black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 407 Red Leaf Villa

Chapter 407 Red Leaf Villa
In late autumn, the coolness is strong.The fiery red maple leaves all over the mountain set off one side of the sky as bright as blood.

Wangchuan, the Red Leaf Villa outside Thunder City is heavily guarded. Countless guards and guards surround the villa like an iron wall. Even an ant can't even think about crawling in through the dog hole!
In the main courtyard of the villa, bursts of desolate cries came from the house, which could be heard far away through the two courtyard walls, "Woooooo! My lord, you must hold on, you can't die, you If I die, my concubine will not be able to live. Wuwuwu, my lord, my lord...why are you so miserable!"

Zhang Yuelu picked her ears with her little finger, with an impatient expression on her face, how could this woman cry so loudly, her ears were almost deafened.

Yi Mo came in from the outside, and when he heard Mei Hong's wailing, his face immediately darkened, and he walked into the room quickly, seeing Mei Hong lying on her father's body crying with snot and tears, her face became darker and darker.

"My lord! Woohoo, if you are gone, what's the point of living as a concubine..." Mei Hong was really sad. She had been following him for more than ten years. Although she was interested in his noble status at first, but Having shared the same bed for more than ten years, it is really nothing to say to her.Besides, although the prince loves flirting, he never takes people back to the palace easily, so all these years, besides the concubine, she is the only concubine who has been there for a long time. A jealous woman, so her life is extremely comfortable.She has no children, and the prince and concubine treat her well. She hopes to live in such a carefree and comfortable life for the rest of her life, but... If the prince has something wrong, how can she have a comfortable life.

Thinking in this way, I became more and more sad, the grief came from my heart, and I cried so much that I couldn't bear the pain, "My lord——what kind of evil did you do——ooohoo, king,

"Shut up!" A sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the sound, Mei Hong's body trembled, she immediately shut her mouth and dared not make a sound.Hurriedly getting up from Cheng Xi's body, she turned her head to look at their family's ferocious bully with misty eyes and pitiful eyes.

Seeing her timid look of 'the mouse has seen the cat', Yimo rubbed between her brows irritably, walked to the soft stool beside the bed and sat down.Staring at her fascinatedly for a while, Mei Hong felt terrified, and finally waved her hand graciously, "Go down."

Mei Hong didn't care about anything else, turned around, and ran away with a whoosh.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the woman who looked like a frightened bunny funny, and gave a thumbs up to Cheng Yimo in admiration, "Master, you are the only one who can take care of this girl. Mother, you don't know, she is in this house." Li cried for three hours, crying so hard that I almost went crazy."

In order to ensure the safety of the attacker, Zhang Yuelu had to stay in the house at every step.Originally there was Xuanwu guarding him, but that kid was smarter than Zhang Yuelu, so he ran away long ago.

Yi Mo checked his father's pulse and felt the heartbeat that was not strong but steady before he felt relieved.

At this time Xuanwu came to report, "Master, the princess woke up once, but passed out from crying again..."

Cheng Yimo sighed quietly, now he has no choice but to order Lixiao to take care of her more, don't let this one wake up, and that one falls down again.

Three days ago, Cheng Yimo, Qinglong and others personally escorted Cheng Xi back to Wangchuan, but he did not enter the city, but settled down in the Red Leaf Villa outside the city.Then Suzaku led Suzaku Qisu to escort Jingyang, Yeyan and others from the capital back to Hongye Villa.This morning, as soon as Jing Jing arrived at the villa, he heard the sad news that Cheng Xi was unconscious. He was so sad that he couldn't bear to cry and passed out.

"Master, the young master is here." Zhang Yuelu was the first to spot Hua Wu who was carrying the child into the yard with sharp eyes.

Hua Wu came here with Ye Yan and Suzaku in her arms. From now on, Suzaku's mission is to personally protect Xiao Yeyan's safety.

Xiao Yeyan hadn't seen her mother for several days, when she entered the room and saw her mother's figure, she opened her small mouth and laughed excitedly, waving her small hand and reaching out to her from a distance, wanting her to hug her.

Yi Mo did not reach out his hand for a long time, looking at the child who had obviously grown up a lot, thinking of the unconscious father lying on the bed, and thinking of the youngest son who died young without a chance to meet, his heart felt cold, his deep black eyes It's all cold.

Xiao Yeyan is not yet sensible, but he instinctively felt dislike from his mother's cold eyes, he was afraid, and wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to cry, he was afraid that his mother would dislike him even more, because his mother said He can't cry.

Ye Yan persistently stretched out her tender little hand, her eyes were red, and she looked at her mother pitifully.This little picture of grievance made Hua Wu feel so distressed. This child is usually so well-behaved, so well-behaved and sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

Yi Mo is feeling annoyed now, seeing him like this, his heart seems to be stuffed with weeds, "Hold him down."

Resolutely ordered Hua Wu to take him away.

Seeing that her master's expression was not good, Hua Wu didn't dare to refute, so she could only walk out with the child in her arms.

As soon as Hua Wu turned around, Xiao Yeyan immediately turned her body and tilted her head, looking at his mother persistently.The small body twisted to the extreme, he buried his head and looked through the cracks in Hua Wu's arms, and saw his mother's figure getting farther and farther away, and the attachment and grievance in his eyes finally turned into tears, falling drop by drop.

