Chapter 453 East Palace (2)
"Has it been stolen?"

"Stupid! If you want to steal gold and silver treasures, who would steal corpses with nothing to do?"

"What else? Could it be that she got up and ran away by herself?" At this point, the little eunuch's voice trembled, and he thought wildly, "Could it be haunted..."

"No way..." Another young eunuch shrank his neck in fear, and looked around timidly.This is the most remote and dilapidated yard in the East Palace. The yard is overgrown with weeds, the house is densely covered with cobwebs, the walls are potholed and even cracked. There are no seats in the dilapidated house, only a wooden bed, and the whole house smells musty. The aura of decay and dilapidation was incompatible with the luxury and majesty of the entire Crown Prince's East Palace. It was hard to imagine that the luxurious Crown Prince's East Palace could be so dilapidated and poor.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the room.The two looked back subconsciously, only to see that the cold wooden bed in the room had stepped on.The two looked at each other, and then screamed in unison: "Ahhh——ghost!"

The two young eunuchs were already timid, and someone had just died in this room, and the corpse disappeared inexplicably.At this moment, seeing that the wooden bed that Ya Liangdi slept on before her death collapsed for no reason, she was so frightened that she jumped up like a rabbit, and ran away without looking back.

"Ahh—ghost, there is a ghost!"

The two stumbled and ran out of the side courtyard, shouting as they ran, with pale faces and a look of lost soul.

After running for a long time, I ran into Mo Ran who was going to the prince's bedroom to pay his respects.

"Stop!" Mo Ran put on airs, with a cold face, and tried his best to put on a majestic appearance, "How decent are you shouting in the East Palace! Come on, let me drag you down, and beat each of you eight times!" The top ten boards, to imitate others."

"Di Liang please spare my life, Liangdi spare my life. This slave will never dare again, please forgive Liangdi, please forgive Liangdi..." When the two young eunuchs heard that they were about to be spanked, they immediately withdrew their souls and knelt on the ground with a plop Begging.With their small stature, if they hit eighty, they will be disabled even if they don't die.

The court ladies and eunuchs who followed Mo Ran also changed their faces. This small mistake will be punished eighty times... Liang Di is too vicious.

Mo Ran caught a glimpse of the frightened faces of all the servants behind her, and couldn't help feeling proud, she just wanted these servants to be in awe of her, to see if anyone would dare not take her, Prince Liangdi seriously!Thinking that the King of Thunder would soon enter the palace to have an audience, she was frightened for a while. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had an engagement with her three years ago. Although it was delayed for some reason, she was afraid that the emperor would bring up the old matter again and give them a marriage. Then there is no place for her in the Eastern Palace!

A stern look flashed across her eyes, she will punish the slaves in the East Palace well today, so that they will know who is the mistress of the East Palace and who is the crown prince's confidant, lest the Thunder King enter the East Palace, and these dog slaves will Follow the wind and go to curry favor!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Drag it down and beat me, hard!"

"Di Liang, please forgive me, please forgive me." The little eunuch kowtowed hard, and after a while, blood began to bleed from his forehead, "Your servant bumped into Liangdi, this servant deserves to die, I beg Liangdi to show mercy, and spare the servants Let's do it for a while."

Another little eunuch also cried, "Liangdi, please spare me, there is a reason for the slaves to yell, I implore Liangdi to allow the slave to report the reason in detail."

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell me." Mo Ran looked at the dog servant kneeling at her feet and begging to cry, and felt a sense of superiority in his heart. This great.

"Hui Liangdi, three days ago, Ya Liangdi who lived in the courtyard died suddenly."

When Mo Ran heard this, he was taken aback.She knew about this Di Yaliang, she was the daughter of Mr. Feng, the Minister of Dali Temple.Outsiders thought she was dead, and even she thought she had died a long time ago, until someone accidentally mentioned it.I think back when Feng Ya was named Liang Di, she was still a little palace maid who washed clothes in Huanyiyuan.Later, when she was named Liangdi, she was afraid that Feng Ya would compete with her for favor, so she took a special look at Feng Ya.Now recalling the scene I saw in the side courtyard, I still can't help getting goosebumps all over my body, it's too scary!After returning from the side courtyard, she not only vomited for a whole day, but also had nightmares for two months in a row. Since then, she has never been to the side courtyard again, and she usually walks far away from the side courtyard.

"It's better to be dead." Mo Ran didn't want to mention her, and felt disgusted when she thought about it. She rubbed the back of her cold hands and said coldly, "She is so alive, life is better than death. Die early and be free!"

The little eunuch pretended not to hear what she said, and cried: "But Ya Liangdi's body is gone."

"The corpse can't walk, how could it disappear?" Mo Ran said disapprovingly, "Maybe you dug a hole and buried it, and then forgot."

"Liangdi Mingjian. Three years ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had ordered that Yaliangdi should not be buried in the ground after death, but only in the sky. So the servants dare not bury Yaliangdi." The two little eunuchs cried with snot in their noses. Tears, "Di Yaliangdi's body disappeared out of thin air, and even the wooden bed she was lying on before her death collapsed inexplicably. The servants were afraid that there were unclean things in the palace, so they panicked..."

