black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 446 2 Mao's Escape Plan

Chapter 446 Er Mao's Escape Plan
Thinking of the idea, Er Mao immediately stretched out his limbs, turned his stomach, closed his eyes and lay down on the dead body.

Yaluhong jumped away as if avoiding suspicion, looked at him cautiously and asked, "What are you doing?"

Er Mao opened one eye, and said pitifully, "I want to pee."

When Yaluhong heard this, he was even more disgusted, and even took a few steps back, "You son of a bitch! If you want to pee, go pee, lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, go and go!"

Er Mao was overjoyed, turned over and got up, but before he could take a step, he heard the serious and cold-faced man say, "Wait a minute."

Qi Yuncang glanced at Er Mao, and said to Yaluhong, "This child has been kidnapped, and he doesn't cry or make trouble. He seems very smart. Just in case, don't let him out of our sight."

"That's right! What if I run away." Yaluhong slapped his thigh in a daze, pointed at Ermao and shouted, "Don't go, hold it back for me!"

Er Mao didn't resist either. He shrunk his shoulders and buried his head, timidly shrank in a corner, squatting obediently.

When Yaluhong saw this, Qi Yuncang sneered and said, "Look at this cowardice, how can you be shrewd, you are obviously scared and stupid. Hey, Qi Yuncang, it's not that I'm talking about you, your courage is getting weaker and weaker. Dealing with a woman It’s okay to be timid, now even a three-year-old child is afraid. Hey! Promise!”

Qi Yuncang said with a cold face, "Are you amazing? Isn't it also a mouse that is chased by a woman like a running mouse with its head in its arms and only knows to crawl into the hole."

"You," Yaluhong's face turned green with anger.But what he said was true, and he couldn't find anything to refute. In the end, he just gave him a hard look, and turned his head to look elsewhere, but just as he turned his head, he saw the blushing boy unbuttoning his trousers, and immediately shouted loudly, "what are you doing?!"

Er Mao trembled in fright, her watery eyes were teary and pitiful, "I, I, want to pee."

"Pee here? Do you want to stink me to death? Go, go, pee outside." Yaluhong was trying to get angry with Qi Yuncang, and the more he was not sure, he would do the opposite.

"Oh..." Er Mao nodded stupidly, and walked outside with his calves.

"Wait. Someone, go and watch this kid pee, don't let him run away." Although Yeluhong is reckless, he is not without brains. Although the other party is only a three-year-old child, Qi Yuncang's worries are not unreasonable. After the failed assassination, Yeluhong understood that everything should be done with caution.

Ermao walked out of the valley, observing the hidden guard who was following behind and monitoring him without a trace along the way, secretly thinking, although the hidden guard was injured, people often say that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, his small arms and legs must be injured But him.After realizing the disparity in strength between the two sides, and it was impossible to defeat him and escape, Ermao found another way out.

I found an excellent location, looked at Yaluhong not far away, then unbuttoned my trousers, and urinated profusely.

The cold wind blew, and the smell hit Yeluhong's nostrils.Yeluhong sniffed, and immediately inhaled the smell of urine, and frowned in disgust, "Damn boy, you don't know how to run away when you pee, it stinks to death!"

Er Mao turned his back, slightly hooked his lips, showing a sly smile, this urine bath was specially prepared for him.I said earlier that the terrain of this place is good, not far or near from Yaluhong, and when the wind blows, the smell will waft around.Er Mao restrained the cunning in his eyes, put on an aggrieved and timid look, and turned to look at Yaluhong, "I, I, my stomach hurts, and I still want to shit..."

After all, he took off his pants and squatted down, as if he couldn't wait to have a stomachache.

Yaluhong jumped anxiously, "Don't pull it! Don't pull it! If you want to pull it, go farther away, go farther away, if you dare to pull here, I will cut off your neck with one knife."

Ermao was 'terrified' and hurriedly pulled up his pants, and ran all the way out of the valley, even further.

Ermao stopped after about a cup of tea, looking tearfully at the guard following behind him like a mangy dog, and asked timidly, "It's a long way from here, can I just have a poop here?" Clamping tightly, his hands hang unnaturally by his sides, looking really suffocated.

The dark guard nodded, "Here it is, hurry up."

Er Mao clasped his hands with tears in his eyes, and was very grateful: "Brother, you are really a good person. Thank you!"

The dark guard blushed suspiciously, and nodded unnaturally.Then he turned his back and took two steps forward, remembering the unpleasant smell when he peed just now, the dark guard took a few more steps forward.As soon as he stopped, he heard a crackling sound behind him, followed by a strange smell wafting in the wind——

The dark guard vomited on the ground very shamelessly, then covered his mouth with a pale face, and ran 300 meters at the limit speed with a 'whoosh' sound.But the smell is trance like a shadow, and it still stinks so badly.Brother Dark Guard ran another 200 meters.

Ermao pinched his nose with one hand, and kept fanning the pile of steaming excrement just out of the cage with the other, and the cold wind with a strange smell went straight to the place where Big Brother Dark Guard was.In order to reassure the elder brother of the dark guard and buy more time to escape, Er Mao said in a muffled voice, "Brother in black, my stomach hurts, can you let me wait a little longer?"

