Chapter 457
"Drive - drive -"

The whip was lashed down, the horse neighed, and galloped like the wind.

Yun Lingzhi looked secretly, and winked at the white tiger beside him, "Brother Hu, what's wrong with the prince? I just became a general and got another ten thousand taels of gold, so I should be very happy. The jealous look of seeing a little lover cheating?!"

Damn!Yun Meiren, you are telling the truth!

Bai Hu twitched the corner of his mouth, rolled his eyes with his back turned to him, and said in his heart: Sure enough, he has a bad mouth!
"Drive!" The white tiger clamped the horse's belly, followed by the horse, and instantly distanced itself from Yun Lingzhi.

In the palace, Princess Jingyang hugged her playful and lovely grandson and would not let go. She pinched his pink cheeks and said with a loving smile, "Little grandson, are you hungry? If they are hungry, grandma will let them go." meal."

"Not hungry!" Er Mao replied crisply, "I want to wait for my mother to come back and eat together."

Xiao Ermao was wearing a white brocade padded jacket, a fluffy white hat on his head, and a white fluffy mink scarf around his neck. His whole body was white, making his little face fair, tender and moist Smooth, a pair of big watery eyes are rolling around, coupled with his shaking his head, yah yah!It's so cute!

Princess Jingyang's eyes were full of red hearts, she held his little cheeks, and kissed him hard, "Bobo! Ouch! My dear, grandma loves you so much."

Princess Jingyang is really happy. She never thought that her grandson would become so cute and lively after he came back after running away from home.She couldn't put it down pinching his pink face, ouch, she wanted to touch it a long time ago, but her grandson always kept a straight face in the past, as soon as she stretched out his hand, he would immediately use those murderous eyes to coldly touch him. Staring at her silently, looking at her silently looks like a daughter, it is a replica of her daughter when she was a child, how can she do it!

But it’s all right now, look, how cute and cute my grandson is now, not only does he not pretend to be serious, but he also puts on all kinds of screaming cute moves from time to time, ouch!I really like it to the bottom of my heart.

Boo!Boo!Boo!Seizing the opportunity, Jingyang kissed him hard on the face again, which made the little Ermao giggle.

Don't look at Xiao Ermao smiling very happily, but he is extremely depressed in his heart.Avoiding the sight of the old grandma, the smiling face immediately crossed, and he wiped the drool off his face in disgust, and felt a slander in his heart: You old pervert!When her gaze was glued to it again, Er Mao raised a big smile without any trace, and smiled brightly, "Hehehe..."

This Hanhan smiled, revealing two pointy little canine teeth, and immediately poked Jingyang's cute spot again, and moved his lips together again, poking non-stop, "Oh, my good grandson! Come back after a while, grandma can't starve you. Go, grandma will take you to eat. Today the kitchen has made your favorite braised pork. You must order it many times. You will be fat and strong, so you will be cute ..."

Jingyang happily dragged his grandson to the dining room, and was about to enter the door, but heard a faint noise from outside the mansion.Calling Yun Shi, he asked, "Who is making such a fuss outside the mansion?"

"Master, it's the Yu clan of Yujia Village, she's here..."

Before Yun Shi could finish his words, he saw Mrs. Yu rushing into the mansion, shouting loudly: "My mother's son is your young lady's husband-in-law, your prince's son-in-law. This old lady is your prince's in-laws. It's the half master of your palace! You dog slaves dare to stop my mother from entering my house. It's really nothing big or small. Get out of here, let me in, and don't let me cut off your heads..."

Yushi broke into the mansion cursing, and the guards guarding the gate also knew that she was Miss Yudie's mother-in-law, so they didn't dare to stop her.

As soon as Mrs. Yu entered the yard, she saw the graceful and luxurious Princess Lei Ting. Looking at her poor appearance, she shrank her feet subconsciously, feeling a little inferior, but when she thought that she would be able to wear such luxurious brocade and satin clothes in the future Pearls, hairpins and jewellery, live a life of rich clothing and fine food, and my heart bursts with joy.

Taking a peek at Princess Lei Ting's standing posture and the expression on her face, she thought to herself: Is this the posture of a high-class lady?Then he raised his head, straightened his posture, and imitated her appearance.He coughed lightly, and his face was full of reproach, "Although my in-laws are noble concubines, they must also understand etiquette, righteousness and shame. When a distinguished guest comes to the door, it's fine if you don't greet him in person, but you dare to let the servants stop you from entering?" Mansion, really hateful!"

When Jingyang suddenly saw Yu Shi, he really didn't react, and when she came back to her senses, she burst out with fury: Well, how dare this bitch come to the door? !If it weren't for her ungrateful son, the prince would not have been lying paralyzed on the hospital bed for three years with his life hanging by a thread!

