black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 404 Something Happened!

Chapter 404 Something Happened! (1)
The prince's dormitory has always been rigorous and quiet, the deep black and the radiant bright yellow are intertwined with cruelty and majesty. On weekdays, all the servants who enter the dormitory are trembling with fear.But today's dormitory has a different charm, the bright yellow curtains are replaced by festive red ribbons, two 'Double Happiness' paper-cuts are pasted on the palace gate, and two 'Double Happiness' red lanterns are hung at the door.

Pushing open the heavy palace gate, the palace is full of bright red, and everything is a festive color.A pair of mandarin duck and phoenix candles light up the entire palace. The warm yellow candlelight smudges the brocade of mandarin ducks on the bed into a festive and warm atmosphere. ' Two words, two jade cups are placed next to the jug.A pair of mandarin ducks, a pair of phoenix candles, a pair of wine glasses...all are in pairs.

Mo Ran was wearing a red hijab, and looked down at the golden phoenix flying with its wings spread out on the sleeve robe. The light-white jade fingers were caressing carefully, dragon and phoenix, dragon and phoenix, the crown prince is a real dragon, so only she is worthy of this phoenix. Don't even try to rob her!

Her eyes were shining brightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a happy smile. She could finally get close to him in a legitimate way!

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, Mo Ran froze, and turned to panic, did the prince come in?In a flash, she relaxed her body, waiting nervously and expectantly for him to uncover her red hijab—from then on, she was his Liang Di, his woman!

Li Chenyu entered the hall, looked at the pair of phoenix candles burning in the hall, and frowned slightly.Pulling back the red curtain, he stepped into the inner hall, and when he saw the red figure sitting on the bed, he was stunned, suddenly, the same bright red flashed in the depths of his memory.It was a woman, that woman was wearing a blood-red wedding dress embroidered with a golden phoenix, she stood so far away that he couldn't see her face clearly, and he couldn't see her, but he still stretched out his hand very hard , want to catch her, want to question her, question her... question her what?He didn't know what to ask her.He wanted to get closer, to see her face clearly, but for some reason, the closer he got, the farther away she was.He ran and chased regardless of his status, but at some point a horse appeared under her, and she rode the horse and ran faster and farther.Looking at her figure that was about to disappear from far away, fear, fear, and uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart, and the panic and uneasiness surrounded him tightly like surging waves, making him feel painful even when he breathed, and he couldn't bear the pain. !
He opened his mouth to shout, to tell her not to leave, but he couldn't call her name.

Mo Ran waited for a long time but didn't see His Highness the Crown Prince coming in, and still couldn't wait for her to tentatively whisper, "Your Highness?"

But no one responded to her.

Mo Ran frowned, leaned her body, and wanted to peek at him from under the hijab, but unfortunately she could only see the pair of expensive black boots embroidered with flowing clouds. In desperation, she called again, "Your Highness?"

Still no response.Mo Ran only felt the weirdness, and didn't care about the rules. He lifted the hijab by himself, and the one who caught his eyes was His Royal Highness wearing a golden python robe, standing not far away, staring at her affectionately.

The pretty face was immediately dyed with a beautiful red glow, and she looked at the prince with charming eyes and spring infatuation.She has always known that His Highness the Crown Prince is the most handsome and noble man in the Chengtian Dynasty. Although she looks at him every day, her heart still can't help beating wildly.

Mo Ran stood up and walked to the prince with light lotus steps.In the past, His Highness liked to wear gold-plated dark black, which gave people a kind of domineering aura that shocked the world, and made people fearful and dared not get too close.Today His Highness is wearing a bright yellow python robe, with a purple jade belt around his waist, adding a bit of nobility to his domineering majesty, his figure is tall and slender, standing there, he is indescribably handsome and elegant, like a flawless jade exquisitely carved, Fengshen is handsome, noble and extraordinary!

"Your Highness!" Mo Ran was so fascinated by it that he slowly stretched his hand towards this handsome face carefully carved by God, regardless of his dignity.

Before she touched her hand, a chilling bloody air rushed over her face in an instant, making her face turn pale with fright.

With a stern face, Li Chenyu stretched out his hand to grab the neck of the woman in front of him, that awe-inspiring murderous aura soared to the sky, "Looking for death." There was a bloodthirsty chill in his indifferent eyes.

The murderous aura made Mo Ran distracted, and the big hand that was pinching her neck slowly tightened, immediately choking her breath, her cheeks flushed purple.The instinctive will to survive made her forget her fear, and desperately slapped the arm holding her neck, but the arm was like iron clamps, and she could not shake it even with all her strength. When she was desperate, she hissed, "Your Highness, this concubine is Mo Ran, this concubine is your Mo Mo."

Li Chenyu was stunned for a moment, with some hesitation in his eyes, "Mo, Mo... Mo Mo?" The name instantly made him no longer panic, and even his heart that had been empty was slowly filled, with that sense of despair and fear ignore him.

He looked at the woman in front of him, with beautiful eyebrows, fragrant cheeks and snow skin, charming and charming.The hand that was pinching her neck was slowly released, and changed to a gentle touch. The generous big hand caressed her white cheeks, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and slowly outlined her eyebrows and eyes.

Looking at it from a distance, it is so pleasing to the eye.

The man was extremely handsome, his deep and perfect silhouette was cold and domineering, but his slender figure was as handsome as a green bamboo, and his phoenix eyes were full of elegance.And the woman standing in front of him is also so charming and charming, her eyes are full of spring water and clear waves of hope, her fragrant and delicate face is more delicate than flowers, and she is dressed in a bright red embroidered phoenix dress, which is very elegant.The two of them stood together like a pair of jade couples, and it was enviable for others to see them.

On the glazed roof, ink stands against the wind.Through the paper window, he stared intently at the pair of unruly men and women in the room!
Seeing the man caressing the woman's cheek affectionately, seeing the woman staring at the man's handsome face infatuatedly, the anger in my heart burst out, and my eyes turned red instantly!She stood there stiffly, her eyes fixed on the two of them, her trembling fingers nervously curled up and then unfolded, unfolded and curled up again, the sharp dark light flickered at the fingertips.

The haze in my heart became thicker and darker, my breathing became faster and heavier, and finally, I couldn't control the explosion anymore!
The scarlet eyes carried an awe-inspiring and destructive aura, and at that moment, the ferocious murderous intent of choosing someone to eat rushed straight into the bedroom!

When Li Guang flew out, there was a sudden change.

Zhang Yuelu hurried over, took her by the arm, and shouted in panic and anxiety, "Master! Your lord is in danger..."

Yi Mo's heart trembled violently, the violent murderous aura faded instantly, and he shouted with a gloomy face, "What's going on?"

"My subordinates don't know either, it was Master Qinglong who rushed to send back the news."

Yimo was flustered and angry in his heart, he glanced at the two people in the palace who were deeply in love, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was a struggle in his eyes, but in a flash, he turned and left without hesitation, "Let's go!"

The two figures came and went in a hurry, and the two people in the hall didn't know it.

Mo Ran saw that the fierce aura that made her fear fade away, and saw His Highness the Crown Prince caressing her so affectionately, the fear in his heart dissipated immediately, and he caressed his face shyly and charmingly, and Bai Yu's cheeks were dyed with magnificent rouge, softly calling out, "Your Highness, today is our big day, let me serve you well!" Saying that, she leaned tenderly into his broad chest.

(End of this chapter)

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