Chapter 401
Sun Honggeng was stunned for a moment when he saw the people in the pool.The woman was lying weakly, her beautiful and delicate face made people unable to look away after seeing her.The skin is as soft and smooth as gentle jade, the small cherry mouth is red without spots, the beautiful face is steamed and tender, and the hair that is not wet with water is winding around the slender neck. Looking down, the thin The clothes are tightly fitted to the body, and the delicate and uneven figure can be seen at a glance.Exquisite curves, graceful lines, especially the small waist, which is thin and tough, just one glance will take your soul away and make you lose your mind!
Sun Honggeng's favorite is a woman with a beautiful waist, the more beautiful the waist, the more he favors him, just like Yue Ji.Therefore, when I saw the woman in the pool, I immediately felt possessive, and a fire burst out from the bottom of my heart like a wild beast colliding among limbs and bones, and I was covered in fire in an instant!
Lust came to mind, and the breathing suddenly became heavy!
When Sun Honggeng got excited, he let out his breath.Yi Mo, who had been lying weakly resting by the pool, suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw the figure standing in front of the stone wall on the opposite bank, his eyes were stern and murderous!The bare hand was raised, followed by a violent surge of internal force, and the phantom palm print covered the man with a strong and awe-inspiring aura like a tiger.

Terrifying murderous aura hit his face, Sun Honggeng was so startled that he immediately shot back, but he didn't know whether the opponent missed his aim or what, the offensive fell not on him but on the pool in front of him. .At the same time, I only heard a low growl in my ear, "Go—"

When the water curtain fell, two figures were seen like flying dragons and lightning, and disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye.Sun Honggeng let out a low growl. Although he was angry, he was alone and didn't know the opponent's strength, so he dared not go after him. Instead, he went down the mountain through a secret passage, intending to recruit a group of people to search the mountain immediately.Not to mention how the two trespassed on the villa, but the woman had to be found.Such a celestial person, if he doesn't get his hands to play with, he will feel itchy.

"Master, let me kill that bastard!" Zhang Yuelu cursed fiercely in his heart, what the hell!His master also dared to peep and covet him, so he couldn't see his stuff.

"Now is not the time to make trouble. Let's go first!" Yi Mo's face darkened a little, and some cruelty appeared in his eyes.If they meet in the future, it will naturally not make him feel better.

The master had already spoken, so Zhang Yuelu naturally didn't dare to make a move.The two went down the mountain at the fastest speed, and after entering the room, they did not disturb the sleeping Xiaotao, picked up Ye Yan who was on the bed, turned around and left the villa.

Outside the villa, Xuanwu held his sword and waited quietly on the carriage.

"Master, get on the horse."

When the two got into the carriage, Xuanwu immediately galloped on the horse, and soon left the range of Shenbing Villa.Zhang Yuelu opened the curtain and looked, saw no one was chasing after him, raised his voice to tell Xuanwu to slow down, and then said to Yi Mo, "Master, shall we go back to the capital?"

"En. Go back to Beijing directly." Yimo was afraid of the dew and cold weather at night, so he covered Xiao Yeyan with another coat.

On the way, Ye Yan was woken up by the bumping carriage, but seeing his mother was still by his side, he leaned against her in her arms, and then fell asleep again.

Shenbing Mountain Villa is a bit far from the capital city, and it takes at least three days and two nights to get there. Yimo wanted to go back to Beijing directly, but considering the children, he had to stay on the road for one night.

Xuanwu found an inn to live in, the inn is remote and simple, not as elegant as in the prosperous area, most of the people who come and go are martial arts people passing by here.In order not to cause trouble, Yi Mo found a remote table and sat down.

"Xiao Er, serve tea!" Zhang Yuelu shouted loudly.

"Here it is-guest officer, the tea is here, please take it slowly." The waiter greeted him with a smile, his face was full of joy, and he looked very pleasing.

The three ordered some simple dishes, and Xiao Er went down.As soon as Xiao Er went down, a group of martial arts professionals came in. The leading man looked at the people in the store proudly, and then howled at the top of his voice, "Shop Xiao Er, where did you die! Your grandpas are here, come out and serve!"

The waiter in the store saw that the group of people were all armed with weapons and looked fierce, his heart trembled, and he hurried out to say hello, "Gentlemen, please come inside."

The man threw the sledgehammer on the table on his shoulder, causing the wooden table to tremble.The waiter in the shop saw a big hole in the wooden table with a sledgehammer, and swallowed in fear, "Everyone, gentlemen, please sit down, please sit down."

There were eight or nine people in a group, with different expressions and different outfits. Some looked rough and bold from outside the Great Wall, and some were dressed as scholars in Confucian shirts and holding fans.A group of people divided into two tables, and one of them, who was dressed as a scholar, said with a gentle smile, "Xiao Er, serve some good dishes that you are good at, hurry up."

"Okay. Grandpas, please wait a moment, and I will serve you food right away."

Yi Mo held the child in his arms with one hand, held up the teacup with the other and drank it with his head down, not paying attention to those people at all.Keeping the Xuanwu sword in his hand, he gave those people a sideways glance and didn't speak.At this time, the little Erduan dish came up, "Guest officer, your dish is here, please take it slowly."

Before the waiter put the dishes in his hands on the table, he heard the loud and strong man shout angrily, "Xiao Er, where are our dishes? Why haven't they come up yet!"

The shop clerk smiled apologetically, "I'll be there right away, I'll be there right away."

"Fuck!" The man jumped up against the table, roaring with anger on his face, "Grandpas have been waiting for so long? You don't serve grandpas, but serve those bastards instead! What? Are you looking down on grandpas or Afraid that grandpas will have no money to pay for free food?!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the shop owner immediately came out with a smile on his face, and comforted him, "Guest officers, please be calm and don't be impatient. Those three came first and ordered early. So I didn't look down on the guests. Meaning. Come, come, come, guest officer, please sit down and drink tea, the food will be served right away, right away."

