black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 402 Chapter Jing

Chapter 402 Returning to Beijing
Inside the inn, corpses were strewn all over the field, bloodstained, and upside-down and messy seats were strong proofs of the aftermath of the war.

Li Chenxue stepped into the inn under the horrified eyes of the boss and the waiter, walked past the corpse lying at the door, casually glanced at the bloodstains all over the floor, and then sat down on the only intact long wooden bench. His demeanor was in stark contrast to the purgatory on earth in front of him, which made the boss and the waiter tremble with fear.

The shop owner got up tremblingly, and was about to speak, but was preempted by the servant beside the man.

"Third Master, they let Princess Ping run away again." Shui Wu glared at the man's body, and squinted at Feng Sha disdainfully.A group of things that failed to achieve success but failed to do so, made people run away twice, and still have the face to show up in front of the third master? !

After inspecting the bodies of several people, Xing Sha said, "It seems that Princess Ping'an has recovered her skills."

Li Chenxue raised her eyebrows in surprise, she didn't expect to recover her skills so quickly?
Shui Wu was also very surprised, "Princess Ping'an's martial arts are really too high. Third master, with those people in Xingfenglou, I'm afraid it's..."

When Feng Sha heard the word 'restoring martial arts', his body shook and he was shocked.He still remembers the battle at Blood Rain Cliff back then.In the face of Princess Pingan who had recovered her martial arts, the people in their Xingfenglou were just meat on the chopping board. Going to a house to kill one, going to a house to kill a pair, there is no comparison at all.

Although Li Chenxue really doesn't want to admit that Xingfenglou is weak in front of Cheng Yimo, but if he doesn't want the power he built to be wiped out like this, it's better to be a little self-aware, "Okay. Fengsha, withdraw Kill order."

Just like this, Li Chenxue would not agree to present Yimo to Beijing to reunite with Li Chenyu.His eyes were full of vicious calculations, "Shui Wu, tell Xue Ruxue to stay idle and sit down as she pleases."


Three days later, Yimo, Xuanwu and others entered Beijing overnight in a carriage.

On the way, Zhang Yuelu received a message from Suzaku, "Master, Master Suzaku has sent a message saying that the prince has rushed back from Shao'an upon hearing the news of your return to Beijing."

"Shao An?" Yi Mo frowned slightly.

Zhang Yuelu explained, "I haven't heard from you for the past few months. The prince is so anxious that he sends people to look for you everywhere. As soon as he hears any trouble, the prince will go there in person immediately. According to Master Suzaku, the spies from the palace two days ago In return, he said that he found a woman who looked somewhat similar to you in Shao'an, and upon hearing this, the lord led the guards from Yuan Long to go."

Yi Mo lowered her eyes, feeling a little sore in her heart. What worries her most about her disappearance this time is her father and mother...

Xiao Yeyan opened his eyes, maybe it was the mother-child relationship or the child was really smart, knowing that his mother would be in a bad mood, so he stretched out his white and tender little hand to caress his mother's chest, gently and slowly As if comforting her.

Yi Mo understood the meaning of the child, and hugged him a little bit in comfort.Now that she is also a mother, she can understand her father's deep love for her even more.Her father really loves her and doesn't want her to be wronged.

Glancing at the child, Yi Mo suddenly said to Xuan Wu outside, "Park at the back door of the palace."

No need to say more, Xuanwu will understand.The master was alone when he left the capital, and he was not married to the prince, but now he came back with a child who was less than a month old. Although they all knew what was going on, the people outside did not know.There are too many people talking, so it's better to avoid it.

Xuanwu raised his whip and drove the carriage to the back door of the palace, "Master, we're here."

As soon as the carriage stopped, the guards who had been waiting at the door opened the door immediately, and hurriedly bowed to welcome his princess into the mansion.

Yi Mo hugged the child, without stopping, passed the guards, walked through the door, and went straight to the small courtyard where she lived.On the veranda, Princess Jingyang was surrounded by people and came towards her, "Daughter? Daughter! Woohoo, my poor son, where have you been these past few months? Your father's hair turned gray when he looked for you." Now, my mother is worried to death... Woohoo, where are you going! Woooooo!"

Princess Jingyang cried miserably when she saw her daughter whom she had not seen for several months.The sad and mournful cries turned into wisps of breeze and floated in the night sky...

Wash off the dust and change into a dress.After everything was tidied up, Yi Mo sat at the table, elegantly eating the meat porridge served by Hua Wu.

Jingyang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a silk handkerchief, and cried for a long time, "My son, where did you go, and you didn't tell the family, you're so worried about your mother! Woooooooo! If you are so dependent, if you have something good or bad, your mother will die, woo woo woo... Your father and king are also so worried that they can’t eat or sleep, and they are nervous every day. Woke up and ran out without even wearing shoes, saying that I was looking for you. Woohoo! Every time I go there with great interest, every time I come back in a daze, hooooo! Why are you so worrying, kid! Woooo..."

Yi Mo sighed softly and put down his chopsticks helplessly.Stretching his arms, he took her into his arms, patted her on the back, and comforted her gently, "Mom, I've returned safely."

Jingyang grabbed her lapel and cried even more fiercely, "WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL L L L l l Seeing you laying bloodied on the ground reckless... Woohoo, I'm really scared to death."

