black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 393 The child is dead and separated!

Chapter 393 The child is dead and separated! (4)
How could a simple boy like Ahong be Xiaotao's opponent, he panicked suddenly, stopped driving the carriage, threw the reins and whip, anyway, there was no one on the road, so there was no need to worry about accidents.Turning to Xiaotao, he stammered, "No, no, no. Xiaotao is so good-looking and good-looking, how could I, would dislike it. I, I, I, I just feel no, no, sorry."

Ah Hong is a stutterer. When he is not nervous, he can speak slowly without stuttering, but when he is nervous, his tongue gets tied up, and it takes a long time to speak clearly.

The girl Xiaotao saw that his forehead was sweating, she covered her mouth and kept smiling.Glancing casually from the corner of his eyes, his bright smile was replaced by fear, and he exclaimed pale with fright, "Brother Ah Hong—stop the carriage, there are people on the road!"

Ah Hong has practiced martial arts with the second master since he was a child, and he has a quick reaction. The moment Xiao Tao made a sound, he immediately turned around and reined in, "Woo——"

The carriage barely stopped in front of the man's head, if Ahong's speed was a step slower, the flying horseshoes would definitely kick out the man's brains.

Xiaotao felt lingering fear, and patted her chest thankfully, "Fortunately nothing happened."

A Hong jumped out of the carriage, squatted beside the person and looked, saw that the gauze on the back of her hand was soaked with blood, and frowned slightly.Xiaotao also got out of the carriage and came over, "What's wrong, Brother Ahong?"

She looked at the lady lying on the ground with puzzled eyes, and exclaimed again, "Ah, there is a child in her arms!"

"Brother Ahong, let's save her. This child is so young. If his mother dies, he will become an orphan that no one wants." Xiao Tao is a kind-hearted little girl. When she was five years old, her parents were killed She was killed and lived with her grandmother all the time. Later, the grandmother sent her to the Shenbing Villa to be a maid to make a living.As soon as she entered the villa, she was chosen by the second villa owner as a personal servant girl. Although her life was not rich, she was still carefree, so she always kept a childlike heart.Seeing someone in distress now, and the other party is a woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, I immediately feel compassion.

Ahong frowned, he was not as innocent as Xiaotao.There were several wounds on the woman's body, and they were all wounded by swords and hidden weapons. She must have been hunted down.I don't know if this woman is good or bad, what if I bring her back to the villa and cause trouble for the villa...

"Brother Ahong, if we just leave like this, wouldn't we be desperate?! If only this woman is fine, but what about this child? If he stays here, he will starve to death, even if he doesn't starve to death He will also be taken away by wolves and beasts. He is still so young, Brother Ahong, I heard from the housekeeper that you are also an orphan, and you were carried back from the mass grave by the old owner. I heard that you were so big when you were carried back point."

Xiaotao's last words touched Ah Hong's heart. If it wasn't for the old owner, he would have been taken away by jackals and beasts.Looking at the baby in the woman's arms, he pondered for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

The two worked together to move the man into the carriage, and then drove the carriage all the way to Shenbing Villa.

Shenbing Villa is extremely prestigious in the martial arts world.There is a saying in the decent school of martial arts that 'one valley, two temples, three villages and four gates', one valley refers to: Medicine King Valley.Two temples: Ganye Temple and Shaolin Temple.Three villas: Shenbing Villa, Whale Shark Villa and Shenyi Villa.Four gates: four gates from east to west, north to south.

Both Ganye Temple and Shaolin Temple are monks who have become monks and do not interfere in worldly affairs, while the people in Yaowang Valley have always been arrogant and ignorant of others, and among the three villages, Whale Shark and Shenyi Village have always been led by Shenbing Villa.

Therefore, the Shenbing Villa and the north gate, the first of the four gates, are both the "Mount Tai Beidou" of the martial arts.

At night, there are dots of starlight hanging in the sky. The deep night sky is not too dark, and it is illuminated by faint starlight, showing a beautiful dark blue color.The clear night sky seems to have been washed by water, clean and soft, mysterious and solemn.The moonlight tonight is very bright, and the moon is big and round. There are no clouds, no breeze, and the stars are inlaid in the sky, like a piece of dark blue silk with fine waves printed on it.

Yi Mo woke up, turned his head and saw the beautiful night outside the window.He lowered his head to look at the sleeping child beside him, slowly tightened his arms, hugged him into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss his forehead.

At this time, the door was pushed open, Yi Mo looked up, and saw a woman in green clothes with a double bun coming in with a bowl.

Seeing that the person on the bed woke up, Xiaotao raised her face and said with a happy smile, "You finally woke up and slept for two days and two nights, it's frightening." Putting the soup on the bedside table, "Drink some soup first Come on, pad your stomach, I'll get you something to eat in a while."

Yi Mo didn't speak, Xiao Tao didn't look at her cold face, she smiled to herself, "Feed your child after drinking, this child is very stubborn, you sleep for a few days, he won't eat I drank with you for a few days. I'm afraid that if this goes on, he won't be able to bear it."

