Chapter 451 Butterfly
The cold winter is like a slug, and at night, the biting cold wind howls, and there are icy snowflakes in the wind, blowing on people's faces, which is so cold that it hurts.In the silence of the night, a figure wrapped in coir raincoat and bamboo hat rushed into the simple courtyard. Then, the door of the courtyard opened in response to a sound. The woman who opened the door was a woman in plain clothes. Wearing a veil, only a pair of mournful and soft eyes were revealed, "Brother Li, are you back?"

The man named Li Ge wanted to take off the bamboo hat and coir raincoat, and shook off the snowflakes on his body before entering the house. Unexpectedly, the door opened automatically. When he saw the woman who opened the door for him, his eyes were full of worry and distress. "Die'er, why don't you rest so late? They told you to rest first, don't wait for me, but you just didn't listen. Hurry up, come in and lie down, it's so cold outside, and you're not feeling well... ..."

The man didn't care about the frost and snow that fell on his body, he quickly stepped into the house, and closed the door with his backhand, shutting out all the wind and snow.

"Die'er, your body is just right, you can't stand for a long time, be obedient, go to bed and lie down..." While speaking, the man wanted to reach out to help her, but he withdrew his hand in an instant, and quickly took two steps back.He just came back from the outside, the breath around his body was as cold as water, if he got too close, Die'er would be cold.

Seeing his considerate actions, Die'er's eyes showed not a lingering love but deep guilt and inferiority complex. Brother Li, please don't treat Die'er so well. Die'er is a filthy person and is not worthy of you... …

Die'er turned around to pour him hot tea, lowered her head, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes, and asked softly, "Brother Li, have you found the nettle grass yet?"

Yu Li took off the coir raincoat and bamboo hat and hung them on the wall of the house, patted the wind and snow on his trouser legs, and nodded happily, "Yes, I found it. With this nettle grass and Tian Hong, we should be able to Heal the child's internal wounds."

Die Er handed him the hot tea, and was sincerely happy for the child, "As long as it can be cured, it will be fine."

Moving to the side of the bed, seeing the pale face of the child lying on the bed, Die'er felt distressed for a while, her eyes pityed, "Such a small child, who is so cruel, to kill him next time..."

"That's right. Such a small child will not be spared, it is simply inferior to a pig and a dog." Speaking of it, Yu Li was furious. He went to the city to fetch medicine for Die Er, and when he passed by a small alley in the city, he found a child. Lying on the ground dying, very pitiful.

Yu Li is a wandering doctor, also known as a "chivalrous doctor", and a chivalrous man is also benevolent.Yu Li was an orphan without father and mother, and was later taken in by Yaowanggu. He used to be a drug boy beside Yaowang, but because he offended the eldest lady, he was kicked out of the valley.Yu Li has been smart since he was a child, and has the ability of never forgetting. He learned some skills from the King of Medicine, so he became a doctor in the rivers and lakes.Traveling doctors have no fixed place to live, wander around, and earn a meager income by picking herbs and selling them in medicine shops.But Yu Li is kind-hearted, not only does not charge money for medical treatment for the poor, but also gives herbal medicine, so that he is even poorer than ordinary wandering doctors.Not only does Yu Li, who lives in poverty, not worry about his poor life, but he lives happily and wonderfully every day.Yu Lichang said: Being able to help others is a happy thing in itself.

It is because of his kindness that Die Er, who should have died three years ago, can stand here to mourn the spring and autumn; it is because of his kindness, that Ye Yan, who should have died three days ago, can lie in bed Here is a steady breath...

Yu Li took Ye Yan's pulse and frowned, "His injury can't wait, I'll boil medicine for him now." There was a ready-made stove and medicine pot in the room, he picked out the nettle grass, washed it clean and then Throwing it into the medicine pot, scooping up three bowls of water, quickly lighting a fire to boil the medicine, and said without looking back while working, "Die'er, you must be very tired after taking care of him for a day, go and rest."

Die'er picked the wick to make the oil lamp brighter, then sat aside, took out the half-filled soles, and made the shoes skillfully, "Brother Li, Die'er is not tired, Die'er can't help much, just Let Die Er sit here with you."

Yu Li turned his head to look at Die'er. In the candlelight, Die'er's figure was so graceful and his movements were so graceful, he couldn't help but be fascinated.He has always known that Die Er is beautiful, even if she has a disfigured face with many scars...

"Dieer, why did you get hurt in the first place?"

For three years, Yu Li never asked about Die Er.When he first met Die'er, she was lying at the foot of the mountain dying, with nothing good about her body, her legs were broken, her elbows were covered with bloody white bones, and her face was tortured by gravel.He rescued her and went home. He continued to drink medicine every day, and lay on the bed for half a year before waking up. He still remembers the look in her eyes when she woke up.Those eyes were empty and gray, and he didn't have the slightest intention of living. He once thought that she didn't want to live and jumped off the cliff to commit suicide.Later, for some reason, she suddenly became alive again, with the desire to live.She wanted to be alive, and that was the best thing about him.He took good care of her, and it wasn't until half a year ago that she recovered enough to walk on the ground.As soon as she was able to walk around, she proposed to come to this war-torn border.Yu Li admired her in his heart, and naturally responded to her requests.Even though he didn't understand why she insisted on coming to Yumen Pass, Ziyang City...

"I..." As soon as he uttered, the sadness hidden in his heart emerged, and tears blurred his vision in an instant.

