black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 414 Thick Despair!

Chapter 414 Thick Despair!

The cold and hard tone hovered over the hall, shaking all the officials.

After a while of silence, Chengqing spoke first, with a cold face, "Niece grandson, this is against the rules."

The officials who supported Cheng Qing immediately echoed, "Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness, this is not in compliance with the regulations. Whether Mr. Qian is guilty or not needs to be investigated and confirmed by the officials before being interrogated, and then convicted according to the laws and regulations, and finally implemented." .You...don't conform to the rules."

Qian Qiangyu seemed to have found an organization, and knelt down in front of Chengqing, crying with snot and tears, "Second Master, I was wronged by this official, I was wronged by this official——Since I became an official, I have always been fair and honest Stern and selfless, this is who kills a thousand swords to make life difficult for the lower official, and wants to frame the lower official like this. Please also ask the second master to uphold justice for the lower official and return the lower official's innocence!"

oh!Zhang Yuelu suddenly remembered that this Qian Qiangyu was the first person to say that he supported Cheng.It turns out that he belongs to the Second Master's school!Got it, the master is going to talk about him!
Zhang Yuelu didn't need his master's instructions, he exchanged a glance with Xuanwu, stepped forward and grabbed Qian Qiangyu from left to right, Baihu would also order people to carry the huge guillotine into the hall willingly.

Chengqing was furious, and jumped up against the table: "You have the guts, let him go!"

As he shouted angrily, Cheng's personal soldiers and generals immediately drew their swords at each other.

Cheng Yi lowered his eyes with ink, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.The white tiger's hostility surged instantly, and he shot suddenly, the sharp blade was stretched out from his fingertips, and a violent light flashed in the air, the white light passed around his neck, and the two generals who stepped forward were instantly killed.

In a blink of an eye, the two corpses were lying at the feet, half of them fell out of shock, and they fell back into the chair with a shocked face: why did they forget that this group of people are murderous monsters without blinking an eye.

After being warned by Bai Hu, no one dared to stand up for Qian Qiangyu.

Regardless of Qian Qiang's remaining howls, Zhang Yuelu and Xuanwu pushed the man under the guillotine.The division of labor between the two was very clear. Xuanwu subdued the man and pressed his head on the groove. Zhang Yuelu raised the guillotine with both heads. The sharp blade reflected the autumn sun. The bowl-sized wound was dripping with fresh blood, and the blood mist soaring into the sky shot everywhere, and the blood rained down one after another, and the rain fell all over the face. The civil servants and generals present were also stained with a lot of blood. Seeing this terrifying scene, the adult closed his eyes again, rolled them up, and fell down!

"Get out." Zhang Yuelu's hands and feet were extremely fast, and he cleaned up the hall in a few breaths without leaving even a trace of blood. He also very considerately ordered someone to distribute a hot towel to the adults, "Come on, my lords Ladies and gentlemen, wipe off the blood on your face. Oops, it’s all because of the badness of the little one, and the lack of craftsmanship. Hehe, it’s the first time I’m not familiar with using a guillotine to chop someone’s head. , Sorry. Hey, the first time, some mistakes are unavoidable, next time I promise I won’t be so reckless..."

Also next time! ?

Baiguan's face was pale, and he took the handkerchief tremblingly, wiping the blood on his face tremblingly.

Cheng Yimo took the expressions of the people in the hall into his eyes, picked up the teacup at hand, lifted the porcelain lid, gently scraped the rim of the cup, blew on the tea leaves floating in the cup, and said softly, "My lords, may I We have discussed who will be the Lord of the Forgotten River."

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, the fear that had not faded in their eyes, after the scene just now, who dared to speak nonsense? !
Everyone couldn't figure out what the princess was thinking, and they didn't dare to speak casually.An official with a fairly flexible mind bowed and saluted, and asked respectfully, "I don't know what the princess thinks?" He originally wanted to ask whether she supported the second master of the Cheng family or the young master Cheng, but after thinking about it, if The princess has another candidate, so he asked the wrong question, so he weighed it over and over again, thinking that this question is the most suitable.

All the officials looked at her together.If before entering the palace, there were still people who despised her as a woman meddling in the court affairs, then now they are completely surrendering.

Who dares to refuse to accept the suppression by force!
Even if you are dissatisfied in your heart, you still have to act respectfully and obediently on the surface.

Someone echoed, "I'm so stupid that I really can't pick anyone out. I wonder if Her Highness the Princess can choose?"

Before Yi Mo could speak, Zhang Yuelu spoke first, "My lords, the hereditary throne is usually of the direct line. It stands to reason that the prince is no longer, so his blood should inherit the throne, right?"

"Yes, that's the reason." The old man with the goat's green beard was so nervous that his tongue was tied up, "But, but Lord Thunder's lineage is weak, and there is only one person, the princess. Really, really can't find a son to inherit the throne. .”

Zhang Yuelu clapped his hands, and said innocently, "Oh, isn't this princess also a descendant, that is, the descendant of Lord Thunder, so she should be qualified to inherit the throne."

The outspoken general immediately yelled, "How can this be done! The princess is a girl, how can a girl be a king!"