No burial in the ground, only sky burial? !

Sky burial is to leave the corpse in the open air and let the birds and beasts eat its flesh and blood!
Mo Ran was terrified, so what serious crime did Feng Ya commit? She was so painful that life was worse than death, but even after death, she was forced to live in peace!
Suddenly, Mo Ran felt terrified, as if seeing his end.The blood on his face was gone, and he waved his hands in panic, "Where is the ghost in the blue sky! Well, if you lose it, you lose it, and this matter will stop here, and you are not allowed to mention it again." After finishing speaking, he did not go to The prince's bedroom, turned around and walked back.

Back in the room, Mo Ran was terrified, thinking about Feng Ya's end, he was even more restless.Her personal maid, Yin Shu, noticed that something was wrong, hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea into her hand, and asked worriedly: "Di Liang, what's wrong with you? Why are you shaking so badly, but you don't feel well? Do you want to?" Is the servant going to teach the imperial doctor?"

"No, it's okay." Mo Ran took a sip of hot tea and suppressed his shock, which made him feel better, but his face was still pale.Looking at Yinshu, he asked, "Yinshu, what did Feng Ya do to make His Highness the Crown Prince furious and to treat her so cruelly? You said that if I offended His Highness the Crown Prince, he would Won't do the same to me..."

The image of seeing Feng Ya in the side courtyard that year appeared in her mind. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that that person was the beauty who captivated countless talents in Beijing!The festering face covered with maggots did not look the same as before, and what frightened her the most was that Feng Ya's hands and feet were cut off, and she was packed in an urn like a human stick.The urn was full of feces, and the maggots inside were densely packed. Countless maggots crawled on her face and head. She was so hungry that she stuck out her tongue and rolled it around her mouth. She chewed happily after rolling a few .It can be seen from her confused and chaotic eyes that she has gone crazy long ago, otherwise, how could a normal person live so long in such a humiliating and humble way...

Yinshu felt that she was worrying unfoundedly, so she smiled disapprovingly and said, "Liangdi, you can relax. In the past three years, His Highness the Crown Prince's feelings for you have been witnessed by not only our entire East Palace but also the whole capital. Take a look , Those princes are expensive, which one is not three wives and four concubines, let alone the fifth prince, the beauties are carried into the mansion one by one, and our prince is the most affectionate. For three years, this East Palace has only you as a good concubine from beginning to end. Folks, the relationship between you and the crown prince is conveyed miraculously. What is the deep love between husband and wife, what is the promise of life and death to grow old, and what drinking water is only one scoop for three thousand. Oops, they all made up the matter between you and the crown prince. The operas are sung on the stage all day long, envious of the unmarried women in Beijing..."

Hearing what she said, Mo Ran shook off the gloom in his heart, smiled, and said to himself in his heart: Yes, the prince loves her so much, he will definitely not have the heart to let her suffer like that.

"By the way, Yinshu, I heard that the Thunder King has already entered the capital. She and the crown prince..." Mo Ran said nervously, "Do you think the emperor will marry the crown prince again? Then the Thunder King has a noble status. If he enters the East Palace, It must be the main wife and concubine. She is a wife and I am a concubine. From now on, she will be in charge of the East Palace. I will bow to her when I see her. How can I have a say in the East Palace in the future? Yinshu, think about it Method."

"Don't worry, Concubine Liang." Yin Shu calmly comforted her, "Let's not say anything about this matter, just say that even if she enters the East Palace, she is just a crown princess who has been emptied of power. Think carefully about it." Thinking, what do you rely on to gain a foothold in the Eastern Palace? It depends on His Royal Highness’s favor. If His Royal Highness doesn’t like it, even the Crown Princess’s life in the Eastern Palace will be difficult. If His Royal Highness likes it, it’s laundry and cooking A lowly girl can also fly up a branch and become a golden phoenix. With His Royal Highness's love for Di Liang, you will definitely not let the Thunder King bully you. If the Thunder King is really as smart and astute as the rumors say, not only will he not embarrass you when you marry You will even curry favor with you, because only if you like her can His Royal Highness tolerate her."

Mo Ran felt that Yin Shu's words were reasonable, and nodded in agreement: Yes!To gain a foothold in the East Palace, it depends on the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.It was because His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doted on her that she changed from a laundry slave to the Crown Prince Liang Di that everyone envied.

Seeing that she was in a better mood, Yin Shu changed the subject and said cautiously: "Liang Di, today the servants inquired and heard that the Crown Prince recruited Jin Se to serve in the main hall..."

As soon as he heard about Violet, Mo Ran's face suddenly changed.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had never liked women to be served close to him, but he was the only exception to this Violet.Jin Se used to be an inconspicuous little maid in the East Palace, but for some reason she fell into the eyes of the prince, and was transferred to serve the prince, and the prince used it for three years.

Mo Ran is more afraid of Viola than the Thunder King who suddenly appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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