Huge drops of tears fell on the ground, as if falling on Yu Li's heart, his heart ached, "Die'er, don't cry, don't cry, I won't ask, I won't ask anymore." Ran to her in a panic, Seeing her crying more and more, she was at a loss and slapped herself angrily, "I'm stupid, I can't speak, Die'er, don't cry, I won't ask again. Don't cry , crying too much is bad for your health..."

Die'er took out a handkerchief and wiped away tears, "Brother Li, Die'er and I are unclean people, please don't be so nice to Die'er anymore." Her voice was choked and hoarse, "Brother Li, you are a good person and a good person in the world. The best person, I believe that God will arrange for you a gentle and virtuous girl, Die Er, Die Er is not good enough for you... woo woo woo!" After speaking, she broke down in tears.

Die Er complained, complained why God didn't let her meet him earlier.If it was Brother Li who met first, she would not have married that bastard without hesitation, nor would what happened later... Woohoo, it was her fault, everything was her fault!She killed her, she killed her child...

Yu Li has a deep affection and has waited for her for so many years without complaint or regret, and she can't just let it go by saying "not worthy".He also knew that this was not the time to talk about these things, so he changed the topic and said, "Die'er, we won't talk about these things anymore. The medicine is ready, please help me get a bowl, and feed the bowl of medicine to the child first, and keep it safe." Stabilize the injury."

"Oh, good!" Die Er hurriedly put down her shoes, went to get an empty bowl from the cupboard, and handed it to Yu Li.

Yu Li asked Die Er to help the child up, and fed the whole bowl of medicine. After half an hour, Yu Li felt his pulse again.

Die Er stood aside and asked nervously, "Brother Li, how is it? Is he better?"

With a serious face, Yu Li nodded first, then shook his head.

Die'er looked anxious, "Brother Li, what do you mean? You nodded and shook your head..."

Yu Li said in a deep voice: "The condition has not deteriorated. It seems that the injury has been stabilized. It's just... that nettle grass and Tian Hong alone may not be enough to fully recover."

"Then what should we do?" Die'er looked at the child on the bed pityingly, "He is still so young, can he just lie on the bed for the rest of his life?" She was lying on the bed like this when she was seriously injured. Hands can not move mouth can not speak, that feeling is worse than death.Such a small child has to lie down for a lifetime, how can he bear it...

"Die'er, don't worry. It's not impossible to cure him." Yu Li said, "After eating nettle grass a few more times, he will wake up. But my medical skills are limited, so I can only wake him up, but I can't help it." There is no way to cure his internal injuries. If you want to cure him completely, you can only ask Mr. Baicao, the master of the rivers and lakes, to take action."

Die'er's face brightened, "Then let's go find Mr. Baicao."

Yu Li looked into her eyes and said slowly: "Die'er, Mr. Baicao lives in the camphor forest in Shao'an. If we want to find Mr. Baicao, we have to leave Ziyang City."

Die Er was taken aback, are you going to leave Ziyang City?With tangled eyes, he pondered for a long time before asking, "Brother Li, is the battle outside over?"

"The fight is over. Two days ago, the emperor of Shu handed in the letter of surrender. Yesterday, General Baihu led his troops back to camp." Yu Li said the news that all the people at the border knew.Die'er seldom goes out, so naturally she doesn't know anything about the war outside.

"Really? Have you already won?" Die'er murmured, with joy rarely seen in Yu Li's eyes.

"Brother Li, do you know any news about Lord Thunder?" She asked cautiously, as if she was afraid that her secret would be exposed because of this question.

"Yesterday afternoon, the emperor sent an imperial decree to ask the prince to return to the court with the class teacher who surrendered the letter from the Kingdom of Shu in the morning." Yu Li didn't know why she would ask about the news of Prince Lei Ting.But when he finished speaking, he clearly felt that Die Er's mood was getting low.

"She's going back..." Die'er suppressed the reluctance in her eyes, looked at Yu Li, and decided, "Brother Li, let's go tomorrow morning too. Let's go to Shao'an and ask Mr. Baicao to treat the child."

"Well, okay, let's go to Shao'an."

In the early morning of the second day, outside the gate of Ziyang City, hundreds of thousands of cavalry stood tall, people like dragons, guns like tigers, and a wave of iron-blooded majesty and hostility swept up amidst the roar of dragons and tigers! 10 horses stand silently and solemnly. This scene is so grand and vast that one looks timidly from a distance.

At this time, a group of iron cavalry rode out from the city gate, and the leader was as noble and dazzling as the sun, with a beautiful face, exquisite silhouette, and coercive domineering... just looking at it from a distance, it is heart-warming surrender.

"See you, my lord!" Hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, and the shouts shook the heavens and the earth!

She raised her eyes, black eyes bursting with sharpness, like a sharp blade just out of its sheath, sharp and ice-sharp, "Let's go!" The deserted voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

On the small hill in the distance, Die'er looked at the familiar figure reluctantly, with nostalgia and dependence in her mournful eyes.Yu Li glanced at Die'er, and naturally he didn't miss the guilt and self-blame deeply hidden in her eyes.

At this time, what Yu Li didn't notice was that the child in his arms also opened his eyes.

Ye Yan struggled to open his eyelids, and all he saw was a blurred figure from behind. He moved his lips, wanting to shout out, but he was determined but powerless.He watched helplessly as that figure walked further and further away, and finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a coma again.

(End of this chapter)

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