Chapter 419
"I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding, she's really been crowned king." Qin Luo waved his hands again and again, "It's spread all over the capital, and I heard that the imperial decree for the kingship has been drawn up, and it will be announced to the world after the provincial government reviews it. .”

Li Ruosheng fell down on the chair with a face full of shock, and muttered in his mouth, "Crazy, crazy, make a woman king..."

Yu Xiangrong was not as unacceptable as they were, she gracefully picked up the teacup, sipped it lightly, lowered her eyes and concentrated all her thoughts.With that person's means and wisdom, it is more than enough to be king!

Cai Xuehui's expression was shocked, she got up and went to the window, and gently pushed the window open. In an instant, the noise of the lobby flooded in like a tide, and the loud noise of the crowd broke the tranquility of the elegant room.

"...For the matter of being crowned king, Lord Su Chen and Zhao Taibao quarreled in the Golden Luan Hall at today's court meeting, and almost fought."

"Boss Su Chen strongly opposes Princess Ping's being crowned king, and also said that the rooster is the only one who leads the family..."

"Master Su is right. How can a woman be king? Isn't this turning the world upside down and corrupting yin and yang!" A scholar in green shirt made a remark loudly.

The white-clothed young man beside him also said loudly and angrily, "Yes! As a woman, you should keep yourself safe and stay at home honestly and take care of your husband and children. If the woman in my room dares to come out like this to shame her, I will slap her both. The big ear photon beat her so much that she couldn't get out of bed or go out!"

"Bah!" Qin Luo was the most impulsive. Hearing such words, he was so angry that he wanted to kill that guy with a sword, "What nonsense are you talking about. Look at my aunt, I won't kill her!"

Li Ruosheng pulled her back quickly, "Sister Qin, this is the Donglai Building where the literati and officials of the imperial capital gather. If you go out like this, people will gossip about you."

"Just say it, my aunt is not afraid." Qin Luo is the great-granddaughter of the old general Qin. She has inherited the heroic spirit of the old general and has a simple and straightforward personality. The biggest dream in this life is to be like her great-grandfather and father-uncle. Lead troops into battle to kill the enemy.When she heard Princess Ping'an becoming king, the first thing that came to her mind was that she was going to be a general herself.Back then, she begged her great-grandfather to let her lead troops to fight the enemy, but her father scolded her for being inappropriate, saying that there is no reason for women to fight the enemy in battle.Now that a woman can be a king, she must also be a general to fight against the enemy.Therefore, Cheng regards Mo as the king, and the one who supports her the most is the little girl Qin Luo who wholeheartedly wants to lead troops to the battlefield!

Yu Xiang straightened the patterns on the embroidered robe, and said calmly, "People's words are awesome."

"Sister Yu is right. Gossip hurts people the most. You are not afraid, but your family members are always sad when they hear it. Come on, Sister Qin, sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down, and then listen to what they have to say something."

Today, Donglai Building is meeting those literati and officials gathering, and after a while, Donglai Building is full of officials who are full of "Zhihu Zheye".Today, there are many more officials and literati who come to Donglai Building than in the past. Whether it is the private rooms on the second or third floors or the lobby on the first floor, there are no empty seats, full of people, and they are all talking about Princess Ping's being crowned king. .

A plain-clothed man at the east corner of the lobby talked about Wang Chuan's seizure of the throne, " don't know, my cousin who came from Thunder City said that day was a hell on earth, a long street , full of blood. That princess is so cruel, she killed all the five thousand private soldiers of the second master of the Cheng family..."

The noise disappeared in an instant, and they all listened to him silently with their ears stretched out. Everyone only knew that the princess Ji Sichen seized the throne, but they didn't know how she won it from which clans.

But the man in plain clothes was cautious, and because his cousin was so frightened that he had nightmares every night, so he didn't want to say more.

