black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 398 Someone broke into the village!

Chapter 398 Someone broke into the village! (2)
Blood flowed down his back, staining the snow-white underwear underneath him red.

A cold voice spread in the room, "Ah Hong, did someone bring it?"

Ah Hong took Yi Mo and walked behind him, stuffed the wound medicine that was put aside into Yi Mo's hand, and then replied, "Second Master, Xiao Tao and Butler Sun went out to do some shopping, and I asked Mrs. Cheng to help." You take the medicine." If possible, he didn't want to bother the girl, the second master hurt his back, and he would definitely take off his clothes when he took the medicine.Being so naked has the reputation of hurting other girls.It's a pity that he is a big man with thick hands and feet, so he can't do such delicate work.

When Sun Jinxu heard Ah Hong's words, his heart was shocked, and he turned his head in shock, just in time to meet those eyes as deep and bright as glass, and his heart jumped suddenly.He hurriedly turned his head, his voice was still calm and calm as always, "Trouble." Although his face was calm, his heart was like a bell and drum beating, bang bang bang... It seemed that his heart was going to jump out of his chest in the next moment.

Ah Hong was worried and anxious, how could he find out the abnormality of his second master, and said, "Mrs. Cheng, I will leave this place to you. I will go out and get a basin of hot water..."

After Ah Hong left, only Yi Mo and Sun Jinxu were left in the room.Yi Mo put down the gauze, picked up the medicine bottle, unplugged it, smelled it, and made sure that it contained golden sore medicine before he dared to give it to him.

Sun Jinxu's heart stopped beating suddenly when he heard Ah Hong's words "Mrs. Cheng".Mrs. Cheng?Could it be that she is already married...Because of this conjecture, my heart is suddenly full of disappointment.It felt like a big stone was pressing on my heart, and it was dull and painful.Did they meet too late?
Sun Jinxu's face was serious, his eyes were a little dazed, his mind was muddled, and he kept thinking about the fact that she was married.Until a faint coolness hit his back, instantly pulling back his reason.When applying the medicine, he could vaguely feel the delicate touch of her slender and slender fingers inadvertently scratching across his skin.He had seen her hands that day, the fingers were slender and slender, the nails were lovely pink, and the light white fingertips were round and delicate.He only found out today that she still had wounds on her fingers, and the touch that she accidentally scratched was delicate and sometimes rough, and the thin marks were obviously the scars left after the injury.

Sun Jinxu suddenly remembered that the list given by Sun Butler was mostly medicine for treating trauma. It must have been injured before coming to the villa. I wonder if her injury has healed?
The room was so quiet that only the breathing of the two could be heard. Yi Mo had never helped anyone treat wounds, only for himself.But Sun Jinxu didn't feel any pain at all at the moment, he could feel a warm breath spraying on his back, which made his whole heart feel hot.With his hands hanging by his sides, he quietly clenched into fists, and his originally silent heart suddenly started beating again.

He felt the temperature in the room suddenly rise, making his breathing become short of breath.

"Second Master, the hot water is here." Ah Hong suddenly barged in.

Sun Jinxu's excited mood suddenly calmed down, and the clenched hand at his side slowly loosened.At this time, Yi Mo just gave him good medicine, and took a step back to give up the position to A Hong.Ah Hong wet the veil and wiped the blood on his back with hot water.

After everything was taken care of, Sun Jinxu waved the two of them out. His clothes were also stained with blood and had to be changed.

Ah Hong took Yi Mo out of the courtyard, nodded his thanks, "I'm sorry for your inconvenience, Mrs. Cheng."

"It's okay. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first." Yi Mo wiped his hands with a handkerchief, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's okay, please do yourself."

Yi Mo turns around and walks towards the courtyard where Xiaotao lives, and meets two maids from the villa on the way.The two of them obviously didn't notice Yi Mo, and they were talking about the injury of Sun Erye in a low voice.

With sharp eyes and ears, Yi Mo vaguely heard the words of the two slaves, "...the uncle is really capable of doing this, he is also a real brother."

"Yeah, when I saw Second Master, his face turned pale in an instant. I think that the uncle's knife was merciless... Sigh, I don't know how Second Master was hurt..."

"Hmph, I blame that Mrs. Yue. If it weren't for her, how could the uncle and the second master turn against each other?! That shameless vixen, who is obviously the uncle's woman, came to seduce our second master..."

"Shh, don't talk about it. If the uncle hears it, we will lose our lives today."

Yi Mo returned to the yard thoughtfully, could it be that the two of them had turned against each other because of the woman? !

In the evening, Xiaotao came back, and she really brought back two copies of "Miscellaneous Folk Talk" for Yimo.

Yimo was sitting in the yard resting with the child in his arms. Xiaotao entered the door with a smile on her face, holding a child's favorite rattle in her hand. She smiled and shook it twice at Xiao Yeyan. Spread the word, "Dangdang! Little Yeyan, look, this is the rattle that Aunt Xiaotao bought for you. Isn't it fun?"

Ye Yan glanced at her with his eyes open, then turned his head away shamelessly, and continued to play with his mother's sleeve.

"..." Xiaotao's heart shattered all of a sudden, and she said with a depressed face, "Xiao Yeyan, can you show auntie some face, woooooooo! How could you be like this. Humph! You're not cute at all. "

Xiaotao sat beside Yimo in a depressed mood, and held up the rattle in front of him and shook it, "Xiao Yeyan, look, how fun this is. Shake it like this and it will sound, you can take it too." Just shake it."

Ye Yan buried her face in his mother's arms, not even wanting to look at her.What's so interesting about a rattle is that it can do nothing but ring.snort!Mother said, playthings lose their ambitions!

Xiaotao cried to death, and handed the two copies of "Folk Talk" to Yimo, then entered the room dejectedly, lay down on the bed sullenly, and after a while, raised her head and howled, "Ahhh—why are you so uncute! "The roar was full of resentment.

In the yard, Yi Mo sat calmly, holding his son in his arms, holding a book in his hand, opened two pages, and read carefully.Hearing the noise coming from the room, he raised his eyes to take a look, then turned his gaze to the book again, turned a page, and said softly, "Don't hit her in the future."

Ye Yan, who was reading in her arms, let out a 'squeak' like a child learning to babble, and then stretched out her little hand to grab the pages of the book.I know, I know, reading books...

Xiaotao, who was peeking at the window, saw this scene, and cried even louder, "Wooah——I'm dead!"

Yi Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, then calmly plugged his son's ears with two lumps of cotton.

While cooking dinner, Xiaotao's shoulders were still shrugging, and Ah Hong went into the kitchen to comfort her, but at the same time he did not forget to tell her, "Xiaotao, the second master was injured today, you can cook some blood for the second master Soup, the action must be quick, the second master didn't eat much at noon."

As soon as she heard that the second master was injured, she immediately discarded the depression in her heart, and screamed: "Ah! How could the second master be injured? The second master is the second master of the Shenbing Villa. Who would dare to hurt him?" Second Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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