black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 435 Fighting spirit!

Chapter 435 Fighting spirit! (3)
With his handkerchief in his mouth, Young Master Yun scolded Cheng Yimo and Zhang Yuelu thousands of times in his heart for sending him into the fire pit.Thinking of the shocking pain that night, I felt even more burning pain!
"Woooooo! You bastard Cheng Yimo, return my innocence!" Young Master Yun cried out of the room with a choked voice.

Hearing the shout, Zhang Yuelu sneaked in through the crack of the door, raised her hands in panic and pressed down, "Ancestor, please keep your voice down, keep your voice down!" As if afraid of being overheard, she became nervous again after speaking. Check outside to see if anyone is passing by.

When Young Master Yun saw him coming in, he cried even more fiercely, twisting his veil to make trouble unreasonably, "Why do you want me to keep my voice down, if she dares to do it with Yimo, she must dare to do it, and if she does it, don't be afraid of me saying it everywhere. Boom! Young master, my ass still hurts!"

Master Yun!
What about your integrity! ?

Your bottom line too! ?

Shouldn't you feel ashamed to be fucked by a man?Or can you wish to kill everyone who knows about it, and even pretend that it never happened?
But why do you want to shout so that people all over the world know about it!

There is no other reason, but because Young Master Yun wants to use this matter to promote himself and make a fortune, but King Mo, who is so stingy to the point of being mean, is not as good as he wants.

Boom... You don't understand the sadness in Young Master Yun's heart.

Young Master Yun thought, the innocence is gone, the chrysanthemum has already bloomed, no matter how sad or painful it is, it won't help, it's better to use his 'dilapidated' body to exchange for something valuable for himself.

Whoooo!He has suffered such a big crime, so what if he is given a deputy commander Dangdang!
But King Mo refused to do it.

"Ahhhhhh...curse her for not being able to pierce her son." Young Master Yun cursed resentfully.

Zhang Yuelu was happy, and thought: Ha!Fortunately, her master had already given birth to a son.Not only have eyes, but also ***.

Of course, Zhang Yuelu definitely won't tell him the 'truth'.With a light cough, he countered with a poisonous tongue, "It's better than having a pissed eye and being penetrated by a man!"

"You," Young Master Yun stared, furious!
"You are a childless person, you know how to stab the knife in the heart of the young master! I fucked your mother, or fucked your sister, young master, you want to do this to me!"

After Zhang Yuelu finished speaking, she was also very embarrassed, and gave him a slightly apologetic look, but felt that he was inexplicable.He was yelling loudly just now, but he just said a word, why did he get angry?

Young Master Yun is so weird, no one of your sister understands his heart.Only he can say this, but no one else can.He said that he took it for fun; others said that he used it to insult him!
"Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Zhang Yuelu hurriedly grabbed him, and tried to persuade him for a while, "Ling Zhi, it's not that the master doesn't agree to you, but that he can't." Xiaozhi moved his feelings with reason, "You have only been in the barracks for two years, but you are already a six-year-old. You are the chief executive of the camp. I think when you were appointed as the chief executive, many brothers in the army gossiped about you, saying that you were not promoted by seducing the master with your beauty. If the master accepts your offer this time If they ask you to be made a deputy commander, they will definitely hold a grudge against you. Think about it, they have been in the military camp for decades, and they are still not good-for-nothing centurions, thousand commanders, etc., but when you come, don’t You will be promoted to deputy commander in three years, and those people will definitely be jealous. Once they are jealous and hold grudges, they will definitely trip you up on the battlefield, and the result can be imagined. The light ones will end up with injuries all over the body. The severe ones will die No body!"

After hearing this, Young Master Yun was terrified, but he was still a little bit unwilling, "Then you were appointed as a lieutenant general as soon as you entered the barracks, why didn't they take revenge on you?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him contemptuously and arrogantly, "I can come and go freely among the enemy troops, can you? I can shuttle through the enemy camp like the wind, can you? You drag it out, can you?"

Young Master Yun: "..."

Well, Young Master Yun finally gave up the idea of ​​becoming the deputy commander under Zhang Yuelu's half-fooling and half-fooling situation.

Pursing his lips, he finally asked for the best thing, "Well, I won't be the deputy commander anymore, let Cheng Yimo come in to see me."


His mission was successfully completed, and he exited with honor.

In fact, Yi Mo had been waiting outside all this time. He had no choice but to feel ashamed of that kid.In Cheng Yimo's view, life is not as valuable as dignity, let alone such a contemptuous teasing, if anyone dares to force her to kneel and bend down, she would rather fight to the death than be bullied.

Ahem, Cheng Yimo felt guilty for a long time, but he didn't understand Young Master Yun's heart at all.Young Master Yun is a freak with an abnormal brain circuit. In his opinion, this is a trivial matter.But Young Master Yun is smart, he saw the guilt in King Mo's heart, so he took advantage of this guilt to benefit himself to his heart's content.

Seeing Cheng Yimo coming in, Young Master Yun was so weak that he was dying. Sister Lin stretched out her hand with dim eyes, and looked at her pitifully, "Yimo! I hurt! Not only my butt hurts, my heart hurts, my liver hurts too." I am a good man who is seven feet tall and upright. You say I have no face to go back to Lei Tingcheng to meet my parents who raised me, my grandmother who loves me, and my fiancée who loves me so much! Woooooo, leave me alone Forget it, you let me die, I have no face to live in this world..."

Yi Mo sat on the soft stool that Zhang Yuelu had sat on before, his straight back was like a sharp knife out of its sheath, sharp, cold, and stern!Seeing Yun Lingzhi crying bitterly, her face was expressionless, her dark eyes were as deep as the night sky at night, so deep that she didn't show any thoughts.

Yun Lingzhi wiped his tears with an embroidered handkerchief, and glanced at her quietly. Seeing her appearance, his heart pounded: Could it be that the acting was too much?Seen through by her? !No matter, he must hit her hard, or he will suffer in vain.

"Woooooo! Why is my life so hard! My innocence is ruined, and I have no face to face anyone. I might as well die. If I die, it will be over..."

Yi Mo suppressed the feeling of throbbing veins, and said in a cold voice: "What do you want? Just say it!"

Yun Lingzhi restrained his crying in an instant, and said urgently, "I want 10 taels of mental damage, physical compensation and spiritual medical expenses!"

Cheng Yimo's eyes suddenly tightened, his eyes revealed a fierce light, there was a moment of silence, and finally he gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

"Oh, refreshing!" Young Master Yun was in a great mood after receiving 10 taels of compensation, waving a small handkerchief, chasing customers, "Yun is tired and wants to rest, please help Yun when he goes out." Close the door."

King Mo, who was hit hard by Yun Lingzhi, was in a very bad mood. King Mo was in a bad mood, and the ones who suffered must be those bastard bastards in Shu!

Hoho—boys, hurry up and wash your necks and line up one by one to bear King Mo's monstrous wrath!
This time, if King Mo doesn't beat your Shu kingdom to the sky, he will not be a human being!

(End of this chapter)

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