Chapter 408
The rays of light from the morning pierced through the mist like a thread and fell on the originally peaceful and prosperous land of Wangchuan.The golden sunlight shines brightly on the towering city gate. Zhang Yuelu, who is hiding on the top of the city gate tower, is bored admiring the splendor of the sky. In the turbulent clouds, there seems to be a cloud dragon being disturbed. The movement is slow but majestic, like the sea. ,magnificent.

Sighing lightly, he looked away and looked at the Eight Thousand Guards standing outside Thunder King's Mansion.There was another cold snort, and then he saw a luxurious carriage slowly approaching from outside the city. When he met the gaze of the driver, he immediately put away his casual expression, and looked around with a pretentious vigilance.

Gululu's carriage slowly approached the city gate, and the guarding soldiers immediately became vigilant, and the leading general raised his spear and yelled at the people who came, "Didn't you see the notice posted on the city gate, Thunder City can only exit and not enter today! No matter who you are, get out of here quickly, or don't blame the military master for not recognizing anyone with the weapon in his hand."

"What if I have to go to the city?" Xuanwu gave him a cold look, and slowly twitched the sword in his hand.

When the general saw the other party taking out the weapon, his heart froze, his angry face was full of murderous intent, he shouted, and raised his spear to kill the man, "Thief, you want to die! Let me take it down."

As soon as the figure of the general came out, he saw a fiery red soft whip on the city wall twisting like a spirit snake and shot out suddenly. With the restless and thick inner force, he saw that the general's head was swept away.

Zhang Yuelu flew down, and then accompanied by dozens of white tigers and seven constellations, flew out from the shadows, strangling the city defenders to death in an instant with thunderous and violent means.

Zhang Yuelu raised his whip and wiped the neck of the most unlucky person, and then smiled at Xuanwu in a fawning manner, "Oh, why did Master Xuanwu come only now, I asked my subordinates to wait."

Xuanwu snorted coldly, without even looking at him, then raised his whip and drove into the city.

The Winged Fire Snake put away the machete, looked at the carriage entering the city, leaned his elbow on Zhang Yuelu who hadn't had time to retract his flattering smile, and asked in puzzlement, "Why did you offend him? His face stinks as if you dug up his family's ancestral grave. "

Zhang Yuelu's smiling face froze, and she opened her mouth just as she was about to change the subject and turn the page, but she was preempted by Ah Lang's big mouth.Kui Mulang slapped down and chopped the young soldiers in front of him into mincemeat, and then said with a smile, "Digging ancestral graves? No, no, Ah Lu molested his dear little wife."

The Winged Fire Snake was shocked, "You used Master Xuanwu's sword?!" No one in the four palaces knew that the Zhanyuan sword was Master Xuanwu's dear daughter-in-law, who never left her hand when eating, sleeping and bathing, even when she went to the latrine to shit .The Winged Fire Snake was curious, "Master Xuanwu has always kept his sword in his hand, how did you touch it?"

"I..." Zhang Yuelu just opened his mouth, but was preempted by Ah Lang, "Master Xuanwu was summoned to help take care of the young master. The young master is so delicate and tender, how could he dare to bring a sword? The sword was placed in Master Suzaku's room. Who knew that this kid saw it, and then he went up and touched it twice, and kissed him twice. Unfortunately, it happened to be seen by Master Xuanwu who came back in a hurry, stain! It's like seeing my daughter-in-law being smeared in the house by a wretched pervert, and I suddenly became angry." While speaking, he did not forget to gloat, "Hehehe... I was almost cut off by Master Xuanwu with a sword. One leg. Hahaha..."

"Go to hell!" Zhang Yuelu blushed angrily, kicked the bad guy who was gloating at his misfortune, and then chased the carriage away.

Lei Ting Wang's Mansion is still as luxurious and noble as ever, with exquisitely carved pavilions, corridor floors paved with glazed jade, and the majestic and noble unicorn looming in the clouds of purple clouds.Chengqian looked around the resplendent and resplendent hall greedily, his eyes finally fell on the unicorn chair at the top of the main hall, the greed in his eyes became more and more greedy, his eyes flashed, and he rushed forward eagerly to sit on it regardless of his old face.

Suddenly, a sinister snort came from outside the hall, "Third brother, not everyone can take that seat."

After the sound fell, a gray-clothed man in his early fifties stepped into the main hall, his sharp gaze was directed at Chengqian standing on the jade steps.The person who came was the second master of the Cheng family, Cheng Qing.

Looking at him, Cheng Yihu shrank his eyes, then bowed to him politely, "Yihu has seen Second Grandpa."

Cheng Qing glanced at him, let out another cold snort, walked past him with a flick of his sleeves, and walked towards Chengqian, "Third Brother, the old ancestor's rules have always been for those who are capable. With your stupid qualifications, I'm afraid you can't do this." Lord of the Forgotten River!"

The words were merciless, and Chengqian was so angry that his eyes turned red immediately. Regardless of the outsiders in the palace, he pointed at him and cursed: "You shameless old bastard! You still have the face to grab the throne? Don't think I don't Knowing the good deeds you did back then, if it weren't for you, the boss would have died so quickly!"

The boss in his mouth refers to Cheng Xi's father, former Thunder King, Cheng Su.

