Chapter 403 Liang Di
The moonlight is hazy, and the night in late autumn is too deserted. A cool breeze blows in through the window, blowing the gauze curtain and flickering in the candlelight.

The sound of the child's long and steady breathing rose and fell by his ears, and Yi Mo was in a trance.What is he doing now...

It was undeniable that she missed him.

Youyou sighed softly: Did it really hurt his heart?That's why he didn't want to see her... If it was the past, he would have come by now.

Slowly closing his eyes, his consciousness gradually blurred.

In his sleep, the charming and handsome man looked at the sleeping woman affectionately, carefully holding the woman's feet on his belly to warm her, his thumb gently stroking the blood on the ankle... She was just pregnant at that time, Frequent leg cramps in the middle of the night.

As soon as the picture turned, he was lying on the bed, stretching out his hand to hold her tightly in his arms, gently rubbing his cheek against her face, in the sparkling eyes there was not only affection but also hesitation and anxiety, only listening to him carefully She asked, "Mo'er, you won't leave me, will you?"

At the gate of the palace, he was surrounded by a fierce and hostile aura, and his red eyes were like two blood rubies inlaid in the eye sockets, which were strangely red.Seeing the figure gradually going away, he screamed in despair, "Cheng Yimo, if you dare to leave the capital, I will not want you!"

I don't want you anymore!

I don't want you anymore...

Yi Mo, who was haunted by the nightmare, opened her eyes suddenly, but the words seemed to be still lingering in her ears, and every word floated into her heart with blood, which made her heart tighten, and a sense of panic rose in vain.

East Palace.

At night, the East Palace is like a giant dragon dormant in the east, and the gilded dark color is full of majesty, majesty, and domineering.Several gorgeous palace lanterns were lit on the vermilion gilded corridor. The bright lights were warm yellow, illuminating the flying palace as bright as day.A festive red embroidered curtain hangs high, and multicolored wreaths hang flying, everywhere is bright red with joy, even two red lanterns are unexpectedly hung at the entrance of the East Palace.

Two glamorous maids in pink clothes came from the other end of the veranda with lotus steps carrying vermilion trays. The gloomy faces of the two were in stark contrast to the bright red festiveness.

A graceful and graceful woman glanced dissatisfied at the 'Double Happiness' red lantern hanging high on the palace gate, and muttered in a low voice, "It's just a good concubine, how can I afford such a high standard of etiquette?" This 'Double Happiness' 'The red lantern can only be hung when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince marries a main concubine or side concubine.

Another woman also opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "These are all ordered by the Empress herself, how dare the servants in the palace say that."

"I don't know in which life that bitch got the good fortune to be able to enter the eyes of His Royal Highness... She really flew up to a branch and turned into a phoenix." There was jealousy that couldn't be concealed in the words.

Not really.Who in the palace is not jealous of Mo Ran.A lowly maidservant actually won the favor of His Highness the Crown Prince, not only took over the house but also gave her title as Liangdi.

The two walked through the veranda to a courtyard. The originally quiet courtyard was very lively at this moment.The sounds of exclamation, hurried footsteps, and flattering compliments shook the sky.

"Where's the golden hairpin? Where did the golden hairpin go? Quick! Quick! Go find the golden hairpin, the auspicious time is coming, if you can't find the golden hairpin, the auspicious time will be delayed, why don't you skin your skin..."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Boots calm down. The servants are going to look for it now." Then there was another sound of messy footsteps, and then, "Ah, I found it, I found it, here, Mr. Boots, here it is."

The two of them entered the room with their wedding clothes, and someone immediately reported, "Di Mo Liang, Mr. Boots, here are the wedding clothes."

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, Mo Ran, who was putting on makeup, heard the wedding dress coming, his eyes lit up, and his exquisite facial features became brighter and more beautiful, "Hurry up, show me the wedding dress."

Eunuch Boots smiled sweetly, put his white and tender hands on her shoulders, and signaled her to be calm, "Liangdi, wait, let our family help you insert the golden hairpin first, and then look at the wedding dress, okay?"

"Then hurry up." Mo Ran sat back again.

Mr. Boots is exquisitely crafted, and the headdress he combs is both beautiful and complicated. With a nobile, the glamorous ink dye is suddenly rich and compelling.

"Okay, Shuangyan, bring the wedding clothes to our Mo Liangdi to see."

"Yes." The two women responded, then came forward with a tray, bowed and stood in front of Mo Ran.

The begonia-colored dark red wedding dress is embroidered with rich and noble flowers. The petals are extremely delicate, and the embroidery is impeccable. The fabric used to make the wedding dress is also the finest fabric in the palace. comfortable.

Shuangyan was jealous, they would never be able to wear such good clothes in their lifetime.But Mo Ran was dissatisfied, and when he saw the dull begonia color on his joyful and excited face, he suddenly became cold.

"Why not happy red?" Mo Ran raised his hand and overturned the tray in anger, and the happy clothes fell on the floor, "Why is there no embroidered phoenix! Why is there no embroidered mandarin duck!"

