black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 427 Two hairs appear!

Chapter 427 Er Mao Appears! (3)
What Yun Lingzhi said was reasonable, and Cheng Yimo nodded in agreement, "Well, you will stay with us for a few days, and when Shengfengling comes out, you two will leave on your own."

The satisfied Young Master Yun bowed politely and thanked, "Ling Zhi thank you for your kindness."

Lord Bai Hu, who was leaving the tent, heard the word 'little lady', and suddenly staggered on the soles of his feet, almost falling to the ground!
White Tiger: "..."

In the depths of Shengfeng Ridge, Zhangjia Village.

Master Xu's daughter-in-law has another pair of twins, which is really enviable to others.

"Xu Da, quickly tell my brothers, what does your mother-in-law eat, how can she give birth so well? A few years ago, she gave birth to a pair of boys, and later she gave birth to a caring little girl. This year, she even gave birth to a pair of twins. "The men in the village all looked at Xu Da enviously, this kid is really smoking from the ancestral grave.

Xu Da was also very happy, the simple and honest smile on his face never stopped, although Ermao was not his own, but the boy was so beautiful that anyone who saw him would like him from the bottom of his heart.

"That's right, Aunt Xu is much more capable than my mother-in-law. Not only can she give birth, but she also works hard. It's not like my mother-in-law. She hasn't farted for more than half a year after getting married."

"Oh, Xu Er, what's the rush? Your wife is still old and wants to have a baby? There will be plenty of time in the future."

"Xu Er, if you're really in a hurry, why don't you tell the woman in your room to go to Mrs. Xu to learn scriptures?"

The older man laughed and scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? Pregnancy depends on fate, and it's called ability. If you don't have this fate and that ability, you can do it seven or eight times a night and you won't be able to accomplish anything!"

"That's not true, third uncle, I heard from my mother. The blessing of having a baby can also be contagious. At the beginning, my mother couldn't give birth to a baby for half of her life. Later, Aunt Li's house collapsed. I stayed in temporarily. In our family, Aunt Li was pregnant with Brother Li Cheng at that time. My mother slept with her in the same room every day, and later, hehehe, there was me! So, if Second Brother Xu is really anxious to have a child, you might as well follow my mother’s example , go and find Mrs. Xu, get some good luck, maybe this thing will be done!"

Xu Er's eyes brightened, and he slapped Xu Da on the shoulder. The two brothers said kindly, "Xu Da, tomorrow I will let my mother-in-law look for the woman in your house, okay?"

Xu Da nodded quickly, "Okay! Alright, third uncle, Xu Er, you go slowly, I'm home."

"Enen, go in quickly, go in and see the child, I can hear crying from far away." The third uncle waved him away.

Xu Da went into the yard, put the hoe beside the water tank, and then washed his face and hands with the water in the water tank.Xu Da was not like this before, after all, he is a countryman who does farm work, so he pays attention to these things.This is a habit that Xu Da has just developed recently. There is no way, the kid at home is too much trouble, and when he enters the house too sloppy, the kid will cry like others are grabbing his milk.

After Xu Da cleaned up, he opened the curtain and entered the room, and saw the restless boy sitting on top of Sanle girl like a bully.Sanle girl is stupid, she doesn't know how to resist when she is bullied, she just keeps crying, "Woooo, mother, woooo mother, mother, my brother bullied me. Wooah..."

The little girl Sanle is more than one year old now, when she was just learning to walk, she was pushed by Ermao's domineering boy just after she took a few steps, and then sat on her body, unable to survive.Seeing Xu Da come in, he grinned 'hehe' straight, and the saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth, dripping down Sanle girl's face.

Seeing Xu Da come in, the Sanle girl seemed to have found a backer, so she hurriedly cried and complained, "Woooooooo, dad, dad, brother hiccup, brother, brother bullied me, woooo, dad—" Reaching below, he stretched out his hand with difficulty to hug Xu Da, begging for comfort.

"Woo—Daddy, my brother is bad! Woo——" Zhuan cried so hard that he was so sad.

But Ermao is really bad, he seems to know that the third sister is complaining, the smile on his face is suppressed, and he pissed out a bubble, drenching the poor Sanle girl Both heads.


Seeing this, Xu Da rushed up and hugged Er Mao away.Jiang Chunhua heard an unusual cry, and came out of the kitchen with Si Le on his back, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Why is San Le girl crying..."

Xu Da hurriedly washed Sanle girl's hair, "She sued Ermao, and Ermao washed her with urine."

Jiang Chunhua heaved a sigh of relief, the child made a fuss, as long as he wasn't injured, it's fine, but he still gave Xu Da a reproachful look, "What are you talking about, Ermao is still young, and I can't even understand the words, how do you know that Sanle complained?" .”

Xu Da raised his head to look at her, then continued to lower his head to wash the third girl's hair, and muttered, "It's not like you don't know that kid is as smart as a monster, who knows if he can understand..."

"What kind of evil is not evil, don't talk nonsense! Alright, pack up quickly, and go ask Da Le and Er Le to come back for dinner." As he spoke, he put Si Le off his back, then clapped his hands and walked towards Er Mao, "Come on, come here , Ermao, quickly come to mother's place."

Hearing her voice, Er Mao frowned, and the pair of big black eyes under the long and dense eyelashes turned back and forth, and then showed her a bright smile that was almost bewitching, fat like a lotus root. Spreading his arms, he opened his mouth and mumbled out two words, "Sen, Sen..."

Hearing this, Jiang Chunhua and Xu Da looked at each other in shock, he was calling... Aunt? !

Jiang Chunhua suddenly felt that his child was really a monster!Otherwise, why would he be able to speak at such a young age, although it was only vague.and!Most importantly, no one mentioned the word 'aunt' in front of him.Jiang Chunhua and Xu Da treated him like their own sons, and Jiang Chunhua was afraid that other children would know that he was not their own and would exclude him when they grew up, so she ordered Xu Da not to mention this matter, and let it rot in his stomach .

So, he suddenly called out 'Sen Sen', which made Xu and his wife feel incredible!

It was Jiang Chunhua who was the first to react, turned around and smiled kindly at Er Mao, "Er Mao, come on, call your mother, call, mother,"

Ermao laughed straight "hehe", her small eyes were crescent crescents, her small body was also leaning forward and back, her legs and feet were still trembling, she was so cute that she wanted to hug and kiss her.

Smash it, smash your mouth, spit out fish bubbles and shout, "Sen, aunt..."

Jiang Chunhua fell in love with his cute little face, walked over, picked him up, kissed him on the little cheek, and tirelessly taught, "Hey, little Ermao, call your mother, call your mother,"

"Sen, Aunt," the little villain was as persistent as his brother.

Jiang Chunhua taught again, "It's mother, it's mother, come on, tell mother: Mother,"

"Sen, Aunt, Aunt Sen..."

Seeing that Jiang Chunhua wanted to teach again, Xu Da hurriedly said, "Okay, Chunhua, take your time, the child is still young, how can he understand these things, when he grows up, he will call his mother himself."

(End of this chapter)

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