black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 436 Brothers Meet

Chapter 436 Brothers Meet (1)
Three years is neither too long nor too short. To put it shortly, a battle has not yet been fought. To put it too long, it is enough time for a little milk baby waiting to be fed to grow into a very troublesome little naughty egg.

Shengfengling, Zhangjia Village.

Which one is the most enviable in this family village?It must be that stupid fool Xu Da!

The sister-in-law of the Xu family is very fertile. She is a litter of cubs all her life, and her offspring are very prosperous.

Which one is the most troublesome in this family village?It must be that stupid fool Xu Da!

The second hair of the Xu family is so naughty, a little bandit, if you make him unhappy, he will immediately call a group of youngsters to your house to make a mess.However, the villagers all like it, there is no way, who told the kid to look so dirty!It's really called that water spirit.

In the words of Mrs. Zhang in the village, that is: Oh, she is so beautiful, just like the little boy of good fortune next to Guanyin Bodhisattva!
No, they have lived in Zhangjia Village all their lives, and they have never seen such a beautiful child.

Ermao looks good, and everyone can't put it down to touch two when they see it.Moreover, that kid is not only smart but also sweet.He scared away the old hen that was laying eggs in your family. You wanted to scold him, but he turned his head immediately, revealing two rows of white and shiny little teeth, and his eyes were bent into crescent moons when he smiled. Then sweetly call you 'beautiful aunt', oh!My heart suddenly softened, how could I still be willing to scold him!
Today, Ermaoyu fell in love with the little turtle that Uncle Zhang picked up from the rice field yesterday.So, before dawn, he got up early, raised his arms and legs, went to the kitchen to bring hot water, then took out his own small towel, washed his little face, and washed his little hands by the way clean.Then poured out the water, filled some hot water, and brought the water basin into the house.Walking to the bed, she shook Si Le who was still sleeping soundly while breathing out bubbles, "Si Le, get up and wash your face."

Si Le's little girl opened her eyes in a daze, and shouted, "Brother Ermao!"

Ermao is like an older brother, wringing out the wet towel, and then washing Sile's face, "Sile, father and mother, the eldest brother and the second brother have gone to the back mountain to grow vegetables, and the third sister is sleeping in the house. I'm going to Uncle Zhang's house in a while, do you want to get up and play with Uncle Zhang's house with me or sleep in the house with Third Sister?"

Si Le stretched her neck to ask her brother to wash her face, and then replied in a childish voice, "I want to go to Uncle Zhang's house with Brother Ermao!"

"Okay, then get up quickly."

Er Mao is very good at taking care of her younger sister, so she dressed Si Le and combed her two beautiful horn braids. After tidying up herself, she moved a small stool to the kitchen stove to fill two bowls of rice. , the two of them squatted on a small stool with a meal and went straight to Uncle Zhang's house after eating.

Uncle Zhang went to work in the field, and there were only Aunt Zhang and her seven-year-old son Zhang Xiaoniu at home.

Ermao took his younger sister into Uncle Zhang's house and saw Aunt Zhang sitting in the yard peeling peanuts. He hurriedly raised a bright and cute smile and said that he wanted to help, "Aunt Zhang, let me peel peanuts for you."

"Hey, it's Ermao here." Aunt Zhang was very happy to see Ermao, showing a loving and joyful smile, "Did Ermao bring his sister to play with Maverick? Maverick is in the house, and he is playing with a little turtle. You Come and take your sister."

Ermao shook his head, "No, brother Xiaoniu will come out later. Aunt Zhang, Ermao can peel peanuts for you." Ermao took his sister and sat down obediently beside Aunt Zhang, "I saw me yesterday too. Mother is peeling peanuts, but my mother's movements are so slow that she can't even keep up with Aunt Zhang's half."

"Hahaha... Really." After hearing what he said, Aunt Zhang laughed freely, obviously very happy.She is not as good as Jiang Chunhua in giving birth to a son. She can do work, and in terms of cleanliness, Jiang Chunhua is not as good as her.This has always been Aunt Zhang's pride, and Ermao did what she liked, coaxing Aunt Zhang until her heart was as sweet as honey.

"Aunt Zhang, the clothes you are wearing today are so beautiful, did you make them yourself?" Er Mao looked at her with her head tilted.

"Well, Auntie made it herself. Auntie even made one for you, Brother Niu. It was what he was wearing yesterday."

"Really?" Er Mao opened her big round eyes, looking innocent and cute, "Aunt Zhang's craftsmanship is really good." After a pause, he thought for a while and said, "Better than my mother."

"Hahaha... Ermao, you can really talk. Aunt Zhang likes it. By the way, Ermao, don't go home at noon today. I will have dinner at Aunt Zhang's house with my sister. Your uncle Zhang touched a few in the river yesterday. Crucian carp, Aunt Zhang will make it for you at noon." Aunt Zhang likes Ermao so much.

"En. Ermao and his younger sister like the fish made by Aunt Zhang the most, and it tastes better than my mother's." Seeing Aunt Zhang smiling constantly, Er Mao slightly raised her eyebrows, her clear eyes shone with brilliance, instantly revealing her nobleness Gorgeous as a demon!

woman!It's very coaxing, as long as you say a few nice words, it's guaranteed to make her feel happy and happy.

Seeing that the time was right, Er Mao smiled and said, "Aunt Zhang, can Er Mao borrow brother Niu's little turtle to play with for two days? Er Mao has never seen what a little turtle looks like, let's take a look."

Aunt Zhang agreed without hesitation, "Okay. Since Ermao wants to play, let's take it home and play after lunch."

Zhang Xiaoniu, who was taking the little tortoise out to bask in the sun, heard what the old lady said, and immediately quit, and angrily yelled at Ermao, "No! The little tortoise is mine, and no one is allowed to take it away. "

Er Mao shrank her shoulders, hid behind Aunt Zhang with a face full of fear, looked at her with teary eyes, and said pitifully, "Aunt Zhang, Er Mao just wants to take it home for a look, and return it to brother Niu tomorrow..."

Believe that he will pay back, it is better to believe that the sow will climb the tree.

But Aunt Zhang couldn't bear to see his tearful appearance, she said so pitifully.Aunt Zhang frowns, threatening: "Xiao Niu, give the little turtle to Er Mao, Er Mao will take it home to have a look, and return it to you tomorrow. Hurry up, don't let the old lady snatch it by herself."

"No! I don't!" Seeing that his mother was angry, Zhang Xiaoniu was afraid that her mother would beat him, but he was even more afraid that Er Mao would not return the little tortoise to him, so he cried sadly, "I won't give it to Er Mao, Er Mao will raise my little tortoise." Dead. Woohoo! Last time he snatched Brother Dasheng’s little rabbit and said he would take it home to play with, but the rabbit died the next day... Woohoo, my little turtle will die too, I don’t know To Ermao, not to Ermao."

Er Mao gritted his teeth fiercely, and stared at Zhang Xiaoniu fiercely: "Okay, how dare you sue!"See how I deal with you later!
Seeing his brother's ferocious appearance, Si Le tactfully curled her small body into a ball, and then hid it under the stool, trying her best to reduce her sense of existence.

Maverick is so disobedient, Aunt Zhang is really angry.I didn't listen to my parents when I was young, but it's okay when I grow up! ?So he picked up the feather duster and greeted Zhang Xiaoniu, cursing while beating, "I told you to be disobedient! I told you to be disobedient——"

(End of this chapter)

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