Hearing this, Yi Mo's arm tightened a little more.He glanced at the woman twice, and said 'thank you' in a cold voice when she turned to go out.She was originally a cold person, and only changed her temper a little when she was pregnant. When the child left the mother's womb, the warmth and enthusiasm seemed to flow away.Except for people she knew well, she couldn't hold back a smile no matter what.

Although her voice was cold, there was incomparably sincere emotion in her words, and she was really thanking her.Thanks for her life-saving grace!
Xiaotao has a pure mind, just like Yudie, she can easily see the essence of a person.Knowing that she is a person with a cold face and a warm heart, the smile on her face can't help but become brighter, "You're welcome. I'll get you something to eat, just wait a while." She just closed the door, and suddenly He opened the door again and put his head in, winking playfully at Yimo, "You can rest at ease. This is the Shenbing Villa, no one dares to make trouble in the Shenbing Villa. So don't worry about those people who chased and killed you coming."

Xiaotao has a delicate mind, although she didn't see anything before, but when she saw the wound on her body later, and thought about Ahong's hesitation before nodding in agreement, she immediately understood.

But she didn't regret it either, the Buddha said: Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!Now that she met her, how could she refuse to save her!

Xiaotao was in charge of washing and cooking for the second owner in the villa, and cleaned the second owner's study and bedroom by the way, so Xiaotao was good at cooking.It's a pity that genius is useless, "Miss sister, I'm afraid you're going to be hungry, so I just ordered a bowl of noodles for you, with an egg on top, you can eat quickly."

Xiao Tao is very considerate, knowing that she must be very hungry after sleeping for two days.It takes more than half an hour to cook rice, so I cooked a bowl of egg noodles as quickly as possible.

After eating, it was still very late, Xiaotao was tired all day and didn't want to move anymore, so she pushed the bowl aside.Habitually, she took out the quilt from the cupboard and spread it on the floor. While arranging the quilt, she said, "Miss, I'm too tired, so I won't talk with you. I'll go to bed first."

Yi Mo watched her knelt on the ground making the bed, and looked at the room coldly.Although the furnishings in the room are simple, they have everything you need, wardrobe, dressing table, dining table... Although these are not exquisite, they smell like a girl everywhere.There was only one bed in the room, and Yimo and her son occupied it, so Xiaotao could only sleep on the floor. Fortunately, the weather was not cold, so a quilt on top was just right.

After a while, there was a snoring sound in the quiet room.The little girl didn't sleep well, she was lying on the quilt, her hands hugged the quilt tightly, her nose and mouth were crooked.The small lips are slightly parted, the nostrils are fanned, and it is unclear whether the snoring sound that disturbs the dream is coming from the mouth or the nose.Yi Mo glanced at her, then moved his eyes to the sky outside the window, looking at the brightest star in the sky.Father Wang once said that after death, a person will turn into a star in the sky, will Yi'er also turn into a star and stay in the sky?
In the past, she sneered at her father's words, but at this moment, she is extremely eager for what her father said to be true!
Yimo leaned against the head of the bed, and the bright moonlight shone down, covering her face like a thin veil, casting a layer of mysterious starlight on the delicate facial features.Those pitch-black pupils were like a deep pool, as if containing the wind and clouds of heaven and earth, hiding the sadness and thoughts under the strong and domineering.

The man standing on the rockery in the distance happened to take in all the expressions on her face, and just a casual glance fell into his heart, causing ripples in his calm heart.What kind of woman is that?There is obviously sadness and pain in her eyes, but it makes people feel no sympathy, because the murderous look floating on her face makes her not as weak and helpless as ordinary women.Such a person will not let you have the idea of ​​taking her under your wings for protection, but will only arouse the fighting spirit and blood in your heart, making you wish to fight side by side with her, so as to share the joy of defeating the enemy!

The man took a deep look at the woman and drifted away.

In the room, Yi Mo closed the window, got out of bed and covered the girl who was sleeping on the floor with a quilt, so as not to catch her cold.When she got back to bed, the child was already awake.When she turned around, she met her black eyes that were as bright as the stars. The watery eyes seemed to have been washed, clear, bright, and so clean that they were not stained with dust.

The child didn't cry or make trouble, just stared at her persistently with his eyes open.Yi Mo stretched out his hands to caress his eyebrows and eyes, the child has already grown, it is not as wrinkled as a monkey when it was just born, the tender and white skin can be broken by blowing, the small mouth is a little dry due to lack of food, the child is still Small, the facial features can't tell who she looks like, but those eyes are very similar to her.

Looking at his chapped lips, and thinking of the little girl's phrase "you will be in a coma for a few days, he will accompany you without eating or drinking for a few days", and my heart is filled with unspeakable pain.Lie on the bed, reach out to unbutton the clothes, hug the child to his chest, and while feeding the child, he whispered in a low voice: "Ye Yan, remember, your younger brother is called Ye Yi. You must hold on to the name Ye Yi." Keep it in your heart until the moment you die!"

(End of this chapter)

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