Chapter 400 Hot Springs
Tonight, Shenbing Villa stepped up its guard. Not only did the guards on the outside increase by two teams, but the guards inside the villa also increased by two teams.Everyone holds weapons in their hands and their eyes are like torches, as if the enemy is present.

It's not the current enemy!Someone broke into the villa, but they didn't even know whether the other party was a man or a woman.

Sun Jinxu had a serious face. The Shenbing Villa has always been heavily guarded, and the guards in the inner courtyard are all good at martial arts. If they don't even know whether the other party is male or female, it can be seen that the other party's martial arts are high!

"Ah Hong, let Sun Zhong and Sun Cheng come over, and we must find the person who broke into the villa." When he spoke, a chill appeared on Sun Jinxu's face.His Shenbing Villa is not a vegetable market at the intersection of the street. He can come and leave whenever he wants.

"Yes, Second Master." Ahong led the order and went down.

After receiving the order, Sun Zhong and Sun Cheng hurried over from the main courtyard.Hiro has always been in command of the guards of the Military Academy, and the two brothers took over the command from Ahiro as soon as they arrived.

Sun Zhong ordered with a serious face: "Ah Hong, you lead two teams to guard outside the second master's room. The second master is injured, you should pay more attention."

"Yes." Ah Hong was convinced of the two brothers, and as long as he was good to the second master, he would obey.

Then the two brothers divided the remaining guards into three groups. One group was stationed at the post, one group went east, and the other group went west. They searched room by room. Since someone came in, he must be hiding in a corner.They launch a blanket search, and if you don't believe it, you can't find anyone.

Under the night sky, Shenbing Villa is brightly lit. From a distance, it looks like a fire dragon crouching at the foot of the mountain, looking down, domineering, and powerful!

"Here, here, search, search every room for me carefully, not a single corner can be missed."

Xiaotao was washing clothes in the yard. Seeing a guard coming in to search the house, she didn't stop her. She wiped her hands and got up to make way for a convenient way.There was so much commotion during the day, she naturally heard about it.It seems that someone broke into the village and angered the second master.Why!Which guy who doesn't open his eyes is so bold, dare to rush into the Shenbing Villa, really impatient to live.

"Commander Zhong, there is no one in the west."

"Commander Cheng, we don't have any here either."

"The two commanders, I have searched and found nothing."

Sun Cheng spit out a mouthful of phlegm on the ground with a 'bah' sound, and said in a nasty voice: "Damn it, there's none of them, could it be possible that he became a dirt boy and went underground!?"

A guard guessed, "We made such a big noise, the other party may have escaped from the village."

As soon as the man finished speaking, a figure flashed across the roof.The speed of that person is extremely fast, his body looks like a shooting star flashing past in mid-air, so fast that people think it is an illusion.

In order to prove that it was not his illusion, Sun Cheng turned his head to look at Sun Zhong, "Did you see it?"

Sun Zhong nodded solemnly, "Yes."

Sun Cheng's face darkened, seeing those guards were all stunned, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and chase after them!"

"Chase! Chase quickly."

After searching for a whole day, the other party finally showed up, and the guards, who were already on the brink of death, immediately chased after him like chicken blood.

Zhang Yuelu, who was hiding in the tree, looked proudly at the guards who were being played around, looked contemptuously at the people chasing him from a distance, and said contemptuously to the people around him, "Master Xuanwu, I think Shenbing Villa is also It's nothing special, there are so many people, we can't even find the hiding place of the two of us, if I didn't show up on purpose, I guess I'm still running around like headless chickens."

Xuan Wu glanced at him, ignoring his arrogance, "Have you found the master?"

Mentioning Yimo, Zhang Yuelu was immediately excited, "I found it, I found it, after you lure these guards away, I'll go find the master."

Xuanwu slowly wiped the sword in his arms, and asked, "Is nothing wrong, master?" Although he couldn't wait to see Sun Jinxu's flying sword skills, the safety of the master is more important.

"It's all right." Zhang Yuelu only took a long look at her from a distance, seeing that her complexion was rosy and her body was full of energy, she should be fine.

Xuanwu heaved a sigh of relief, and then turned his gaze to Sun Jinxu's residence in the main courtyard, his eyes were hot.

Seeing his behavior, Zhang Yuelu didn't say much, avoided the guards who were chasing him, and walked towards the previous courtyard.

In the room, Xiaotao turned left and right suspiciously, and after confirming that there was no hiding person in the room, she hurried to close the door, "Miss sister, be more careful when you sleep tonight, don't fall asleep. I heard Brother Ahong say that Zhuangli Chuang Strangers entered and haven't been found yet. We sleep small at night, uh!"

Before he could finish speaking, he fell down limply.

When Zhang Yuelu was closing the door, he picked up a small stone and threw it over to touch her sleeping hole.

Cough, this girl was cautious all night, but she caught the door when the door was closed, I really can't bear to say it.

Yi Mo was sitting at the table in the back room reading a book, when he saw Xiao Tao fell down, he didn't look up, he just turned a page and continued to read calmly.

Zhang Yuelu outside the door couldn't wait to enter the room. When she saw Yi Mo, her eyes turned red, and she rushed over to hug her and cry so loudly, it was like a lost child who finally found the head of the family. "Master, where have you been?! I'm really worried about us—"

Yi Mo took the book and opened his head, "Stand still."

Zhang Yuelu let her go, like a poor puppy, squatting at her feet, staring at her with red eyes, seeing that she was still as indifferent as before, without any joy of reunion after parting, immediately pouted, infinitely wronged, " Master, since we found out that you were missing, we have been looking for you for a long time. We have searched the entire Shengfeng Ridge and the surrounding counties, but we have not found your whereabouts. We only found a little blood on a desolate hillside, and nothing else .We are really worried about you. You are pregnant with a child and cannot use martial arts. But luckily you are fine, fortunately you are fine." At the end of the speech, the tone of resentment became joyful.As long as the master is fine, everything else is fine.

