black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 454 Lost My Heart

Chapter 454 Lost My Heart (1)
Mo Ran was afraid that Pansy would seduce the prince and rob him of his exclusive favor, so he was extremely reluctant for her to appear in front of the prince.Hearing that Jin Se was summoned to serve in the main hall again, she panicked, and immediately asked Yin Shu to clean up her makeup, and went to the main hall with the most beautiful appearance.

When Mo Ran hurried to the main hall, he only saw Jin Se alone, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't see the figure of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Seeing Mo Ran coming, the palace servants in the main hall turned pale and hurriedly bowed to salute, "I have seen Emperor Mo Liang." Although they served the prince in front of the prince, they were superior to ordinary servants, but in this Mo Liang There is no discrimination in front of Di, but if she is slighted, she will not look at the prince's face at all.

Mo Ran nodded proudly, "Excuse me."

When Jin Se, who was packing the prince's clothes, saw her, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she greeted her casually, with no respect in her expression, and even a hint of contempt.Turn around and continue to fold the prince's clothes, then open the closet and put the personal clothes into the closet.

When Mo Ran saw her like this, he was furious, "Bitch! You are a little maidservant, how dare you be rude when you see me! I am the concubine of the prince Liang who was appointed by the empress himself, you Ignoring me like this, do I look down on me or His Highness the Crown Prince?! Come on, drag this condescending and lowly servant girl down to me, and beat me hard!" Her beautiful face was distorted with rage .Now she is just a slave, but she dares to treat her arrogantly and contemptuously. If she is really favored by His Highness the Crown Prince in the future, wouldn't she be taken seriously? !Today she wants her to know what is superiority and what is priority. Now that she is a master and she is a slave, it is only natural for her to bow her knees when she sees her.In the future, even if she gets a title, she will still be her elder sister, so no matter what, she will be overwhelmed!
"Hit me! Hit me hard!" After shouting for a long time but seeing none of the dog slaves moving, Mo Ran stomped his feet angrily and shouted angrily, "Dog slave, what are you doing standing there? Don't you want Bengong to do it yourself?" ?”

"Liangdi, this... Aunt Jinse is the personal servant of His Highness the Crown Prince, if His Highness the Crown Prince knows..." The servants in the hall were all terrified and looked at each other, no one dared to step forward.

Jinse didn't pay attention to Mo Ran's clamor at all, and there was no trace of fear on her face except for sarcasm. She wanted to teach her a lesson in the prince's main hall, dreaming! ?

Violet arranged the clothes in the closet unhurriedly. Suddenly, the hand that was turning over the clothes paused, and saw an object hidden under the clothes in the corner of the closet. She reached out and took out the object, and took a closer look. It was actually a jade pendant!Jin Se was surprised. For the past three years, she has been taking care of the prince's clothes. She is more familiar with the items in the cabinet than His Royal Highness. Why doesn't she remember that there is such a thing in the cabinet?Moreover, looking at the inferior quality of jade and the crude and rough workmanship, it is obvious that it did not come from the palace... Viola was taken aback again, and she suddenly realized that this cabinet was not the cabinet for His Royal Highness's usual clothes.This cabinet is full of old clothes worn by His Highness the Crown Prince three years ago. Eunuch Boots has solemnly ordered that no one can open this cabinet. Anyone who violates the order will be beheaded!Mo Ran came to make trouble today, which made her lose her mind. She didn't pay attention and opened it casually.

Jin Se thought of Father Boot's warning words, and panicked, quickly put down the jade pendant, and closed the cabinet as quickly as possible when everyone was not paying attention.

Mo Ran next to him saw that these dog slaves dared not do anything, so he rolled up his sleeves angrily and rushed towards Jin Se, slapping his hands and intending to do it himself.When the slap fell, I saw her flustered as if she had done something wrong, and she closed the closet in a panic, as if there was something shady inside.With joy on his face, he slapped her open and cursed in a sharp voice, intentionally attracting all eyes, "Okay! Bitch, are you hiding something shady in His Royal Highness's cabinet... ..." While speaking, he opened the cabinet again.

In a panic, Jin Se didn't hide the jade pendant properly, and Mo Ran saw it at a glance.As if she was afraid that Jinse would snatch her, she reached out and grabbed the jade pendant, and then gloated at "catching evidence", pointed at her arrogantly and asked, "Okay! Jinse, you are so brave, As a court lady, you actually have an affair with someone! This is the evidence of your adultery." Shaking the jade pendant in his hand, "Who is the person who has the affair with you? Tell me honestly! As long as you tell the truth clearly, I will give you a clear answer." You and that man live together, small punishments and big punishments. If not, don’t blame this palace for being cruel, and hand you over to the punishment hall in the palace.”

After hearing about the Hall of Punishment, Jin Se's face turned pale.The Hall of Punishment is dedicated to dealing with palace servants who have made mistakes, but any servant who has been to the Hall of Punishment will either die or be injured.Moreover, court ladies fornication is a serious crime.As long as she is sent to the punishment hall for the crime of 'fornication', how can she survive!

What a cruel heart!Jin Se looked at Mo Ran resentfully, this woman wanted her to die.Jin Se knew that if she didn't open her mouth, she would be accused of adultery, her mind sank, and she said calmly: "Di Mo Liang really knows how to joke, and this slave will not know any evidence of adultery."

"You still dare to argue?!" Mo Ran laughed angrily, "Then who do you think this jade pendant is?"

"It's the Prince's Hall..."

Before Jin Se could finish speaking, she shouted loudly again: "Do you want to say that it belongs to His Highness the Crown Prince!? Hmph, His Highness the Crown Prince has a noble status, and all of his clothes are tributes from the palace, all of which are exquisite and expensive. There is such a poor and cheap jade pendant!"

There was anger in Jin Se's eyes, but she didn't know how to refute. She stared at her resentfully and threatened, "Di Mo Liangdi planted the blame indiscriminately and made trouble in the East Palace. Aren't you afraid that His Royal Highness will accuse you if he finds out?"

"Bitch!" She dared to threaten her with the crown prince.Mo Ran was so angry that he wanted to scratch her face, but when he saw the jade pendant in his hand, he immediately suppressed his anger and said with a sneer, "Okay, since you said that the jade pendant belonged to His Royal Highness, then let's go to His Highness to find out. So as not to always say that this palace planted the blame on you."

Seeing her acting in a panic, Mo Ran's eyes flickered, he decided that she was guilty of a crime, and insisted on dragging her to confront the prince.

When Jin Se heard that she wanted to speak clearly in front of the prince, she felt timid.Eunuch Boots has already ordered, absolutely not to open that cabinet, offenders will be killed without mercy!If His Highness the Crown Prince knew that she had not only opened the cabinet, but also found out the jade pendant in the cabinet, no matter whether there was an affair or not, the final fate would be one word: death!

Jin Se was terrified. Seeing Mo Ran walk out of the palace door with the jade pendant, she was anxious and angry. Finally, a thought flashed in her mind, and she rushed up to snatch the jade pendant from her hand without even thinking about it.

Jin Se had a good idea, she was going to snatch the jade pendant back and put it back in the cabinet, and no matter how much trouble Mo Ran made, she would beat him to death and refuse to admit that she had opened the cabinet.As long as she insisted, even if Mo Ran made trouble in front of the prince, at most she would be punished for a crime of disrespect.It's better to get a board than to lose your life.

(End of this chapter)

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