Chapter 460
It was only Xu time now, and the night outside was as thick as midnight.The biting cold wind swept flakes of snowflakes rushing in through the slits of the slightly open windows, and the cheeks that were scratched with ink hurt.But how can this little pain compare to the pain in my heart!

His mother's previous words seemed to be still lingering in his ears. He loved and obeyed that woman in every possible way. He held it in his hand for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting... I couldn't help but think of the scene of the two getting along in the past. He is also so attentive and takes good care of her.

His heart was sore and painful, would he also take good care of that woman, give her vegetables and rice, and coax her to eat soup that she didn't like?Would he also gently style that woman's hair, dress, eyebrows, and make-up?When the woman is pregnant with his child, will he also worry that she will not sleep well and get up in the middle of the night to rub the woman's body and feet...

Looking back now, it turned out that they also had such a sweet and warm past, but she never cared about it at that time, but sweet it was at that time makes her heart ache!
She had no intention of reading, and slowly put the book down.Stretching out her right hand, she carefully stroked the bloody scar on her palm. The crescent-shaped scar was dripping with blood, and looked a bit hideous, just like her heart at the moment, which was also twisted in such a bloody, ferocious way.Inevitably, there was some weakness and resentment from her daughter's family in her eyes.

He hooked his lips into a light smile, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile, the master said it really well, the word love is the most powerful weapon in the world, no matter how indestructible a person is, it will be hurt to pieces by love.Thinking back, when she heard Master's remarks, she scoffed and felt very disapproving.But now, she finally believed it.

Master's words still echoed in my ears: Ming and Qing, you have tried ten of the most poisonous poisons in the world. Master is very pleased that you survived without incident.But Ming and Qing, do you know that the most poisonous thing in the world is not the poison of medicine and stones, but the poison of love, if you can try this No. Invasion!
His eyes were suddenly blurred, he subconsciously stroked the wound on his palm, and murmured: "Master, can I get out of my body and become invulnerable to all poisons?"

Her eyes were sharp and sharp, and in just a split second, that confused look was replaced by determination and indifference. There is nothing she can't do in this world, as long as she has the heart, she will be able to retreat completely!

For Cheng Yimo, a man who has changed his mind and lost his love is no longer worth her nostalgia to save him.

"Young Master, it's snowing and the road is wet and slippery, please run slowly..." A maidservant exclaimed from outside the door.

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open, and the son ran in frizzy, stopped halfway through the run, stood not far away, stared at the big watery eyes, and stared at him with a bulging face. she.

Yi Mo stared at him blankly for a while, and finally waved softly, "Come here."

"Hmph!" The little guy glanced at him, turned to look out of the window, and ignored her angrily.He wants to resist, resist her dictatorship, hum!

Yi Mo's face suddenly turned cold, and his voice became cold and sharp, "Since you like to stand, then stand outside!"

After hearing this, Qingye's face changed, knowing that she was not joking, she hurriedly knelt down to plead for the young master, "My lord, it is snowing heavily outside, and the night is extremely cold, this is a snowy winter, the young master must be hurt." No……"

"Get out!" She was stopped by Yi Mo's stern shout before she finished speaking.

Aoba didn't dare to disobey the prince's order, looked at the young master worriedly, and went out obediently.

"What are you still standing here for?" Yi Mo said with a cold face, "Go stand outside, when will you behave yourself and come in!"

"Wow——" Little Ermao was so frightened by her stern look that he burst into tears, feeling so wronged to death.It must be that mother doesn't love him anymore, that's why she treats him so cruelly.Recalling the days when he was homeless, he huddled up on the corner of the street, and the cold wind blew at night, making it extremely cold.Whoooo!he does not want……

Crying and running over, hugging her waist tightly, buried her head in her arms and cried bitterly, "Oh, oh, oh, mother, I know I was wrong, I will never be naughty again, I will be obedient, don't rush me I'm going... woo woo woo!"

Hearing his promise, Yi Mo's heart gradually softened, he raised his hands, picked him up, sat him on his lap, wiped away the tears on his face with his thumb, "Don't cry!"

The little guy stopped talking immediately, looked at her pitifully with big watery eyes, choked up his voice, and said softly and timidly, "Okay, I won't cry, I will be obedient. Mother, I won't stand outside Can you do it, it's so cold outside, it will freeze my hands and split them, not only will it ooze disgusting yellow water, but it will also be very painful..."

In order to gain sympathy, he carefully raised his little hand to show his mother, "Hands hurt so much."

Yi Mo looked at his little red hands that were swollen like buns, and his heart softened even more.A pair of small hands were covered with chilblains, and they were well-clothed and cared for by others since they were young. How could they have chilblains? They must have developed when they went out to find her.This shows how much he suffered.

The big hand wrapped his small hands, and the cold temperature in the palm made her feel a little distressed.Picking up the little guy with one hand, he walked towards the bed, "Okay, don't stand. It's getting late, let's sleep with your mother."

Gently put him down, pulled the quilt to cover him, "Hey, close your eyes and sleep. Tomorrow when Mr. enters the house, you have to get up early, obediently follow Mr. to learn how to read and study."

