black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 440 The Battle of Fuluyuan

Chapter 440 The Battle of Fuluyuan

The wind howled, the wind and snow continued, and the entire Yumen Pass was completely white at a glance.The next day, the wind and snow stopped suddenly, but the dull sound of horns resounded through the sky the next moment, followed by the deafening roar of fighting: "Kill—"

"Come on—"

The 20 Shu army, under the leadership of Yaluhong, the general of the Shu Kingdom, finally launched a life-and-death struggle with the soldiers of Wangchuan at Yumen Pass!

The 20 troops of the Shu Kingdom assembled into formations, charging towards Wangchuan's army like a gigantic sharp sword.

On the chariot, Yi Mo was wearing a silver armor and holding a bright red spear, exuding awe-inspiring strength and bloodthirsty viciousness!
The north wind howled, and the military flag with the word "ink" on the chariot was blown loudly, and the cold wind blew, with biting frost, which made the faces of the soldiers ache.

Although Young Master Yun has experienced three years in the military camp, he was spoiled and raised after all. When the cold wind blew, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, turned sideways, and wanted to use his robe to cover it, but in the next moment, when he took When the piercing gaze came, he immediately straightened his back, raised his chest, and looked like a mighty and unyielding titan.

Stains!No, he must stand up for the position of deputy commander!

Seeing that the Shu army's 'wing tip' formation was as fierce as a tiger, Yi Mo squinted his eyes slightly. As soon as the flag came out, he ordered: "Baihu, take [-] cavalry to attack the enemy's forwards and disrupt their formation. Zhang Yuelu, You lead [-] iron cavalry and [-] infantry to attack the left flank, Cao Qing, you lead [-] iron cavalry and [-] infantry to attack the right flank. Yun Lingzhi, you lead [-] infantry to rush into the enemy's rear and prevent the enemy from facing each other head to tail!"

"The last general takes orders!" The four responded in unison.

As soon as the order came out, one hundred thousand cavalry and one hundred thousand infantry rushed into the enemy's formation fiercely, instantly disrupting the offensive and defensive formation that the Shu army was proud of.The "wing tip" formation of the Shu Kingdom is easy to attack and defend, and it can kill thousands of enemies in a wide opening. This formation is not only powerful but also unbreakable, but it has a fatal weakness: once the formation is disrupted by the enemy, If you can't look at each other from left to right, head to tail, then it will be like a mess of loose sand, with no lethality at all.

"Marshal, the formation is in chaos!" A military adviser of the Shu Army was shocked.

Yeluhong's face was also livid, and seeing the soldiers fleeing around like mice holding their heads in their hands, he smashed the big tiger leather chair under him with his palm in anger, "You bastard!"

Seeing the iron cavalry as ferocious as tigers and wolves, the military commander of the Shu Kingdom was shocked, "Marshal, their iron cavalry is really powerful!"

Another strategist shook his head and sighed in disappointment. He had already persuaded the general not to use the "wing tip" formation. The iron cavalry is the nemesis of the wingtip formation, and the enemy's iron cavalry is still fierce and brave that they have never seen before. The chaotic formation method was what he expected, but... the military master looked at the enemy's iron cavalry with complicated eyes and envy, but he didn't expect that the enemy's iron cavalry would be so powerful. It was destroyed by the rush, so that the Shu army could not take advantage of the large formation at all.

"Mr. Yao, do you have a solution?" Yeluhong gritted his teeth and looked at the strategist who had advised him not to attack the enemy with the 'wing tip' formation.At that time, Yaluhong, who was arrogant and arrogant, would not listen to his persuasion, and he didn't think that the 'wingtip' formation, which had always been invincible, would lose to Wangchuan's little iron cavalry.Now... Yeluhong gritted his teeth again, it was too late to regret!

Master Yao saw that his eyes were on the battlefield, the enemy's iron cavalry was too powerful, the Shu army that had been broken into a large formation like a plate of loose sand was like fish on a chopping board, and only the iron cavalry would still be slaughtered.Looking away, Junshi Yao bowed and replied, "Commander, the opponent's iron cavalry is too powerful, now we can only make a plan ahead of time, and lead all the soldiers from Wangchuan to Fuluyuan."

Another military division also quickly echoed, "Yes, Commander, the terrain of Fuluyuan can restrain their cavalry, and we will join forces with General Qi's 20 horses, and we will surely kill them all."

Yeluhong raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the chariot where the Thunder King was. The distance was too far, let alone seeing the woman's face clearly, even if she was tall, short, fat or thin, she didn't know anything, but the woman It is the greatest shame of his life.He Yaluhong has been a commander for many years, and he has never been defeated so badly. Not only did he lose a hundred thousand troops, but he was also beaten helplessly, hum!Don't let him catch that woman, otherwise, even if you cramp and scratch your skin, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart!

Gritting his teeth, he finally ignored his face and waved his flag, "Retreat!"


The horn sounded, and the Shu army retreated.

Seeing the Shu army abandoning their weapons and fleeing, the officials in the city watching the battle with Cheng Yimo exulted, "My lord, the Shu army suffered heavy casualties. They were defeated and fled. We can raise our troops to take advantage of the victory and pursue to wipe out all the Shu army."

"My lord, don't do it. Don't chase after the poor. The Shu army is full of tricks, and the officials are worried that this matter will be deceitful!"

Looking at the Yale army fleeing to the north on horseback with Moji's eyes, the hoofs of the horses were like thunder, and the frost, snow and dust raised up were like sea waves, covering the sky with a thick haze. Just disappeared in the dust, frost and snow.Yi Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and raised the flag to issue an order, "Follow with all your strength, and leave no one behind!"

