Chapter 409 Bloodbath (1)
"What!?" Chengqian was shocked, "Cao Qing is stationed at the border, without a tiger talisman transfer order, how dare he transfer away without permission! Are you sure you read it right?"

The soldiers who came to report had their legs trembling, dumbfounded, "No, I read it right, indeed, it is indeed General Cao."

Cheng Yihu finally suppressed his smiling face, and looked at Cheng Qing with frowned eyebrows.

Seeing him, Cheng Qing laughed arrogantly, "The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall! Li Zi also wants to be king, how ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

There is no doubt that Cao Qingding was ordered by him to lead troops into the city.

Cheng Yihu's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, his hands behind his back were clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.Although he has Zhu Hua's 5 troops, he is not as powerful as Cao Qing's [-] troops.Most of Cao Qing's subordinates have experienced the bloodbath of the battlefield, and they are full of hostility and sharpness. They are not as tough as the city guards of the garrison camp!
When the two sides face each other, it must be a complete abuse!

"Second grandfather is right, the boy is young and impulsive. If there is any offence, I hope that the second grandfather will look at the face of the ancestors, and it will be tolerant." Cheng Yihu is the best at judging the situation, and he can bend and stretch.Seeing that the situation was wrong, he immediately turned to surrender.

The matter has come to this point, there is no other way, but to surrender first, and then slowly figure it out.

"Hu'er, you, this..." Chengqian is really unwilling to do so, and he has reached such a point, as long as he takes one more step forward, just one step, he will be able to aspire to the throne of Wangchuan and enjoy the fortune.

But so what if you are not reconciled, if you don't accept it, you may end up decapitated.Chengqian snorted coldly and came down from the jade steps.Seeing this, Cheng Yihu waved Zhu Hua and the others back.

Chengqing laughed twice, "haha", with the arrogance of looking down on the world, he walked slowly up the jade steps surrounded by the soldiers around him, and walked towards the highest position of the Qilin Throne.

The Kylin Throne, the king of Wangchuan; in charge of life and death, holds great power.It can be said to dominate one side!
Cheng Qing couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, stared at the Qilin Throne with bright eyes, and stretched out his hand to slowly caress the Pihuo Qilin carved on the throne.The unicorn stands proudly in the clouds, with a majestic and majestic figure, just like a king looking down at the common people under the clouds who surrender at its feet.

The throne he had dreamed about for many years was finally in sight. At this moment, Cheng Qing was so excited that tears filled his eyes.He naturally knew that the matter back then was found out by the boss, and he thought that he would be exterminated by the method of the elder brother, but he did not expect that the elder brother actually concealed the matter and did not pursue it.Although the Cheng family is also hereditary for the throne, the brothers in the clan have tried their best to fight for the throne, but they are not as fierce as the royal family, and they still care about family affection.The bosom's bosom made him ashamed and at the same time felt guilty, so during these years in power, he has been honest and responsible, not doing what he thinks.But now that something has happened, and there is no blood inheritance, the throne is destined to fall into a collateral line, so when will he not act now!
God really treated him well.Cheng Qing withdrew his hand and smiled with satisfaction. He thought that he would never be on the throne in this life, but he never expected to be given such a chance!
"Hahaha..." Insolent laughter lingered above the main hall.Seeing his excited and triumphant look, he was so angry that he hummed again.

The laughter stopped abruptly.Cheng Qing looked coldly at Chengqian, his grandparents, and his grandson, with a serious expression on his face, and waved his hands and ordered, "Come here! Take down Zhu Hua's gang of rebels, put them in prison, and behead them after autumn!"

"You," Chengqian said with angry eyes, but was stopped by Cheng Yihu.

Cheng Yihu shook his head at him with an ugly face, and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, if Zhu Hua and others don't die, we die."

Although Chengqian is reckless, he is not a stupid person. When Jing Cheng Yihu mentioned this point, he immediately understood.Since ancient times, the battle for the throne can only be quelled by blood. If Cheng Qing does not deal with them, it will be difficult to quell public anger.If you want the best of both worlds, you have to launch Zhu Hua and others.Killing the traitor Zhu Hua and others can not only establish power, but also calm anger, and can also save the lives of his grandparents and grandchildren. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone!
The cooperation between Zhu Huaneng and Cheng Yihu must be somewhat ambitious, and they are naturally unwilling to be a scapegoat.With a sharp look in his eyes, at worst, he will be killed!
"Brothers, kill me!" Zhu Hua was full of hostility, his eyes were like icy blades, and he wished to cut Cheng into pieces, "If I die, I will pull some backs!"

"Yes, General!" All the generals were desperate, and they sacrificed their weapons and rushed into the enemy's formation with Zhu Hua, showing the ferocity of their death together.

The mournful horn sounded, and the 5 soldiers and horses who were facing the outside also shot at the same time, fighting to the end with the [-] troops brought by Cao Qing.

At this moment, outside Thunder City suddenly raised dust like smoke, and horseshoes like thunder!

Accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder, one hundred thousand cavalry arrived in an instant sweeping the smoke and sand!

Guns are like dragons, people are like tigers.The cold and sharp eyes are like saws, and the horse is majestic and mighty.One hundred thousand iron cavalry were full of condensed energy, facing the abyss like a mountain, and they came in an instant with awe-inspiring momentum, and then the terrifying iron-blooded murderous aura hit their faces!
The faces of the tens of thousands of soldiers who were facing the battle changed drastically.Standing at the top of the city, Cao Qing stared in horror at the endless army of thousands of horses below the city. The bloody aura made his head dizzy and his face pale. swing down!
In an instant, Thunder City was like a purgatory on earth, filled with bones and blood flowing like rivers!
When iron cavalry enters the city, it is like a tiger coming out of a cage, with a bloodthirsty fierceness. No matter who it is, it kills people and cuts horses. He turned around and slashed at the other person again, with a slash, the brains burst out, and the white ones were stained with scarlet, and fell into the eyes, which aroused the bloodthirsty murderous desire in his bones.

Seeing this, the living soldiers were horrified, as if seeing an evil spirit, shock, fear, fear...all emotions came to their hearts.Looking at those people again, their faces are cold and ruthless, their eyes are red and bloodthirsty, like hell's dark soldiers, who specialize in harvesting souls.The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and suddenly he seemed to see a black hole rolling with lifeless energy behind them, which was the entrance to the underworld.

"Ah—ghost!" Someone yelled, pushing the fear in everyone's hearts to the highest point.Subconsciously dropped the weapon and fled around.

"Kill, don't leave a single one behind!" Bai Hu squinted slightly, looking at the soldiers who defected, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, his thin lips parted slightly, and he gave the order to kill without hesitation.Soldiers who fled, whether they were the enemy or their own, had no need to live.

Cao Qing on the city gate also saw Baihu's face clearly at this time, his eyes widened in shock.He knew very well who Baihu belonged to.

When the sharp gaze came, Cao Qing's body trembled, and when he met Bai Hu's gaze, there was a chilling murderous intent in his eyes.

A soldier covered in blood suddenly broke into the main hall, yelling in horror, "It's not good! The evil soldiers are here! The evil soldiers are here..."

The trembling sound of panic was very abrupt in the hall, and both sides of the fight subconsciously stopped.Cheng tilted his eyebrows and looked at the soldier, and asked, "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of dark soldiers?"

(End of this chapter)

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