black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 447 Sending the Sword

Chapter 447 Sending the Sword
Clutching the small handkerchief, Yun Meiren glanced at the ruthless master and at the child lying on the ground who was vomiting in pain, and silently shed tears of sympathy.Facing the master's back, he slandered: not only cruel, but also sympathetic, heartless, and caring. I really don't know how to be a woman? !
In other words, what does this have to do with being a woman! ?

Cough cough, of course it has something to do with it.When a normal little girl sees such a cute and pitiful child, she will cry with sympathy and say that she will take this child home and take good care of her like a younger brother.But she was fine, it was fine if she didn't sympathize, and she avoided it like a plague.

The more Yun Meiren thought about it, the angrier she became, no way!A master has no conscience, and a subordinate can't follow suit.The weak eyes filled with tears turned, and the eyes fell on the child again: Zhuzu, look!How beautiful this little face is, how cute this little body is, even his brows are so handsome and stylish, what a pity to stay in the mountains and be snatched away by wild wolves!

Yun Meiren originally followed Cheng Yimo for two steps, then turned back, bent down to pick up the child without saying a word——

The elder brother of the dark guard stared at the kid rolling down the mountain, and when he woke up, he immediately observed the two people at the foot of the mountain.When he saw clearly that one of them was the Thunder King they had assassinated, the dark guard was shocked, and he could no longer care about the child, and immediately used his lightness kung fu to return to the Magic Knife Valley as quickly as possible.

"Young Master, Commander Yale, it's not good, the Thunder King has brought someone after him." The dark guard hurriedly informed.

"What!?" Yaluhong jumped up in shock, "So fast?"

Qi Yuncang also opened his eyes, stood up, frowned and asked, "How many people are here?"

"The subordinates only saw the Thunder King and her two subordinates, and the subordinates did not know if there were other people who had not hidden in secret."

"Two people?" Yale Hong was amused, "Is she thinking too highly of herself or us? Could it be that her subordinate can defeat all of us with one enemy ten? Huh, I can't help it If you can afford it, you can dare to chase it with only one person. She came at the right time, and I will let her be buried in this barren mountain today, as a lonely ghost, to vent my hatred!"

As soon as Yaluhong's words fell, a cold but hostile voice came faintly.

"It's not certain who will be the wild ghost."

At the mouth of the valley, a black figure stands proudly, the pure and beautiful outline renders cruelty and sternness, a pair of black eyes are deep and sharp, cold and sharp as sharp as steel nails, falling on the person, as if steel nails penetrated the body , dripping with blood!

Qi Yuncang lowered her eyes, and there was an indelible solemnity in her eyes. No wonder she never looked at them directly during the assassination, presumably she didn't take them seriously.

"You are the Thunder King Cheng Yimo?" Yeluhong asked again.There was a hint of admiration in the tone of her voice, when she was introverted, she was cold and elegant like a fairy, when she showed her sharpness, she had the domineering and ruthless power to control the world and control life and death. He had never seen or heard of a woman with this kind of vigor!

"I am Cheng Yimo, the Thunder King you want to kill!" The voice was cold and even ethereal, but it carried an irresistible majesty.

Yi Mo lowered his eyes deeply, and slowly unfastened the soft sword at his waist.

Seeing her fighting posture, Yaluhong raised his eyebrows with interest, "What? Don't wait for your subordinates to take action? Want to kill us yourself? Are you sure you can take down so many of us with your own power!?" The words came Finally, with gnashing of teeth and ruthlessness.To be looked down upon by a woman is a shame as a man.

"It's enough on my own!"

The sound fell, and the terrifying evil spirit burst out of the body!The majestic internal force swept across the sand and rocks in the valley, circling and flying, forming a ferocious flying dragon in an instant. The flying dragon raised its head to the sky and groaned. With a swoop of its huge body, it roared towards Yaluhong and others in the valley with a compelling pressure. People bite away!

Seeing this, Yeluhong and Qi Yuncang's expressions changed drastically, and they were shocked.What a profound martial arts practice!
The two looked at each other with shock and astonishment in their eyes. The information they collected did not say that the Thunder King knew martial arts and was still such a strong martial arts.

Feeling the murderous aura coming from the roar, Yaluhong's heart sank. If he was not injured, he might still be able to fight against it!
Cheng Yimo took action himself, and the effect naturally cannot be compared with Suzaku and Xuanwu.What's more, these are still wounded and defeated 'deserters', the situation of the battle is one-sided.

When Yun Lingzhi reached the valley panting heavily with Ermao in his arms, he saw his master very coldly and domineeringly piercing the heart of the only living Yaluhong with a sword.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"), she screamed with her pale face covering her mouth, she looked frightened like a willow.

Er Mao, who was really frightened, rolled his eyes ungentlemanly when he heard his cry.On the way here, because she was carried by the other party, Er Mao inevitably touched the other party's chest, and then, the smart Er Mao understood that this beautiful and beautiful aunt was actually a strange woman with a transvestite.If he didn't know his real gender, Ermao might comfort him with compassion, but after knowing it, he just felt so disgusted!

