Chapter 387 Give birth (1)
The black snake was as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder, and its extremely fast speed caused a turmoil in the air, and the sudden stern momentum instantly attracted Yi Mo's attention.Five fingers curled into claws, and he shot out suddenly, turning into a gust of lightning, accurately strangling the snake's seven inches and capturing it!
He looked at the struggling snake in his hands with Mo Leng's eyes, and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Sanhua's pupils.Sure enough, as she expected, she became vigilant when she found the poisonous weed.This kind of snake is called "Three Flower Viper", and it is the most poisonous snake among snakes. A drop of venom can kill ten strong men.Although the toxicity is strong, it is not unsolvable. Wherever the three-flowered snake haunts, there is a poisonous weed called three-flowered grass. The poisonous juice of the three-flowered grass and the three-flowered snake are mutually restrained. Only the three-flowered snake can detoxify the poison of the three-flowered snake.If these two poisons are used separately, they are both highly poisonous and deadly.

Apart from its venom, the three-flowered snake is most famous for its speed, which is comparable to the fastest lightning silver.Even the masters in the martial arts are not comparable to it.

Yi Mo tightly strangled the snake's seven inches, and the Sanhua Snake was not to be outdone, the snake's body was tightly wrapped around her arm, and the strong force strangled the white wrist with purple bloodstains.The snake's body became tighter and tighter, and the tighter and tighter it was, the domineering force hindered the flow of blood in the blood vessels, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand suddenly protruded.

The deep black eyes burst out with stern murderous aura, and the sharp hosta flashed across the air, piercing the snake's tail without hesitation with awe-inspiring hostility.Yi Mo didn't intend to take its life, but just wanted to teach it a lesson.

The three-flowered snake is stubborn. Its tail was pierced with a bloody hole and still wrapped tightly around her arm. Instead, it became even tighter and tighter. The dark green snake's body was like a hemp rope, and it was deeply pulled into her flesh. , The purple skin was covered with dark red blood.With a sharp look in his eyes, the viciousness in his bones was aroused, he raised the jade hairpin and inserted it continuously, the technique was fast and accurate, and the blood holes stood out one by one.In an instant, Sanhua Snake was bloody and bloody, with scars all over his body.

There are thumb-sized blood holes all over the snake, which makes people shudder to see.

Although the snake was venomous, it couldn't resist Yi Mo's ruthlessness, and in the end he was covered in scars.The strength gradually loosened, and finally hung on her arm feebly, vomited the snake letter, and held up the white flag to show surrender.If it continues to poke like this, its life is in danger, and now it can't do without showing weakness.

Seeing that it was dying, Yi Mo suppressed his hostility, and was about to put it into his sleeve, but unexpectedly, it jumped up and bit her thumb!She was startled, and quickly stopped it, but she was a step too late, her finger was cut by the fangs, and a little bit of venom was also stained, her thumb quickly turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She also didn't care about the poisonous snake, squatted down and grabbed the three-flowered grass, randomly tore two grass leaves, put them in her mouth and crushed them, and immediately covered the wound.The onset of toxicity is fast, and it goes away quickly. I saw the black lingering on the thumb like a beast encountered a flood, and quickly faded away.

After the black on his thumb faded, Yi Mo breathed a sigh of relief.Instead, he turned his gaze to the three-flowered snake that was trampled on the soles of his feet, awe-inspiring murderous aura surged out, his eyes were like two sharp blades, he wished to cut it into pieces!

Previously, Yimo planned to put it away to deal with the chasing soldiers, but now he really wanted to kill him.There is no need to keep a beast that devours the Lord no matter how useful it is!
His eyes were full of hostility, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.He casually picked up the stone beside him and smashed it down on the snake's head!

Sanhua's pupils instantly burst into fear, it struggled desperately, and tears even appeared in its eyes in a human way, it was the fear of death and the remorse for what it had just done.It's a pity that Yi Mo was determined to kill it, and he didn't show mercy.

Plasma splatters!
At the last moment, Yi Mo showed mercy and only smashed half of its head, leaving it alive.

The three-flowered snake became honest immediately, wrapped around her ankles dejectedly, half of its originally handsome head collapsed, and one eyeball protruded, with scarlet blood dripping from it, sliding down the corner of the eye drop by drop , the whole head seemed to be stained with blood, it looked very scary.

Sanhua Snake surrendered completely this time, although she ruined her handsome appearance, at least she saved her humble life.Hey... It's better to live than to die.

"If there is a next time, you will have no bones left!" Sen Leng's voice was piercingly cold.

From the time it hibernates and shows weakness to lower her vigilance, and then attacks when she is not prepared, Yi Mo knows that this snake understands human nature, which is why she shows mercy again and again.

The three-flowered snake shrank its neck, raised its mutilated head to look at her, and then curled up obediently and obediently in her trouser legs, closing its eyes and recuperating.Well... from now on, just be honest and obedient.

Yi Mo picked some more flowers and plants for emergencies, and then walked along the path, but not long after walking, he heard noises in the forest.The birds perched in the forest seemed to be frightened, flapping their wings and flying around. For a while, the silent mountain forest was extremely lively, with the sounds of birds screaming, hares running, and tigers roaring... the sound was endless.

Yi Mo suddenly stopped, his face gradually darkened, his stern eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

Not far away, Feng Sha's number one killer, Qin Sha, followed him with people.

"The traces are a bit messy, there are both east and north." One person reported.

Qin Sha had a serious face, and after thinking about it, he ordered, "Five people go to the east, five people go to the west, and the remaining three people go to the north with me. Remember, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't hurt their lives."


Qin Sha led the four of them walking cautiously in the mountains and forests. There are many poisonous snakes here, and every step has to be cautious.

"Hiss..." While walking, one person was cut on his arm by a needle-pointed leaf. He didn't care about this little injury, and continued to walk forward without looking at it.But the person walking behind him changed his expression greatly when he saw it, and exclaimed, "Toxic!"

The man's wound quickly turned black, and the blood that flowed out was as thick as ink.Qin Sha's face changed instantly, and the blue light in his palm flashed, and he stretched out the sharp dagger, cutting off the man's arm without hesitation.

In an instant, blood spurted.Blood splashed all over the face of the person behind him.The blood splattered like boiling water, and the pain caused the man to scream, "My face! My face! It hurts—"

As soon as Qin Sha withdrew his hand, he saw that his blood-splashed skin seemed to have been burned, corroding and festering at an extremely fast speed.Turning his head towards the dumbfounded Qin Sanhong, he shouted angrily, "Sir, what are you still doing, water!"

"Ah? Yes." Qin San reacted, quickly tore off the water bag hanging from his waist, and kept washing Qin Er's face until all the blood splashed on his face was washed away.

Qin Si gritted his teeth and covered his severed arm, looked at Qin Er's face corroded by blood poison, and said with lingering fear: "What a domineering poison!" If Boss Qin hadn't shot quickly and the poison gas entered his body along his arm, he would surely die .

(End of this chapter)

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