black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 397 Someone broke into the village!

Chapter 397 Someone broke into the village! (1)
The next day Steward Sun sent a little girl to help Xiao Tao, so she retired with Mo Gong.

At night, Yimo still sits cross-legged under the tree to meditate and practice. The breath at dawn is the purest, and it is also the best time to practice.The pure spiritual energy was forcibly imprisoned, then absorbed into the body, along the strands of true energy in the body, circulated in the meridians of the limbs, and finally returned to the dantian.

After practicing Yimo, he returned to the house, but the child was still awake.Xiaotao woke up, and was drinking water at the table in a daze.Seeing Yi Mo enter the room, he suddenly woke up, and whispered: "Xiao Yeyan only went to bed at midnight last night, and he hasn't woken up yet, please keep your voice down, don't disturb him."

Yi Mo nodded, lowered his footsteps, looked at his sleeping son on the bed, and sighed helplessly, if he hadn't hardened his heart to ignore him yesterday, he might not be so honest.Recently, she has to practice kung fu, so she definitely can't stay by his side to sleep with him all night. If she loses her temper and stays awake because of her absence, then he won't be able to sleep in the future.Fortunately, this child is smart and sensible, and he will be honest and well-behaved after being taught a lesson.

Xiaotao obviously understood what she did yesterday.He gave her a thumbs up and shook it.In Xiaotao's view, Xiao Yeyan is too stubborn. Whether he does not eat or drink for two days, or stares at the door without sleeping all night, he has fully demonstrated his extraordinary willpower. No matter how much you persuade, you will never look back.Seeing that kind of ruthlessness, people feel frightened!It's like this at a young age, but when you grow up, will you still be able to do it? !

Xiao Tao originally thought that for such a stubborn person, no one would be able to change him.I thought that last night he would stare at the door without sleeping all night again, but at midnight, he turned his head and closed his eyes, and immediately fell into a sweet dream.That crisp and neat movement made Xiao Tao fall down in shock.

It was completely unexpected!

After Xiao Yeyan fell asleep, Xiao Tao tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She tilted her head sideways and thought for a while, remembering Miss Sister's unusual behavior during the day, she suddenly understood.She just said, Miss Sister, who loves the child so much, how could she ignore the child for no reason, that's the reason.On second thought, I looked at Xiao Yeyan with admiration in his eyes. If he knows current affairs at such a young age, he must be a hero when he grows up!
Xiao Tao was washing her face, when a muffled buzz came from under the veil, "Miss, I'm going to the market with Steward Sun to do some shopping today, do you have anything to buy?"

Yi Mo was stunned for a moment, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he said softly, "Go to Yishuzhai and buy me two books of miscellaneous folk tales."

"Yeah, Miss Sister, you like to read that too. I thought only Brother Ahong liked to read that stuff, but I didn't expect you to like it too." Xiaotao chattered about her opinion, "Hey, I think that kind of book The most boring thing, what about "Liang Zhuhua Die" and what about ungrateful Chen Shimei, are all miserable stories, I prefer to be more cheerful. Also, there are some foxes who turn into adults to marry and scholars to repay their kindness, etc., which are the most boring Well, it’s obviously a lie. How can a fox in this world become a human. If it can really become a human, then there are many monsters. The book says that those monsters can use magic spells and are very powerful. If this is true, don’t we humans It has long been eaten up by monsters..."

Yi Mo couldn't bear her nagging the most, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and waved to her, "Xiao Tao, come here."

Xiaotao wiped her hands, then put the handkerchief into the basin, walked to her side, tilted her head and asked, "Miss, what do you want me to do?"

Yi Mo took out an 'eagle' shaped jade pendant from his bosom and handed it to her, "I don't have anything of value on me, so I'll give this jade pendant to you, as your reward for taking good care of our mother and child these days."

"No, no, I can't accept this jade pendant." Xiaotao waved her hands repeatedly to refuse, "I can't accept such a valuable thing, besides, I don't want to pay you for helping you, and besides, I don't do much to help except take care of Xiao Yeyan Busy. Young lady, don't be such a guest, take the jade pendant back quickly."

"Accept it." Yi Mo didn't seem to see her refusal, and hung the jade pendant around her waist with his own hands, "Maybe I will use it later."

When Qinglong and others built the "Yilou" in Jianghu, Yimo ordered people to build this eagle-shaped jade pendant.This jade pendant has always been worn on her body by ink, seeing the jade pendant is like meeting someone, this jade pendant represents her identity.

When Cheng Xi was imprisoned, when Guo Tingyi brought things in to see him, he took out this jade pendant to convince Cheng Xi that Guo Tingyi was indeed Cheng Yimo's person.

It can be seen how convincing this jade pendant is.

Seeing her firm face, Xiaotao couldn't evade any more, so she nodded and accepted the jade pendant.She didn't understand the meaning behind this jade pendant, she only knew that this jade pendant was crystal clear and transparent, its tentacles were warm and delicate, and the eagle on it was carved lifelike, so she knew it was worth a lot of money at first glance, so she refused again and again.

He patted his chest apprehensively, and kept looking at the jade pendant around his waist. With such a big treasure on his body, would he be robbed? !

After changing her clothes, Xiaotao went out anxiously. Before going out, she carefully looked left and right, and she shook her head straight after seeing the sly eyebrows.Why is this kid so stupid!

As soon as Xiaotao left, Ahong rushed over.

"Xiaotao? Xiaotao? Xiaotao..." Ah Hong's voice was a little anxious.

Yi Mo glanced at him, and responded coldly: "Xiao Tao and Steward Sun have left the villa."

When Ah Hong heard this, he slapped his thigh angrily, "Oh, why did you take a step too late. Xiaotao is gone, and Dr. Sun is not here, how can this be good?"

Yi Mo didn't ask him why he was looking for Xiao Tao, no matter what it was, it was none of her business.Get up and enter the house.

Ah Hong stood in the yard in a hurry and kept talking, "What should I do? What should I do..." Seeing Yi Mo enter the room in a blink of an eye, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he asked anxiously, "Mrs. Cheng, can I trouble you?" Can you do me a favor?"

Emer paused, raised his eyebrows lightly.

Ah Hong took Yimo to the main courtyard where Second Master Sun lived, and said as he walked, "It's like this, Mrs. Cheng, our Second Master was injured a bit, and he needs someone to apply medicine to bandage his wound. These things used to be Dr. Sun did it, but Dr. Sun is no longer here today. I wanted to ask Xiao Tao to give the second master medicine, but Xiao Tao went out with Butler Sun early. The others are worried, so I will ask you to help me."

Ah Hong didn't say why he was worried about other people, but Yi Mo could roughly guess it.The big villa owner of Shenbing Villa didn't get along with the second villa owner. He was afraid that other people might be the big villa owner.Compared with other people who don't know the details, she is indeed much safer as an outsider.

Ah Hong walked in front of Yi Mo, and opened the door first.In the room, Sun Jinxu was sitting on the couch with his back to the door. When he opened the door, he was taking off his clothes. His clothes fell to the ground, revealing his strong and broad back, and the long and deep knife wound on his back!
(End of this chapter)

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