black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 386: The kite dies!

Chapter 386: The kite dies!

Cheng Yimo walked away, but Li Chenxue didn't get up to leave, but picked up the chopsticks and began to eat casually.

Shui Wu served him vegetables, smiled and said in a low voice: "Master, it seems that Princess Ping An didn't notice anything." If she really noticed something, she would definitely not be as calm as she is now.

Li Chenxue chuckled lightly, "That's not necessarily the case."

Shui Wu was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"The dishes she ate were all the dishes that the master had eaten, and she didn't eat any of the dishes that the master hadn't touched." The sound of killing came from behind the water mist.

Xingsha stood in the dark, so he could see clearly than the mist.

"Ah, is she afraid that the master will poison the food?" After listening to Xing Sha's words, Shui Wu suddenly understood, and after being surprised, she turned to admire, "Princess Ping An is indeed a character. We are all so careful, she can still I noticed something was wrong. However, in the end it was the master who was superior, no matter how vigilant she was, she obediently drank the potion."

Li Chenxue stopped her chopsticks, took the handkerchief from Shui Mist and wiped her mouth, "When will the medicine work?"

Xing Sha bowed and replied, "In two hours, her skills will be exhausted."

Li Chenxue nodded in satisfaction, "A tiger whose teeth have been pulled out is useless, so there is no need for so many hidden guards to guard it. Two of them were left to watch in the yard, and the others were withdrawn. In addition, let Feng Sha bring some Let’s go to Beijing.” As he spoke, his eyes froze, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, “…that good brother of mine is really getting more and more ruthless.”

In the past, the court was a three-legged power formed by the Crown Prince, the Great General He Zong, and the Zuo Chancellor Ren Zhehe. The three parties were restrained in pairs, which was the most stable.But since the defeat of the left minister Ren Zhehe, the power of the DPRK and China has become clear. The princes and the three princes are now fighting to the death.Ever since the crown prince lost his memory, his methods have become more ruthless and ruthless. If Li Chenxue didn't send more people, it would be too much for him.

Zhiyuan escorted Yimo back to the yard. She carried a lantern and walked beside Yimo. The two walked through the veranda and down the steps, "Madam, walk slowly, be careful of slippery roads."

Without saying a word, he looked up at the sky.There are a few starlights hanging in the deep sky, and the waning moon like a hook is half covered by the flowing clouds. The moonlight shines brightly, and the stones and green grass on the road can be vaguely seen.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he said softly: "Zhiyuan, my hairpin fell off, help me find it."

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and saw that the gold-encrusted jade hairpin in her bun was gone, she hurriedly responded, "Okay, ma'am, wait a moment." Carrying the lantern, she went back the same way, bowed and searched on the ground.

Yi Mo looked coldly at the kite who was bending over to look for the hosta not far away, took out the brocade handkerchief hidden in his sleeve, spit out all the soup in his mouth on the brocade handkerchief, and threw it in the grass.

At this time, Zhiyuan exclaimed, "Madam, I found it." Holding the jade hairpin, she walked quickly to Yimo's side and handed it to her, "Madam, put it away, it would be a pity to lose such a valuable thing."

"En, let's go back." Yi Mo didn't put the jade hairpin on his head, but put it into his sleeve.

The two went back to the house, the kite blew out the lantern and put it down, "Madam, this servant is going to fetch water to clean your face, please sit down and rest for a while."

Yi Mo walked to the window, looked at the lotus pond outside the window, then closed the window, "Go."

Zhiyuan knew that she drank the medicine of Sangong tonight, so she lowered her vigilance, nodded and went out, and hot water was brought in immediately.

"Ma'am, the hot water is here." She turned around and put it on the shelf next to the dressing table, and was about to take out the handkerchief and put it in the water, when she suddenly felt a cold air coming from her back like a beast.She was so startled that she suddenly turned her head, but the speed of the other party was too fast, a sharp light flashed across the corner of her eyes, and then she felt like a cold poisonous snake was wrapped around her neck, and her sharp fangs bit her throat fiercely!

Yuhan mercilessly inserted into the neck and cut the throat.Zhiyuan died instantly.

There was a sharp bang, and the sound of the golden pot falling to the ground covered up the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.The guard guarding outside the house changed his face when he heard the noise, and was about to rush out, but the next moment Zhiyuan's anxious voice came from the house, "Ah, ma'am, it's all because the servant was clumsy and didn't hold the basin steady. Your skirt has wet the bedding, what can you do? How are you going to sleep tonight?"

"It's okay, there are spare quilts in the cabinet, you change the quilt on the bed, and I'll change clothes."

Hearing this, the two hidden guards looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief, and then squatted back to their original positions to guard.They can't be blamed for being so nervous, the third master personally ordered that if the people in the house ran away, their lives would be in danger.

In the house, Yi Mo moved the corpse to the bed and covered it with a quilt to prevent the smell of blood from spreading.Then pull out the hosta and slowly peel off the complete skin on its surface.

Although her disguise technique is not to the point where it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false at dawn, it can still be concealed. Moreover, it is at night, so I believe the guards outside will not be able to see it.

After processing the peeled skin, stick it on the face, and the clean appearance will change instantly.She walked up to the bronze mirror, and there was a kite's face in the mirror, the corners of her mouth moved, her face was a little stiff, and anyone with a heart could tell it was a disguise.But she doesn't need to hold on to this face for long, as long as she can get out of this villa.