But the man refused, and pushed the boss away, his tiger eyes widened like copper bells, and the waiter in the shop trembled with fright.

"What come first, first come first! I only know that I am hungry and want to eat! Come on, bring me the food." The people who came all the way sat and drank tea with nothing to do, without even looking at the man.

The waiter in the shop looked at this and then that in embarrassment, "This, they..."

"What are you doing so dawdly! You can't find death!" The man shouted angrily again, full of evil spirits in his voice.

The waiter in the shop was afraid of losing his life, so he didn't care so much, so he turned around and took the dishes away.

"Wait!" Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand to hold him, took the dish in his hand naturally, and put it in front of the master, "Master, use it slowly."

Yi Mo just pretends that those offal don't exist, and eats and drinks what should be eaten, without affecting it in the slightest.

Seeing this, the man became very angry, his red eyes were full of murderous intent, and suddenly he shouted, "I want to die!" He suddenly lifted his foot, and the wooden bench under him flew up, and immediately threw it at Yi Mo.The long wooden bench was clamped with internal force, and it was as fast as a tiger. There was an ear-piercing whistling sound from the turbulent air, and there were sudden gusts of wind like blades as it flew over, blowing the hair and clothes of others into the air.

This sudden scene made people feel a little overwhelmed.It stands to reason that it was Zhang Yuelu who stopped the waiter, and it was Zhang Yuelu who brought the food back to the table. If this man wanted to get angry, he was also at Zhang Yuelu, why did he turn at Yimo the moment he made a move! ?

Zhang Yuelu's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his hand and pulled out the soft whip around his waist. Under the urging of his true energy, the soft whip was like a swimming dragon or a spirit snake, and when he swung the whip down, it was like a sharp knife out of its sheath, sharp, sharp, and full of murderous aura !
With a bang, the wooden bench exploded, and wooden chips were scattered everywhere.

The waiter and the owner of the shop are both shrewd people. Seeing that the situation was wrong, they immediately avoided it, but they were not hurt.And besides Yi Mo and others and the nine martial arts practitioners who came in later, there were not many other guests eating in the restaurant, just two businessmen.One of the merchants was injured by the force of the force, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and ran out of the store after being carried on his back by the servants. The other merchant didn't dare to stay any longer, dropped his silver and ran away.

Seeing that no one was hurt, the man's eyes became more imposing, and he rushed towards Zhang Yuelu with a sledgehammer, "Little bastard! You want to die!"

"It's not certain who will die." Zhang Yuelu snorted coldly, the soft whip forced into a straight line, like a sharp arrow shot through the air, directly approaching the man's life!

Zhang Yuelu's shots were quick and accurate, with a huge aura surging up like a sea wave, the 'sharp arrow' shot directly at the door in an instant, the man's eyes widened in fright, and he couldn't dodge.The people who were sitting quietly drinking tea could no longer ignore them. A murderous look flashed in the eyes of one of them, and he shot secretly, and the flying needle caught in his fingertip flew out with murderous intent.

Severe light lingered in the cold air, piercing through the void like water splitting waves and shooting towards the artery in Zhang Yuelu's neck.Yi Mo's face darkened, his cold eyes rendered awe-inspiring murderous aura, his arms trembled, and a vast and majestic aura surged out, like a giant dragon flying with its head raised and singing.The majestic and horrifying aura made everyone gasp for breath.Then I saw a sharp light that seemed to shatter the void and split the darkness, and the light was fleeting in front of everyone's eyes.

After the darkness receded like a wave and the light came on, everyone came back to their senses and took a closer look, their souls trembling with fright.

The person who sneaked up on him didn't have any breath left, his forehead was pierced with a bloody hole by chopsticks.What's more, they still killed three birds with one stone, a chopstick passed by, and the three people sitting in a row were all pierced through the brains, and the chopsticks were still inserted into the door frame behind them, penetrating three points.

The arrogant man was no exception, he was entangled in Zhang Yuelu's soft whip, strangled hard, his cervical spine broke, and he died instantly.

Four of them died at once.The remaining five people couldn't hold their breath anymore, and they sacrificed their weapons one after another, their hostility soared, and they rushed forward together!


Xuan Wu's movement of wiping the sword body paused, his brows and eyes sank slightly, his thumb pressed against the hilt and opened the slit, and the menacing cold light condensed into a bunch of menacing and hostile aura and shot straight into the sky.The sword was unsheathed, and blood spattered everywhere.

The screams continued, and Yi Mo Ruruo, who hadn't heard it, took out a pair of chopsticks again, called Xiao Er, who was pale with fright, and asked him to serve the rest of the dishes, and then began to eat slowly.

As early as when the nine people came in, Yi Mo had discovered that the nine people's eyes were as cold as iron, and their murderous aura was hard to conceal, and they were more or less similar to the killer of Xingfenglou who chased her down in the forest.And the fact that the man took her life as soon as he made a move further affirmed her guess.

In their eyes, she is just a woman whose martial arts have been abolished, and she is holding a child, so she is the best to deal with.

With Zhang Yuelu and Xuanwu's martial arts, it is more than enough to deal with these people, and they will all be beheaded here in less than half an hour.

The three of them didn't stay any longer, bought some dry food after eating, and then got into the carriage and went straight back to the capital.

The owner of the store saw the corpses and blood all over the floor, and his calf trembled in fright, "Two, Er Gouzi, hurry up, take these corpses out, don't let anyone..."

Before he could speak, the closed door creaked, and the door was slowly pushed open.The boss looked up, looked at the person coming, and fell to the ground pale with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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