Chapter 456 Admiration
His Royal Highness wanted to leave the palace on a whim, and the little boots father-in-law was very embarrassed, "Master, the emperor sent you to the Golden Palace, you..."

Father-in-law Little Boots is very conflicted, today is the day when King Thunder will bring an army into Beijing, the emperor will summon Miss Biao at the Golden Palace, and then reward all the generals for their merits.His Royal Highness went to the Golden Luan Hall, and it was inevitable that he would meet Miss Biao. There was no guarantee that he would be stimulated by this meeting. In case of such a stimulus, his memory would be restored, and the empress would definitely kill him!If you don't go, you will disobey the holy words, in case the emperor blames you...

After weighing things up and down, Eunuch Boots finally went to prepare the horse for the prince.No matter if, as the master's personal servant, his first priority is to obey the master's orders.

The prince left the palace on horseback and walked through the Chongwu Gate, and entered the palace with ink to meet the Donghuang Gate.Once in and out, you miss it.

In the Great Hall of Jinluan, she stood proudly with her back straight in ink-painted silver armor. The cold and hard armor made her face extraordinarily heroic, her eyebrows were open like a sharp sword, and the deep black eyes were also shining with sharp light. Her straight nose , light-colored lips, and a perfect face outline a ruthless and murderous look, and the surging bloody murderous aura made all the civil servants in the Golden Temple tremble with fear.

They restrained their scrutinizing gazes one after another, and dared not look any further.Although he appeared to be cautious in his actions and words on the surface, his mind was extremely active.Three years ago, this Princess Ping'an's aura was already sharp and compelling, but three years later, it was even more unbearable to look directly at.But... Three years ago, she was just a ruthless girl in a boudoir, not worth mentioning; but now she is the king of the side who monopolizes the power of Wangchuan and holds an army of [-]!
If, getting married with her... is definitely more cost-effective than marrying a royal princess!
Thinking in this way, everyone once again looked at the woman standing proudly above the hall, leaving aside the cold and cruel appearance, I have to say that Princess Ping'an is really beautiful, with hands like stalks, skin like cream, and collar like A grub with teeth like a gourd rhinoceros, a crocodile head with crescent eyebrows, and clear eyes... Whoever gets married is simply a blessing in eight lifetimes.

"Cough cough." On the dragon seat, Emperor Qianmin cleared his throat, looked at the woman standing in the hall, his eyes were very complicated, picked up the award on the table that was finalized after three days of discussion by the prime minister, senior scholar and other important officials, and spoke loudly Announced: "King Thunder, you have contributed a lot to the defeat of the Kingdom of Shu this time. I named you a mighty general, rewarded you with 10 taels of gold, and gave you a mansion for the general... White Tiger, promoted three levels in a row, and rewarded you with a thousand taels of gold. Give a mansion... Yun Lingzhi, who will be promoted to three levels in a row, will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold, and will be given a mansion."

Everyone thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

After the meritorious deeds were rewarded, the civil and military officials withdrew from the Golden Luan Hall.Walking on the road to the East Emperor's Gate, all the officials gathered around to congratulate Cheng Yimo with flattering or flattering smiles.

"My lord, congratulations..."

"My lord is wise and courageous, young and promising. I have admired him for a long time. If you are free, please come and sit at the lower official's mansion..." Keke, this is a pimp for his son.

"Xiaguan's son has heard of the prince's name for a long time, and admires him very much. If the prince appreciates you, please go to the Xiaguan's mansion to have a light meal, and the dog..."

Those two who were not afraid of death opened their mouths, and the other people who also had the same intention could no longer hold back and said anxiously: "My lord, the dog is the leader of the ninth rank Lan Ling in the army, and he has a handsome face and a dignified appearance... "

"My lord, the son of a lower official is this year's Jinshi No. 1..."

"My lord, my lord, the son of a lower official is twenty-eight years old, he is proficient in poetry, music, rhythm, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he looks like a city and a country..."

"Xiaguan's son is gentle and pleasant..."

All the officials hurriedly introduced their respective sons, their faces turned ashen, and the veins on their foreheads twitched violently.

Yun Lingzhi is the best at observing words and expressions. Seeing that his prince is on the verge of going berserk, and these officials have no tendency to shut up, they feel bad, and immediately step forward, stop all the officials before the prince explodes, and apologize with a smile: "My lords, our lord still has military affairs to deal with, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. How about it, if you have anything to say, please tell me, and I will tell our lord one by one."

"Oh, good, good, the prince has something to do, so the officials will not bother you, and we will tell General Yun the same for the rest. Please go slowly, my lord..." Automatically get out of the way and let Thunder King go. leave.

As soon as Cheng Yimo left, they immediately surrounded Yun Lingzhi.

With Mo Tieqing's face, he led Baihu and others away quickly, and could hear the quarrel behind him from a distance.

"General Yun, my son is tall and tall, so he is a perfect match for the Lord Thunder. You must mention my son to the Lord, my son is Qin Shou..."

"Oh, General Yun, don't listen to this old man Qin's nonsense. He is lying to you about his high status. His son is not disgraceful to the name he gave him. He is really Qin Shou. General Yun, If you want to say that the most talented young talent in this imperial capital is none other than my son..."