"Okay." The little Ermao was completely honest, holding his mother's hand tightly with his little hand, nodding obediently, then snuggled into his mother's arms and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The two sons, the mother and the son are cuddling each other, which is a warm scene of mother's kindness and filial piety.But at this moment, the East Palace is a mess.

In the East Palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince vomited blood and fell into a coma. A large number of imperial doctors were helpless. Mo Ran was so anxious that he wanted to slaughter these useless things.

"Your Highness has been in a coma for so long, but you can't do anything about it. It's really useless!" She also didn't care about her manners, and in a hurry, she kicked a kneeling and trembling imperial doctor, "Hurry up and find a way , if something happens to your highness, even if this palace does not punish you, the emperor will punish you nine clans!"

The other imperial doctors were filled with resentment when they saw her arrogance. Although they are imperial doctors, they are also officials of the imperial court. Although she is the crown prince Liangdi, she has no rank. How dare she beat and scold them like this, it is really hateful angry!However, these imperial doctors dare not speak out. Whoever calls her the crown prince's concubine? .

"Di Mo Liangdi, the crown prince is not in danger of life, please rest assured Liangdi." The envoy of the right courtyard of the imperial hospital cupped his hands and reported.

Mo Ran didn't believe it, "I vomited blood and my life is safe." A pair of beautiful eyes looked at His Highness the Crown Prince lying on the bed worriedly, walked to the dragon bed and took a seat, took out a silk handkerchief, and gently and carefully wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth .Caressing his pale handsome face distressedly, "I have already vomited for the fifth time, if I continue to vomit like this..." As he spoke, he began to cry, his weak and weeping appearance really hurt people's heart went.

All the imperial doctors bowed their heads one after another, thinking to themselves: Such a soft and stunning beauty, no wonder the crown prince favors her alone.With such a beautiful beauty, other vulgar fans can still be admired.

"The crown prince has blood stasis in his chest, just spit it out." Another imperial doctor explained.

"Okay, why are you vomiting blood?"

Suddenly, a dignified and cold shout came from the entrance of the hall.

Everyone looked back and saw the empress entering the palace surrounded by the palace people, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly knelt down to salute, "I will see the empress, my empress is a thousand years old."

"Get up." Yan regretted hearing the news that her son was seriously ill in Kunyi Palace, she was very worried, and rushed to the East Palace overnight to see what happened.Passing through the crowd, he walked quickly to the bedside, seeing his son unconscious with a sick face, he felt distressed immediately.

"Little boots, what's going on?!" Yan regretted changing her grace and virtuousness, and shouted angrily with a stern expression on her face.

Little Boots was startled by the drink, knelt on the ground with a 'plop', pale face, trembling, "Mother, Prince, he..." He seemed hesitant to speak.

Yan Xie glanced at everyone in the hall, and ordered: "Everyone wait outside the hall, and you are not allowed to enter the hall without being summoned by the palace."

"As ordered."

The imperial physicians and maids withdrew from the bedroom one after another, and there was only Mo Ran, who had a voluptuous makeup, standing there without seeing the situation, "Mother, the prince is seriously ill, let the concubine stay to take care of His Highness."

At this time, she still has the mind to show her hospitality.Yan regretted the look of disgust in his eyes, and shouted in a cold voice, "What serious illness? Didn't I hear the imperial doctor say that it's just congestion in the chest, just spit it out? If you talk nonsense here, I will put you in prison." Clan mansion. Get out!"

Mo Ran trembled in fright, holding a small handkerchief and walking out of the hall with an aggrieved face.When leaving the store, he still looked at the inner hall reluctantly.In fact, she was also curious about what happened to His Highness the Crown Prince outside the palace during the day, why did he vomit blood so well that he fell into a coma?

After everyone had retreated, Little Boots wept and explained the whole story, "...As soon as Miss Biao left, the Crown Prince suddenly vomited blood and passed out. The slave didn't dare to delay, so he took him as fast as he could. Master returns to the palace. Woohoo! Madam, Master vomited blood all the way back to the palace, the blood was so much that he couldn’t stop it..."

His white clothes were almost stained bloody by the prince's vomited blood. It can be seen that he was not exaggerating, the prince really vomited blood all the way back to the palace.

The little boot was worried about the prince's safety, so he didn't dare to take half a step away, and the bloody clothes on his body hadn't been changed yet. Yan regretted seeing the shocking blood on his body, and his heart ached.


Hearing the sound of vomiting, Yan regretted turning around in panic, and seeing her son vomiting blood again, she hurriedly picked up a silk handkerchief to wipe the blood gushing out from the corner of his mouth, and instantly dyed a snow-white silk handkerchief deep red.

Seeing his son frowning deeply and his lips moving, he thought he was about to wake up.Yan regretfully called out in surprise, "Yu'er? Yu'er? Wake up...Yu'er?"

He didn't respond after calling him a few times, and he seemed to be entangled in a nightmare.Yan Xi hesitated and bent down, leaned close to his mouth, and listened attentively, only to hear him whispering in Mengyin, "Mo'er, Mo'er... don't go, you don't go..."

(End of this chapter)

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