Chapter 420
"After all, Princess Ping'an won the throne relying on the [-] iron cavalry left to her by Lord Thunder." A disdainful mocking sound followed.

"You can't say that. If Wangchuan's officials don't agree, no matter how many people she kills, it won't help. Let's not talk about whether she can manage Wangchuan well, just because she can make hundreds of thousands of cavalry obey her orders and From the point of view that Wang Chuan's civil and military officials have nothing to say, she is already stronger than most of the men present." Finally someone said something fair.

"Whether strong or not, I think she is just another 'Han Xiandi' in history. Judging from what Brother Liu said just now, that Cheng Yihuding is not a simple character. Taking a step back to protect himself shows that he is scheming and has different ideas. And he was the first to support Princess Pingan strictly because he wanted to 'take the emperor to command the princes'."

"Brother Zhou is right. Judging from the situation at the time, the second master Cheng is powerful, and only the [-] cavalry in the hands of Princess Ping'an can defeat him. He wants to use the hands of Princess Pingan to get rid of the second master Cheng. After all, Ping An A princess who is a female class is better controlled than the wily second master Cheng."

Awesome, these two people immediately saw through Cheng Yihu's 'mind', I have to say that the literati in this imperial capital really have two brushes, no wonder even Emperor Qianmin would have a headache for it when there was a quarrel.

Hearing these remarks, a window on the east side of the private room on the third floor was also opened.Guo Tingyi was dressed in red, leaning lazily by the wooden window, looking at the two talking in the lobby, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were full of smiles.Xindao: These two are really good.He could have imagined that Cheng Yihu wanted to 'hold the emperor to make the princes'.but……

Loosely playing with the wine glass in his hand, the clear wine swayed in the glass, followed by a rich and mellow wine fragrance, he raised his hand, raised his head, and drank it all in one gulp.The blood-red robe horns embroidered with gold trim drew a free and wanton arc in mid-air.But his master is not the weak and deceitful Han Xiandi, but the fierce Cao Mengde!
Regardless of whether it is a real skill or a fake trick, Princess Ping's crowning the king is an unchangeable event.

Qin Luo couldn't get used to the pious scholars and literati in the lobby, so he snorted and said, "Dogs can't spit out ivory, and the living people are said to be dead by their mouths. Huh, they are all things that have no eyesight. That's safe." The princess is mainly lacking in skills, how can a hundred thousand good men with strong bones be willing to be driven by her!"

Cai Xuehui lowered her eyes, her thoughts wandering.Qin Luo is right, if you don't have some courage and means, how can it be difficult for a woman to become the king of a high-ranking party!
"In my opinion, Princess Ping An is just looking for trouble." Ke Qian didn't take Qin Luo's admiration and admiration seriously. She raised her beautiful orchid and pointed her delicate forehead. The simple movements she made were extremely elegant and extravagant , showing the woman's charm and tenderness with her gestures and gestures, "The king of one territory, although he controls tens of millions of lives and lives, is extremely honorable, but he also bears the responsibility of leading that land to prosperity. The greater the responsibility, the greater the effort. More and more. These are supposed to be troublesome things for a man, but she stupidly rushed forward and took them on her. Not to mention suffering and suffering, it is useless to provoke gossip."

Standing up, walking to the window with a swaying and enchanting figure, looking at the high-spirited officials in the hall, her eyes are full of charming youth, "If you don't have this diamond, don't take that porcelain job. Women, you are still short-sighted Well, as long as the one-third of an acre of land in the back house is well managed, you can still 'succeed and become famous'."

Qin Luo: "..." She didn't bother to talk about her anymore.

"Everyone has his own aspirations, besides..." Yu Xiangrong put down his teacup and was talking, but when his eyes shifted, he caught a glimpse of the amazing blood red on the opposite side, and his tone paused.In a daze, she saw another white figure that made her teeth itch with hatred.He got up abruptly and walked out of the private room.

Ke Qian was taken aback and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Take care of my three-acre land!" The man had already walked away.

Li Ruosheng and Qin Luo looked at each other, obviously not understanding what she meant.

Cai Xuehui glanced at the opposite side, and saw the arrogant and unruly man in red lazily leaning on the seat, talking to the beautiful woman in white in front of him, both of them looked at each other and smiled, obviously having a good time talking .

Ke Qian frowned, "Zhao Feiyan?"

The woman is Zhao Taibao's favorite granddaughter Zhao Feiyan.

Hearing this, Li Ruosheng smiled knowingly.Zhao Feiyan and Yu Xiangrong both fell in love with Guo Tingyi, the youngest and most favored military servant in the court today. Everyone in the capital knows about Mr. Guo.

"Hehe, there is a good show to watch today."

Qin Luo was still puzzled, and pulled Ruosheng to beg her to clarify, "My good sister, tell me quickly, what good show is there to see?" Qin Luo just arrived in the capital not long ago, so naturally he didn't know the grievances involved.

Li Ruosheng shook his head meaningfully and chuckled, "The Buddha said: Don't say it, don't say it!"

Of course not.

In other words, in the Golden Luan Hall, Zhao Taibao almost had a fight with the boss Su Chen because of Princess Ping's crowning the king.Afterwards, some people wondered that the Taifu, Taishi and Taibao's "Sangong" was a senior official with high positions in the court.Even if Long Live Lord personally asked by name, it was just talking about him from left to right, and his attitude was unclear.But today, Zhao Taibao strongly praises Princess Ping'an as the king.

Why is this?
Of course, this is entirely due to our charming little rabbits.

Guo Tingyi sacrificed his appearance to fascinate Zhao Feiyan.Even if he pointed at the sika deer and called Maxima, Zhao Feiyan would applaud enthusiastically, saying: Mr. Guo is very knowledgeable!
Cough cough cough, so it is not difficult for Zhao Feiyan to easily accept the idea of ​​'women are king', and then let her go home to listen to the wind, Zhao Taibao still doesn't immediately lose his head! ?It's easy for him to turn black and white and turn a deer into a horse, let alone support a woman as king!
(End of this chapter)

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