Of course she knew there was fraud in this matter, not only fraud but also an ambush and trap waiting for her.

snort!We are not afraid that he will come, but we are afraid that he will not come.


After the dull sound of the horn, the 20 army chased and killed at full speed, with [-] iron cavalry leading the way. The bloodthirsty killing intent soared into the sky.

This time, Cheng Yimo is determined to use the Kingdom of Shu to establish its prestige. She wants to fight a battle that will not only scare the Kingdom of Shu, but also make those in the Kingdom of Chengtian who are eyeing Wangchuan fearful. If they covet Wangchuan, Shu Kingdom will be their fate!

The defeated general of the Shu army fled to Fuluyuan, Cheng Yimo and others chased them to the border of Fuluyuan, and was about to enter, but was stopped by Cao Qing.

Cao Qing reported, "Commander, Fuluyuan's special terrain is not conducive to cavalry assaults, and Yaluhong fled here, presumably knowing this, if we pursue rashly, I'm afraid we will fall into their trap."

Yes, Yeluhong obtained a map of Fuluyuan from a merchant in Lucheng. He knew that Fuluyuan was a long and narrow low-lying area, surrounded by forest belts on the north and south sides, with mountains on the north and rivers on the south. Hold, become a natural pass.If Wangchuan's army wanted to wipe out Tianmu, they would definitely pass through this pass.The terrain of Fuluyuan is very confusing, because if viewed from the direction of the Wangchuan army, the terrain of Fuluyuan is relatively flat on the westward route, which is suitable for cavalry assault operations, but once it reaches the east of Fuluyuan On the shore, the iron cavalry will be threatened by the terrain and have to concentrate on the attack in the narrow and long area. Here, they have already ambushed their men, just waiting for the iron cavalry to come over, and guarantee to kill those damn iron cavalry!
"En." Yi Mo nodded, but one order made everyone present confused. She ordered Baihu to surround Fuluyuan with an army of 20.

"Remember, no one will be left behind! Anyone who escapes will be killed without mercy by this king!" The gloomy voice carried a strong murderous intent.

Cao Qing raised his eyebrows in bewilderment, he really didn't understand the commander's intention of giving this order.The Shu army fled into Fuluyuan, but the iron cavalry dared not enter because of the terrain.Ordering the siege, is it because you want to fight the Shu army here? !Who has better stamina?

Before giving the order to Baihu, Yimo sent Zhang Yuelu into Fuluyuan to inquire about the news, and within a quarter of an hour, Zhang Yuelu came back.

Zhang Yuelu knelt on one knee and reported, "Master, Qi Yuncang's 20 troops have joined Yeluhong in Fuluyuan."

Hearing Zhang Yuelu's report, all the officials and soldiers headed by Cao Qing gasped, there were even reinforcements! ?
"My lord, the reinforcements from the Shu army have arrived. There is a huge disparity between our army and the enemy's strength. Let's withdraw." A civil servant suggested.

The timid officials echoed with pale faces, "Yes, my lord, your safety is the most important thing. Let's withdraw before the Shu army comes over."

"Commander, although Yaluhong was defeated and fled, he still has at least 15 soldiers and horses to fight. Now with Qi Yuncang's 20 reinforcements, there are a total of 35 horses. Our army only has 20 soldiers. Although the cavalry is powerful, But after all, one cannot fight against ten, the best way for now is to retreat to Yumen Pass, and then make a long-term plan." Cao Qing also proposed to withdraw the army.He is not afraid of death, if death can make the Shu army retreat steadily, if death can drive the Shu army out of Wangchuan, he must be the first person to draw his sword and kill himself without hesitation.Now with 20 soldiers against the enemy's 35 horses, this is hitting a stone with a pebble, and meaningless sacrifices will not make Wangchuan strong.So he is in favor of withdrawal!

Cheng Yimo kept his face sullen and silent, while the generals and civil servants behind him all stared at her nervously, waiting for her order to make a decision.

Yi Mo pursed his lips and did not turn his head. His cold eyes passed through the vast white mist, and he accurately caught the figure of the Shu army hiding in the pass. His eyes shot out a bloodthirsty fierce light, and he licked his lips. With a sneer, "This king never does things that are not sure, nor will he make unnecessary sacrifices, but he will never let go of people who make him unhappy. The repeated provocations of the Kingdom of Shu have already Reach the bottom line that this king can tolerate. Today, this king will pay the Shu Kingdom a blood price! Let him Shu Kingdom know that this king is not someone they can provoke at will!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand towards Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu understood, and took out something from his bosom, with a sharp 'chuckle', a bright red blood flower bloomed in the sky.

In the astonished eyes of tens of thousands of people, followed by a bang——

In an instant, the world shook!

Deafening explosions sounded one after another, accompanied by creepy screams...

The continuous sound of explosions lasted for two full hours. During this period, many blood-stained Shu soldiers escaped, but were hunted down one by one by the iron cavalry guarding outside Fuluyuan!

Those officials who advised to retreat stared in horror at Fuluyuan, where the gunpowder was everywhere, and the shock on their faces was like seeing a ghost.Even Cao Qing couldn't hold back his solemn and steady expression, he stared dumbfounded at the pass that had been razed to the ground.

In less than half a day, the bones on Fuluyuan piled up into mountains, and blood flowed into rivers...

The battle of Fuluyuan shocked the world!

The 40 troops of the Shu Kingdom were wiped out, leaving no one behind!
(End of this chapter)

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