Chapter 415
In the time of a cup of tea, after the death of a civil servant, the blood had not yet solidified, and he killed a general again.

In addition to the dead bodies in a long street outside, the officials who were still ready to move instantly became honest.

But Chengqing was not reconciled, and took the lead to break the silence after the silence, and asked righteously, "Yimo, General Duan has made great achievements in the army, and he is loyal to Wang Chuan and the lord. You don't care about indiscriminate To put him to death would not chill the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers in Wangchuan." The implication was to accuse Cheng Yimo of being aggressive and wanted to execute Duan Qinsuo, who had no other way to risk his life.

Chengqing's words have the meaning of cholera.The generals also lived up to his expectations, and were indeed disturbed.

That's right, even a loyal person like General Duan would kill as soon as he said he wanted to, so wouldn't these soldiers who have no military achievements be decapitated even more! ?

The silent generals became restless, "Yes, General Duan has made a lot of contributions to our Wangchuan, just say that the battle with the Shu Kingdom a few years ago, if General Duan hadn't been brave enough to sneak into the enemy's camp and burn the enemy's food and grass, we would have waited for you." There is no life to stand in this hall..."

"That's right, General Duan was shot through the lute bone with an arrow by the enemy leader..."

"There was also the battle in Tiger Canyon. General Duan broke into the enemy's camp alone. He was hit by three knives and six swords. He lay on the hospital bed for two full months before recovering his life..."

When the military commander made a fuss, the civil servants also followed suit, and some people complained about Qian Qiangyu, "Although Mr. Qian is guilty, he can only be convicted after an interrogation..."

Hearing everyone's whispers, Cheng Yihu lowered his eyes, and his mind was very active.Even if Cheng Yimo hadn't stepped in, he would have been defeated by Cheng Qing.It's not that he is timid, but that he has self-knowledge.Chengqing got the Tiger Talisman, and he was able to order Cao Qing and other border generals.Even if he wins over Zhu Hua, with the [-] City Patrol Guards in the Garrison Battalion in his hand, he is still no match for the [-] generals guarding the border.

And he heard that Thunder King held an elite iron cavalry, now that Thunder King is dead, then his iron cavalry should have fallen into Cheng Yimo's hands.Otherwise, Yicheng Yimo, as a woman, would not be able to fight for the throne without a strong backing.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yihu decided to support Cheng Yimo.One thing: Cheng Yimo has a hundred thousand cavalry in his hands, and with the addition of these highly skilled men around her, no one in Wang Chuan can be his opponent.Second: Women are in charge of politics, and officials are always dissatisfied.If he mediates, not only can he gain her trust, but he can also buy the hearts of the officials.Furthermore, as a woman, she must be ignorant and helpless in dealing with political affairs. At that time, she will definitely rely on him, and at that moment, in the name of his assistant, and careful planning, he will definitely be able to "take the emperor to order the princes"!
After making up his mind, Cheng Yihu took the lead to break the siege and said, "Qian Qiang and other officials and businessmen colluded with each other to seek wealth and murder, bully men and women and do all kinds of crimes. His Royal Highness sentenced him to the punishment of guillotine, which is kind and merciful. And why did Her Highness award Duan Qin? Given death, from the general opinion, it must be General Duan who violated military discipline and regulations."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Cheng Yimo and saluted, "Your Highness, I wonder if what Yihu said is right?"

Cheng Yimo glanced at him, the light in his eyes meant nothing.

Facing that deep and cold gaze, Cheng Yihu was suddenly startled, his eyes were so sharp that he seemed to be able to see through his thoughts.He lowered his eyes uncomfortably, avoiding her scrutiny.

Yi Mo sneered, then turned his eyes to scan the crowd, and snorted softly: "I am decisive in dealing with things in Yi Mo, and there are clear rewards and punishments. Those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and those who have done wrong will be punished. Those who are too big will be killed! In July of the 16th year of Qianmin, In the Battle of Tiger Canyon outside Yumen Pass, Duan Qinshou was drunk and made a mistake, causing Yumen City to be captured by the enemy, and because of the enemy's ferocious attack, Fan Yicheng and Humocheng were captured by the enemy one after another. In this battle, our army lost Three cities, [-] soldiers lost, and countless civilians were killed and injured in the city... On the second day, Duan personally sobered up, knowing that if this matter was exposed, it would be a heinous crime, so he lied that he wanted to break into the enemy's camp alone and was discovered by the enemy, and then With my own hands, three knives and six swords fell on my body..."

"Do you think this person should not be punished?" The stern voice contained strong murderous intent.Sharp eyes swept across the faces of the ministers one by one.The officials who were scanned looked away guiltily.Those generals who had shouted ferociously lowered their heads in shame.

Although there is no evidence for this matter, they all know that Duan Qinshou is addicted to alcohol, and he has delayed the military situation several times because of alcohol.Therefore, this matter is true in all likelihood!

This is a serious crime of copying and beheading the whole family, and now only one person is bestowed to die, Duan Qinshou, and it is considered to be kind and merciful by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"His Royal Highness is fair and honest, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined. I will be convinced!" Gong Ling, who had been silent since stepping into the main hall, suddenly praised loudly at this moment.Qin Que was also smart, and knelt down to agree, "I'll be convinced!"

Seeing the two chief envoys kneeling respectfully to express their submission, the other officials looked at each other in blank dismay: Is this the rhythm of expressing support for a woman as king!
The other officials were a little hesitant, but they couldn't change it after kneeling.Women are kings, does Wangchuan still have a future?

"His Royal Highness is both wise and brave, and her martial arts are unparalleled in the world, and she will be convinced!" After Ji Gong led Qin Que, Cao Qing knelt on one knee to express his support.

When Cao Qing knelt down, countless pairs of eyes were startled.Chengqing glared at each other even more, "Cao Qing, you..." you dare to defect!

"Her Royal Highness is majestic, brave and mighty, and the ministers are convinced."

"I am convinced..."

All civil and military officials kneeled down the hall full of eloquence.Even big figures such as Gong Ling Cao Qing knelt down. If these small people hesitated, they might be killed.Therefore, in order to save this humble life, it is better to quickly submit to her pomegranate skirt.

The hard-pressed civil servants were submissive on the surface, but their hearts were bleeding: woo woo!The little girl is the king, she has never heard or seen anything, and the century-old foundation of her ancestors may be buried in her hands.

Woo hoo!The grown-ups who are full of insiders feel that the future is bleak!

With a pale face, Gong Ling opened his mouth again, "The ministers request Her Highness the Princess to take over the post of Wang Chuan's Thunder King. I believe that under the management of the Princess, Wang Chuan will be well-known all over the world."

"His Royal Highness, please take over the position of Thunder King." All the officials asked in unison.

"Okay. Since all the adults are begging so much, if Yi Mo shirks again, he will not know what is good." Kekeke, in this life, Cheng Yimo has only been 'modest' once.But no matter how 'modest' she is, it's not hard to hear the excitement and pride in her tone.

At this moment, even the generals began to burst into tears, woo woo, hypocritical woman.

Zhang Yuelu was the best at observing words and expressions, and he had put the king's seal in his hand early on, seeing all the officials 'begging', seeing the master's 'embarrassed' nodding, he immediately offered the king's seal with both hands!

(End of this chapter)

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