black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 458: Facing the Wall and Thinking

Chapter 458: Facing the Wall and Thinking
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Ermao beat him so vigorously, holding up a stone and smashing Yu Shi to death, until she couldn't stop breathing in less than breathing out.Jingyang was the first to react, and hurriedly greeted his servants, "Hurry up, go and pull the young master away." It's almost Chinese New Year, if someone is beaten to death in the yard, that would be unlucky.

"Ah? Oh oh." Shouted by Jingyang, the others came back to their senses and went forward to pull the young master, but just after taking two steps, a figure suddenly appeared, turning into an afterimage in the crowd before the eyes.Then... the young master disappeared? !

Everyone was shocked, and as soon as panic emerged, they were suppressed by a cold voice.

"what are you doing?"

Yi Mo hugged his son in his arms, looked at the dying Yu Shi, his eyes turned, and his eyes fell on the stone that his son was holding tightly in his hand, the earth-colored pebbles were still stained with blood, it was shocking to see.

Ermao was stunned for a moment before reacting. When he saw the delicate and beautiful face of his mother, he immediately raised a sweet smile, threw the 'murder weapon' away, put his small arms around his mother's neck, and called out coquettishly: "Mother!" You are finally back, we can eat now. Grandma, we can eat now!"

"..." Jingyang Waterfall sweated.He glanced at Yushi lying on the ground with a bloody face, and then took a strange look at the little grandson who was smiling brightly and harmlessly.He sighed feebly, he still wanted to eat after all this?Did he not take Yu Shi seriously, or did he not take Yu Shi seriously...

Yi Mo's heart is made of iron and stone, but just because you are acting like a baby and being cute, you will not soften your heart and pretend that nothing happened.He reached out and pulled the hand around her neck, pulled his little palm to his eyes, looked over and over again, his stubby little finger was still stained with blood, and nodded his finger, "Tell me, what's the matter?" What?" She went out, and he beat her half to death.At such a young age, with such ruthless methods, if you don't discipline him well, you will be fine when you grow up!
If Jing Jing at the side knew what she was thinking at this time, he would definitely stare and scold with a smile: the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!
No!Heredity is an amazing thing.Not only appearance can be inherited, but also personality preferences can be inherited.For example: Cheng Yimo likes to eat spicy food, and Ermao also likes to eat spicy food; Cheng Yimo is a carnivore, and he does not like meat.Er Mao also likes to eat meat, especially the delicious braised pork; Cheng Yimo has a ferocious and irritable temperament, and Er Mao is even better than blue, knowing how to hide a cruel and ferocious heart under a cute and cute appearance.

Ermao pursed her mouth, puffed her bun face, and glared angrily at Yushi who had passed out, "Mother, it's not right to be this bitch! She ran in for no reason and beat and scolded grandma, and even scolded her." I'm a little bastard, and even you and she scolded you, scolded you for losing money, and cursed you for giving birth to a son who didn't pierce eyes. She scolded us for being wolf-hearted, and said that people would poke our spines and make us unable to lift our heads for the rest of our lives..."

"..." Jingyang blushed again.I thought: She really wants to just scold but not hit, right?I really didn't want to call you a little bastard, did I?I wish I didn't curse your mother's son for not being pissed!
Isn't it this bitch?
Hearing this sentence, Yi Mo's brows were deeply tightened, and his anger burst out suddenly, he didn't even bother to listen to what he said later, with a gloomy face, he said coldly: "Who taught you 'bitch'? "

The little Ermao was yelled at by her cold face, his eyes turned red immediately, his mouth was puckered, and he was very wronged, "It's that cheap." Seeing that his mother's eyes became colder, he swallowed the word 'mother-in-law' wisely, pointing Pointing to Yushi on the ground, he said with a choked voice, "She scolded grandma."

Good, smart, know how to apply what you have learned.Yi Mo's face smelled as bad as the stones in the latrine, he cast a cold glance at Yu Shi, and waved his hand to order: "Throw it out and feed it to the dogs."

Yi Mo's heart is very heavy now, she feels that her son has learned badly, not only has he shot fiercely, but also swears all over his mouth, he looks like a rascal in the market.Now she is very eager to teach her son well, and wants him to become a manly man like Wen Nuo who is gentle and polite, full of righteousness and love in his heart, and must not grow up to be a coquettish and rebellious man like his dead ghost father. look! ? !

Yi Mo was furious in his heart, and when he looked at Er Mao again, there was a kind of resentment that hated iron but not steel, "Go to the corner and stand for me, facing the wall and thinking about the past!"

The little Ermao smashed his eyes, gave her a pitiful look, saw that his mother was unmoved, and slid down from her in despondency, walked to the corner every step and turned his head, facing the wall, bored and aggrieved Start with your fingers.Whoooo!It's obviously that bitch's fault, why should he be punished? !

When it comes to his daughter's discipline of his grandson, Jingyang has always had no right to intervene, ahem, ahem, of course, he doesn't have the guts to intervene.Looking at the little grandson standing in the corner with his head downcast, Jingyang felt distressed!He looked at his grandson, then at his daughter, then at his grandson, then at his daughter, finally sighed weakly, and said to Yun Shi, "Let's serve dinner!"