Seeing that he didn't have anything to say, everyone was secretly anxious, and couldn't help but cast their gazes at him, which meant: keep talking, don't fart halfway and then hold back!
The gentle man at the table in the west corner waved a sandalwood fan, stood up leisurely, passed the crowd, and came to this table.The warm courteous man in plain clothes bowed and saluted, "I'm Zheng Cheng, I don't know how to call you brother?"

The plain-clothed man hurriedly got up to return the courtesy, politely, "Brother Zheng is polite, younger brother Liu Quan."

"Hello, Brother Liu." Zheng Cheng didn't invite himself to sit down, then nodded to the two people who were traveling with Liu Quan, and then said to Liu Quan, "Brother Liu, my ancestral home is the Thunder City of Wangchuan. I came to the capital with my sister two days ago. I missed the big event that happened in Thunder City. But when my younger brother left, he knew that the second master of the Cheng family and Young Master Cheng Yihu had brought soldiers and horses to confront each other in front of the Thunder Palace. As far as my younger brother knew, the second master of the Cheng family was brave and resourceful. With the Tiger Talisman in hand, how could it be..."

Before he finished speaking, someone rushed to say, "That Cheng Yihu is not a vegetarian master. Zhu Hua, who secretly colluded with the garrison camp, has [-] soldiers and horses in his hands. It should be him, when will it be the woman Ping An's turn!"

Zheng Cheng was not displeased at being robbed of his words, and nodded in agreement, "So please tell us, Brother Liu, how Princess Ping won the throne."

Seeing that so many people were waiting to hear, Liu Quan stopped hesitating, recruited Xiao Er to add a pot of good Biluochun, and then began to tell, "I also heard what my cousin told me... yes, at the beginning it was indeed The second master of the Cheng family confronted the young master Cheng Yihu, and the two sides fought. However, the second master Cheng had a tiger talisman in his hand, and ordered General Cao Qingcao, the border general, to send fifty thousand troops into the city. Although the young master had Zhu Hua in his hand, There are 5 horses, but those are the second-generation ancestors who eat and eat. How can the troops under General Cao be brave and fierce. Young Master Cheng was defeated, so he backed down a step. Unexpectedly, Princess Pingan brought one hundred thousand cavalry to kill them. Those one hundred thousand cavalry were extremely fierce. They would kill people and horses when they saw them. They killed even the King of Hades. On the long street, there are piles of corpses and bones, and the blood that bleeds is as thick as the insole. For three whole days, no one in the city dared to go out. For those three days, the whole city was like an empty city, even the sound of dogs barking and chickens crowing None... If someone's dog barks, it will be dragged into the kitchen and slaughtered immediately. If the chicken crows, it will be thrown into the cesspit and drowned. If the child cries, it will be locked in the basement and not allowed to come out. In the city The common people are afraid of being killed, and they are afraid that if there is a movement in some family, the killing god will be recruited... My cousin was scared out of his wits, and took his family out of the city and went straight to the capital, saying that he would settle down in the future. I will never go back to the capital again. Hey, my cousin and his family are also committing crimes, and have nightmares every night..."

After finishing speaking, everyone seemed to be witnessing the bloody and shocking scene with their own eyes, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

I don't know who it is, but Rululu swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then poured the tea with lingering fear.

"The hundred thousand cavalry are really that powerful?" Zheng Cheng asked.

"Yes." Another person replied, "I have seen those one hundred thousand cavalry with my own eyes. It was when Lord Lei Ting was wrongly imprisoned. There was smoke and sand outside the city that day, and the sound of thunderous iron hoofs trampled the ground. The whole capital was trembling. I was at the gate of the city, and I wanted to go out to see what happened, but unfortunately the emperor's dragon chariot came, bringing with it the ministers of civil and military affairs from the whole court. The Imperial Forest Army came to drive away the idlers, etc., so I took advantage of the gap I sneaked a glance outside the city gate, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life."

(End of this chapter)

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