black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 439 Brothers Meet

Chapter 439 Brothers Meet (4)
Ye Yan's gaze was as cold as frost, and there was murderous intent in his eyes, but when he looked at the crowd watching around, he forcibly suppressed the killing intent, and said coldly to the big man, "It's poisonous. If you want to detoxify, come with me! "

After finishing speaking, he turned and went to the deserted dark alley opposite.

The big man was a little jealous of the thing just now, but after thinking about it, he was just a beast, so he boldly followed.

Seeing the big man follow unsuspectingly, the corners of Ye Yan's mouth curled into a cruel smile, and his eyes were even colder.Just now on the street, there were many people talking, and he ordered Xiao Tong to bite the bite without poison, he just wanted to teach him a lesson.If he learned his lesson and left here, he could save his life, but now... Huh!If you dare to call him a bastard, there is no place to die!
On the other side of the Gaosheng Inn, after Jin Huan took a shower and took care of everything, he went to wait in the young master's room, but he opened the door to see, no one?Immediately, she was so anxious that she burst into tears: it's over, it's over, the young master was lost by her!Woo hoo!The prince and concubine will definitely peel her skin and cram his tendons!

Seeing her crying sadly, the shop clerk asked kindly, "Young master, why are you crying? But you lost something?"

Jin Huan cried loudly: "I lost my younger brother. My younger brother is gone."

The waiter in the shop couldn't help laughing, "I thought something serious happened. Don't worry, young master, your brother is not lost. He went shopping and said he would be back in a while."

Jin Huan stopped talking, and tears followed freely, "Oh. Thank you, little brother. I don't know which street my brother is going to? I'll follow to find him, so that he won't be tricked away by bad guys."

"Hehe, don't worry, young master, there are no bad people in our town. I have lived in this town for more than [-] years, and I have never heard of child abduction. But it is human nature for you to worry about your brother. You go to that street, you look for it slowly, don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

"Thank you, little brother." Jin Huan wanted to follow the guidance of the shop boy to the left street, but as soon as he left the inn, he saw the young master standing at the door.Immediately wept with joy, ", brother, I finally found you. Woohoo! I was so scared to death, I thought you were lost."

The shop waiter next to him also smiled and said, "Young master, I'll just say it's okay. Look, Brother Ling has come back safely. But having said that, young master, you can really cry." He thought to himself: It's really true for a man to cry like this. I don't know how it is raised at home.

Jin Huan blushed, subconsciously pretended to be a little girl, lowered her head to cover her face, but as soon as she raised her hand, she remembered that she was now in men's clothing, so she straightened her chest and back, coughed twice in embarrassment, and then told the waiter in the shop: , "Little brother, my brother must be hungry, please bring some food to the room."

Hearing the word 'food', 'Young Master' was stunned for a moment, his clear eyes flashed, and he blocked the words he was about to say.

"Okay, just wait a moment, the food will be delivered right away." The waiter went down happily.

As soon as the waiter left, Jin Huan lost his momentum, bowed his knees, and said pitifully, "Young master, slave, slave just thought, thought that you left slave and left on your own."

'Master' glanced at her, but did not speak.

The young master ignored her, which was expected by Jin Huan, "Master, let's go back to the room first, the waiter will bring the food over in a while."

'Master' finally opened his mouth, "Go ahead."

Jin Huan felt a little strange, but didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he responded and walked ahead to lead the way. He looked back at the young master quietly, and finally realized what was strange. The young master was not wearing this suit before going out.He frowned, wondering why he had changed the clean clothes he had just changed.

Jin Huan led the 'young master' into the room, and as soon as he sat down, the waiter brought the food, "You two young masters, please take your time."

"Well, thank you, little brother." Jin Huan rewarded him with some broken silver and let him go out.

Returning to the table, he stood neatly behind the 'Master' and waited on the 'Master' to eat.Although it's not in the palace now, the rules can't be messed up anywhere.

But today'young master' doesn't need her to serve her, "Jin Huan, the young master suddenly wants to eat buns sold outside, go and buy two for the young master."

"Yes." Jin Huan blessed Fushen and went out to buy buns.

As soon as Jin Huan left, the 'young master' had a big appetite, picked up the plate rudely, and a gust of wind swept away.

'Young Master' didn't want to eat buns, but wanted to pay off Jinhuan. 'Young Master' is a smart person, knowing that the other party must have admitted the wrong person, it doesn't matter if he admits the wrong person, as long as there is food to eat.He hadn't eaten for two days. He finally went to the bun shop to steal a bun this morning, but he was chased by the bun shop owner for two streets, and finally bit his ass by a wild dog. He was caught out of anger. The centipede secretly stuffed it into the shoe of the steamed stuffed bun shop owner to avenge his revenge.

