black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 426 Two hairs appear!

Chapter 426 Er Mao Appears! (2)
This tone is quite 'gentle'.

But Master Suyun was still thinking about his gleaming and dazzling equipment, as well as that lovely emerald Chinese cabbage. The booger's veil was snatched away by the group of unscrupulous grandchildren, and suddenly felt sad, "Oh——little lady, you must be the master for me and take my things back! Otherwise, I will die with regret—" —”

With her past personality, she would definitely take him to the cottage immediately to 'repay justice' and ask for some mental damage fees, but now that the army is in a hurry to live in Fengling, they must not offend these local snakes.It's not that she is afraid of these bandits, but that the border war is tight, and they need to rush to Yumen Pass as quickly as possible, and they must not waste time here.

Cheng Yimo stopped trying to persuade him, kicked him away, and told Zhang Yuelu to wake up the stone who was stunned by the bandits, and then he didn't care about their going or staying, "Let's go."

Seeing the opportunity, Young Master Yun immediately hugged her thigh again, his eyes dimmed with tears, and looked at her pitifully, "Little lady, take me with you. Whether it's washing and cooking, or serving and warming the bed, it's better than this little boy." !" Pointing at Zhang Yuelu charmingly, his squinting eyes and haughty eyes were quite contemptuous.Look at his thin skin and tender flesh, can this little boy compare?Hey, only a 'strong' man like him can protect this utterly beautiful little lady!
Strong? !Are you sure you're not fat? !

Well, Zhang Yuelu has nothing to say to the fat man, "Master, we have to go back quickly, Lord Baihu..."

"Hey, little lady, you can't go." Seeing that Cheng Yimo was about to disappear, Mr. Yun had an idea, and he put his claws into the white pants, grabbed a thick pile of them The bank note came, "Little lady, wait, wait."

Master Yun took the silver ticket and hurried to catch up.

Yi Mo looked at the banknote he stretched out in front of his eyes, raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Young Master Yun has an exquisite mind and is the most accurate judge of people. He saw through Cheng Yimo's nature at first glance.He directly took out the silver ticket to seduce, "Little lady, look at the wilderness, and there are bandits infesting, Yun, I am thin-skinned, tender-fleshed and beautiful, and our master and servant have no hands to bind chickens." It’s really not safe. If the little lady and this big brother can send us to a safe place, these bank notes will be the little lady’s reward.”

Hearing the words 'without the strength to restrain a chicken', Shitou became anxious, his tiger eyes widened, he showed off his biceps, and he approached Young Master Yun to ask for a rectification of his name, "Master, this subordinate..."

"You want to get out!" Young Master Yun pushed his ugly face away without looking at him, and then looked at Cheng Yimo attentively, "Young lady didn't answer, but you agreed?"

Cheng Yimo looked at the thick stack of banknotes in his hand, and then at his plump face, feeling very conflicted in his heart.After hesitating again and again, he finally wiped his face and nodded.In this world, you can get along with anyone, but you can't get along with money, or it will hate you!
Young Master Yun was overjoyed, and happily handed over the money to the little lady, as if he had found a long-term meal ticket, so he didn't have to worry about eating, drinking, and messing around.

Cheng Yimo took the money, and his sharp gaze swept him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, even the jade crown with his hair was snatched by bandits, why not snatch his banknote?
Suspiciously asked, "Where did you hide the money?"

Young Master Yun patted his butt arrogantly, and proudly said: "Hehe, Young Master got caught in the gap between his butt——"

Cheng Yimo: "..."

Zhang Yuelu: "..."

Cheng Yimo subconsciously threw the banknote to Zhang Yuelu, and said with a stern face: "Take it away, you are the only one to ask if you lost it!"

Zhang Yuelu held the money in one hand and pinched his nose in disgust with the other, as if he could smell the feces wafting from his nose as soon as he let go of it.

Cheng Yimo brought the master and servant into the military camp where they were stationed.After entering the camp, Cheng Yimo ordered the soldiers to get a gray military uniform for Yun Lingzhi.It's a pity that the military uniform is too small, and Mr. Yun is too big to fit.

Cheng Yimo was distressed, could it be that this fat man was going in and out of her tent naked.

Young Master Yun smiled and comforted, "It's all right." Then he said kindly to the soldier, "Please go get another set of clothes."

The soldier nodded, and brought another set. When everyone was wondering, the big stone man took it silently, and then he took out embroidery needles and threads from some corner, and cleverly changed the two pieces of clothes into clothes that his young master could wear. size of.

Seeing that Mo, Zhang Yuelu and others were amazed repeatedly, people can't be judged by appearances. I didn't expect such a rough man to be able to do such delicate work? !

Seeing everyone staring at him, Shitou smiled honestly and scratched his head in embarrassment, "I made you laugh. When I was young, my family was poor and couldn't afford clothes for my younger brothers and sisters, so I just...hehe, I laughed at you gone."

"It's not a joke, Shitou, your craftsmanship is amazing." Young Master Yun put on the upper body, it fits very well, and he is very satisfied.

At this moment, Bai Hu came in, and seeing two strangers suddenly appeared in the camp, he was taken aback, before he could speak.As soon as Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes, he immediately gave Baihu the bank note that his master pulled out from the fat man's buttocks, "Master Baihu, this is Master Yun Lingzhiyun, the grandson of Lord Dongjinghou, and the one next to him is his." Servant. Young Master Yun met bandits in No. [-] Middle School. He was so frightened that he didn’t dare to go out of the mountain by himself, so he asked our master to help take him out. This is a reward.”

Baihu has also acquired the bad habits of his bad master, so he is open to money!Without doubting him, he took the bank note from Zhang Yuelu and stuffed it into his bosom, then looked at Cheng Yimo, "Master, do you want your subordinates to send Master Yun back to Thunder City?"

Before Cheng Yimo could speak, Young Master Yun said first, "No, no, don't bother, don't bother." He managed to escape from that dead fat woman in Jiaoyang, so how could he go back and fall into the trap of a tiger.

Zhang Yuelu smiled meaningfully, "No trouble, no trouble, since we have received your reward, we have to follow the rules, right? You said you want us to send you to a safe place. In this world, there is no better place than Lord Hou's mansion." It’s safer to go up. So, we’d better send the Buddha to the west, and send you back to Lord Hou’s mansion directly.”

Young Master Yun responded unhurriedly, "Yun grew up in Thunder City since childhood, and has never seen the wonderful world outside the city. When Yun came out this time, he wanted to visit famous mountains in the world and see this Chengtian. The great mountains and rivers, so that Yun will not be in vain to come to this world. How can he go back home because of a little difficulty now? Besides, the generals are rushing to Yumen Pass to support General Cao. If Yun is affected Everyone's itinerary, then Yunmou has become a sinner for the people of the world. So, brothers, please stop talking about sending someone to send Yunmou back, Yunmou deserves it."

(End of this chapter)

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