Jingyang's eyes were red with anger, and he stabbed Yushi sharply with both eyes, and shouted angrily: "Come on! Throw this bitch out - wait a minute, beat her fifty times, then tie her up and send her to Dali Temple, then Said that she trespassed on the palace—”

Yu Shi was taken aback, why is this completely different from what she thought?Seeing that two vicious guards were about to come forward to escort her, she was terrified in her heart. In her panic, she didn't care about losing face, so she sat down on the ground and wailed loudly: "My son, you are in heaven! If you are alive, open your eyes and see how your poor old mother was bullied. You short-lived ghost, you will be buried in the ground as soon as you close your eyes and kick your legs, leaving me alone in this world. Ah... Your daughter-in-law ran away with some wild man, leaving me an old widow and helpless, how can you tell me to live! I thought I had an in-law to go to, but I didn't expect my in-law to be Wolf-hearted, not only want to beat your mother but also send your mother to the government. Wuwuwu... why is my life so hard!" Shi Yu was used to domineering and lazy at home, her son died suddenly, and her daughter-in-law also If she is gone, how can she live alone.After spending that little savings, he is about to become a beggar on the street.Inadvertently heard that Thunder King had won the battle and returned to Beijing, his eyes lit up immediately, he didn't want anything, and hurried to the palace to join him.Yu Shi took it for granted, her son married the daughter of Lord Lei Ting, she was related to the Lei Ting Palace, now her son died inexplicably, and her daughter-in-law disappeared, the task of supporting her and serving her naturally fell on Lei Ting Palace.

Mrs. Yu ran happily, with all kinds of fantasies in her mind about the life of wearing gold and silver, domineering and rich, in the palace, but she never thought that this would be the result.In a fit of anger, he opened his mouth and cursed: "What princes and concubines, they are all wolf-hearted things. Dogs look down on people and despise us poor people. Woohoo, my poor son, you are working for the palace. What kind of princes and concubines are you?" You take care of me like your own parents, but look at how they treat your biological mother, they are simply ungrateful white-eyed wolves!"

Jingyang was trembling with anger, "Witch! Shrew! Come, come, drag me out and beat me."

"Who dares! Whoever dares to beat my mother, I will pour shit and urine on him." Yushi was aggressive at first, but seeing that Jingyang bitch was determined to order her to be beaten, she immediately became ruthless.Turned over and got up from the ground, pointed at Jingyang with a fierce face, and cursed at Jingyang: "You bitch, your heart is too vicious, no wonder you will die early, a man is a widow, he deserves it! Hmph, what a princess , not even a toe of my old lady, married to the palace for more than ten years and gave birth to a loser who can't even give birth to a son..."

Jingyang turned purple with anger.

"If you dare to beat me, I will go to the government to sue you. I will sue you for being wolf-hearted and ungrateful. I don't want this old face, and I will make the matter known to everyone, so that the people all over the world will poke your back. Splashing feces and urinating in front of the door will make you restless for the rest of your life!" Yu Shi yelled arrogantly, as if holding them firmly.

The Yu family is not stupid, and knows that a big family needs to save face, let alone a majestic palace.She thought to herself, for the sake of face, the people in the palace not only dare not beat and scold her, but even try their best to please her, so she is even more fearless.

His chin raised, and he was extremely arrogant, "Hmph, if you want to live a peaceful and stable life, you should honestly welcome this old lady into the mansion as an ancestor. Otherwise, if my old lady wants you to die, you will be pulled out and flogged. !"

Jingyang was furious, "You, you..." She had never seen such a shameless woman in her life.

Who is the most difficult person to deal with in this world? !It's Yu Shi, a shrew who has no shame and no lower limit.

All the guards, all the servants, none of them had the courage to step forward to arrest her.

People like the Yu family, as long as they get involved, will really have no peace for the rest of their lives.She will ruin your reputation, break up your wife, destroy your family, but you can do nothing about her.

Just as everyone backed away, no one noticed that a short figure ran out of the house carrying a kettle, rushed into the crowd, and then poured all the boiling water in the kettle on Yushi's face.

Yushi was caught off guard and was thrown straight at him. In an instant, there was a shrill scream from the palace!


Little Ermao was still not convinced, and finally threw a water bottle at her face.To make matters worse, Yushi was hit by this blow and immediately fell to the ground, rolling in pain.

In the astonishment of everyone, Xiao Ermao quickly rode on Yu Shi, lifted a stone on the ground, and slammed it on her mouth, "I call your mouth stinky, how dare you say that my mother is a loser! See if I don't beat you to death!" This stinky mouth!"

"..." Everyone was horrified, watching him slamming stones fiercely, the bloodthirsty sternness in his eyes was exactly the same as their lord's, and they felt chills down their backs.

"You bitch, have you eaten a lot of dung..."

"The mouth is full of feces, and there is a smell of feces."

Bang, bump... Yushi screamed at first, but then there was nothing left but weak moans.

When Yi Mo heard the shrill screams and rushed back to the mansion in a panic, what he saw was the scene of the little Ermao showing off his might!

(End of this chapter)

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