black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 462 She is my life!

Chapter 462 She is my life! (2)
"Okay. How comfortable! Young Master Qin is really talented." It's not hard to hear the flattery in these words.

The father of this young master Qin was Yuanwailang from the fifth grade, and worked in the official department.Where is the Ministry of Officials? It is in charge of the appointment, removal, assessment, and promotion of officials.If you can make friends with him, let him say a few good words in front of his father, and then recommend him to be a low-level official in the Yamen or the Sixth Department.

Some literati still can't stand the temptation, and because of the trend of interests, it is inevitable that they will show a little bit of stalking.

"Mr. Qin is proficient in Confucianism and wisdom, and the students are willing to bow down." The man who wrote the poem first stood up and surrendered to Mr. Qin.

Seeing these officials and literati with their nostrils upturned and arrogant, they were overwhelmed by his "casual" doggerel, Qin Shou smiled complacently, waved his hand, and was extremely refreshed, "Today's tea money is made by me!" , whoever sees it will have a share!" After finishing speaking, he hugged the beautiful servant girl who was kneeling at his feet, and kissed her delicate red lips hard, looking extremely coquettish and unrestrained.

At this time, a man in purple came in with a big laugh. Hearing the familiar laughter, Qin Shou let go of the maidservant and looked towards the door, "Brother Shu Ran, why are you so happy? Come up and tell my brother, Let the brothers have fun together."

Yi Shuran looked up and saw an acquaintance sitting leaning on the second floor, he responded with restrained laughter, and walked upstairs.Qin Shou ordered his servants to pour tea for him, Yi Shuran was not polite and sat down happily.

As soon as Yi Shuran held the teacup, Qin Shou couldn't help asking, "Hurry up, tell me quickly, what made brother Shuran laugh."

The others also stared at him curiously. Seeing that he just smiled and said nothing, and his expression was meaningful, they knew that he was trying to trick him.

Sure enough, Yi Shuran drank hot tea and said slowly, "Do you know who lives next door to Shuran?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what he meant by asking for a while.A literati who knew him well said loudly: "The most famous Liu matchmaker in Beijing."

"Then everyone, do you know who Liu Matchmaker was invited to go today?"

Qin Shou straightened up and asked curiously, "Whose family?"

Yi Shuran drank the last sip of tea in the cup, but pointed to the teacup with a smile, and the literati who was waiting to know the following hurriedly stood up, lifted the teapot and filled it up for him personally, "Brother Shuran, don't be fooled!" , Tell me quickly. Who was this Matchmaker Liu invited by?”

Seeing Yi Shuran's appearance of grasping the big news, everyone's thirst for knowledge was instantly aroused, and they all stared at him brightly.

Yi Shuran took a look around the crowd, took another sip of tea, and said word by word in a rather airy manner: "Lei, Ting, Wang, Fu!"

Thunder Palace? !
Everyone was in an uproar: "Thunder King's Mansion? No way? This matchmaker Liu went to Thunder King's Mansion to match someone..."

Yi Shuran: "Who? The current Thunder Lord!"

These words were like thunder, exploding in the crowd.

Everyone was shocked: "Ah? It's Lord Thunder!"

"Is it the queen who became the vassal king as a woman and recovered the three cities of Yuhuo and Lu, who beat the ass of the Shu Kingdom to the point of pissing?!"

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.Such a woman...who will marry?Who dares to marry?Who wants to marry? !
It is undeniable that the woman is indeed amazingly talented, with intelligence and wisdom that ordinary men do not have. If she were a man, they would definitely support her sincerely.But she is a woman, this act is too rebellious and shocking!

There was a timid student with a pale face and timid eyes talking about the Thunder King's message at Yumen Pass, "I heard that Thunder King is a meat grinder on the battlefield! People kill people, ghosts kill ghosts, gods kill gods. "

Most of the people here are literati and poets. They look at the sun and sigh the moonlight all day long. From time to time, they go to the flower house to drink flower wine and then lament the spring and autumn. They read two poems to show their elegance and refinement. Who has witnessed the fighting on the battlefield and experienced the cruelty of the battlefield.Listening to this student now, I immediately feel that the bloody battlefield is in front of me, and I feel terrified and terrified when I hear it.

After a moment of silence, someone scolded angrily: "This woman is really outrageous. She shows her face outside and doesn't talk about it, and she treats human life like nothing. This kind of woman should be [-] years old and no one cares about her. She should be alone all her life." ..."

The boss of Donglai Building listened to him, and he couldn't help sighing and shaking his head, despising these literati.These people~ have been mediocre for half their lives and idle all day long, and they are more ambitious than the other. They can't see that they have made achievements that have been passed down through the ages only with the body of a woman.Chi~ A group of cowardly and cowardly people who are afraid of getting into trouble will only hide here to slander the reputation of a girl's family.

"Yes, such a woman should not be able to find a husband's family..."

"It's really outrageous!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Everyone nodded in agreement, with resentment on their faces, but only they knew whether it was true contempt or contempt or jealousy and inferiority.

"Shut up! You shameless villains are really going too far."

Suddenly, an angry shout exploded above everyone's heads, and everyone turned their heads, only to see a weak young man in white glaring at them angrily.

The young master in white shouted righteously: "What do you superficial people know?! The King of Thunder is the goddess in the hearts of the people of Wangchuan. She won the throne by means of thunder, avoided the civil war in Wangchuan, and then made good use of her talents He worked hard to manage Wangchuan in an orderly manner. Today's Wangchuan is richer and more prosperous than when the previous Thunder King was alive. Later, he led the soldiers of Wangchuan to fight hard against the enemy. Not only did they resist the invasion of Shu, but it took only three years. In just a short time, the Shu Kingdom will be destroyed, save the people of Wangchuan, and give them a happy life... Do you think any of you have the ability like her?"

The young man sneered, "...Looking at how powerless all of you are, let alone going into battle to kill the enemy, I'm afraid you can't even hold a weapon."

All the literati who were shouting angrily just now lowered their heads with red faces, ashamed to death.

The young man's words seemed to resonate, and others also said: "She led the soldiers of Wangchuan to fight hard for three years, saving the common people from suffering..."

"Yes, the Thunder King is not only wise and brave, but also unparalleled in beauty..." "Yes, yes, the Thunder King is more than beautiful, he is as beautiful as a fairy... There is a saying in the Luoshen: its shape is as light as a startling bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming .Rongyaoqiuju, luxuriant spring pine. It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the swaying is like the snow returning from the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising from the morning glow; when observing it by force, it is burning like a flower coming out of Lubo. If the shoulders are shaved, the waist is as plain as expected. The neck is extended and the neck is beautiful, and the quality is exposed. There is no fragrance, but the lead is full of beauty. The cloud is so high, and the eyebrows are beautiful.

The voices of praise come and go, endlessly!
(End of this chapter)

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