"Yes." Yun Shi led the two maidservants of piano, chess and calligraphy, and put the food on the table one by one.The dishes on the table are basically what Yi Mo likes to eat, and of course, Ermao also likes to eat.

Jingyang took two mouthfuls of the meal in a low mood, feeling that it was boring. He glanced at his daughter who was silently eating, then at the plate of braised pork on the table, and then at his poor little grandson. I couldn't help but opened my mouth, "Mo'er, I've been fined, and I've stood still, so let Yan'er come over to eat. The child is young, and he can't stand the hunger."

Yi Mo ate his meal slowly without raising his head, "Eat one less meal and you won't die of hunger!"

"..." Jingyang was speechless.Heart said: This is not her own! ?
Little Er Mao heard this, her heart ached, and she thought, Mother doesn't love him anymore.Whoooo!Her eyes turned red, her shoulders shrugged, and she suddenly began to cry in a muffled voice.

Jingyang heard his whimpering sobbing, how could he eat.As soon as he put down the chopsticks, he stopped eating and stared fiercely at his daughter who was eating happily. The meaning was obvious: I am hungry with my grandson.If you have the ability, just starve your own mother to death!
Yi Mo stopped his chopsticks and put down the bowl, sighed helplessly, and finally gave in under Jing Jing's 'coercion', and shouted to his son: "Come here."

"Yes!" With a cry.

Little Ermao timidly stood in front of Cheng Yimo, looked up at her, her eyes were as red as a bunny, her fair face had two tear marks, and there were two drops of water hanging from her curled eyelashes. It looks very pitiful.

After all, it is his own biological son, Cheng Yimo has no reason not to soften his heart.Bending down, he hugged him onto a small stool and sat down, ordered Shuhua to serve him with bowls and chopsticks, and put the plate of braised pork in front of him, "Eat it."

"En." Er Mao nodded heavily, with a cute look of 'I will be honest and obedient in the future'.Holding the small bowl in both hands, he buried his head and gobbled it up.

Jingyang patted his head in relief, gave him chopsticks of vegetables, and said lovingly, "Eat slowly, and be careful not to choke. Come, eat some vegetables, don't just eat meat."

"Well, thank you grandma." Er Mao raised her head and smiled sweetly, and the dark clouds receded and the sun shone in an instant.Upholding the traditional virtue of courteous reciprocity, little Ermao also put a chopstick of fatty meat into her bowl, and raised a bright and innocent smile, "Grandma, you can eat too."

Jingyang's mood also became more joyful, and he kept nodding in praise, "Grandma's little grandson is so good." He raised his chopsticks and was about to eat, but he saw two big pieces of fat and oily meat in the bowl, All of a sudden I lost my mood.

Seeing his little grandson bury the vegetables he hated so much in the bottom of the bowl, wanting to cry without tears, he couldn't help but curse in his heart: Is this kid out to retaliate? !

No!Reciprocity!You get me the vegetables I hate the most, and of course I get you the fat you hate the most!

The little Ermao secretly glanced at his mother, seeing that she was not paying attention, he quickly buried the disgusting greens in the bottom of the bowl, piled up a high grave with white rice with fragrant white flowers, and happily went to pick up his favorite braised pork.

Although Yi Mo was burying her head in her meal, she had 'eyes' all over her body. Just before his chopsticks touched the braised pork, she said coldly, "I ate the food."

With a bitter face, Er Mao took back his chopsticks resentfully, shrugged his head, and feebly dug up the 'grave', pried open the 'coffin', pulled out the 'corpse', and then began to 'whip the corpse'.

Er Mao felt resentful in his heart, why mother could drag people out to feed the dogs, but he couldn't even beat and scold him? !Why can mother only eat meat, but he still eats such disgusting vegetables?
If Jingyang knew the indignation in his heart, he would definitely tell him with a sigh: Because your mother is a typical example, only state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps!
Seeing the unruly grandson submitting to her daughter's lust, Jingyang was full of sadness, thinking: 16 years ago, if she had shown the courage to discipline her when her daughter brutally chopped people up and fed them to dogs, what would happen now? Is there a gentle, virtuous, kind and amiable daughter who looks up and sees a person who can make a scene full of red clouds?Woo hoo!Who is like her, raising a daughter is like raising a son!Woo hoo!What's even more sad is that the son raised by others is high-profile by the daughter who was not raised by her.Look, to be a prince, to rule the court; to be a general, to go to the battlefield... Woooooo, who dares to marry such a fierce woman!
Jingyang is exhausted and full of worries, is her daughter doomed to be lonely forever? !No, no, I must find a place for my daughter to belong to, and find someone to rely on.Cough...Jingyang thinks about it again, according to her daughter's domineering and strong temper, if she doesn't find a good partner, her life will probably not be happy in the future.Besides, men are all good-faced, who would want to marry such a strong and capable woman and go home and make himself unhappy every day? !

Jingyang thinks about it carefully, her daughter's status is too high and powerful, the only one who is qualified to marry her is the prince, and the emperor is her own uncle, so it is impossible to seduce her.As for the's almost impossible!That heartbroken man beat him every time he saw him, let alone marrying her daughter.

Jingyang is in a dilemma. Those with poor status and low official positions will definitely not want to marry her daughter, even if they marry her back home, they will respect each other like ice.The only way is to recruit a son-in-law!
(End of this chapter)

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