Chapter 417
After reading the excerpts, an old antique civil servant was so angry that his white beard flew around, and he shouted: "Absurd! Absurd! Really absurd--women are kings, what a joke! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Really ridiculous--"

Su Mu looked at the old man worriedly, fearing that he might be agitated for a while and be unable to catch his breath, so he would just burp.Secretly ordered the palace people to pass on the imperial physician.

"Lord Su is right. Your Majesty, how can a woman inherit the throne?! This is simply a big joke." Someone echoed.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just too ridiculous..." The objections were overshadowed, and after they were all unbelievable, they felt extremely absurd.

The rules passed down from generation to generation: the man is in charge of the outside, and the woman is in peace; the man is the breadwinner, and the woman is in charge of the house.

Now someone who wants to break this rule is really a monster, and this kind of outlier should be punished.

Hearing His Highness' voices of disapproval one after another, Emperor Ganmin smiled lightly and remained silent. His dark eyes were suddenly as sharp as blades and then as gentle as jade. No one could guess what was going on in his heart.

After Yu Qingfeng read the excerpt, he was shocked, and dumbly passed the excerpt to the next adult to watch.It wasn't until Master Leng scolded him, "The rooster sits in the morning" that he was relieved, and looked at Taishi Yan, who was standing calmly with his eyes down, in shock and admiration.At the beginning, the grand master's admonition of 'I'm afraid Wangchuan will fall into the hands of that girl' still lingered in my ears.At that time, he didn't believe it at all. After all, the idea of ​​this woman becoming king was too shocking, and he didn't dare to think about it.Unexpectedly, today...

Shaking his head with a wry smile, who would have thought that woman would be so bold!

"Your Majesty, the imperial decree must never be issued. As a mere woman, how can Princess Ping An become a king! Please ask the Emperor to choose another candidate to preserve Wangchuan's hundreds of years of foundation." Su Chen said excitedly.

With bright eyes flashing, Emperor Ganmin looked at Yan Wenshu who closed his eyes and said nothing, "Grand Master, do you have something to say?"

Yan Wenshu slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at the very excited Lord Su Chen, his eyes were low and calm, "I want to report to the emperor, all the adults are right. Since the founding of Chengtian Dynasty, there has never been a woman who has done it for her." King. However," the tone paused, "but the thrones of the three fiefdoms of Wangchuan, Yunze, and Fenghao have always been hereditary, and who should pass the throne to should not be passed on to whom. The officials discuss and decide, and the imperial court generally has no right to interfere."

As soon as this remark came out, the civil and military officials immediately stopped their flags and drums.Shrunken mouth, no, their constant disagreement will not affect the overall situation at all.

"Really?" Emperor Ganmin was a little unhappy when he heard what he said later.He is the lord of the Celestial Dynasty, from the north to the glacier, from the south to the Changhe, from the west to the Kingdom of Shu, and from the south to the Northern Qiang, all under his jurisdiction, but he can't even control the inheritance of a fiefdom, so angry!Hmph, one day he will take back these three fiefdoms, let those three kings with different surnames go to hell.

Zhao Xia and Zhao Taibao stared in amazement, "Ah, the younger generation is awesome. Did I just say that girl is amazing? Seeing that the dog officials in Wangchuan are overwhelmed, she doesn't even dare to breathe loudly, dirty, not bad, not bad." Twirling his beard , sighed with satisfaction, "Back when Tong Sihe Lingchi was that daring maid, the old man noticed that that girl was not only resourceful, but also ruthless, judging from her ability to subdue Wang Chuan's officials, she was also quite wise. Much better than his rogue dad."

When he said this, Master Su Chen was not happy, and blushed and roared, "Zhao Taibao, you are getting crazier the older you get! No matter how clever and wise she is, she is still a daughter, how can she be a king?" !"

"Why can't it! Old man Su, can you stop being so pedantic? What do you look at for a king? What you look at is ability. Ben Taibao believes that no matter whether he (she) is a man or a woman, as long as he (she) can manage a fief well, that is A good prince praised by everyone." Zhao Xia expressed his opinion with a snort.

Su Chen was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and pointed at Zhao Xia's dead wood with fingers trembling like sifting chaff, "You, you, you are making unreasonable words!"

Zhao Taibao raised his head high, squinted at him, and said disdainfully: "You are pedantic!"

Regardless of the emperor's face, the two quarreled in the Golden Luan Hall.Su Chen stomped his feet angrily, "Where is the old man so pedantic? Tell me, tell me, is there any precedent in history where a woman is an official and a woman is a king? Instead of serving her husband and raising children at home, women ran to this important court to meet a group of people." How proper is it for men to discuss political affairs! How proper is it to show up in public every day and flirt with men! The rooster wakes up in the morning, and the yin and yang are reversed, what is the proper way!"

Speaking of excitement, saliva splashed everywhere, spraying Zhao Taibao all over his face.

Zhao Xia looked away in disgust, reached out to wipe the spittle off his face, and said very calmly: "Old man Su, stay away from me." Covering her nose and fanning her face, she said in a very unkind way, "Your mouth smells like feces , you are going to stink me to death!"

"You, you old bastard full of nonsense, I, I, I will fight with you..." Boss Su rolled his eyes in anger, rolled up his sleeves and planned to clean up this shameless old thing.Emperor Qianmin waved his hand, "Okay, okay, let's say nothing, the two of them are almost 150 years old together, what's the point of arguing. Fighting and arguing every day, you don't bother me, I'm bothered." .”

