came from his mouth, "How is the situation?"

Standing behind him, Xing Sha frowned and replied: "I heard from Zhiyuan that I haven't seen red in the past few days." The baby in the stomach fell, but there was still no movement after a few days.Could it be that Luozitang is useless to her?It can't be useless, if it's useless, then she wouldn't have been popular a few days ago.unless……

"Master, could it be that Princess Ping'an noticed something and didn't drink the medicine?" Xing Sha doubted.

The hand that was about to drop the chess piece paused, Li Chenxue raised her eyebrows lightly, and ordered without looking back: "Pass the paper kite."

The little servant in Tsing Yi who had been serving by the third prince's side, Shui Wu, responded, "Yes."

The mist traveled quickly, bringing the kite with it in no time.Without Li Chenxue speaking in person, Xingsha asked first, "Did you see Princess Pingan drink the soup with your own eyes?"

Zhiyuan replied honestly, "Return to your lord, Zhiyuan always watched the princess finish drinking the medicine before leaving."

The frown of the fishy eyebrows was even deeper, it seemed that the dose of medicine had to be increased.

Li Chenxue was more thoughtful than Xun Sha, even if it was confirmed that Cheng Yimo drank medicine every day, he was still worried. "In order to prevent future troubles, first dissipate her skills."

"Master, if the princess loses her skill, she will definitely notice. Wouldn't your painstaking efforts be in vain?"

Li Chenxue's original intention was to wait for Cheng Yimo to have a miscarriage before making friends with her as the third son of the Mu family.A woman is most vulnerable after being injured and needs comfort and care the most. It is easier for him to win her favor when he appears at that time.Unfortunately, plans can never keep up with changes.

"Zhiyuan, go and invite Mrs. Cheng to have dinner with me in the main hall tonight." Li Chenxue dropped the last white piece, and the white pieces on the entire chessboard were like a dragon's knife, cutting off the dragon's head.Baizi wins completely, and Heizi loses miserably! "My son hunted a white pigeon today, and it happened to be stewed to nourish my wife."

Xingsha twitched his tail finger habitually, it seemed that some ingredients should be added to this white pigeon soup.

Zhiyuan returned to the yard, and when she saw Yimo sitting in the courtyard, she immediately raised a joyful smile, "Ma'am, our third master is back. The third master went out hunting today and found a white pigeon. The third master ordered the kitchen to stew it." , Said it was to make up for Madam. He also asked the servant to tell Madam that he will go to the main hall to have dinner with the third master tonight."

Yi Mo stroked his protruding belly, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, "The third master really has a heart. If it weren't for your third son, I would be a dead person now. I really can't believe the third son's great kindness." report."

"Ma'am, I have told you so many times, you don't have to take it to heart. Our third son is a kind-hearted person who does not expect to reciprocate his kindness. If you continue to care about it like this, our third son will be angry~" Zhiyuan winked at her playfully, with a look of innocence on her face.

"Okay, I won't say." She stood up with difficulty, looked at her shockingly big belly, and frowned slightly, "Zhiyuan, please help me into the house. For some reason, I have been lethargic recently, and I just woke up. An hour, and now I want to lie down again..."

Zhi Yuan carefully helped her into the room, "Ma'am, lift your feet and be careful of the threshold. Oh, Madam's belly is growing so fast, it's only six months old, could it be twins?"

"How could it be? The doctors who checked the pulse all said it was a single pulse. Presumably he was raised too well and made him fat. Hey, it's only been six months since his stomach is round like this. I don't know how fat he must be..."

Yi Mo was resting in the house, and she spent most of these days in her sleep, for what was about to happen, she had to recharge her energy.

At night, the sky gradually dimmed, and lanterns were hung in the inner courtyard of the villa, and the flushed light illuminated the entire villa.

"Ma'am, please follow the servant girl." Zhiyuan led Yimo through the pavilions and winding corridors.

Yi Mo followed her, walking very slowly, with one hand on her waist and the other on her belly, the movements were clumsy and difficult.Zhiyuan walked slowly with her in a good-tempered manner, carefully guarding her side in case she tripped over the stairs or slipped on the water stains.

"Ma'am, be careful on the steps." Zhiyuan reminded her while supporting her.

Yi Mo smiled embarrassedly, "It's inconvenient to have a big belly, and I feel tired after walking two steps." As she spoke, her speed became even slower.

"Ma'am is a person with two bodies, so walking will definitely make you tired." Zhi Yuan didn't think about anything else, she just took a few steps slower as she was really tired.

After all, Zhiyuan's thoughts were not as deep as Li Chenxue's. If Li Chenxue was here, she might be able to guess the intention of Cheng Yimo's actions.

