black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 461 She is my life!

Chapter 461 She is my life! (1)
"Mo'er... Mo'er..."

The sound of calling contains deep affection that shocks the soul.

"Don't go...don't leave me..."

The pleading sound shows that he loves so deeply, so persistently, so...humble!
Yan regretted that her eyes were slightly red, looking at such a son, she was helpless except for being terrified.When she first heard that her son blocked the sword for a woman regardless of his life, she was filled with rage. How could He De, a mere woman, let her Yan Lai's son risk his life to rescue her? !When she first saw her son looking at Yimo's eyes, she was shocked, so affectionate and infatuated, as if he could see nothing but that woman in his eyes, and even Jiangshan beauties became supporting villages.She was even more annoyed when she was shocked, how could He De, a mere woman, make her Yan Xixi's son so infatuated that he didn't even care about the throne of the country.Her anger concealed her deep fear. She was afraid that her son would really give up the country, the throne, and the common people for the beauty.So she hindered him in every possible way, and when he was accidentally injured and lost his memory, she made the wrong mistake and covered up all the traces of Cheng Yimo's appearance in his life, so that he would never have a chance to recover his memory.She thought that she would be able to get rid of that bad relationship, but what she didn't expect was...

Seeing him like this, Yan regretted it in disbelief. Is this still her noble son who is as dazzling as the sun in the sky?Is this still her son who is so unruly and unruly that even the emperor of the ninety-fifth rank dares to resist?

Painfully touching his son's cheek, he murmured distressedly, "Is she really that important? So important that you give up your dignity, give up your pride, give up everything and humbly beg her to stay?"

"She is my life..."

A deep and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.Yan regretted seeing him open his eyes, and was overjoyed, "Yu'er! Are you awake?"

Li Chenyu didn't respond to her, and looked at her expressionlessly, before speaking after a while, "I can't live without her."

Yan regretted for a moment, although he knew that his feelings were extreme, but he did not expect that he was so attached to that woman that he wanted to live and die together.I only heard him say again, "If my life is gone, what should I do with dignity?"

Li Chenyu looked at her coldly, "Mother, do you know what these three years are to me?"

Yan regretted with a stiff face, subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

"Yes, hell!" He said word by word, "It's eighteen levels of hell!"

These eighteen layers of hell were brought to him by her own mother.Yan regretted that he couldn't bear his cold tone and cold expression any longer, and wept sadly, "Yu'er, are you blaming your mother?" That's right.If it weren't for her phoenix seal, his son wouldn't have been injured and lost his memory; if she hadn't erased all traces of Cheng Yimo from his life, he might have recovered his memory early on seeing things and people; if it wasn't for her , the son would not have lived three years of living a life that would be worse than death; if it weren't for her... everything was caused by her, and the son should resent her.

Yan regretted that she couldn't help crying anymore, facing her son's accusation full of resentment, she regretted it!
For now, only by trying her best to promote the good things between the two of them, can she untie her son's knot and offset his resentment towards her.

"Yu'er, it's my mother who is sorry for you. My mother is going to see the emperor now, and ask the emperor to marry you and her..."

"No need." Li Chenyu turned his eyes away, not wanting to look at her again.

Yan regretted knowing that he didn't trust her, and was afraid that she would make trouble again.With a helpless sigh, he ordered the imperial doctor to come in to check his pulse, and after seeing that he was indeed in good health, he left the East Palace with a heavy heart.

As soon as Empress Yan left, Li Chenyu dragged his weak body and wanted to get up. The little booted father-in-law who was waiting by the side saw him, and hurriedly knelt down in front of the dragon couch to serve him wholeheartedly, "Master, I will help you..." You.

Before the word 'you' could be uttered, he saw His Royal Highness kicking him hard. He dared not hide and naturally he couldn't dodge.

Li Chenyu's martial arts are superb, even if he is weak now, how can he, an eunuch, bear it with all his strength?
The body flew out uncontrollably, and hit the hard marble floor heavily. When the mouth hit the ground, two front teeth broke immediately, and blood flowed from the mouth.

All the imperial doctors in the palace left, leaving only the palace servants serving in the bedroom and Mo Ran who wanted to show courteousness to the prince.When Mo Ran saw the prince suddenly becoming ruthless, and seeing the father-in-law with the little boots full of blood, he felt his scalp go numb for a while.Suppressing the fear in his heart, he twitched the corners of his mouth, forced a smile, and said in a charming voice: "Your Highness, let Mo'er stay here to serve you."

"Get out! Get out!"

What responded to her was the violent roar of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Since being named Liangdi, the prince has always been obedient to her, never scolded her so coldly and mercilessly, let alone in front of so many people, how could she gain a foothold in the East Palace in the future!Thinking of this, she felt aggrieved, her delicate red lips pursed, her beautiful eyes glistened with tears, and she called softly, "Dian~"

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged out of the hall forcibly by the little boots covering his mouth.While procrastinating, she cursed secretly: This stupid woman, is she desperate? His Royal Highness dares to come forward when she is angry! ?
The heavy snow fell for two full days and two nights before it stopped. After the snow stopped, the warm sun slowly crawled from the horizon to the sky like a hunchbacked old man.The sun in winter is not as scorching and dazzling as in summer, and it is as gentle as a good old man who has no temper.The light shines through layers of white clouds, like a hotbed of comfort for all things, reflected on the lake, sparkling and extremely beautiful.

With such a beautiful weather, the sons and daughters who were suffocated at home stepped out of the house one after another, wanting to have a good time.There are only a few kinds of fun in the capital, such as outings, lake tours, theaters, and tea.In this cold day, only a fool would go for an outing in the lake.watching a play?There are so many things that come and go, I have long been tired of looking at them.It's better to have tea, it's good to have tea, let's chat over tea.This small talk... is the most interesting.

Therefore, the Donglai Building, which is most favored by literati, poets, officials and ladies in the capital, is full of guests today.

A gathering of literati must show off some literature, only to hear a student holding a teacup and shouting loudly: "The feet of the sun are light and red, and the thin frost does not sell under the osmanthus branches. The winter is faintly dispelled, and it has grown. Days and nights."

Suddenly, there was a shout in the hall, "Okay!"

Winning the cheers, the student in plain clothes couldn't help but tinged with arrogance, saluted slightly to everyone, and then sat down.Opposite him, a young man in brocade robe leaned lazily on his servant, and at the feet of that noble young man, there was still a beautiful servant girl kneeling and beating his feet.

I saw that young master gracefully picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then read leisurely: "Gaogao is sunny in winter, bright and warm, so cute. Move the couch to sit in the sun, and still untie your fur. The servant beat my feet, the servant girl Scratch my back. Ask yourself who I am, and I am alone in peace? An Tailiang has something to say, and I will discuss the outline with you. The heart is not over, and the hunger and cold are forced outside. Fortunately, things and minds are in harmony. Inside and outside, as well as in the middle, there is no hindrance. Therefore, in the sun, you can speak freely to the king.”

(End of this chapter)

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