Yi Mo's eyes darkened, and he didn't say any more comforting words. He only tightened his arms and hugged her a little bit, knowing that she had been living in fear and fear for the past few months. Seeing her safe and sound now, all the worries and fears All turned into tears.

Suzaku at the side saw that the princess was almost crying, so she winked at Hua Wu standing outside the door.Hua Wu understood, and immediately carried the young master into the room, "Your Highness, the servant has changed the young master's clothes."

Yi Mo took the child, looked at his new clothes, and gave Hua Wu a surprised look.There are no babies in the palace. Where can I get the clothes for the children, and they are still new?
Hua Wu's eyes were slightly red, and she explained with a choked voice, "Princess, yes, it was made by the maidservant herself. When she found out that you were pregnant, the maidservant made a few sets of clothes in private. She wanted to show them to you after your wedding." Yes, but..." You disappeared before I showed you.

Yi Mo nodded, looked at the 'Fu' embroidered on the clothes, and gave a rare appreciation, "Well done."

Jingyang stopped crying, and looked at the child in his daughter's arms with tears in his eyes. He was not afraid to look around with his eyes wide open, and his fair and tender face was pink, very cute, and he immediately fell in love with him, " Daughter, is he your child?"

Yi Mo smiled lightly, and hugged the child to her, "His name is Ye Yan."

Jingyang hugged the child, held the little hand, and looked at the child carefully.The child is still too young, his facial features are not open, and he can't tell who he looks like, but these deep eyes are very like a daughter, and the eyebrows are a bit like that heartbroken man!
In Jingyang's mind, the prince is not a heartless man.Her daughter disappeared and her whereabouts were unknown, but that kid was enjoying the blessings of being a beauty in the East Palace, hugging left and right very flirtatiously.I heard that a few days ago, a court lady I liked was promoted as Concubine Liang, and I will accept the house as a gift tonight...

Thinking of the crown prince's ruthlessness, Jingyang felt more and more that her daughter was suffering. Which woman would not be held in the palm of her hand to take care of her child, but what about her daughter?I don't know where the child was born.

"Mo'er, my poor child. It's really hard for you..." Jingyang touched his daughter's thin face distressedly, and the tears rolled down uncontrollably, "You have worked so hard to extend the blood of the Li family, But that wolf-hearted thing is actually... Hey, don’t say anything, lest you feel sad when you hear it. Quickly tell mother, where have you been these past few months?”

Yi Mo's eyes flickered for a moment, he knew that his mother had something to say, and he stopped talking, since she didn't want to say it, then she didn't ask.Then he told her half-truth about the disappearance, "Wen Nuo was captured by bandits... After Wen Nuo was rescued, he lived in a temple in Shengfengling because of fetal gas, and then followed I got separated when I went up to the mountain to collect herbs at dawn. Thanks to the help of the Zhang family members who live in seclusion in the mountains, I lived in Zhangjia Village for a long time. Later, because the child was born prematurely, I was afraid that he would not be able to support him, so I walked out of Zhangjia Village... I was injured on the way We were injured, the people from the rivers and lakes passing by took us to Shenbing Mountain Villa..."

After hearing this, Jingyang felt that her daughter's life was suffering, extremely miserable.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? body. Woohoo, what a crime!" Yimo's grandfather was Emperor Jingren, a well-known tyrant in the history of Chengtian.

Cough cough, when it comes to the atrocities committed by Emperor Jing Ren, it would take three days and three nights to talk about it.However, Princess Jingyang's words were a bit unreasonable.The cruel end of Emperor Jingren was that all the relatives were betrayed, and finally he was slaughtered on the dragon bed by his own son, Emperor Ganmin. No matter how many sins have been offset, how can they be repaid on your daughter? !

Why don't you say that your daughter is cruel and violent, she committed a lot of crimes, and the retribution will be on yourself in the end! ?
Cough cough, killing Jingyang will not admit that her daughter is cruel and tyrannical, "Hey, no, no, no, I want to worship the Bodhisattva and recite Buddhist scriptures, and I must protect you from evil spirits." Just do what you say, and return your grandson to your daughter , and left with Yun Shi.He didn't go back to his own house, but went straight to the Buddhist hall in the backyard.

Since her daughter disappeared, she ordered people to build a Zongfo hall in the mansion, eat fast and chant Buddha every day, in order to ask the Buddha to bless her daughter to return safely.Now that her daughter has returned safely, she went to eat fast and recite the Buddha again, in order to ask the Buddha to repay all the sins committed by her father to the descendants of the Li family, so she must not come to pester her daughter.Hmph, it would be even better if those unjust souls could turn into ghosts to find that wolf-hearted prince!

Yi Mo waved his hand and told everyone to back down, leaving Hua Wu alone in the room to serve.

Hua Wu made the bed, and Yi Mo let her down.Hua Wu didn't go out immediately, but looked at her hesitatingly, "Princess, servant, servant heard..." She wanted to tell the princess that His Royal Highness the crown prince will give Liangdi a big gift tonight, but the words came to an end. She couldn't speak again.

In the end, Hua Wu still didn't say anything.

Yi Mo was lying on the bed, while Ye Yan was already asleep, in the same domineering and restless sleeping position as his father.

(End of this chapter)

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