Slowly suppressing the smile on his face, his sharp eyes shot at the general like steel nails, and he snorted coldly, "Is there a rule in the family law of the ancestors that women cannot be kings?!"

As soon as this remark came out, if they didn't understand it, they would be big fools.


The people in the palace suddenly realized that it was no wonder that they had killed so many people because they came here for the throne.

For a while, no one spoke, and the huge main hall was so silent that everyone's breathing could be heard one after another.Among them, the general whom Zhang Yuelu looked down on breathed the most.This woman is actually going to take the throne!Thinking of a woman climbing up on his head and gesticulating in the future, the suppressed anger in his heart rose instantly, and finally broke out uncontrollably in the low and silent atmosphere. She was supposed to be embroidering flowers at home and waiting to be married, but now she not only shamelessly shows her face in public, but also dares to seize the throne and take power!"

This military commander is notoriously vulgar and illiterate, but now miraculously he speaks such profound idioms as 'shameless' and 'rooster morning' in desperation.If it was in normal times, the civil servants would definitely applaud him as a sign of encouragement, but now... Well, it's better to play it safe and act as if you didn't hear him.

The more the general scolded, the more vigorous he became, and in the end he had a heroic spirit to bring the lost girl back to the right path, "Look at the girl from the Chengtian Dynasty, who is like you? Look at our Wangchuan Aristocratic girl, so gentle, well-behaved and submissive, the young man who came to propose marriage almost broke the threshold. You can compare yourself, let alone propose marriage, even male animals will detour when they see you... "

Zhang Yuelu held back his laughter, and really wanted to give him a thumbs up: You are so old!

"...Although your father is dead, we courtiers can't just watch you go astray. Don't worry about the things here, we don't hear what you said just now, go back and learn more from the nunnery "Three obediences and four virtues" and "female rules" and so on, and then learn to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Although it started later than others, the emperor pays off. Live your life honestly..."

Amidst his yelling, Yi Mo's eyes gradually turned cold, murderous intent emerged in his eyes, and he threw the teacup on the table with a 'bang', "Come on! Take it down, chop!"

After a pause, Duan Qinshou glared at Cheng Yimo, "How dare you!"

Seeing Zhang Yuelu and Xuanwu rushing forward, Duan Qinshou finally realized that the girl was not joking, and in a rage, he drew out the saber from his waist, "This general has made great achievements for Wang Chuan, how can you be a girl?" I will kill you if you say so. Today, even if I am going to die, I will kill you, a witch, by the sword, so that I can return Wangchuan to peace!"

As the voice fell, manic internal energy surged around Duan Qinshou's body, and a fierce wind blew up and hurt everyone's cheeks. The frail civil servant was terrified, and hurriedly stepped aside, fearing that he would kill innocent people by mistake.And Cheng Yihu also made people protect Chengqian and pushed him to a safe place aside, which meant to wait and see what happened.Seeing this scene, Cheng Qing is the happiest.Although Duan personally taught this person to be reckless and irritable, he has good sword skills and strong internal strength. He is one of the best masters in Wangchuan, and is well-known as a top master even in Jianghu.

Hmph, if you angered this tiger, let's see how you end up with Cheng Yimo!

Cheng Qing was not the only one who gloated, and many of the officials also had the mentality of using Duan's personal instruction to kill the princess who wanted to win the throne.Hmph, what a joke, let a woman climb on top of a group of men and tell them how to face the world!This woman!Just stay at home and take care of your husband, discipline your children, be filial to your in-laws, what's the point of being so ambitious!Don't think that you can control the world with a little bit of cleverness. You must know that managing a fief requires not only courage and means, but also profound knowledge and the ability to recognize and employ people.I don't even think about it, where did the woman who was raised in a deep boudoir come from such experience and courage.Even if you are really a little clever, it is only suitable to deal with your husband's backyard house, that's where women can show their strengths!

"Demon girl, take your life!" Duan Qinshou made a grim face, and raised his knife to slash at Cheng Yimo with a murderous intent.With this knife, the strong internal force was rolled up in anger, and the majestic aura like the surging waves was sandwiched between them, smashing the sparkling light of the autumn day, and slashing towards Cheng Yimo's face.

Yi Mo's eyes froze, and the aura around him rose instantly, and his cold snort was filled with anger and murderous aura.Facing the sudden aura of majesty, he calmly dealt with it, raised his hand, and the sleeve robe flew, and something shot out from the embroidered robe——

Duan Qinshou saw a sharp light flickering in the air, like a streamer, and also drew a white line in the air, which instantly reached his eyes.Suddenly, there was a colic of flesh and bones on his forehead, followed by blood red in front of his eyes.

Before Duan Qinshou's death, the only emotion: so fast!

On the forehead of Duan Qinshou, ink was embedded in the lid of a teacup.

Duan kissed his breath to the end, white brains mixed with blood red flowed from the edge of the tea cover——

Duan Qinshou vs the brutal goods, one move, complete victory!

Looking at Princess Pingan who killed Wangchuan's number one master without even moving his butt, Wangchuan's civil and military officials were in despair!
Are you going to submit to her despotic power from now on?Whoooo!
(End of this chapter)

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