Shuangyan was caught off guard by being hit by the tray on her toe, her face turned pale from the pain, but she didn't dare to make a sound, so she had to stand silently with her head down.Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Mo Ran's angry face, and sneered in his heart: He likes red?That's the color that only regular wives are qualified to wear!Xiufeng?Embroidered mandarin ducks?That is the phoenix crown and Xiapei that only princesses are qualified to wear!You are a concubine, are you worthy? !
Seeing that Mo Ran lost his temper and threw away his wedding clothes, Mr. Boots jumped in his heart, and hurriedly advised softly, "Liang Di, these are all prepared according to the palace's specifications, and everything that should be there is available. Don't be angry, come here , let’s put on the wedding clothes, it will be time in a while, if the auspicious time is delayed, it will be unlucky.” Then he roared at the maids who were stunned by, “What are you standing there for! If you miss the time, His Royal Highness will blame you, and you will not even think about surviving!"

The court ladies responded obediently, "Yes."

One of the maids picked up the wedding dress on the ground, walked up to Mo Ran, and was slapped by Mo Ran before she could speak.

"Go away! I don't want to wear this, take it away." Mo Ran kicked the maid angrily, screaming to express her dissatisfaction, "I want to wear red, I want to wear red, I don't want to wear this Things." The crown prince did not marry the main concubine and side concubine, although he had a good concubine, he died not long after entering the East Palace.She is the only hostess in the East Palace, so why not dress her in red, why not embroider phoenix embroidered mandarin ducks on her wedding dress.No, she prefers to wear hi-red, and she prefers to embroider mandarin ducks.It is said that 'only mandarin ducks are envied but not immortals', the crown prince loves her so much, he is definitely willing to become a pair of mandarin ducks that everyone envies with her.

The mandarin duck wedding dress means that the newlyweds will be as affectionate as mandarin ducks and will never be separated.She is a concubine, not even a side concubine, so she is not worthy of wearing a mandarin duck wedding dress.

Who in this room doesn't know what she's thinking?She is demonstrating to the future princess in a different way.If the crown prince and her love each other and fly together, where will the crown prince be! ?
But in the end, there is no way, if she is really cruel not to wear the wedding dress and delays the time, all the slaves and eunuchs in the room will have to bear the prince's wrath.

Thinking of this, the palace servants knelt down on the ground miserably, crying and begging: "Slaves, please ask Di Liang to change clothes. Please Di Liang take pity on the slaves and give them a way out."

Even the little boots were nervous, "Mo Liangdi, you see that the hour is coming soon, if you don't change your clothes, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"No. Mr. Boots, if you don't change your wedding clothes today, I won't be polite." Mo Ran was determined to fulfill his wish, and he refused to do so.

"Oh my god, our aunt ~ what should we do!" Eunuch Boots stomped his feet anxiously. If the auspicious time was missed, the prince would be annoyed.The prince is going to kill someone!

Seeing this, Mo Ran secretly winked at Yin Shu, the court lady who had been serving by her side.

Yingshu nodded knowingly, then took a few steps forward, walked to Eunuch Boots and whispered, "Eunuch, I heard that some time ago, the old nuns in the palace rushed to make a wedding dress for the princess. Eunuch , the prince's marriage failed, presumably that set of wedding clothes is also useless. How about..."

OK!He came up with this idea!
The other maidservants in the room had colorful expressions on their faces.This Mo Ran's heart is too big, and he has his eyes on the position of the crown princess!Don't even think about it, she is a lowly servant girl who serves others, she has no power or power, Liangdi who can become a prince is already a high incense in her ancestors, and now she is not satisfied and wants to be a prince concubine.Dream it!

Eunuch Boots lowered his face and shouted, "Nonsense!" The palace rules are strict, and what kind of equipment should be purchased for any grade.A Liangdi dared to think about the princess's wedding clothes all night, she really didn't know how to live or die.

Yin Shu did not give up, and continued, "Elder-in-law, don't be impatient, and listen to the servant girl. Di Liang has no other intentions, she just wants to make a dream come true. She wears a red wedding dress, a red head covering, and a mandarin duck. Getting started is every woman's dream, and Emperor Liang is no exception. Besides, please look at the red lanterns of "Double Happiness" hanging on the palace gate and the red colors hanging on the corridor. It should have specifications, what does this mean?" Yin Shu glanced at Eunuch Boots' face, and saw that he was neither happy nor angry, so she calmed down and said boldly, "This shows His Royal Highness's love for Mo Liangdi. His Highness the Crown Prince has agreed to marry Liangdi as a side concubine, why don't we cater to His Highness the Crown Prince's heart, so that Liangdi can marry her but wish..."

Eunuch Boots was silent, a little hesitant.The prince has lost his memory now, and he doesn't remember who Miss Biao is, that's why he loves Mo Ran so much.If the crown prince can never remember who Miss Biao is, he must readily agree to Mo Ran's request, because this will not only please Liang Di, but may also please the crown prince.But if the crown prince regains his memory in the future, with his love for Miss Biao, it's hard to guarantee that he won't settle the score with him.

Seeing his hesitation, Yin Shu added fuel to the fire, "Elder-in-law, the auspicious time is coming, if you hesitate any longer, it will be too late."

Look at the time, it is almost here.Eunuch Boots gritted his teeth and nodded in response, "Go get that phoenix suit. By the way, be careful, don't break it."


Half an hour later, Mo Ran finished dressing.She happily stood in front of the bronze mirror and looked after it.

The woman in the bronze mirror is dressed in a bright red wedding dress, with a slender waist and wide sleeves, looking as graceful as a frightened bird.The complex hairpin was inserted with gold hairpins, and four strings of tassels hung from the side, which made the face more beautiful and delicate, and the sparkling eyes were charming and enchanting, really alluring.

(End of this chapter)

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