black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 438 Brothers Meet

Chapter 438 Brothers Meet (3)
"No." Er Mao shook his head, picked his fingers stubbornly, "I, I just want to wait for her here." In fact, Er Mao was afraid that his mother would not come to pick him up.

He didn't know if what Jiang Chunhua said was true, maybe his mother really fostered him in Xu's family, or maybe she threw him to Xu's family because she didn't want him.Just like the homeless beggar Li Erhu in the village, because Li Erhu was born with only one leg, his mother disliked him and threw him into the mountains to feed the wolves.It was the third uncle who had a good heart and took him out. The people in the village saw him pitiful and gave him food.Poor Li Erhu was not only homeless, suffering from cold and starvation, but the children in the village even threw stones at him and bullied him when they saw him.Thinking of this, Er Mao Xiaopen cried sadly, woo woo woo!Will he be homeless in the future?Will he be bullied too?
"Auntie, my mother will really come to pick me up, won't she?" Er Mao looked at Jiang Chunhua tearfully, with fear in his eyes.He was really afraid that his mother would not come to pick him up.

"Yes. Ermao is so good and cute, your mother will definitely come to pick you up." Jiang Chunhua smiled with tears in her eyes, and only she knew the sadness in her heart.Touching Ermao's head, looking at the little face that was smiling because of her words, the mist in the eyes rose again: child, your mother didn't even know that there was a son like you in this world, so how could she come to pick you up? !

"Ermao, go home with auntie, let's wait slowly when we get home."

Ermao smiled, sat back on the stone obediently, looked, looked, "Uncle, aunt, you go back. I'll wait a little longer, maybe my mother will come soon, I'm afraid she forgot to enter the village going the wrong way.”

Even Xu Da, a big man, couldn't bear it, and said with a choked voice, "Well, good boy, if your mother forgets the way to enter the village, you can take her and guide her to the village by the correct way. Uncle and aunt will go back first and wait for you."

"Well, uncle, goodbye."

After walking away, Jiang Chunhua couldn't hold back any longer and threw himself into Xu Da's arms in pain, "Woooo... what a crime this is! It's so cold, his hands are cracked..."

Inside the Gaosheng Inn on the edge of Wind Ridge.

The poor Jinhuan girl looked at him pitifully after serving Master Yeyan to take a bath and change clothes, she seemed to have countless things to tell him in her tears, but she was so choked up that she couldn't speak as soon as she opened her mouth.

Ye Yan fiddled with the jade pendant on his waist, and gave Jin Huan a cold look, "Anything to say?"

"...No." Miss Jinhuan uttered a word with a choked voice.In fact, she has more to say.

For example: Can she stop wearing such stinky men's clothing?
She is a maid in the palace, can she not pretend to be the young master's brother?Even if you are not a slave, you can be a slave!Woo hoo!The young master has a noble status, if the prince or princess finds out that she took advantage of the young master and became her 'brother' after returning home, she will definitely be served by the old housekeeper!

Also, can she take a bath too?

"Really?" The voice was cold, colder than the snowy weather outside.

Miss Jinhuan trembled very spinelessly, and said submissively, "Master, can, can we book two rooms?" It's not suitable for a single man and a widow to share a room together!

"My elder brother brought his three-year-old younger brother back to his hometown to pay respects to his ancestors, so he still needs to rent two rooms in the inn?" Ye Yan looked at her coldly.Along the way, in order to avoid the guards sent by the family to look for him, the two often changed their costumes. Sometimes it was the grandmother taking the little grandson to visit relatives, sometimes the husband took the little granddaughter back to his hometown, and sometimes the old mother took the little son back to her natal home... ...Look, the proud Young Master Yeyan has abandoned his dignity as a man in order to confuse the 'enemy', and changed into a shy little girl dressed as a woman. Can't you, a little servant, give up your reputation and innocence to live in the same house with him? !

My elder brother brought his three-year-old younger brother to live in two rooms at the hotel. Isn't there a problem?

"No." Ye Yan vetoed it.

"But, but..." The little girl Jinhuan was fiddling with the corners of her clothes with both hands, too ashamed to speak.But, but her sunflower water is here, what should I do if I want to take a bath?Whoooo!The red ones are all stained on the obscene pants, how can the young master be so unreasonable!

Thinking of this, Jin Huan died of grievances, her tears were like beans, falling one by one without asking for money.

Ye Yan tightly held the jade pendant in his hand, wishing to throw it over and knock her unconscious.Women are trouble!
"Okay! Then go to the shopkeeper and open a room." After speaking, he stormed out of the room angrily.

Jin Huan quickly wiped away her tears, and went downstairs contentedly to find the shopkeeper to open a room.hey-hey!During the past few days of getting along with each other, the little girl in Jinhuan realized a very important thing: Tears are the best weapon against the young master!
Ye Yan left the inn, and wanted to go to the tea house to see if he could get some news about the border, but he was caught by a man in gray just after walking a few steps.

"Okay! You dare to go to the street, see if I don't break your hand!" The big man grabbed Ye Yan's lapel, pulled him out with one hand, and cursed viciously, "You little bastard, how dare you steal My steamed stuffed bun! I’m really impatient.”

Ye Yan held down the three-flowered snake that was about to move, looked at the big man with a cold face, and yelled loudly, "You misidentified the person, I didn't steal your buns, let me go."

The big man was also short-tempered, with hideous eyes, "Boy! Don't think that I won't recognize you after you change your clothes. I will recognize your face even if it turns into ashes. This morning, I just opened the door for business, and you came here Stealing my buns and putting centipedes in my shoes. I was caught by me today, so I hope I teach you a lesson!"

Seeing that the big man is so righteously indignant, he doesn't want to be fake.

Ye Yan was puzzled, "But I really don't know you. I just entered the town with my brother this morning, and now I live in the Gaosheng Inn. The owner of the inn can testify for me. If you don't believe me, we can go to the inn to confront each other."

The big man insisted that it was him, but now he pretended not to know him, thinking that he was going to play some tricks again.Thinking of the toe that was bitten by the centipede this morning, he was so angry that he raised his hand and hit him, "You little bastard! You must be trying to deal with me again, I won't be fooled! -"

As soon as the big man swung his hand down, he saw a blue lightning flash out suddenly, and then there was a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, "Ah—what is it!?" In the pain, the man ignored the brat in his hand, and casually Throw people out.

If an ordinary child was thrown by him like this, even if he didn't break a bone, he would have a broken head and blood.Fortunately, Ye Yan was smart and often stayed with Suzaku Xuanwu and others, so he learned a few tricks with his eyes and ears. The moment he landed, he hugged his head and rolled on his back a few times to reduce the impact, so he was safe. nothing.

The big man saw two dental blood holes on his palm, with the blood hole as the center, the unbearable stinging pain spread out in a fan shape.The big man was frightened and furious at the same time, his red eyes glowed fiercely, and he stared fiercely at Ye Yan, "You bastard! What bit me? Is it poisonous? Hand over that beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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