Chapter 394 Sun Jinxu

Just before dawn, Xiaotao got up with the sound of rooster crowing. The girl was confused when she first got up, she yawned with her head up, squinted her eyes and groped around the table, took the tea from the previous night and drank water all over her head. , the cold water slid down the throat, the irritated stomach contracted for a while, and then woke up immediately.

She stomped her feet and saw that the mother and child were still sleeping on the bed, she immediately lightened her movements again, and tiptoed back to put the quilt on the floor into the cabinet. When she saw the extra quilt, she was stunned and glanced back The person who was sleeping on his side with his eyes turned away from her suddenly smiled brightly at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: Look, it really looks cold and warm.

Xiaotao has always lived alone, and it was the first time she met someone getting up in the middle of the night to cover her with a quilt, and her heart immediately warmed up.He went out and whispered, "Let me just say, a woman who never forgets to protect her child even when she is seriously injured is not a bad person. Hey! A woman who has just given birth is weak, should I make some chicken soup for her? "

Xiaotao first went to the kitchen to cook for the second owner, and stewed a pot of chicken soup by the way, and put some angelica wolfberries in it.He lifted the lid of the pot, tasted the taste, and nodded with satisfaction, "It tastes just right."

"Xiaotao, is the meal ready? The second owner is already waiting."

"Here we come, here we come." Hearing the butler's voice, Xiao Tao hurriedly put down the chicken soup, and brought the breakfast that had been prepared to the main courtyard.

Everyone in the martial arts knows that Sun Honggeng, the grand master of Shenbing Villa, and Sun Jinxu, the second master, are at odds. What is the reason?Some people say it is because the second owner has been dissatisfied with the big owner, and others say it is because the second owner has robbed the second owner's beloved woman.

Regardless of the reason, it is an unchangeable fact that the two do not get along anyway, and the second villa owner moved out of the main village to live alone in the Houshan Bingyuan is the best proof.

Ever since the second owner moved to the Military Academy to live alone, Xiao Tao has become much more relaxed.Every day without seeing the cold face of the big villa owner, the days become better.

As soon as Xiaotao approached the main courtyard, she heard the sound of sword dancing in the courtyard, and smiled comfortably. The second village owner is so diligent every day, and he gets up to practice swords before dawn every day, and has never had a day off in the past ten years.Therefore, the second owner is called "Sun Feijian" and it is worthy of the name. The flying sword in his hand is really unique in the martial arts world!

The man in the courtyard held a three-foot long sword in his hand, and danced lightly like a swallow nestling, and suddenly flew high and the migratory birds were frightened at night.The long sword in his hand was like a white snake spitting out a letter, hissing and piercing the wind, and then it turned like a swimming dragon shuttle, walking in all directions.Bilan's figure was suddenly as light as a swallow, and suddenly as fierce as a tiger.Pointing the sword, the man suddenly exerted strength, and the strong internal force blew up the fallen leaves in the courtyard, and the silver-white sword was like lightning, and a silver light flashed across the courtyard, and the wooden pile [-] meters away instantly exploded like a cannonball , Wood chips splashed everywhere.

Xiaotao screamed, and Ahong quickly appeared to block the wooden chips flying towards her.

Seeing Xiaotao's face turned pale with fright, Ah Hong was worried and angry, "How many times have I told you not to come here at this time, you always can't remember. The second master's flying sword is not for nothing. Fake name, in case it hurts you..."

"Okay, okay, Brother Ahong, I'll remember." Xiaotao hurriedly stopped him. Although Brother Ahong is usually honest and honest, he has a way of training people. Can't stand the tail.

Xiaotao tugged on Ah Hong's sleeve, and said flatteringly, "Brother Ah Hong, I promise you will definitely remember it firmly next time. Please let me in quickly. The second master is still waiting for breakfast. If it gets cold, the second It’s bad for your health if you eat it.”

Ahong glanced at her, and had no choice but to let her into the yard sideways, but before leaving, he still reminded, "Be sure to remember next time. In a situation like today, if I'm not here, it depends on you."

"Yes yes yes, I must remember, I must remember." Xiaotao frowned delicately, the most impatient to listen to his nagging, her steps quickened, even trotted a few steps, walked to the door and knocked impatiently and asked, "Second Master, breakfast is ready, can Xiaotao bring it in?"

"Come in." A voice came from inside the room.

Then Xiaotao stuck out her tongue at Ahong playfully, and went in with a sweet smile.Ahong shook his head helplessly and sighed: His temper is too wild, one day he will break it back to her.

Xiao Tao put the breakfast on the table, "Second Master, please eat slowly."

"En." The man came out from behind the screen, he changed his robe, he was wearing a dark blue robe before, now he is wearing a deep black black robe.The jet-black long gown wraps a slender and fit body, the uplifted figure looks like a tree facing the wind, and the slender figure is charming and handsome.He has handsome facial features, a deep outline, long and narrow sword-shaped eyebrows, and long black hair vertical to his waist. The hair on the temples is pulled up behind his head by a jade comb.What an amazingly talented and upright man!
Xiaotao had gold stars in her eyes, staring at her second master with admiration. Her second master was much better-looking than those muscular men who were five or three thick and full of flesh in the martial arts world.Dirty!This pair of banished immortals has fascinated many ladies from martial arts families. I think there were many chivalrous women who fought for her family's second master back then.

"Second Master, take your time, Xiaotao is going down first." She had to bring the chicken soup to the younger sister.

