Chapter 445 Pursuit
Just as Yeluhong and Qi Yuncang escaped from the enemy's pursuit, they met Er Mao who was at ease on the street.

When Yeluhong saw his appearance clearly, his eyes bulged out of shock, and he didn't even care about the pursuers hiding behind, he grabbed his skirt and twisted him up in shock and anger.

Don't say that Yaluhong was shocked, even Qi Yuncang couldn't believe it. Although Yaluhong withdrew his palm in time, his inner strength was strong, and the leaked palm strength was enough to shatter the heart of an ordinary adult man, let alone a child.And he clearly saw that the child was seriously injured and comatose, it didn't make sense that he was alive and kicking again after a few hours?

"Two big villains! Let go of me, come here, help me, kill me—" Ermao yelled wildly, attracting the attention of the surrounding people.

Seeing someone looking at them, Qi Yuncang's expression darkened, and he said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

Yaluhong: "What about this brat?"

"Take it away!" Although it is inconvenient to take a child along, but this child has been in contact with them and knows their whereabouts. If they are just let go, it will definitely be a serious disaster.

Hearing this, Yeluhong took off his cloak, wrapped the child up, then carried it on his shoulder, and flew away.

Inside the inn.

Suzaku and Xuanwu knelt on the ground to plead guilty, "Master, the subordinates and others are incompetent, let them escape."

Yi Mo finally put down the book in his hand, and set his eyes on the two of them. His eyes were serious and sharp, with a sternness like the cold winter, "Incompetent? I don't support incompetent and useless people under my king's hands!" The book was thrown on the table, and the muffled sound was filled with the fury of thunder!
The bang seemed to hit the hearts of Suzaku and Xuanwu, and there was a sudden dull pain in their chests.The faces of the two of them turned pale, their bodies trembled slightly, and tremblingly pleaded guilty again, "This subordinate knows his mistake, please punish me, master!"

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Suzaku: "The fault is quick success!" In order to win the admiring gaze of the master, it is eager to catch the two of Yaluhong and make meritorious service.

Xuanwu: "The fault lies in overestimating one's own strength!" Yeluhong is the number one warrior in the Shu Kingdom, and his martial arts are unfathomable, so they are overestimating their own capabilities if they want to take him down just by the two of them.

"The mistake is to underestimate the enemy!" Thinking that Yeluhong and Qi Yuncang could easily take them down if they were injured was underestimating the enemy.

Whether it is eager for quick success or overestimating the enemy's ability to underestimate the enemy, it is a taboo of "two armies against each other"!

Yi Mo looked at Suzaku Xuanwu with deep and deep eyes.

Qinglong is mature and stable, while Baihu is calm and calm, Yimo is most at ease with them, so some important things are entrusted to them.Suzaku Xuanwu, who is also the lord of the stars, naturally refused to accept it, and secretly thought of comparison.In the past three years, Baihu fought with the Lord, Qinglong was ordered to assist Cheng Yihu in managing Wangchuan, only the two of them, brother and sister, were the most relaxed.

But it is hard to guarantee that this is not a manifestation of the master's distrust of their strength.

So when they received the news that their master had ordered them to ambush the enemy in Fuluyuan, the two of them were so excited that they didn't bother to look for the young master's trace. They took Tao Nanjun and others straight to Fuluyuan. He also has the strength not to lose to Qinglong Baihu, but unexpectedly let Yaluhong and Qi Yuncang escape.

Suzaku and Xuanwu are talented and successful at young ages, so it is inevitable to be proud and arrogant. With such a big mistake in front of them, they feel shameful and at the same time they can't hold their heads up in front of Baihu.Therefore, he tried his best to track down the whereabouts of the two Yaluhongs, and desperately wanted to take them down and make meritorious deeds.Unexpectedly, Yaluhong and others escaped again because of their pride and arrogance!

Yi Mo's eyes sank, and he said coldly: "You don't need to worry about the rest, leave tomorrow to return to Wangchuan, go back and reflect carefully, without this king's order, you are not allowed to step out of Wangchuan!"

"...Yes." Suzaku and Xuanwu left the inn disheartened.

As soon as the two left, a beauty in red immediately appeared at the door of the inn.The beauty has willow-leaf eyebrows, phoenix eyes, cherry lips, a beautiful face, and a good figure. She walks and sways, and her gestures reveal a charming and charming style.

The beauty in red swayed up to the second floor, went straight to Tianzi No. [-] room where Cheng Yimo lived, pushed the door unceremoniously and entered, ignoring the cold faces of the people in the room, and whispered coquettishly, "Mr. Lord... I kept you waiting... don't be angry... I'm here to serve you... come here... Young Master, first let my family take off your clothes and take a bath..."

Stretching out her slender jade hands, the fingers are as white as jade, and the fingers are light and tender. The whole small hand is as soft as boneless, which makes men feel all kinds of itching. They want to hold these beautiful jade hands in their hearts and cherish them. They are so beautiful What a pair of little hands!

The moment Yu's hand touched the lapel, Yi Mo slapped it mercilessly.

Bai Yusu's hands suddenly became red bumps.

The beauty wanted to cry: "Master... how could you treat my family like this..."

Yi Mo raised his head and looked at her carefully.