Yan Wenshu was still standing with his arms crossed, as inscrutable as before, the wind and clouds were as light as the clouds in the sky, the seemingly white mass was simple and clear, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed like swimming fish and galloping horses, in fact it was profound and difficult to understand .Yan Wenshu glanced at the two people who were blushing because they were arguing, a little unsatisfied. Nine times out of ten times they went to court, they saw their eyes cross-eyed, but they had never lost their sense of propriety in arguing in the Golden Palace like today.I have to say, it was very exciting, no less than that day in front of Rongji Pork Shop, Wu Pozi who sat on the ground and scolded the street for half a price of pork.

Even with Taishi Yan's words of "the imperial court has no right to interfere", Emperor Ganmin still asked the opinions of all the ministers one by one.

"Master Wu, do you have any ideas?"

"The matter of the emperor making a king is a big matter. I have never said that a woman can be a king in the system of my ancestors. Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Ganmin took a look, then turned to ask Guo Tingyi, the Minister of War, "Where is Minister Guo?"

Guo Tingyi said solemnly: "Back to the emperor, I am the Minister of the Ministry of War. I only understand the law of war but not the law system, and have no ideas. The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment is proficient in the laws and regulations of our dynasty. Your Majesty can ask the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment for his advice."

"Oh, Master Shangshu, do you have something to say?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice is also a wonderful person, and he replied honestly: "Your Majesty, although the ancestral system did not say that women can be crowned kings, it also did not say that women cannot be crowned kings. It depends on your majesty's will."

A smile flashed in Emperor Ganmin's eyes, "Well, this matter is settled."

In the end, the court meeting ended in a decree issued by Emperor Ganmin.

In accordance with the fate of the heavens, the emperor issued an edict saying: ...Princess Ping An is the King of Thunder, and the military power of Wangchuan is in charge.

When Mrs. Su heard the words, he didn't bring it up immediately, and passed out.Seeing this, Eunuch Su Mu was shocked, and hurriedly summoned the imperial physician who had been waiting outside the palace, and quickly gave him two punctures to clear the blood in his heart. Finally, when he saw that he was fine, he gave him another dose of sweating medicine, and then disappeared without anyone noticing. The man was transported out of the palace and sent back to the mansion.

Looking at the carriage going far away, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in his heart: I have finally sent this living ancestor away.

The news in the imperial capital was well-informed, and as soon as the court meeting ended, the news of Princess Ping's crowning the king spread in the imperial capital.

In the chic and elegant room upstairs in Donglai.

Miss Cai Jiasan, Ms. Xuehui invited Princess Ruosheng, daughter of Yu Shaofu, Ms. Yu Xiangrong, and Ms. Ke Qian to drink tea here.Although the four of them don't have a deep friendship, they still need to socialize and move around. After all, they are all noble daughters in Beijing, and their husbands and son-in-laws will definitely have extraordinary status in the future.Even if it's not for myself, I still have to accumulate contacts for my future "husband", so that I can gain a foothold in my in-law's family in the future.

After all, the future is unpredictable. Although she is as honorable as a princess, there is a day when she can ask for help.If you really come to ask for help on that day, why not establish a good relationship earlier and help each other.

Ke Qian wore a tube top and red make-up today, and she was the most enchanting and affectionate. She held the ear of the pot in her slender white jade hand to serve tea for several people, her red lips were drawn up, her voice was soft and soft, and she had a charming style, "Sister Xuehui's marriage is coming soon!" Is it near?" "Well, the eighteenth day of the first month of the coming year." Cai Xuehui nodded, with melancholy in her brows.She has been sharp and intelligent since she was a child, and her temperament is also calm, even in troubles, she can be calm and composed.But when it comes to the topic of 'marrying', one can't help being confused and flustered.Her mother taught her since she was a child, what is "the ruler guides the ministers", what is "the father guides the son", and what is "the husband guides the wife".A man is the sky, after marrying a man, he is her sky, if she can win her husband's love, her sky will be colorful and bright, if her husband rejects her, then her sky will be stepped on, and what awaits her is the abyss hell.In order to win her father's favor, her biological mother tried her best to win her father's favor, but she was framed by Aunt Zhao in the end, and she ended up being an adulterer of Shen He.

After she marries the third prince, she is afraid that she will repeat the path her mother walked, and use all means to win the favor of the third prince.The conspiracy in the back house is a little more dangerous than the officialdom and the battlefield. The tricks are exhausted, and every step is frightening. If one wrong step is made, one will never be reborn.So, the most poisonous woman's heart!

There were all women present, so how could they fail to understand the melancholy look on her brows.Even the free and aloof Yu Xiangrong couldn't help sighing, "This is the life of a woman."

A woman's life, one word: Bitter!


"No! No! Not all women are like this." Princess Ruosheng shook her head while supporting her pink cheeks, "Look at that Princess Ping An, she is lucky. She is the master held in the palm of our prince. Huh, if you ask him to kneel down, he will never dare to stand, and if you ask him to bark like a dog, he will never dare to bark like a cat. Dirty! That's domineering!" The little girl had an envious expression on her face.

It is said that the three goddesses have different expressions.Ke Qian, on the other hand, was full of disdain and disagreed: "I think the fate of Princess Ping'an is similar to ours, maybe even more miserable. It's good for the crown prince to spoil her, but that's also the past. Look at the present, the princess of the East Palace. Didn't the Emperor Liang be so spoiled by His Royal Highness that she held it in the palm of her hand for fear of falling, and held it in her mouth for fear of melting? Hearing that the Emperor Liang wanted to eat the sweet fruit from Lingnan, His Royal Highness ordered people to rush to the capital overnight to hold her Before the eyes of Concubine Liang..." Ke Qian's tone didn't know whether it was envy or jealousy, or both.

(End of this chapter)

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