The counterfeit master is eating and drinking in the house, but what about the genuine master?

Ye Yan cleaned up the burly man, and didn't bother to go to the teahouse, so he turned around and went back to the inn.As soon as he stepped into the inn, he saw the waiter in the inn looking at him strangely, and muttering strange things in his mouth.

The waiter in the inn was puzzled, "Isn't this young man eating in the room, why did he go out again? He even changed his clothes, it's really strange..."

And changed clothes...

Don't think that I don't know you anymore after you change your clothes!

The man's words resounded in Ye Yan's mind again, thinking of the weird words of the shop waiter.Ye Yan frowned deeply: Is there another person who looks exactly like me in this world! ?Or maybe he has the ability to disguise like Li Xiao, and pretends to be him in disguise with his face! ?
Among the two, Ye Yan believed in the latter one more.

Ye Yan quickened his pace in an instant, almost ran up the stairs, and ran outside the door, but happened to meet Jin Huan who was about to knock on the door.

Seeing Ye Yan, Jin Huan was a little surprised, "Young master, why did you change your clothes when you came out?" After speaking, his face turned pale, trembling and shrugging his shoulders, and lowered his head admitting his mistake, "Young master, this servant deserves to die. "How can she, a servant, have the qualifications to dare to intervene in the affairs of the master!

"Master, here is the steamed bun you asked for." He respectfully handed over the steaming steamed bun.

Ye Yan took the bun, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he nodded with a sullen face, "Go down."


After Jin Huan walked away, Ye Yan stretched out his hand and pushed open the door—he wanted to see who had the guts to impersonate him!
In the room, except for the messy pile of meals on the table, everything else was empty and there was no one in sight.

Ye Yan walked into the room calmly, then closed the door with his backhand, gently stroking the three-flowered snake on his left wrist with his right hand, and his stern gaze fell behind the slightly turbulent curtain.

He walked over with light steps, and suddenly opened the curtain-the four eyes met!
Both pairs of similar clear eyes were shocked!



Why do you look exactly like me! ? !
At this moment, these words represent the common aspirations of Master Yeyan and little friend Ermao.

Young Master Yeyan most wanted to calm down, with a gloomy face, he asked, "Who are you?"

Ermao Xiaopenyou was not timid at all, he looked at him with wide eyes, his eyeballs rolled around, but he didn't answer his words.

"Say! Who are you?" Ye Yan was furious, and stretched out his hand to grab him, forcing him to ask him what he was trying to do by pretending to be himself.

Seeing him rushing towards him, Er Mao quickly rolled towards the dining table.Ye Yan flew into the air, his eyes were full of anger, a fierce and fierce light flashed, he turned around and rushed towards him again.Ermao caught a glimpse of the leftovers on the table, rolled his nimble eyeballs, a sly smile flashed across his eyes, he rushed to the table, grabbed the leftovers on the table, and greeted Ye Yan.

Ye Yan has always liked cleanliness, seeing such filthy things sprinkled like a shower of stars, he was shocked and flickered again and again.Although he escaped most of them, some oily food was thrown on him, and his face turned black like the bottom of a pot. Seeing that kid trying to escape through the door, he was furious instantly!
Young Master Yeyan, who was in a rage, didn't care about filth or not. He kicked his legs, and his body turned into a tiger and leopard in the mountain forest. He was swift and mighty, and he hit the enemy with one blow!
Ye Yan pressed Er Mao under him, and hit him on the ass with his palm, smack!Snapped!Snapped--

"Call you a liar!"

"You little liar pretending not to come with the young master!"

"How dare you throw something at me!"

"Say, what is your conspiracy to pretend to be my young master?"

Ermao cried out in pain, "I didn't lie. They admitted their mistake! I didn't mean it!"

Ye Yan raised his hand and slapped him on the buttocks again, and taught him a lesson, "You still say you're not lying? You're lying in the face of my young master! Tear off that face!"

Ho!Still want to tear your face?Er Mao was so frightened that his face was pale and pale, and he quickly covered his face, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!"

Is it always like this? !
Young master Yeyan didn't believe it, leaned over, and stretched out his hands to expose his face, but failed for a long time, so young master Yeyan finally believed in the fact that he was born like this!
Master Yeyan couldn't figure it out, how could the two of them look exactly the same?
Ermao took advantage of his trance, a carp turned over, threw him off, then got up, and ran desperately towards the door.

Ye Yan was caught off guard and hit his head when Ermao fell, grinning his teeth in pain, but he didn't care about the pain and was furious, and he was cheated by this kid again.Cry to show weakness first, lower his defenses, and then strike back when he is defenseless.OK!What a little liar!

In Yang's hand, a blue lightning flew out, and the gloomy voice was tinged with evil, "As long as you run out of this door, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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