Yun Lingzhi was so happy that he was so excited that he took out a booklet and a writing brush, dipped the tip of his tongue in water, and then danced on the booklet, "Wait, wait, my lord, please speak slowly, let me write it down , Young talent... Hey? Master Qin, what is your son's name? Oh, remember, Qin Shou (a beast), right? , proficient in all kinds of poetry, poetry, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

Yi Mo staggered under her feet. If she hadn't been very skilled, she would definitely have fallen to the ground in front of the Eastern Emperor's Gate!
Walking out of the East Emperor Gate, Yi Mo got on his horse and said coldly, "Let's go!"

Without stopping, Yimo rode his horse onto Shenwu Street and went straight back to Lei Ting Wang's Mansion.She had just arrived in Beijing, and before she had time to return to her residence, she was called into the palace.As a last resort, Zhang Yuelu was asked to escort Niang and Yan'er back to the palace. Although Zhang Yuelu and others' martial arts were not weak, she was still worried.In the past three years, she has thought about it, and she can be sure that the person who hijacked Wen Nuo and threatened her, the person who imprisoned her and secretly fed her abortion pills, and the man behind the scenes who bewitched Yu Wenchen to kill her father and king are the same person!Such a big enemy is in the dark, and the enemy is unknown, which makes her have to be careful.

The hoofs of the sturdy war horses were like thunder, and they were as fast as lightning. The people walking on Shenwu Street panicked and gave way, fearing that they would be trampled by the horseshoes and be permanently disabled.

Eunuch Boots accompanied the Crown Prince to the small vendor selling jade bracelets in his memory.

"Young Master, do you want to buy a jade pendant? Look at the quality of my jade pendant and the price is cheap, especially this dragon-shaped jade pendant, which is the best seller. Come on, young master, take a closer look at the four-clawed reckless dragon. How exquisite the carving is, how lifelike..." The stall owner introduced positively, as if he had attracted a big benefactor.

Li Chenyu stared at the four-clawed manglong jade in his hand, it was this jade pendant, it was this jade.He reached out to pick it up excitedly, but at this moment there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes.

The well-ordered crowd suddenly became restless, and no one knew who bumped into his back, causing him to stagger up two steps.

Eunuch Boots quickly pushed the man away, and asked nervously, "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Li Chenyu reached out to take the jade pendant from the stall owner's hand, and asked coldly, "How much?"

"Two taels of silver."

Eunuch Boots gave the money, and hurriedly escorted His Highness the Crown Prince out of the crowd. There are so many people here, if something happens, he will die!

While walking, Li Chenyu suddenly stopped.

"Master, why..." Eunuch Boots raised his head, seeing Master Zizi staring at the front in a daze, followed his gaze in puzzlement.Seeing this, he was immediately stunned. Isn't the back of the woman on the horse exactly...Miss Biao!
Eunuch Boots was so annoyed that he wanted to curse his father and mother, he really lingered!Looking nervously at the master, "Master, let's go back..." Before he finished speaking, a figure flashed in front of him, and then... the master disappeared! ?
Yi Mo drove his horse across Shenwu Street, and when he came to the sparsely populated western suburbs, he speeded up, lashed the horse with a whip, clamped his legs around the horse's belly, "drive—"

Suddenly, a figure flew across the air like an eagle, and landed in front of the horse.

Looking at it with Mo Ding's eyes, his heart tightened.Immediately, his face darkened to the extreme, "Get out of the way!" His voice was bitingly cold.

Li Chenyu stood firmly in front of the horse, his eyes locked on the person on the horseback, his sharp eyes swept over her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her eyes were scrutinized every inch of her, and even more subtle It contained incomprehensible deep meaning... It was obviously the first time he had seen this strange face, but in his heart he felt extremely familiar, so familiar that he was deeply nostalgic for it.

Yun Lingzhi, who was following behind Yimo, seemed to be thinking of something, raised his eyebrows full of fun, looked at the man stopping in front of the horse, smiled brightly, and said loudly: "Hello? Brother, don't you also admire our prince's name? , so you came to stop the horse and strike up a conversation?!" Yun Lingzhi looked up and down with a smile on his face, his height was not bad, his figure was not too bad, his appearance was not bad, well, if he was warming his prince's bed, he was barely ok.

After looking at it, I quickly took out the booklet and prepared to record the beauty, "Brother, for the sake of your life and death, I will give you a chance. Come, come, report your life and gender , age, measurements, hobbies and specialties..."

Yun Meiren chattered endlessly, but unfortunately no one paid any attention to him.Li Chenyu looked at Cheng Yimo ecstatically. He was in a very complicated mood at this time, as if he had finally found the person he had been waiting for thousands of years in the vast crowd. He should be happy, but he was happy here emotions include other...

Cheng Yimo is very simple at this time, he just simply doesn't want to see him again.I thought that when she saw him again, she would furiously question him, question why he betrayed their feelings, and question him for saying that he loves her but is tender with other women when she is not around; I thought she would even make a move Kill him, kill that woman, kill this pair of dogs and men who made her sad.But no one expected that when they met again, she would be so calm, so calm that she could not bear the slightest bit of resentment or anger.

The best punishment for a person is to make him completely disappear in her world!

Yi Mo withdrew his eyes indifferently, stopped looking at him, whipped his whip, and drove his horse past him without hesitation.

"Drive - drive!"

Li Chenyu looked back, the back of her ruthless departure overlapped with the back in the dream, and overlapped with the scene buried in the depths of his mind that he would never want to remember. Despair, fear and anxiety swarmed like a flood.His face suddenly turned pale, and his chest seemed to be bitten by thousands of ants. The pain made him feel worse than death!

"Master!" When Eunuch Boots arrived, what he saw was the scene of the prince vomiting blood and falling down, which scared him out of his wits.

(End of this chapter)

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