black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 392 The child is dead and separated!

Chapter 392 The child is dead and separated! (3)
Jiang Chenghao turned his head in shock, saw that it was the two evil spirits who had barged in, hurriedly stopped his uncle who was about to argue, and greeted him with a smile, "Brothers, what are you doing! They say my aunt is giving birth, Why are you still rushing in? Fortunately, my cousin gave birth, and if she didn't give birth, you would have seen everything, how can my cousin go out to meet people!"

Qin Shou didn't even look at him, he glanced at Jiang Chunhua who was lying on the bed, turned around and went out.

Jiang Chenghao stepped forward quickly, seeing that they had indeed left, he hurriedly closed the door, walked to Jiang Chunhua's bedside and said nervously: "Auntie, Mrs. Cheng is gone, they searched the whole yard, and there is no one in sight."

Jiang Chunhua had just given birth, so he didn't have the energy to take care of these things, "I'm afraid I woke up and took someone away. Don't worry, Mrs. Cheng is not an ordinary person, and nothing will happen. Ah... Xu Da, tell your son to stop crying The crying made my mother upset."

Xu Da instinctively hugged his son and coaxed him, "Oh, good baby, don't you cry... Huh? This kid didn't cry!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chenghao and Jiang Chunhua looked at the child in his arms together, they were indeed not crying, their eyes and mouth were tightly closed, and they were fast asleep.The two of them were stunned for a moment, so where is the cry of the child coming from? !
It was the old man with sharp eyes who pointed to the little basket and said, "That child is crying."

The three members of the Xu family all looked at the child in the basket. The baby who was supposed to die was crying desperately at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly, a cold chill rose from his back!

Jiang Chenghao backed away in fright, and Jiang Chunhua screamed with a pale face, "Ghost—!"

The old doctor walked over with a hunched body, bent down and picked up the child, "What is the name of the ghost? The sky is bright and bright, where is the ghost? He was startled by the noise when he kicked the door just now, so he was relieved."

"Not dead!?" The happiest thing was Jiang Chunhua, she always felt that Cheng's life was miserable, which woman would not be loved and protected by her husband like an ancestor when she conceived and gave birth?But as for her, she was hunted down while she was pregnant, and she had to endure even giving birth to a child. She didn't dare to give birth until the person who chased her left, and she had to run for her life just after giving birth.Hey, now that the child's life has been saved, it is considered God's compensation for her.

"Hurry up, hug me here, I'm afraid the child is hungry."

While breastfeeding the child, Jiang Chunhua fiddled with his white and tender little finger, and said in a low voice, "Er Mao, Er Mao, you will be called Er Mao from now on. This is the name your mother gave you. Hey! Your mother took your brother I'm gone, and I don't know if I will come back in the future. When you grow up, you can go to them. If you are still young, let your aunt take care of you. Si Le and aunt's lives were saved by your mother. You will be Auntie's half son from now on, and Si Le will be your brother from now on..."

Yimo took the child out of Zhangjiacun, she did not take the small road, but walked on the main road.People come and go on the main road, and it is the most difficult to find traces of a person.This is the truth of hiding in the city!
Qin Sha and Han Sha, who were chasing after each other, stood at the intersection of the main road and the small road, and for a moment they couldn't figure out which direction they were going to go.

"Take the small road." Qin Sha suggested, "There are many people on the big road, and she dare not expose her traces, so she will definitely choose the small road."

"Not necessarily. Often some people will do the opposite."

Neither of them was sure whether she was taking the main road or the small road.They didn't dare to search separately, twelve masters were all lost in her hands, which shows that she can kill them even if she has no martial arts.For the sake of my life, it is better not to separate.

At this time, there happened to be an old man driving an ox cart from the main road.

Qin Sha stepped forward to block the way, "Have you ever seen a woman this tall with a big belly and injuries?"

The old man shook his head and replied honestly: "I haven't seen it before. I only saw a woman holding a child passing by."

Qin Sha and Han Sha looked at each other, and finally resolutely chose to take the path.

Shengfeng Ridge is extremely remote, even on the main road, there are not many people coming and going.It's the end of summer, the weather is not as hot as the previous few days, the sky is as clear as blue, and the bright sun shines through the gaps in the dense leaves and hits the road.In the woods on both sides of the road, the chirping of birds can still be heard faintly, and the wild flowers on the roadside are blooming colorfully, comfortably and long, accompanied by the fragrance of wild flowers.

Yi Mo has no time to appreciate such a beautiful scenery, she has just given birth, and has walked such a long distance, her physical strength has long been exhausted.Looking up at the seemingly endless road, the heavy footsteps moved forward mechanically.Looking down at the son in her arms, she suddenly remembered Jiang Chunhua's sentence, "One of them is already dead, and I don't know if this one can live." It was as if countless steel needles were stuck in her heart, and the pain made her almost unable to breathe. .

The hand hanging by his side was suddenly clenched, and the sadness in his eyes faded, replaced by terrifying cruelty!The eyes are full of murderous intent, the fishy wind house the fishy wind house...

At the moment when she collapsed from exhaustion, she was still chanting the words 'Xiaofenglou'.

Xingfenglou, don't let me live, or I will make you pay in blood!
Xiaotao is the personal maid of Sun Jinxu, the second owner of the Shenbing Villa. Her grandmother in the countryside died of illness a few days ago. She asked the butler of the villa for five days off to go back to her hometown to wear sackcloth and mourning for her grandmother.The second owner cared about her, asked the housekeeper to send her a carriage, and asked Ah Hong to escort her back to her hometown.This time back home, Brother Ahong gave her a face.That Ximei in the village, always relying on her beauty to find a friend who is a long-term worker in the town's master Zhang's house, just looks like she is showing off her might, which is disgusting to watch.

"Oh, Brother Ahong, you didn't see that Ximei stared straight at you." Since she suppressed Ximei, the smile on her face never stopped, looking at Brother Ahong's handsome face , snorted proudly, "Hmph! I thought it would be great to find a friend who was a long-term worker in Mr. Zhang's mansion. I, Brother Ahong, is the personal bodyguard of the second owner of Shenbing Villa, and the long-term worker even has toes. Nothing compares."

Ahong was shy by nature, and when he heard Xiaotao's ambiguous words, his face blushed immediately, "Xiao, Xiaotao, don't say that in front of others."

Xiaotao is lively and bold, but she doesn't want Ahong to be so shy, if she likes it, she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it.Hearing what Ah Hong said, his face immediately sank, and he said sadly, "Brother Ah Hong, do you not like Xiao Tao?"

Ah Hong was driving the carriage, and wanted to turn around to comfort her, but he didn't dare to let go of the rein in his hand, so he said anxiously, "No, no, I like Xiao Tao very, very much." After saying this, his face was already red Like overcooked lobster.

Xiao Tao refused to let her go, "Then why don't you allow me to say in front of people, do you think that Xiao Tao is not good-looking, so you can embarrass yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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