Her face is that of a kite, but her body shape is not like that. Her tall belly reveals her identity at a glance.After thinking about it, he took off the dress on his body, changed into Zhiyuan's clothes, and picked up the quilt on the bed.

"Ma'am, the bed is ready, you can rest first. The servant took out the wet bedding and your clothes."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw 'Zhiyuan' come out of the house with heavy bedding and clothes in her arms. She hugged her so much that it almost covered her head, and the clothes were piled up to her chin, revealing her pretty face.

The two people who were guarding in the dark took a look and saw that it was indeed a 'paper kite', so they didn't look any further.

Yimo carried the bedding and clothes and walked out of the yard smoothly. He went to the banquet today, and he had already kept the topography of the mansion in mind. He went out of the yard to avoid the servants, and walked along the path until he reached the low wall in the most remote backyard of the villa.Looking at the low wall, the wall is not high, even Miss Jiao, who was raised in a deep boudoir, can climb out, but for a pregnant woman like her, it is somewhat difficult.But this is the weakest point in the villa, the front and back doors are guarded, and the only way to get out is through this.

Yi Mo gritted his teeth, supported the tree trunk beside him, climbed up the wall, and jumped off.

After landing, regardless of the pain in his stomach, he left the place as quickly as possible.

Xing Sha came to the backyard to collect herbs, this is the most remote backyard of the villa, the yard is full of herbs he grows, most of them are poisonous, so few people dare to come here.But as soon as he entered the yard, he smelled a faint smell of blood.Among all the killers in Yufenglou, his nose is the sharpest, and it is for this reason that he can survive every dangerous mission safely.He walked over looking for the fishy smell, and saw the pile of bloody quilts under the corner of the wall at a glance. He looked pale, and immediately turned and ran out of the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, Li Chenxue hadn't rested yet, he was painting in front of the desk, when he saw Xingsha came in, the pen in his hand didn't stop, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the people in Yayuan may have escaped."

Hearing this, Shui Wu, who was grinding the ink, immediately put down what she was doing and rushed to Yayuan. When she opened the door and saw Zhi Yuan's bloody face, she was too shocked to speak.After a while, he hurriedly ran to the main courtyard, "Master, the kite is dead, and Princess Ping'an is gone."

Li Chenxue's face suddenly became gloomy, she clenched her five fingers, and the brush in her hand snapped, "Come here!"

A black shadow suddenly appeared, kneeling respectfully on the ground, "Master."

"I want to see the dead body, and I want to see people." The cold voice seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth, and it made people feel creepy when it fell in the ears.

Shui Mist stood aside with her head down in fear, not knowing whether she was frightened by the tragic death of the kite or by the wrath of her master.Anyway, he clearly knew that Princess Ping An was really in danger this time.The master's sentence, "If you die, you must see the corpse, but if you live, you must see the person", it is obvious that he has already moved to kill her.

I said earlier that Li Chenxue is a more ruthless person than the prince.Li Chenxue's love for Cheng Yimo is not shallow. At the beginning, she fell in love with Cheng Yimo at first glance under the plum tree, but after a few months, she missed her again and again. He would be willing to marry her as the only woman in the future.pity……

Senhan's murderous intent flickered in his dark eyes, let alone Li Chenyu who he couldn't get!

After leaving the villa, there is a forest, and Yi Mo couldn't tell what the boundary was, so he had to go all the way to the forest to the north, where the forest was the densest and most dangerous.She knew that she couldn't fool those people for long, the kite was skinned, and the blood flow was heavy, even if it was covered with a quilt, the smell of blood would dissipate in less than two hours, and the matter would be exposed.And she chose to go through the most dangerous forest to stop the pursuers!

The mountains and forests at night are extremely dangerous, and it is difficult to move an inch. All kinds of poisonous insects and beasts are dormant in the dark, and various mechanisms and traps are waiting in the dark. Tonight, this forest is their burial place!

With the moonlight shining from the sky, the mountain road can be seen faintly.The mountains and forests are rugged and difficult, so she stepped forward cautiously.There are too many poisonous substances in the mountains and forests at night, and every blade of grass may be highly poisonous. In order not to be poisoned, the only thing you can do is to keep the leaves from touching your body.

Before Yi Mo entered the forest, he broke off a branch with excellent toughness as a self-defense weapon, and used the branch in his hand to push away the five poisonous weeds blocking the road. This poisonous weed looks inconspicuous, but it is extremely poisonous. If there is a wound, as long as it touches the poisonous juice of this grass, it will die immediately!
The beautiful shadow is still strong and straight in this dangerous mountain, like a green pine standing on a cliff, tenacious and powerful.


Smelling the scent of strangers, a dark green poisonous snake wrapped around the trunk and climbed silently to the branches, which were hanging above her head.The rhombus-shaped snake head raised high, and the three-color pupils of different colors shot out a cold chill, which made people shudder to see.


The snake stammered, its sharp fangs oozing with venom, and the crystal clear and viscous liquid glowed silvery white under the moonlight.This is the most venomous snake in the forest, its venom is very overbearing, as long as it touches its venom, it will kill you.Even touching the corpse of a person who died from poisoning will kill him immediately!
The moment Yi Mo brushed away the poisonous weeds and was about to move forward.The poisonous snake on the branch attacks immediately!

The branch trembled, and the poisonous snake turned into a laser lightning, biting her neck suddenly with lightning speed!

(End of this chapter)

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