No, Yi Mo could really walk a few steps before he was too tired to walk.She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she has suffered unimaginable hardships. With her strong perseverance, she can walk like flying even when she is about to give birth.The current behavior is just to take advantage of this opportunity to keep the terrain distribution of the villa in mind.

When all the distribution of the villa was deeply imprinted in his mind, Yi Mo quickened his pace, "Let's walk faster, so that the third son won't wait too long."

Zhi Yuan led Yi Mo to the main hall, where there were only Li Chenxue and the waiter, Shui Wu.

Seeing Cheng Yimo coming in, Li Chenxue stood up to greet her, "Mrs. Cheng, I am Mu Zixue. You have lived in the house for so long, and I have never met you. If you are rude, I hope Madam Haihan."

Li Chenxue was wearing a dark green double-breasted gown today, with an emerald green jade pendant hanging around his waist. There were bright yellow tassels on the jade pendant. As he got up, the tassels made small arcs in the air.Rumo's long hair was tied up with a jade crown, revealing a handsome and delicate face, and a warm smile as warm as jade hung on his face, making people feel as comfortable as bathing in the sun when they saw it.He has a polite demeanor, a gentle temperament, and a scholarly air in every gesture, which makes people happy when they meet!

Yi Mo also let go of his guard because of his clean and pure temperament, and smiled softly, "Third Young Master, you are polite. Third Young Master saved my life, provided me with food, lodging and self-cultivation. I am too late to be grateful. How can I blame you."

"Madam is not to blame, but Zixue is still very sorry. A few days ago, Xue has been busy with family business and has no free time. Today, as soon as she is free, she will order Zhi Yuan to invite Madam to come and sit down, so that Zixue can give Madam a chance. I'm sorry." Li Chenxue was the best at acting, she seemed to really regard herself as the third young master of the Mu family, and said it as if that was the case.

"Madam, please take a seat. Zixue ordered someone to cook a table of good dishes. I don't know if it suits Madam's taste."

The two sat down, Shui Wu stood beside Li Chenxue to serve her, Zhi Yuan stood behind Yi Mo and served her dishes and tea.

Yi Mo ate the dishes in small bites, but they were all bland.In the past, she loved to eat meat and had a strong taste, but since she was pregnant, she has been able to serve light dishes.Seeing the table full of light and delicious dishes, my appetite suddenly opened up, and I ate a lot of them slowly.

Seeing this, Li Chenxue was a little happy, and said in a brisk voice, "It seems that this table of food suits Madam's taste very well."

Yi Mo put down the chopsticks, and Zhi Yuan hurriedly handed over the brocade handkerchief, "Madam, here it is."

Wiping his mouth delicately after taking the Jinpa, he replied softly, "Thank you, Third Young Master, for your hospitality, I like it very much."

"Madam, as long as you like it, as long as you like it." Li Chenxue was overjoyed, and the smile on his face became brighter, "Madam, how about trying white pigeon soup again? There is a folk saying that one pigeon wins nine chickens. This pigeon soup is most suitable for pregnant women." Women drink it, nourishing qi and blood, clearing heat and detoxification, refreshing the body and prolonging life. And today this is a wild pigeon, the most nutritious."

Yi Mo frowned slightly, his stomach was too full, and he politely refused, "The chef in the third son's house is very skilled, and the table is full of delicious dishes. You can't stop eating, and you don't feel that it's over until you put down your chopsticks."

Shui Mist is the most clever, he turned around and served the wild pigeon soup, pretending not to hear her refusal, he warmly served her a bowl, "Madam, try it and see if the stew is hot enough?"

Yi Mo took the soup, but didn't drink it right away, but looked up at Mu Zixue, and smiled politely: "The third son is so enthusiastic, I am too embarrassed to refuse."

Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Ma'am, I told you that our third master is hospitable. You still don't believe me. If you don't drink this bowl of soup today, our third master will definitely blame himself, and he will think that he has not treated you well. For the sake of our third master, madam, you can't delay, drink it quickly, the soup tastes good when it's hot."

"Zhiyuan, talk too much." Muzixue gave Zhiyuan a reproachful look, although there was a sense of reproach, but there was a warm smile in her eyes.

Zhiyuan stuck out her tongue at him mischievously, and said back, "This servant is telling the truth."

Yi Mo had a panoramic view of the interaction between the master and the servant, with a smile in his eyes, and he shook his head with a chuckle, "If I don't drink this wild pigeon soup tonight, I'm afraid I will be nagged to death by this girl. For the sake of my ears It's quiet, let's drink honestly."

After speaking, he drank the bowl of soup filled with water mist.

Li Chenxue glanced at the empty bowl in front of her with a half-smile, and ordered: "It's getting late, Zhiyuan, take Madam back to rest."

"Yes, Third Master." Zhi Yuan supported Yi Mo to stand up, "Madam, let this servant accompany you back home."

(End of this chapter)

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