black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 448 He Is Your Son

Chapter 448 He Is Your Son

Yi Mo got off his horse and handed the little man in his arms to the maid who came up to meet him, "clean him up." After giving the order, he led all the officials into the main hall to discuss important matters.

Yun Lingzhi followed behind the crowd, and when he passed by two maids, he smiled sweetly, "This young master is our prince's little distinguished guest, so please take good care of him."

The maid hurriedly blessed her body and nodded her head as 'yes'.

First, the prince personally ordered, and later, General Yun personally delivered the instructions. How dare the two maids neglect Er Mao, and vowed to serve him as comfortably as they served their ancestors.

"Young master, the doctor is waiting outside. Don't run away, hurry up and put on your clothes, so that the doctor can come in and show you the wounds on your body." Yaju held a bright red padded jacket in her hand , helplessly and anxiously shouted at Er Mao, who was hiding around like a peek-a-boo.

Ermao hid behind the big pillar, holding the pillar with both hands, tilting his head, only showing a pair of big round eyes, looking at the red padded jacket in Yaju's hand with a look of disgust, "I don't wear it, yours is worn by girls , I'm a boy, I don't want to wear it."

Yaju shrugged her head and stood there helplessly.There are no children living in the palace, so how can there be children's clothes? This little padded jacket was worn by the housekeeper's daughter when she was a child, and she kept it because she was reluctant to throw it away.I thought that the child is small, and I can't tell if it is a boy or a girl, so I don't mind, but I don't know that children are so smart nowadays.

"Little ancestor, just make up for it. There are no boys' clothes in the mansion. Come on, just wear it, put it on, and when the doctor shows you the wound, the servant will go out of the mansion immediately to buy it for you."

The little head shook like a rattle, "No, no, brother is a person with principles and integrity. You can't lose your dignity because of a piece of clothing." More importantly, you can't follow in the footsteps of that ladyboy sister (Yun Lingzhi).

"..." Yaju's head is full of black lines, what does this have to do with her dignity?
"Yaju, are you ready? When you're done, hurry up and bring the young master out, don't keep Mr. Zhang waiting." Yazhu's voice sounded outside the door, and then she pushed the door open and came in, seeing Yaju standing with her clothes at a loss, Raising eyebrows in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Yaju was about to cry, "Young master knows that these are girls' clothes, so he doesn't wear them."

Yazhu looked at the clothes in her hands, and at the little man hiding behind the pillar with only one head exposed, and immediately said: "Young master, let him lie on the bed and cover him with a quilt, don't wear it." I've got a cold. I'll ask Mr. Zhang to come over, and then let the servants go out of the mansion to buy some clothes for the young master."

"Enenen." Yaju nodded happily, as long as she stopped playing hide and seek, she was really exhausted after such a stalemate for more than half an hour.

As soon as he heard that he could lie on the bed, Er Mao's eyes were as bright as the sun, and then he trotted a few steps, jumped onto the bed, and quickly got into bed.It's icy and snowy outside, the cold wind is howling, and the blanket is soft and warm, warm and comfortable, Er Mao rubbed the soft blanket with joy, and suddenly felt as happy as if it was about to bloom.

Zhang Langzhong was invited in, knowing that the child in front of him was a distinguished guest invited by the prince, so he didn't dare to neglect him, and gave him a serious physical examination.

"Mr. Zhang, how is it? Is the young master's injury serious?" Ya Zhu asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just a small injury, apply some medicine, and it will be fine in two days." Zhang Langzhong took out the ointment from the medicine box and handed it to Yazhu, "Miss Yazhu, apply this ointment on the young master's wound In the morning and evening, the scabs will form after three days. By the way, don’t let the young master’s wound get wet in the past few days, and avoid spicy food.”

"Please trouble Mr. Zhang." Yazhu handed the ointment to Yaju, and then personally sent Mr. Zhang out of the house.

"Little son, come, stretch out your arms, and this servant will apply the medicine to you." Yaju gently applied the medicine to him, with distress in her eyes, what a beautiful and lovely child, why did she get scars all over her body?

"Sister, where is my sword?" Er Mao didn't care, turned his big black eyes to look left and right, looking for his three-foot long sword.The scars on his body looked horrible like cobwebs intertwined, but they were actually not serious. Some of them were just scratched a little, and they looked bright red, but they didn't even bleed.

"What sword?" Yaju looked at him in bewilderment, and suddenly remembered, "Oh, sister Yazhu put that sword in the cabinet."

"Hurry up, hurry up, bring it to me quickly, put it in my bed, I want to hug and sleep."

Seeing that he was about to turn over, Yaju hurriedly pressed down on his body, "Don't move, just lie down. This servant will fetch it for you."

Yaju took out the long sword from the cabinet, looked at the complicated pattern on the hilt, felt familiar, scratched her head, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly." Er Mao snatched the sword from her hand, hugged it happily in his arms, stroked the blade back and forth with his small hands, and murmured with admiration, "I will also practice martial arts and swords in the future, just like her …It’s the same as killing bad guys and beating tigers, and you can still fly around in the sky…”

Yaju slapped her head suddenly, she remembered, this sword is their prince's saber!
The main hall.