"Let's go! Master, let's go back quickly, you are still pregnant..." The voice stopped abruptly because he saw Yi Mo's flat stomach!His eyes widened in horror, and he screamed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh—where's the child? Where's the child?!"

Yi Mo couldn't stand his startled look, so he threw the book in his hand at his face, blocking his screaming, "Shut up! Don't wake up the child."

Already awake.Ye Yan opened his big black eyes and looked curiously at the uninvited guest in the room.Then he turned his head to look at his mother, waiting for his hands and feet, with his mouth open, making a 'babbling' sound, trying his best to attract his mother's attention.

It's a pity that he didn't attract his mother's attention, but instead attracted the eyes of the uninvited guest.

When Zhang Yuelu saw the milk boy on the bed, he could clearly see the familiar look between his brows.Suddenly it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the three souls lost seven souls in shock.

Pointing at Nanny with trembling fingers, he was dumbfounded, "He, he, he, he, he..." 'He' hasn't let out a fart for a long time!
Yi Mobai glanced at him, why is he still so stupid? !Then get up and pick up the baby.

But Zhang Yuelu moved faster than her, rushing forward to hug her, finally able to speak normally, screaming, "Master, is it your child? Is it a boy or a girl? Yay, it's so small." Nanny, let your subordinates take a look."

Just as he walked to the bed and stretched out his hand, suddenly a black shadow rushed towards him as fast as thunder and lightning!

The alarm bell in Zhang Yuelu's heart rang loudly, his face changed instantly, and he secretly said: Danger!

The speed of that thing was astonishingly fast, Zhang Yuelu shot subconsciously.But at this moment, the master yelled in a low voice, "Back off!" Then the thing turned into a flash of lightning and turned back, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Yuelu was surprised, "Master, what is that, it's so fast!" He almost couldn't even keep up with his speed.

Before Yi Mo could answer him, Ye Yan gave him the answer.Xiao Yeyan didn't like the three-flower snake wrapped around his ankle the most, because as long as this thing wrapped around him, it meant that his mother couldn't be with him.snort!He wants his mother to accompany him, so he doesn't want this stinky thing to accompany him.The little feet stared, and kicked the Sanhua Snake out of the bed very skillfully.

After coming here once a day, Sanhua Snake got used to it, and then drowsily crawled back into the shoes and continued to sleep.

"Sanhua Viper!" Zhang Yuelu exclaimed again.He has been jumping in front of Lixiao all year round, so of course he recognizes this poison.Zuzu, this thing is too poisonous, he'd better stay away.

Zhang Yuelu retreated to Yi Mo's side, and stood obediently waiting for her orders.

Yi Mo raised his chin towards the door, glanced at Xiao Tao who was lying on the ground, "Bring him in and put him on the bed."

Zhang Yuelu looked at the unconscious Xiaotao, then looked down at his hands, and muttered, "Is this considered indecent?"

After Xiao Tao settled down, Yi Mo took Zhang Yuelu to the back mountain.She wants to force out the steel needle in her brain in the hot spring, so it is best to have Zhang Yuelu protector.Besides, Zhang Yuelu and the others made a fuss about Shenbing Mountain Villa today, so no one would have the leisure to go back to the mountain to soak in the hot springs.Best time tonight!
"Stay outside." Yi Mo instructed Zhang Yuelu and went in.

Yimo took off his outer robe and went into the water wearing obscene clothes. After all, he was in the wild, and even if there were people guarding him, it was impossible to be completely safe.

As soon as Yi Mo entered the water, the reaction in the water was very violent, and the hot spring water around him boiled violently like boiling.This is the reaction between her special Sangong poison and certain substances in the hot spring.

The scorching water is ironing the skin, and the hot air penetrates the pores and penetrates into the bones, as if thousands of poisonous insects are biting.Yi Mo gritted her teeth and endured, the harder it was, the calmer she became.Taking advantage of this time, the luck technique absorbs all the celestial spirit in the hot spring, and then guides the celestial spirit to circulate in the meridians.The warm current is like a pair of gentle big hands, repairing the meridians damaged by Sangong poison one by one, and expelling the toxins in the body one by one... The heavenly spirit moves round and round in the body, and returns to the dantian after traveling for 36 weeks !

At the moment when it returned to the dantian, the true energy in the dantian surged furiously instantly, like the roar of the westerly wind rolled up by the waves, shaking the mountain like a sudden eruption of a volcano.That domineering power is stronger and stronger than before, faintly threatening to destroy everything!
With a 'coax' sound, the zhenqi in the body is no longer suppressed, like a tiger escaping from a cage, it immediately rushes into the seven meridians and eight meridians, and finally converges on the Baihui, Shenting and Yamen points on the top of the head!

Yimo gritted his teeth and let out a low growl, the steel needles in the three acupuncture points were simultaneously shaken out by the strong internal force!

bass!bass!bass!There were three sharp sounds, and the three steel needles instantly sank into the stone wall behind them.

How painful it is to pierce the acupuncture point with the steel needle, it is also painful to force out the steel needle.After Yimo successfully forced out the steel needle, he immediately lost his strength and lay weakly on the bank of the pool.

But Yi Mo didn't know that Sun Honggeng, the owner of Shenbing Villa, had the habit of soaking in hot springs every day before going to bed, even if he was injured.And Zhang Yuelu didn't even know that there was a secret passage leading directly from the villa to the hot spring in the stone wall.

So when Sun Honggeng opened the secret door on the stone wall, he immediately saw the beautiful woman lying naked in the pool!

(End of this chapter)

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