Hearing him mention the events of the past, Cheng Qing's expression immediately changed, and he glanced at the people in the hall from the corner of his eye, and saw that everyone was no different, he breathed a sigh of relief, this look obviously a little guilty.But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter what happened back then, even if it was exposed, he wouldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death, let's see who dares to convict him, besides, in the eldest brother's line, when the boy Chengxi died, only one loser remained, Hmph, do you still expect that money-loser to come forward to collect debts for the boss!Thinking about it this way, Cheng Qing became even more unscrupulous, and shouted sharply: "Third brother, don't talk nonsense without evidence!"

Cheng Lao San seemed to have grasped the enemy's handle, and hummed triumphantly: "Second brother, you thought you did it perfectly and no one knew about it, but in reality, not only I knew, but even the boss knew about it." The boss concealed this matter and didn't bother you, it was because of brotherhood. Hmph, if you still have a little brotherhood, you should obediently take your three thousand lackeys out of here today!"

Cheng Qing's face was ashen, and he refused to admit it, "I don't understand what you are talking about. I only know that those who are able will live. Third, if you are sensible, take your grandson back, or don't blame me for being cruel and not leaving you a descendant! "

As soon as the words fell, soldiers and guards in silver armor rushed into the hall and surrounded Chengqian and others.Just waiting for Cheng Qing to open his mouth, let their blood splatter on the spot.

Looking at the sharp sword, Chengqian panicked, his calf softened, and he almost rolled down the jade steps.After shaking for a few times, he finally fell down beside the unicorn chair in embarrassment.

Cheng Yihu was not afraid, he looked at the sternness in the hall as nothing, smiled lightly, met Cheng Cheng's ruthless gaze, and said casually, "Second Grandpa, since the capable ones live here, we have to fight for right and wrong, otherwise How can you tell the difference between high and low." Following his clear voice, Zhu Hua rushed in with a large number of soldiers. These people had a fierce look on their faces, their stern eyes were like saws, and the weapons in their hands were even more piercingly cold. , I think they are all good players in the army with one against ten.

Cheng Yihu walked up the jade steps, but the people brought by Cheng Qing refused to let him go, and stopped him!Seeing this, Zhu Hua who was following Cheng Yihu squinted his eyes, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, he drew his knife and slashed down, blood spattered everywhere.

Scarlet and viscous blood flowed down the white jade, and the strong bloody smell spread in the hall and was inhaled into the nasal cavity, making people sick.

"You," Cheng Qing was furious, "You are so courageous!" Being threatened by a junior, Cheng Qing was ashamed and angry, but he was afraid of Zhu Hua who was beside him, so he didn't dare to strike easily.

"Yihu is not as courageous as the second grandpa." Cheng Yihu walked up the jade steps, helped up his grandfather who had fallen on the ground, and obediently straightened his robes, the smile on his face became more gentle and friendly, " Second Grandpa dared to kill even the old prince, but Yihu just killed a slave who didn't like it."

"Cheng Yihu, I didn't expect you to have some tricks." Cheng Qing's anger came and went quickly, he glanced at Zhu Hua with deep meaning, looked at Cheng Yihu with a bit of appreciation and smiled proudly He said, "That's right, if my bloodline is full of weak and incompetent people like that, they won't be able to win half of Wangchuan!"

Cheng Yihu was neither arrogant nor discouraged, his smiling face looked extremely obedient, and he bowed and bowed in a thoughtful manner, "Then Yihu is here to thank Second Grandpa for his compliment."

Then he said again, "Second Grandpa said earlier that those who can live in it. Since Second Grandpa agrees that he can be a swan, then Yihu will do his part..."

"Boy, don't think that you are invincible if you have some skills. If you want to grab food from the old man, wait until the hair grows!" Cheng Qing sternly shouted.Even if it is weak, it will not give up.

Chengqing only brought [-] soldiers and horses, while Chengqian brought [-] private soldiers. In addition, Cheng Yihu recruited Zhu Hua, the general of the garrison camp, and Zhu Hua held [-] city guards in his hands.On the bright side, it does appear to be weak.

Seeing that his grandson had controlled Chengqing, Chengqian's panic faded away, he raised his head, and said proudly, "Second brother, don't you claim that Zhuge is reborn? Oh, you are very smart. But it is useless to lose to me after all." Grandson, hahaha... second child, don't say I'm a ruthless younger brother, I'll give you a chance. If you get out of the master's hall now, I'll let you go, and leave you a dog to spend your old age in peace! If you don't ..." His expression became serious, and a sternness floated on his cheeks, "Blood splashed on the spot!"

Cheng Qing sneered, "It's not certain who will live and who will die."

"Stubbornly obsessed." Cheng Qian cast his eyes down, waved his hand lightly, and the soldiers around him unleashed their weapons one after another, and went to kill Cheng Qing.

Chengqing pursed his lips, with a calm expression, and took a step back. The guards behind him stepped forward to protect him, and fought with Zhu Hua and others into a group.

Although the resplendent main hall is majestic and majestic, it becomes crowded instantly with thousands of people pouring in at a time.The sonorous killing of spears and spears permeated the entire hall, and spread far away accompanied by thick blood.

After all, Cheng Yihu has more eyes than Chengqian. Seeing Cheng Qing standing in the encirclement with a cold face, and not seeing those people protecting him from fleeing, and then watching the fighting style of those people, he only defends but does not attack, and he does not exert all his strength. , like delaying time.Cheng Yihu's heart sank. Could it be that he still has reinforcements... As if to confirm his thoughts, he saw a general rushing in from outside the palace with panic eyes, "It's not good! Master Yihu, the guard of the border city Cao Qing led 5 people surrounded us!"

(End of this chapter)

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