The big brother of the dark guard is very kind, "You take it slowly."


The voice was weak, and it really was because the stomach was rumbling violently.Brother Dark Guard thought so.

After about a cup of tea, Brother Anwei finally realized that something was wrong.He turned around and called tentatively, "Hello? Are you ready?"

"..." There was no sound.

The dark guard's complexion changed, and he didn't care about the smell, he rushed over quickly, peeled through the grass and saw that there was only a pile of shit that had lost its heat, and the person had disappeared.

Brother Anwei's heart sank, he was ashamed, his first reaction was to report back to his master.Subconsciously turned around and ran, and suddenly stopped.As a hidden guard, if the mission fails, there is only one dead end.Now is the time to employ people, the master may not kill him, but he will definitely not forgive him afterwards.If he concealed the matter and found the child again... maybe he could escape.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was feasible. The mountains here are complicated, and the other party is only a three-year-old child, and he can't escape far, so it is easy to find.

So the dark guard looked for traces of the overwhelmed grass on the ground...

After Ermao escaped from the range of the dark guard's sight, he gave up his cautious movements and ran wildly, running as far as he could.If he can escape from the clutches this time, he will definitely reward the innkeeper in person. If it weren't for the delicious delicacies that he ordered the cook to cook, he wouldn't be able to make shit that can drive the enemy away!
Ermao tried his best to eat milk, jumped on his radish legs, and ran, ran, and ran desperately...Suddenly, a roar came from behind, "Stinky boy, stop!"

Er Mao looked back and was startled, it was the elder brother dark guard who stuck to his body like a dog skin plaster and couldn't shake it off.The elder brother of the dark guard has long arms and long legs, and he runs very fast. Seeing the distance between the two getting closer and closer... Er Mao's face was pale, and he was extremely anxious.He looked at the winding mountain road, looked at the slope under his feet, and looked back at the big brother dark guard who was chasing after him in anger.In a hurry, Er Mao gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He quickly took off his short blue jacket, covered his head and covered his face, bent down and buried his head between his legs, instantly deformed the tire, and kicked his feet in the dark. Big Brother Wei rolled down the hill from the slope in a dumbfounded 'Gulu Gulu'!
Brother Anwei stood on the hillside, stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and said two words in an inconceivable manner: "Damn it!"

At the foot of the mountain, Yun Lingzhi, who followed the trail, raised his head casually. When he saw something rolling down the mountainside, his face turned pale with fright, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--"

The 'giant rock' rolled down to his feet, so frightened that Yun Lingzhi quickly jumped out of the way, and kept patting his chest, thanking the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and bless him from being stunned or killed by the 'giant rock'.

"Look, this is character...Fortunately, my young master has the habit of doing good deeds. He burned high incense and was blessed by gods and Buddhas all over the sky. There is a future blessing', hehe, I don't know that there will be such a 'blessing' in the future waiting for the young master..."

Wearing gorgeous and luxurious women's attire, wearing a complicated and beautiful bun, inserting delicate and delicate pearl hairpins, and painting a delicate and charming makeup, but every bite is a "little master".Although Yi Mo felt disgusted, he still gave him a calm look on his face, and looked away coldly, and his eyes hurt badly if he looked at him for a second longer.He casually glanced around, but when he saw the rolling down "boulder" and "creaked" and turned into a human being, his calm expression cracked every inch——

Yun Lingzhi screamed even more, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Er Mao took off the jacket that covered his head, looked at the figures in front of him that had changed from two to four to eight and kept turning, his eyes completely turned into circles of mosquito coils, and he was dizzy.

He shook his head and wanted to stand up, but he was so dizzy that Er Mao could only lie on the ground on all fours, sticking out his tongue and kicking heavily, dizzy like a dead dog.

"Ahhh, isn't it a monster?" When Yun Lingzhi saw that pretty little face, and saw that cute and messy action, his heart was filled with maternal love, his eyes were full of love, and he said excitedly, "Little brother, you are alone What? Where are your parents? How did you come to this Magic Knife Valley where even rabbits don’t shit? How did you roll down the mountain? And you roll so handsomely? Is this a new game for kids? ? Yeah, it's so fun, you can teach me too..."

Handsome and stylish? !
new game? !

When Er Mao heard these words, her face turned green with anger, and she wished she could kick her face to pieces. nnd, where is this idiot bastard, I have seen anyone playing games that would make life worse than death! ?

Rolling down from such a high mountain, no matter how good the protection measures are, it is inevitable to suffer some abrasions.Ermao not only felt the burning skin on his body, but also his stomach churned. Finally, he couldn't help it, and lay down on the ground and retched.

There were tears in the corners of the eyes, and the little face was flushed from holding back, looking at the poor little Mo was really heartbreaking.

Yun Lingzhi looked at Yimo pleadingly, "Master... let's take him away, he will be eaten by tigers alone in the mountains."

"..." Yi Mo ruthlessly stepped forward and walked forward without hesitation, telling him with practical actions that this was impossible.They are going to capture the enemy's general, not for sightseeing, so what kind of thing is it to bring a child by their side!

(End of this chapter)

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