His eyes were reddish, his eyes were full of mist, he bit his red lips aggrievedly, his curled eyelashes fluttered slightly, like a butterfly spreading its wings, his weeping expression made his beautiful face soft and charming, I had to Admittedly, no matter men, women, old or young, such a delicate beauty will be moved by heart.

But Mo rubbed his brows with a headache, three points of guilt, three points of anger, three points of irritability, and one point of powerlessness, "Yun Lingzhi, you..."

Cough cough... Isn't this unparalleled and glamorous beauty the young master Yun.

Young Master Yun waved the small handkerchief in his hand, accusing with a choked voice, " are so hard-hearted..." He raised the small handkerchief with his orchid fingers and pretended to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.He has performed so hard, how can she still sit still?Think of those stinky men in the military camp, as long as they see him pucker their mouths, they can't wait to take out their hearts and hold them in front of him just to make him smile.Huh... Is she still a human being? She can stand indifferent to such a beautiful woman in front of her...


Young Master Yun was already dazed, blinded by King Mo's tough and ruthless appearance, and completely forgot that King Mo was actually a girl. Although this girl was a bit tougher, she was a real girl. Ah girl——you are a 'woman' standing in front of her and putting on a soft and charming look. She didn't get jealous and slashed at you. It's because your ancestors burned incense, and you still want her to fall in love with you? !
Having experienced countless "painful" lessons, Yi Mo gradually got used to ignoring others, "What about people?"

Seeing that she didn't follow the script, Young Master Yun felt bored, threw off the small handkerchief, twisted his waist, raised his buttocks, sat down on the stool beside Yimo in an elegant and coquettish posture, took a sip of tea from the teacup, moistened Throat, "Flee in the direction of the Demon Knife Valley..."

Yi Mo got up and left before he got the answer he wanted.I really don't want to see him sipping tea with cocked orchid fingers, holding a teacup, pouting his lips, raising his brows and eyes, thinking that he is very charming and sexy.

Hiss...Yi Mo covered his face with his hands—eyes hurt!
Magic Knife Valley.

As soon as Yeluhong and Qi Yuncang settled down, several secret guards of the Qi family followed after them looking for a signal.

Qi Yuncang looked warily at the road he came from, "Is there any trace?"

"Don't worry, young master. The subordinates have checked carefully, and there are no pursuers." Only five of the hundred and eighty hidden guards escaped, and the rest were all killed.

Hearing this, Yale Hong breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the hot sweat off his forehead, and rudely threw the child on his shoulders to the ground, "Damn, this kid is really heavy, I'm exhausted."

Ermao had acupuncture points pressed by him, and he couldn't move, only his eyes could blink and turn, "Uh, uh..."

Yaluhong rubbed his shoulder and back. The wound on his back hadn't healed yet, it was wet with sweat, and it hurt a little. He grinned and took a breath, "It really hurts... Hey, what are you humming, hum again I'll kick you to death!" Annoyedly looking at Ermao, his eyes were full of repressed anger. Tmd, I thought killing a woman would be easy, but I didn't expect to lose my wife and lose my army.

It was getting dark, Qi Yuncang sent people to observe the terrain of the Demon Knife Valley. This valley is not only hidden but also easy to defend and difficult to attack. The terrain is extremely beneficial to them. Knife Valley overnight.

Qi Yuncang found a hidden valley and ordered him to fire, "Qi Sheng, arrange someone to guard the valley entrance, and then send someone to hunt some wild rabbits."

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey, you want to spend the night in this ghost place!?" Yaluhong yelled loudly, "This is still the boundary of Ziyang City, and we are injured again, so we are easy to be spotted by them. If they catch up to us The only thing to do is to be killed."

"As you said, all of us have been injured, and we have just experienced a fierce battle. We can't escape far in this exhausted situation. Sooner or later, we will be caught up. If we are caught up at this time, only Let others slaughter you." Qi Yuncang glanced at him, found a place to sit down, and then began to close his eyes and adjust his breath, "Since we will be overtaken sooner or later, why don't we stop and recharge our batteries to meet the enemy in the best condition, maybe we will be caught up sooner or later." There is a chance of survival!"

"..." Yalehong choked.Resentful, he vented his anger on Ermao, unlocked his acupoints, stretched out his feet and kicked him, "Brat!"

Qi Yuncang opened his eyes, gave Er Mao a meaningful look, and then closed them again, "You'd better be careful, the poisonous snake on him is not a vegetarian."

Yaluhong kicked Er Mao again confidently, "I carried him for so long and the dead snake didn't show up. I'm afraid it was killed by your palm. Hmph! This damn boy has a snake on his body." Poisonous snakes, usually do harm to people."

Although Ermao is young, he is smart. From the conversation between the two of them, it is not difficult to guess that the two met their little brother and had a festival, and they are still desperadoes who are being hunted down.Desperadoes regard human life as inferior to straw, and killing people is like chopping watermelons, one knife at a time, without blinking.

So, they won't let him go mercilessly just because he is a child.

The only way out is to save yourself!
After thinking clearly, Er Mao's whole body tensed up, and he entered a state of emergency alert. His brain was mobilized, and his eyeballs also turned around, thinking and thinking, thinking and thinking... Ding!

His eyes suddenly brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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