black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 437 Brothers Meet

Chapter 437 Brothers Meet (2)
The calf cried out in pain, was beaten, and felt wronged.Whoooo!He obviously did nothing wrong, this little turtle belongs to him, why did he play with Ermao?If Ermao didn't want to snatch his little turtle, he wouldn't have been beaten either.Thinking about it this way, Zhang Xiaoniu hated Ermao to death, and waited for Ermao viciously, crying and cursing at the same time, "Woohoo, Er Mao, you stinky Er Mao! You wild child with no father and no mother, why did you come to snatch my little turtle?" ...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo err!"

Hearing Maverick's yelling, Aunt Zhang became even angrier, "What nonsense are you talking! How could Ermao be a wild child without father and mother? His father and mother are still called uncle and aunt. I think you are getting more and more immature. Be well behaved, and even lie to the editor, see if I don't teach you a lesson today!"

Zhang Xiaoniu saw that his mother was being beaten more and more. He felt scared and angry, and screamed back, "I didn't lie! I didn't lie, Ermao just has no father and no mother. It was my brother who heard what Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu said. "

Aunt Zhang stopped suddenly, and looked at Maverick seriously, "Is it true?"

Zhang Xiaoniu nodded quickly, "Really, really. Ermao was picked up by Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu... Ah!" Zhang Xiaoniu hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly saw Ermao rushing out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife. It was frightening to watch.

"Ermao you," as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw him slashing at him with a knife, which made him scream in shock, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

With the knife in hand, blood splattered everywhere!
Aunt Zhang was stunned by the pungent blood. Seeing that the little turtle in her son's hand was beheaded with a knife, the bloody turtle head fell to the ground and rolled around twice.A drop of viscous scarlet blood dripped down, turning into a boulder and hitting her heart, setting off a turbulent wave in the peaceful heart lake.She regained her composure, rushed forward to protect her son, watched Er Mao take two steps back in shock and fear, and kept away from him.

The blood splashed on Ermao, Ermao wiped it with his small hands, and threw the blood-stained knife to Zhang Xiaoniu's feet indifferently, then dragged out Sile who was hiding under the stool, and took her hand out. The Zhang family, "Si Le, we're going home."

Aunt Zhang looked at the back of Er Mao leaving with complicated eyes. She was sure that Er Mao was definitely not the child of the Xu family.The ferocity of the knife just now and the nobility and honor revealed from time to time are not something that the Xu family can inherit.

On the way back to Xu's house, Er Mao seemed to be calm, but his heart was full of waves.What did Zhang Xiaoniu mean?Isn't he the child of his parents?Did he pick it up? !
Seeing that home was just around the corner, Er Mao finally couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, let go of his sister's hand, and rushed into the house.At this time, Xu Da, Jiang Chunhua and the Xu family brothers just came back from the back mountain.

Jiang Chunhua was packing up the dirty clothes. Seeing Er Mao came back, he smiled and shouted, "Er Mao, did you take your sister out to play again?"

Er Mao didn't return her with a smile like in the past, but cried excitedly and asked, "Mother, I'm not your own son, am I? You and Dad picked me up, right?!"

Jiang Chunhua was stunned, and the dirty clothes in his hands dropped all over the floor.Seeing Ermao crying, and thinking of his words again, I was shocked, "Ermao, who told you?"

"Xiao Niu said that his brother heard you and dad with his own ears." Ermao is very smart, seeing his mother's astonished expression, he believed Xiao Niu's words, and remembered the jokes made by the uncles in the village in the past. I believe even more that he was not born by his parents.

Jiang Chunhua walked over to hug him, patted him on the back and coaxed him, "Ermao, don't cry, they are all talking nonsense, you were born by mother and father, you are Sile's brother, you didn't pick it up."

Jiang Chunhua gave Ambassador Xu a wink, meaning that the child is still young, and he will tell him when he grows up, and he should lie to him now, so that he will not be separated from his brothers and sisters at home if he knows that he is not his own.

Over the years, Xu Da has become a lot more vigilant, and immediately understood what his wife meant, and shouted angrily, "That Zhang Daniu is getting more and more outrageous! He learned to talk nonsense at a young age, and I will go talk to Zhang Sanheng tomorrow. Let him teach his eldest son a lesson!"

Ermao sat on Jiang Chunhua's lap and wiped his tears, "Father, mother, don't lie to me, I know that I am not your own. The eldest brother is called Da Le, the second brother is called Er Le, the third sister is called San Le, and the younger sister is called Si Le, only my name is Ermao. Also, they all said that I don’t look like my father and mother, and that my sister and I came out of the same belly, but we don’t look alike at all. My sister’s nose is stomping, My nose is straight, my sister's eyes are small, my eyes are big, my sister is ugly, I am beautiful... They also say that I am very smart, my sister and brothers and sisters are all stupid Stupid..." Ermao Xiaopen counted down the evidence that the two of them were not biological.

Jiang Chunhua: "..."

Xu Da: "..."

Well, this really left the Xu family couple speechless.

Jiang Chunhua knew that this child was too smart and clever, and sooner or later he would not be able to hide it. He sighed in his heart and said softly, "Er Mao, you are right, we are indeed not your biological parents."

Er Mao’s little friend pursed her lips and cried heartbroken, “I’m really a child without a father and no mother, woo woo woo! No Ermao's..." No matter how clever the little Ermao is, he is still just a child after all.Sadness is unavoidable when someone who has "goed through untold hardships" knows his "tragic" life experience.

"No, Ermao is very good. It's not that your biological mother doesn't want you. She just fostered Ermao with her, and she will come to pick him up after a while." In order not to make Ermao sad, Jiang Chunhua coaxed, "Ermao doesn't cry. Ah, when Er Mao grows up, your mother will come to pick you up."

"Really?" Ermao Xiaopenyou looked at her tearfully.The little body was crying so hard that it was obviously really sad.

"Really." Jiang Chunhua nodded fiercely.

So, from that day on, everyone who passed by Zhangjia Village would see a very beautiful and cute child sitting on the big rock at the head of the village looking forward to the small path leading into the village.

When you see a stranger passing by, you will see him running up with bright eyes, holding that person's hand, and asking excitedly, 'Are you my mother?Are you coming to take me home? '

When one after another shook their heads and passed by, the children's eyes were no longer shining and moving, and all that was left was gloom and loss.

When Jiang Chunhua saw him sitting on the stone in disappointment again, he couldn't hold back his tears and cried, "Xu Da, what kind of evil do you think this is—"

Seeing that Ermao was getting thinner and haggard day by day, Xu Da felt uncomfortable. He dragged Jiang Chunhua past and persuaded softly, "Ermao, go home. If your mother comes to pick you up, she will come back to our house."

(End of this chapter)

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