"Wait." Sun Jinxu suddenly called out to her.

Xiao Tao was full of doubts, "Second Master, what other orders do you have?"

Sun Jinxu frowned slightly, moved his lips, but finally waved his hand without asking, "It's okay, you go down." He remembered the glimpse last night, that woman should be a relative of Xiaotao, right?Otherwise, why live in the little peach house.

Just as Xiaotao walked out of the door, Second Master's voice came from behind, "Xiaotao, if you need anything, tell Butler Sun, and let Butler Sun go and get it for you."

"Thank you, Second Master." Xiaotao walked away suspiciously. Could it be that Second Master took special care of her because of pity for her dead relatives! ?

Xiaotao returned to the kitchen, poured the chicken soup from the pot into a bowl, and brought it to the meeting room.Yi Mo had already woken up when she went back, "Miss, come and drink chicken soup."

Yi Mo didn't shirk it either, she was exhausted now and her body was still injured, if she didn't drink some tonic soup, she wouldn't have milk to feed her child.

Seeing that the child on the bed was also awake, Xiaotao turned around with her big watery eyes open, her little mouth was moist with water, her little face was pink and tender, she looked extremely cute.I couldn't help stretching out my hand to tease him, and when I touched his hand, I exclaimed, "Ah! So small, the fingers are soft and slippery, so cute."

"Yeyan." Yimo's cold voice came from behind her.

"Huh?" Xiao Tao was confused.

Yi Mo walked over, "His name is Ye Yan."

"Oh!" Xiaotao understood immediately, and then turned her head to tease the child with a smile, "Yeyan, Yeyan, the name is really nice. Xiaoyeyan, Xiaoyeyan, are you hungry? Have you had breakfast? Hey, not only Small hands, small feet, pink and tender toes are so cute."

Xiao Yeyan stared at her with round eyes. This child was smart, and knew that she was playing with him, so he kicked her in the face with his feet.

"Oh, little rascal, he knows how to kick people at such a young age." Grabbing his kicking foot, he pretended to slap it twice, and then said with a smile, "This child is honest, he doesn't cry or make trouble, it's really easy to raise, unlike The child my cousin gave birth to was so fussy, and when he woke up, he could cry hard, crying so annoyingly. Oh, it's still Xiao Yeyan's fault, he doesn't cry or make trouble, so peaceful, so painful Heck!"

Yi Mo listened silently without speaking, but the faint smile on the corner of her mouth showed that she was in a very good mood now.But when he thought of another child who had no chance to meet, the faint smile disappeared immediately.

Yesterday Xiaotao did almost all the work, but today she is much more leisurely. She was not busy for a while, so she moved a small stool and sat by the bed to tease the child.This child is really painful. When his mother was unconscious, he would not eat or drink to accompany her, and his little hands firmly grasped his mother's clothes, not letting go.That scene made her and Brother Ahong very sad.

How can such a lovely child not cause pain!

"Xiao Yeyan, will your aunt make clothes for you?"

Xiao Tao talked about making clothes, and Yi Mo remembered that since the child was born, she hadn't worn any clothes, and was simply wrapped in a quilt.

Seeing Xiaotao take out the needle, thread and cloth from the cabinet, Yi Mo said stiffly, "I'm sorry."

Xiaotao picked up the cloth and made gestures on Xiao Yeyan's body twice, then tore it apart with scissors, "It's not troublesome, anyway, these cloths are all left over from use up. There is too little, and it can't be made into clothes for adults, but Xiao Ye Yan is just right. It's just that my handwork is not as delicate as that of Xiao Hong who is next to the owner of the big villa, so don't be disgusted with it when the time comes."

Xiaotao's handwork is indeed not exquisite, but it is more than enough to make a child's clothes.No matter how bad she is at female reds, she is still better than Cheng Yimo's skills. Cheng Yimo knows how to hurt people with flying needles, and it is difficult to thread with flying needles.

Sitting on one side, Yi Mo picked up an embroidery needle with two fingers, rolled up his sleeves, and inserted it into the Tianfu acupoint accurately.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Seeing this, Xiaotao exclaimed loudly, "How could you abuse yourself? Although your husband is no longer, you still have children. For the sake of your children, you should be strong and live a good life." , and bring up your children."

With black lines all over his head, what and what?
"I'm treating acupoints." Yimo patiently explained to her, and then took out a pen and ink, wrote a prescription and handed it to her, "Please boil the side medicine for me according to the amount on the prescription."

Yi Mo is indeed treating diseases by pricking acupuncture points. She has lost her internal energy after taking Sangong medicine, and the most important thing now is to restore her internal energy.In addition, Li Xiao once said that after giving birth, the three steel needles in the brain should be taken out as soon as possible.But to force the steel needle out of the body, it needs strong and powerful internal force to support it.

Before her skills recovered and she was unable to protect herself, she could not contact Suzaku and the others, fearing that her identity would be exposed, and what was waiting was not Qinglong Suzaku but the killer of Xingfenglou.

"Ah? Oh, oh." Xiaotao blushed, feeling embarrassed for her rush.She obviously didn't mean that, so how could she... Oh, what a shame!

That night, Steward Sun went to the second owner's room and listed all the things Xiaotao wanted for the second master to have a look at.

"Second Master, this is what Xiaotao wants these days."

Sun Jinxu took the list, glanced at it, and murmured in a low voice, "They are all medicines for women to replenish their bodies, and there are some medicines for wounds. Are you injured..."

(End of this chapter)

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