Yi Mo Duan sat in a high position, while all the officials of His Royal Highness stood shivering.

A general came out and said in a respectful voice, "My lord, General Baihu captured Licheng of Shu Kingdom at noon yesterday."

"Okay!" Yi Mo showed a gratified smile, and then ordered people to bring the heads of Yaluhong and Qi Yuncang, "Master Li?"

"My minister is here." Li Si came out.

Cheng Yimo asked: "Is this time approaching the birthday of Emperor Shu?"

"Return to the prince, the Shu Emperor's birthday is on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and it will be in half a month."

"Okay. General Qin, send these two heads to Emperor Shu, and say that this is a birthday present from this king to Emperor Shu."

As soon as the words fell, there was a compliment in the hall, "Your Highness is wise!"

After the officials retreated, Suzaku and Xuanwu entered the hall, "Master." The two knelt in the hall full of guilt, thinking of what they had done recently, they felt ashamed, they were not worthy to be the master's personal guards!

Yi Mo picked up the booklet on the desk, opened it for a closer look, but didn't look up at the two people in the hall, and said coldly, "Is it packed?"

Suzaku's eyes were slightly red, "It's packed."

"Come back when you're done packing."

"Master, I..." Suzaku wanted to mention the matter of Young Master Yeyan running away from home, but was stopped by Xuanwu.

Xuanwu shook his head towards her, Qinglong had ordered that the matter of Young Master Yeyan must be kept from the master, and the master should not be worried anymore.

Suzaku hesitated, but finally shut up.

"What's the matter?" Yi Mo put down the notebook and looked at the two of them.

Xuanwu raised his smiling face, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, master, you are busy, Suzaku and I will go back now." Then he rushed out with Suzaku, and the moment he stepped out of the palace gate, he met the person who rushed over from the long corridor on the left. People slammed into each other.

Xuanwu is a martial arts practitioner, when an unknown object hits him, the instinctive inner force of luck, the thick inner force comes out through the body, and the person who hit him is thrown away in an instant.

"Ahhh——" Er Mao opened his mouth and screamed, his body flew up involuntarily, and fell into the flowers outside the hall with a bang.

Yaju turned pale with fright, and ran over in panic, "Young master, are you alright?"

Cheng Yimo heard the voice, put down the booklet, stood up, and walked out of the hall quickly, "What's going on?"

When Xuan Wu saw that the other party was just a child, it was too late to stop.Scratching his head angrily, he blamed himself: "Master, just now... I accidentally bumped into a child." After speaking, she looked at the flowers with apologies.He wasn't worried about hurting the other party, he knew in his own mind how much effort he had put in, and he definitely wouldn't hurt the child, but he had to suffer a little bit, and it would definitely hurt if he fell like this.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Er Mao spit out a mouth full of mud, and got up from the ground unsteadily, unable to stand still, his head was buzzing, the sky and the earth were shaking from side to side, and his eyes turned into circles of mosquito coils.With a movement of his arm, he grimaced in pain.Hearing the man's evasive words again, the evil fire in my heart suddenly rose, what is meant by 'carelessness', I am so big and not careful, I don't have eyes when I walk!

Ermao was so angry that he even burst out the resentment of being bullied by Yaluhong, with his hands on his hips, making a teapot shape, "Fart! What is 'careless'? Just saying 'careless' just wants to push the blame away completely." ?! You don’t have eyes, I’m so big and standing in front of you, you’re still ‘careless’. I think you’re doing it on purpose! You’re jealous that brother is more handsome than you, jealous that brother is cuter than you, jealous My brother is smarter than you..."

A small mouth is crackling, crackling, like spitting out golden beans, chattering endlessly!

Girl Yaju was sweating profusely, and interrupted him timidly, "Little, young master, the person in front of you is a slave, so, that person is behind you."

Ermao was dizzy and opened his eyes vigorously, looking at the shaky figures in front of him, he asked suspiciously, "Aren't there three or four people around you?"

Yaju's hair was full of black lines, she thought, "Your eyesight is blurry, you only have this servant in front of you."

Puchi!Suzaku was all smiles, this 'little teapot' was too funny.

Hearing the laughter coming from behind, Ermao was furious, turned around abruptly, and roared arrogantly, "Don't look at my cute and cute face, and think that I'm weak and easy to bully. You apologize to me quickly, or I will let you know what cruelty is... ..."

Suddenly, a smile froze on his face!
Seeing this extremely familiar face, Suzaku was stunned.Even Xuanwu was startled, pointed at him tremblingly, opened his mouth, but was too excited to say anything, "He, he..."

Yi Mo looked at the two people who were obviously wrong, and waved to Er Mao, "Come here!"

Er Mao immediately became honest, restrained her arrogance, walked over in a well-mannered manner, and stood obediently beside her.

Yi Mo touched his head, and took the weeds that fell on his head.Looking up at the two of Xuanwu again, his eyes suddenly became sharp, "Do you know him?"

"He, he..." Xuanwu was dumbfounded, slapped his thigh for the last time, and shouted excitedly: "Master, he is your son, Master Yeyan!"

(End of this chapter)

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