Yi Mo cast a sideways glance at Yun Lingzhi, and the 'style' of that glance was enough to make one's heart tremble.

Yun Meiren closed her mouth tactfully, put down the little radish head in her bosom, ran to her master like a dog, took out a small handkerchief, and diligently wiped off the blood on the master's sword, "Master! This subordinate of Yaluhong can whip Corpse, skinned, cramps, bones removed, plus chrysanthemums?"

Cheng Yimo: "..." Sure enough, the most poisonous beauty!

Yi Mo put the sword away, took two steps back indiscriminately, and moved away from this perverted evildoer, then nodded and said, "This king only wants his head."

Yun Meiren was overjoyed when she saw her master nodding, and confessed to the subordinate who suddenly appeared to clean up the corpse: "Did you hear what the prince said? Take the head off and send the corpse to the young master's room."

When the two hidden guards who were carrying Yaluhong's body about to leave heard this, their bodies trembled and their expressions were quite strange.Putting chrysanthemums... Sending the corpse to the house... Mr. Yun is not going to rape Shi, is he? !

After Yun Lingzhi finished his explanation, he ran to the side and looked over Qi Yuncang's body. He took out a piece of jade pendant and put it in his pocket without hesitation. The four characters of "killing life" are vividly reflected.

Cheng Yimo didn't stop him, found a stone as a stool and sat down, then took out the water bag at his waist, pulled out the cork, and poured the water in the water bag on the sword that hadn't been wiped clean, the dried blood was covered As soon as the water was soaked, the originally dull color suddenly became alive again, and I picked up the veil and wiped it casually...Suddenly, a shadow was blocked in front of my eyes.Cheng Yimo raised her eyes and fixed her eyes on the person standing in front of her.

Er Mao stood in front of her in a daze, with curiosity, excitement and admiration shining in his clear and agile eyes.He was easily caught by that big man, and he couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried.For him, that big man is a godlike and powerful figure.But she easily killed the god who could control his life and death.

He fixedly looked at the thing in her hand, it was the thing that ended the life of the big man and let him escape from the clutches.If he has this thing, will he not have to be afraid of those bad guys in the future?Er Mao blinked, looked at her obediently, and asked softly, "Is this a sword?"

The voice has the unique softness of a child, and it sounds like a baby's voice, which melts Yi Mo's hard and cold heart little by little.

"En. Do you want it?" Yi Mo looked at him with a cold face, his eyes were still indifferent and cold, and there was even a murderous aura that had not yet restrained in the future and a bloody murderous aura that had just been killed.

But for some reason, Er Mao is not afraid of her, and even feels happy because she talks to him.The corner of the mouth was split open, showing a bright smile, revealing two cute little canine teeth, nodding fiercely, "I think."

Yi Mo returned the sword to its sheath, and made a decision that even he couldn't believe, "Take it."

"En." Er Mao was very happy, stretched out his hands, and happily took the sword.Yi Mo used a three-foot long sword, and Er Mao stood upright at the same height as the sword. He clumsily held the sword in his arms, and the bright smile on his face was so bright and dazzling under the sun.

Seeing Yun Meiren exclaimed, "It's so cute, I really want to have one myself!"

"..." was a black line covered in ink.Do you really think you are a woman when you wear women's clothing? !

Yun Lingzhi patted the dust on the hem of his skirt, squatted down gracefully beside Er Mao, stretched out his hand and pinched his cute little face, and asked curiously: "Boy, whose family are you from? Why are you running alone in this barren mountain? Come? Are you not afraid of being eaten by a tiger?"

"I was captured by a big man with a beard." Er Mao was very excited, stroking the sword back and forth with his small hand, and his eyes sparkled.

Big guy with a beard?Yaluhong!
Yun Meiren was even more curious, "Why did he arrest you?" Escaped with a child?My brain is sick!

Er Mao shook his head, and the other one was also touching the sword, and replied casually: "I don't know. Maybe because I saw that I was cute, I wanted to take it home and raise it."

"Take it home and raise it?" Listening to this tone, do you often get tricked into going home?

Young Master Yun was really curious. He sat cross-legged on the ground regardless of his image, with his elbows on his legs and his delicate chin on his palm. "Where is your home? Who are your parents?"

"Home?" Ermao got out of the joyful mood, and his bright smile gradually faded, replaced by endless sadness, "I don't have a home, my mother doesn't want me anymore, she gave me away..."

"Poor child." Yun Meiren shed tears of sympathy, and patted his head comfortingly, "What's your name?"

Ermao hid the sadness in his heart, crescent moon eyes, and smiled sweetly, "My name is Ermao."

Two hairs?

Cheng Yimo's head shook, and he suddenly remembered the joke in Zhangjiacun that day.

"Our common people say that children are too young to bear a rich name, and the lower the name, the easier it is to support them."

"Then call it Da Mao, Er Mao..."

Yi Mo's face gradually darkened, and he looked at Er Mao with a somewhat complicated look.If her Ermao was still alive, it would probably be this big...

(End of this chapter)

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