Chapter 450
After dinner, Yimo asked Yaju to take him to rest, while she left for the main hall to gather the civil servants and generals to discuss political affairs.

"Young master, the water is already boiled, let this servant wait for you to change your clothes and take a bath." Yaju waited on you in fear, hoot!She is really afraid of death!
"I'll take it off myself." After eating and drinking, it was very comfortable to take a steaming hot bath.Ermao happily took off his coat, and when he was about to take off his underpants, he stopped, looked at Yaju, who had a sad face like a dead husband, and shouted blushingly: "What are you looking at, female hooligan! Turn around , don't look!"

Yaju's eyes became more resentful, and she replied weakly: "...Yes."

Ermao quickly took off the little pants, threw them on the ground, and jumped into the barrel with a 'plop', moaning contentedly, it's so cool!

"Ah! Young master, your wound cannot be touched..." Water!Before he could say the word 'water', he got into the water, swimming freely in the water like a little fish.

With a splash, Ermao got out of the water, grabbed the towel and threw it on Yaju's face, ordering, "Come here, wipe my brother's back."

Yaju was about to cry, "Little, young master, Mr. Zhang told you not to get water on the wound, you should come out quickly, this servant will give you the medicine..." Woooooo!If the wound worsens due to being wet, the housekeeper will definitely punish her for improper service.This is going to be boarded!
"Troubleshooting!" Er Mao glanced at her and shouted impatiently, "Come here as soon as I tell you."

"But your injury..."

"Manly man, this little injury is nothing!"

"..." But you are only three years old, you can't even be considered a man, let alone a man.

Miss Yaju finally succumbed to the young master's coercion, and honestly picked up the bath towel and rubbed his back for him.

Half an hour later, Ermao was bored playing with water, his round eyes looked at the door from time to time, then at Yaju, then at the door, then at Yaju... After repeating this many times, he finally Can't help but ask, "It's so late, why hasn't my mother come back?"

"Ah?" Yaju was stupid, and didn't realize who his mother was for a while.After thinking about it, she suddenly realized, "Oh! It's the prince. The prince's bedroom is not here, so she probably won't be here tonight. Young master, hurry up, the water is getting cold..."

Ermao stood up as promised, and Yaju hurriedly picked up the prepared blanket and wrapped it up to prevent him from catching cold.

"Where is Mother's bedroom? I want to sleep with Mother." Er Mao looked at her and let her wipe the water off her body.

"Young master, here, without the order of the prince, this servant..." Yaju was a little embarrassed.With the prince's temperament, he must not like others to be close to him, but the young master is not an ordinary person, he is the prince's own son.For a while, Yaju couldn't figure out what the prince was thinking, she couldn't guess whether the prince was happy or not to bring the young master there.

"If you don't take me there, I'll go by myself." After finishing speaking, she ran outside without getting dressed.

Yaju was anxious, "Young Master..."

At this time, Yi Mo had not yet gone to bed, holding the notebook that was urgently sent from Wangchuan in his hand, he picked up the cinnabar pen and wrote the comments under the notebook.Ya Zhu came in with hot tea, didn't dare to disturb her, put the teacup on her right hand side and obediently retreated.As soon as he walked out of the palace door, before he had time to close the door, he saw the young master rushing towards him, his expression changed, and he was about to ask him to keep his voice down, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even look at her, and stretched out his hand to push her away. Break into the inner room of the dormitory.

"Mother? Mother—" shouted while running.

Yazhu's face was pale, and she looked at Yaju who was chasing after her in panic, thinking: It's over!
Yi Mo heard his voice, put down his notebook, looked up and saw him running in barefoot wearing thin obscene clothes.

Yazhu and Yaju entered the hall together, they both knelt down and pleaded guilty, "Slaves deserve to die!" Ya Zhu was serving the prince by his side, and when the prince was approving papers, he was disturbed by others, he deserved to die.And Yaju served the young master by her side, not only made the young master suffer from the cold, but also disturbed the prince's work, damn it!
If it was in the past, Yimo would definitely punish such slaves who were not good at handling things, but today their mother and son are reunited, and they are in a good mood, so they won't spoil their good mood just because of such a trivial matter.

"Get up." Yi Mo beckoned Er Mao to go, "Yan'er, come here."

"Mom!" There was a hint of coquettishness in her soft voice.Ermao called out childishly, and ran over happily.

This 'mother' call made Mo's heart so soft that he bent down and picked him up, looking at his little feet that were red from the cold, his face was angry, and he looked at Yaju sharply, "How did you serve him?"

Yaju's face turned pale in an instant, her legs bent, she knelt on the ground, and begged, "Forgive me, my lord, young master, he ran too fast, slaves, slaves can't catch up..."

Seeing that she was still holding the shoes and clothes that she hadn't put on in time, Yi Mo believed her and stopped pursuing her fault.Turning to look at Er Mao, he scolded coldly, "It's so cold, why don't you put on your clothes and shoes!?"

Ermao was not afraid of her, put his arms around her neck, and said with a smile, "I miss mother, I want to see mother soon." Putting his head in her arms, he said coquettishly, "Mother, tonight I will be with you." How about you sleep together?"

"Okay." Yi Mo hugged him and got up and walked towards the inner hall, Yazhu and Yaju hurriedly followed.

Yi Mo turned his head and said, "You don't need to serve me tonight, go down."

"Yes." Ya Zhu and Ya Ju Fu stepped back.

Yi Mo lifted the gauze curtain, walked to the gums, put him in the quilt, pressed the corners of the quilt for him, and warned with a bluffing face, "Stay still, don't move around."

Ermao lay down obediently, it can be seen that the mother is not ready to take off her clothes and go to bed, she couldn't help blinking, and asked in a childish voice: "Mother, are you not going to sleep?"

"It's still early, mother will go to bed later." Get up and go out, "Mother, go get some papers and come in, and sleep with you while reviewing papers."

"Okay!" Stretched out his little hand and met his fingers boredly, just waiting with a smile on his face.After a while, he saw his mother coming in with a booklet, he moved his body a little bit into the bed, and then quickly lifted the quilt for her, "Mother, hurry up, come in and lie down, the quilt is so warm."

Yi Mo smiled, put the bag on the bedside table, took off his clothes and lay down.Er Mao quickly crawled into her arms and lay down, and then put his cold little feet on her warm stomach to keep warm.

The freezing temperature made her shiver, she stared stupidly at the satisfied and comfortable little face in front of her.How familiar is this warming action.Back then, when the winter was the coldest, she also liked to put her feet on Ayu's stomach to keep warm...

That sinister and handsome face involuntarily appeared in his mind.Yi Mo only felt a pain in his heart, followed by dense tingling pains spreading across his chest.I thought that after three years, if I don’t think about it, the feelings will fade away, and the pain will naturally disappear. I didn’t expect that this feeling not only did not fade with the passage of time, but deposited little by little, like snow. The ball got bigger and bigger——

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

The fleshy little hand caressed her slightly pale face, and the soft and waxy child's voice rang in her ears, pulling her back from the pain in an instant.

Looking at the glutinous rice dumpling in his arms, his cold heart gradually returned to warmth, and he stretched out his arms to hug him into his arms, "Mother is fine, but I am a little tired. Go to sleep, mother will not read the booklet anymore, mother will sleep with you. "

With a flick of the fingers, a majestic gust of wind was shot out, the candle was extinguished in response, and the bright bedroom gradually darkened...

In Ziyang City, in a remote town, in a simple wooden house, the real Cheng Yeyan was seriously injured and unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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