black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 395 Bleeding, Not Tears

Chapter 395 Bleeding, Not Tears (1)
In late autumn, the weather gradually turns cooler. At night, the sky is high and the dew is thick, and a crescent moon hangs quietly high in the sky.The cold moonlight sprinkled on the earth, quiet and peaceful, and the slightest cool breeze blew, causing the corners of the clothes to fly.After Yi Mo drank the medicine, she sat cross-legged in a remote corner, let the breeze caress her, let the frost beat the dew, she sat as firmly as a clock, completely motionless.

In the early morning, the sky is filled with rosy clouds, floating clouds, and the golden sun emerges from the clouds. At the same time, the first ray of golden sunlight penetrates the clouds and pours down. The dense leaves are sweating and stretching in the sunlight. The hanging dew reflects the dazzling starlight in the sun.Through the leaves, the sun fell on the white figure under the tree.

Dawn represents new life, with vitality and strength.The breath at the intersection of night and day is the purest and most powerful breath in the world.Using ink to carry out the exercises, the first ray of true energy between heaven and earth was brought into her body, and then a warm current suddenly surged from her dantian, like a river bank, and the fierce true energy opened up her blocked meridians one by one.The zhenqi is as violent as a flood, but after flowing through all the limbs, it is like bathing in the spring breeze, warm and refreshing, majestic and long.


Yi Mo took a long breath and opened his eyes.He lowered his head, under the strong and deep gaze, slowly clenched his five fingers, and opened his hand again, the leaves in his palm had been turned into powder.Although the skill has only recovered [-]%, but it is absolutely no problem to deal with ordinary Xiaoxiao.

She stood up, flicked the dust off the corners of her clothes, and turned back to the small courtyard where Xiaotao lived.The Sangong medicine in her body is too overbearing, with her current strength, she can only get rid of half of it, and the other half of the medicinal properties may have to be shot at dawn.

It seemed that Suzaku had to be notified first.

When Yi Mo returned to the yard, Xiao Tao had already prepared breakfast.

Seeing Yi Mo's return, Xiao Tao was very excited, "Miss, you are considered to be back. If you don't come back, Xiao Yeyan will cry."

"He won't." Yi Mo took the child from her arms.

Of course Xiaotao knew that he couldn't, this child was so well-behaved that he had been in the villa for so long, and he had never heard him cry.

"Miss sister, you didn't come back, Xiao Yeyan didn't sleep all night, she kept staring at the door with her eyes wide open. That persistent look made me, an outsider, feel distressed." Xiaotao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes sadly, almost It's so distressing.He didn't cry or make a fuss, just kept staring at the door, even if she turned his head away, he still stubbornly turned his head to look at the door, looking at it all night long.As if she was afraid that his mother would not come back after leaving, her persistence made her feel sad.

Yi Mo didn't speak, but looked down at the child in his arms.

Xiao Yeyan couldn't hold on any longer, smelling her mother's breath, her little hands firmly grasped her mother's sleeves, rubbed her head in her arms, and then fell into a deep sleep.

After he fell asleep, Yi Mo put him on the bed.Xiaotao breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her, and then regained her joyful mood. She sat down at the table and ate her breakfast in big mouthfuls.

"Miss sister, I'm going to the main courtyard to deliver breakfast to the second master later, can you help me?" After speaking, he explained, "In the past, Xiaolan helped me, but yesterday there was a letter from Xiaolan's family saying that her family My sister-in-law has given birth to a child, and I want her to go back to take care of my sister-in-law and the child for two months. Xiaolan left in a hurry, and Housekeeper Sun didn't have time to assign people to me, so I can't do it alone this morning..."

While talking, Xiaotao's voice disappeared.Although she doesn't know the real identity of Miss Sister, she can be sure that Miss Everyone was born.The two of them ate at the same table, the same food, she ate like a starved ghost reincarnated, but people, that is called elegance.The same low-quality tea, she drank it with her head tilted up, but others drank it, that was called elegance.Even though she was wearing rough linen clothes, she still couldn't conceal her noble aura. Sometimes she inadvertently cast a look of disdain, like a fairy standing on the clouds in the sky, making people want to kneel down and worship.The domineering aura occasionally revealed in his eyes looks even more intimidating than that of the owner of the villa!Such a person asked her to do servant work, and she herself felt that she couldn't say it.

But Yi Mo nodded and agreed, "How?"

Xiaotao's frustrated face instantly turned into joy, "Just serve me a cup of soup." She does the rest by herself.

"En." Yi Mo ate and cooked silently.

Knowing that she likes meat, Xiaotao quickly picked a piece of steamed meat for her, and said with a flattering smile, "This is delicious, and it's my best food. Your body is just right, eat more..."

Yi Mo's hands paused slightly, and her eyes dimmed. Due to her status, there are not many people who have served her food in this life, such as father, mother, Yu Die, and A Yu...

Don't say it in the ink, but I actually miss her A Yu in my heart.If it weren't for Wen Nuo, they wouldn't have made such a fuss.She had been missing for so long, and he didn't come to find her. He must be still angry! ?

Cough, in Xiao Tao's eyes, Cheng Yimo and Xiao Yeyan are orphans and widows who have lost their husbands and fathers.Seeing her longing eyes, she immediately thought that she might be missing her dead husband.Kindly comfort, "Miss, don't be sad. Although he is gone, you still have children, don't you? You don't live alone in this world, you still have children who love you the most and love you the most. Xiao Yeyan is the one I saw He is the cutest and most well-behaved child. He knows how to love his mother at such a young age. He must be a dutiful son praised by everyone when he grows up. And he is also very smart, and he will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future. If he wants to learn martial arts, I will ask the second master to accept him As an apprentice." When she mentioned the second master she admired the most, her focus immediately shifted, "You don't know, our second master is not only good-looking, but also good at kung fu. His flying sword is a masterpiece in martial arts! Xiao Yeyan If you can worship him as your teacher, you will definitely be able to dominate the martial arts world in the future!"

Yi Mo: "..."

Every morning, Sun Jinxu would practice sword in the yard. Xiao Tao completely ignored Ah Hong’s words, and hurried over with Yi Mo holding her breakfast. She really wanted to see the second master practicing sword. At that time The second master is comparable to the gods in the sky, so beautiful!
"Have you heard the sound of dancing swords? That's our second master practicing sword again, miss, hurry up, let's watch Er master practice sword. Er master is the most handsome when he practices sword, so what is the jade tree facing the wind? Personable and suave are not enough to describe."

For the "Second Lord" that the little girl kept talking about every day, Yimo really didn't have much enthusiasm. What this girl knows best is exaggeration. The best proof is that "Brother Ah Hong". Before I saw it, Yimo was really a little bit I believe that Brother Ahong in her mouth is a man who is talented, smart, martial arts, righteous, and tough, but after seeing it, there are only two words in her mind: silly.

Xiaotao dragged Yimo into the yard in a hurry, and as soon as she reached the door, she heard a bang from the yard, and then saw a large piece of wood cutting towards Xiaotao with a fierce look!

(End of this chapter)

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