Chapter 418
"This man is a master who likes the new and dislikes the old. Besides, no matter how deep the relationship is, he can't stand Princess Ping's toss. Escape marriage? Isn't that slapping the prince in the face in front of the whole world? No matter how much you love, I'm afraid you can't bear it She is gone." Ke Qian took a sip of her tea, her charming face was a little cold, and there was no lack of gloating in her words.

A man as noble as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince showed love to her from the bottom of his heart.But all women feel jealous when they see it.Now seeing Cheng Yimo being compared to a lowly maidservant, he is gloating.

Both Cai Xuehui and Yu Xiangrong remained silent, although some disagreed with Ke Qian's words, but it was true after all, and everyone in the world knew how favored that Liangdi of the Eastern Palace was.Back then, when His Royal Highness put Cheng Yimo in his heart, he was not so doting on him.I heard that because of Emperor Liang's sigh, "It would be great if there was a lotus pond here", he ordered people to dig an artificial lotus pond in the inner courtyard of the Eastern Palace, and transported water lilies from the Buddha Temple not far away. He also ordered people to build an exquisite white jade pavilion on the lotus pond for Emperor Naliang to appreciate.

"Nonsense! Not all men love the new and dislike the old." Princess Ruosheng has seen with her own eyes how His Royal Highness the Crown Prince treats Cheng Yimo so courteously and flatteringly. At that time, she was so envious of her. Now, she wants to Following Cheng Yimo's example, she wants to find a man who has only her in his heart, eyes, and lungs.That's why she didn't like Ke Qian saying that, she didn't like Ke Qian breaking her yearning and fantasy about love, and retorted vigorously, "At least not Wenjiefa. Wenjiefa is devoted to Qin Siyan. You see, he has only married Qin Siyan was left alone, not to mention a concubine or a roommate. Thinking back to the time when Wen Jiepai knelt in front of the Qin Mansion for three days and three nights in order to marry her, no matter how the old lady of the Qin family made things difficult for him, he never gave up. ..."

Ke Qian sneered, "You don't want to inquire about it, just look at how they respect each other like 'ice'. Back then, Wenjie Pai knelt in front of the Qin Mansion for Qin Siyan for three days and three nights before begging for this marriage, but If you say give up, then give up. No matter how deep the relationship is, it can't stand the test of time. Qin Siyan is so strong, she often quarrels with Wen Jiefa over small things. After a long time, Wen Jiefa gets bored. At that time, I happened to meet Meihua, a more understanding brothel girl. The appearance of Meihua accelerated the speed of the breakup between the two. At the beginning, Qin Siyan insisted on marrying Wenjie Fai despite her family's opposition because of his devotion to him. See Wenjie Fa betrayed the relationship between the two of them, and she refused to let it go if she wanted to be strong. When she learned that the brothel woman was pregnant with her own flesh and blood, she tried to kill her twice. Understood. Wen Jiefa was furious and wanted to demote Qin Siyan to a lowly concubine, and to marry a brothel girl as his wife."

Seeing Li Ruosheng's face turned ugly for a moment, Ke Qian felt a burst of joy in her heart, and continued, "Qin Siyan is also a descendant of a famous family, how can she tolerate a prostitute from a brothel climbing on her head, and report the matter to the Wen family's mother, and ask Wen's mother to come to her?" Her mother made the decision for her. Although Wen's mother was partial to Qin Siyan, the brothel woman was pregnant with her grandson, and she was soft-hearted. Although she did not agree with the son's practice of demoting his wife into a concubine, she agreed to let Meihua enter the house as a flat wife. Because Meihua's identity, Wen's mother was concerned about the face of the Wen family, so she asked someone to buy a house outside the mansion, and put Meihua in the outer house, and strictly discussed the matter with the people in the mansion, so no one knew that Wen Jiefa was still in the outer house. flat wife."

"What a wolf-hearted thing!" Ruo was so angry that he dropped the teacup in his hand.His eyes were red with anger, wishing to cut that heartbroken man into pieces.At the beginning, Qin Siyan was not in love with Wenjiefa, but fell in love with Guo Tingyi, the servant of the Ministry of War, but later she was moved by Wenjiefa's sincerity, so she married him despite the opposition of the whole Qin family, and she did not expect such an ending .

"So, when a man talks about love, he's just farting." Ke Qian finally understood, "This kind of love is the most unreliable, and the most reliable thing is the power in your hands. So when you marry someone in the future, don't be foolish to look for those who have or don't. Yes, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have feelings, but if you don’t have power, you will die. You still have to use means to manage the inner house, and you have to use both grace and power, so that those servants will be loyal to you... As long as you hold the power of the inner house in your hands, even if he doesn’t love you , I will respect you a bit..." She intentionally mentioned Li Ruosheng, after all, she met once, and if Qin Siyan ended up in the end, she would definitely not want to see him.

Li Ruosheng looked a little sleepy, she didn't like to hear these words of 'Yu Nei' the most.In her opinion, happiness is only when husband and wife love each other and share joys and sorrows.It is really sad that two lovers who are supposed to be the closest lovers live in each other's schemes every day.But who is the one who can accompany her for the rest of her life, regardless of life, old age, sickness, death, suffering or poverty, will never leave her...

Then I thought of Prince Chenyu, and thought of the 'infatuated' Wenjiefa, who once loved so vigorously, but in the end it was just a floating dream.Li Ruosheng suddenly felt an indescribable sense of sadness. Is there really no love in this world that is worth looking for and waiting for? !

Li Ruosheng's sadness and confusion rendered the elegant room as desolate as late autumn. Ke Qian finally restrained her sneer, her white fingertips gently caressed the delicate jade cup, her beautiful eyes were full of sadness, who would not want to have that inseparable The love that never gives up is something mysterious and mysterious after all. People like them who have shallow fortunes may not be blessed to accept it.

"Big thing! Big deal!" An eager shout suddenly sounded from the silent elegant room, only to see the heroic Qin Luo push the door in, and shouted impatiently, "It's a big deal, have you heard about it?"

Yu Xiang looked at her puzzled, "We entered this elegant room as soon as we came, and we didn't hear anything. What happened outside?"

"It's a big deal! It's an anecdote! It's so shocking... It's amazing, it's unbelievable, it's amazing!" This little girl is obviously not normal, she talks inconsequentially, and her eyes keep shining , the corners of his mouth were still drooling, and he kept nagging, 'It's amazing', 'It's incredible', and 'It's so explosive'.

Li Ruosheng was aroused by her crazy appearance, left those dripping emotions that hurt the spring and autumn, ran to hold her hand and shook it, "Sister Qin, sister Qin, please tell me what happened gone?"

Ke Qian's disgusted glance almost dripped on the saliva on the front of her clothes. She didn't want to talk to such an unqualified savage woman, but she couldn't control her curiosity, "I don't know why I'm so excited, my saliva is flowing out! Say it quickly, if you don’t talk about Miss Ben, go out and inquire."

Qin Luo wiped away his saliva and said excitedly, "Princess Ping'an has been crowned the Thunder King! You've been crowned king, and a woman has been crowned king!"


The four people who heard it were all dumbfounded.Li Ruosheng couldn't believe it, "What did you say? How could she be crowned king! Just kidding!"

(End of this chapter)

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