Hua Wu bowed her head, she didn't cry when she saw him, but her eyes were fixed on the direction of her master, big drops of tears rolled down from her red eyes, and she felt very sad immediately.

Hua Wu stopped softly, "Princess, Master, I haven't seen you for a few days, you..."

Yi Mo raised his eyes, met those clear eyes that had been washed by water, saw the tears rolling down, his heart softened, and he said softly, "Come here."

Hua Wu was overjoyed, and trotted a few steps forward.He stretched out his hand to hug him to her, but the child in his arms was even more impatient, before he could get there, he was eager to get into his mother's arms, Hua Wu was made flustered by him, and when his hand slipped, he let go.If he hadn't caught him with his quick hands and eyes, something big would have happened today!
Yi Mo caught him steadily, although she knew that her son would not be in trouble with her skill, but she still couldn't stop feeling terrified, her face darkened instantly, and she was about to yell at him.It can be seen that Yeyan stretched out his hand and hugged her neck tightly, buried his cheek in her neck and kissed affectionately, and then two warm currents flowed into her clothes along the neck.

He froze for a moment, guilt suddenly surged in his heart, he softened his expression, reached out to pat his back, caressing silently to comfort him.

Suzaku winked at Hua Wu, the two went out together, and slowly closed the door, only the mother and child and the unconscious Cheng Xi were left in the room.

Yi Mo sat by the bed, holding the child in his arms, looking at his unconscious father lying on the bed, feeling a little sad.Father and king haven't seen Ye Yan yet... I don't know if there is a chance to see him.

In an instant, I was a little annoyed.What are you thinking!As long as the antidote is researched at dawn, the father will wake up, and then he will see his lovely grandson.

Xiao Yeyan looked curiously at the old grandfather who was sleeping late on the bed, then looked at his mother strangely, and finally hugged his mother tightly, smelling his attachment and familiar scent and falling asleep.

When Yi Mo came out of the house, it was already late, the dark night fell, and the lamps had already started to be lit in the villa.She took Suzaku and others back to the courtyard where she lived, and as soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Xuanwu's figure walking out of the darkness.

Xuanwu carried the sword behind his back, and said respectfully to Yimo, "Master, Baihu has brought an army to Quanshui Ridge ten miles away. The leader of the city..."

Yi Mo raised his hand to stop his words, summoned Hua Wu, handed the child to her, motioned Suzaku to follow, and then the two turned and went into the study.

in the study.

Xuanwu reported solemnly, "Master, there is news from Gong Ling that Chengqing has obtained the tiger talisman from the Fangda camp. Three days ago, in the name of catching the rebels, he took the tiger talisman to order General Cao Qingcao to lead five Wan Bingwei rushed back to Thunder City from the border town. Wei Yueyan also sent news that Cao Qing had rushed to the Wind Canyon a hundred miles away with 5 soldiers. Thousands of people marched into the city to help Chengcheng."

Hearing that it was Cao Qing who led the army, Zhang Yuelu waved his hands with a smile, and said indifferently, "Don't worry, Cao Qing is loyal to the old prince and obedient to his master, so he probably won't help the second master..."

"It's hard to say." Qinglong analyzed with a serious face, "Cao Qing is loyal to the old prince, but not to our prince. Over the years, Cao Qing has always looked down on the prince's ability. I heard that the old prince has not yet When he passed away, for the future of Wangchuan, he and several other veterans jointly wrote a letter, trying to persuade the old prince to abolish the prince who was still the son at that time, and appoint a capable person as the son so that Wangchuan could prosper. The entrustment before death, with Cao Qing's temper, I'm afraid he would support others as king long ago."

"Now that something happened to the prince, isn't it what he wants?!" Hearing what he said, Zhang Yuelu suddenly became nervous.

Xuanwu continued, "Chengqing has the city and means, and he is even more tactful than the prince. He thinks he is more in line with Cao Qing's image of a 'capable man'. Plus he has a tiger talisman in his hand. Even Cao Qing It’s hard not to help him.”

Cheng Yimo was sitting behind the book table, her white face set off by a gold-plated dark robe seemed to have a murderous air, and she could feel the coldness lingering around her from a distance.Tapping the table with his slender fingers, he said in a low tone with a venomous tone, "No matter what Cao Qing means, as long as he dares to stand in the way, he will be killed without mercy!"

Yi Mo knew a little bit about Cao Qing's personality. Cao Qing was indeed loyal to the Cheng family's direct relatives, but he was even more loyal to Wang Chuan.In other words, if Cheng Qing really has the ability to lead Wang Chuan, then he will definitely support Cheng Qing to seize the throne.After all, in the eyes of Cao Qing and others, the father and king did not have a son to inherit the throne, so the successor would naturally choose the best from the clan.

right.Not only Wang Chuan and the others, but also all the officials and common people in the court all set their sights on the Cheng family's clan, thinking that the successor must choose the best from the clan's blood.No one expected that Princess Ping'an, the daughter of Thunder King, would get involved.

Do not!
It's not that I didn't expect it, but I didn't dare to think about it!
Women are king? !
Who dares to have such a shocking thought!
(End of this chapter)

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