Chapter 463: Farce (1)
After some admiration, "the notorious peerless murderer" was changed into "a peerless hero who rescued the suffering". When all the literati thought of the word "Thunder King", they felt that they were shining with Buddha's light, and they were simply saving the suffering. Living Bodhisattva...

After a round of enthusiastic praise, everyone's attention returned to the marriage.

Someone sighed dejectedly: "I don't know who is so lucky to be able to marry Lord Thunder..." Anyway, it's not him, he is a poor scholar, how can he be worthy of such an amazing, talented and beautiful her.

"Yes, my lord understands righteousness and bravery, she is really an excellent woman..."

"Hey... I don't know that Lord Thunder is reluctant to part with the monstrous power, give up everything to marry as a wife, and hide in a deep boudoir from then on, living a life of being a husband and a child."

After hearing this, Yi Shuran pulled out a very weird smile.Qin Shou's eyes were sharp, and he saw his smile in full view, knowing that he must still know something inside, that's why he had such an expression.He stretched out his hand to push away the beautiful maid who was leaning beside him, poured tea for him personally with a bit of hospitality, and asked eagerly and curiously, "Brother Shu Ran, you must know something inside." He guessed, "Could it be The old concubine Lei Ting has already appointed a husband and son-in-law for the Thunder King? Quickly tell me which son-in-law it is."

Just as Yi Shuran was about to speak, someone stopped him first, "Brother Shuran, wait a minute, let everyone guess first." It's rare to encounter something that everyone is very interested in, so everyone naturally wants to have a good time.

Qin Shou smiled happily and said, "My lord guesses that in all likelihood, it is Mr. Guo Tingyi, the left servant of the Ministry of War. Mr. Guo is not only young, promising and handsome, but also the most beloved minister in front of the court."

"But Mr. Guo is the grandson-in-law of Zhao Taibao, the veteran of the three dynasties. Even Yu Shaofu's daughter, Ms. Yu, falls in love with him. I'm afraid..." The student in Tsing Yi shook his head and sighed.

The handsome young man in a double-breasted padded jacket spread out his paper fan, shook it, and looked chic, "Zi Jing guessed it should be Li Chuansheng, Lord Li, who is not only the official worshiping fourth-rank right servant, but also the direct son of the king of Beijun. His identity is worthy of our Lord Thunder..."

Some students think it's inappropriate, "Li Shizi is a man who married his wife, wouldn't Lord Lei Ting marry him as a concubine?"

The handsome young man didn't take it seriously, "Then Li Rong is not only cruel and merciless, but also extremely domineering. I don't want such a woman." The princess of Beijun sued Dali Temple for Bo Gongtang, and the whole world knew about it.Killing concubines and sons out of jealousy like this is a violation of the seven outlaws. If Li Shizi wants to divorce her, even Rong Guogong must not stop him.

"However, I think it is more suitable for the grandson of the old prince Feng Hao, the Yangli son, who also has the official title of the fourth rank, and also comes from the lineage of the vassal king..."

Everyone counted the talented young talents in the capital.No one noticed that the boy in white was staring at them like a wolf with his eyes shining.

Cough cough, this young man in white was born with red lips, white teeth, smooth skin and tender flesh. If he puts on women's clothes and puts his hair up in a bun, he will look like a pretty girl.

In a panic, he saw that the young man had a booklet in his hand, and he took out a small writing brush from a corner of the chair, stuck out his tongue, dipped the tip of the pen in water, and danced on the booklet: "Son of Yangli, grandson of Lord Fenghao , the official worship is the chief of the Sixth Section of the Fourth Grade Inspectorate, a doctor, single, no wife, no concubine, no children... Li Chuansheng, the son of the king of Beijun, has a wife and a concubine, and the concubine died. The wife in the house dominates, you should be afraid... Guo Tingyi, the fourth-rank left servant, is in the age of a crown, handsome and unparalleled...Oh, yes, he has two big peach blossoms on him, he seems to be a romantic person..."

After recording, the boy blew away the wet ink with a smile on his face, then happily closed the booklet, carefully putting it close to his body.It records the information of countless young talents in the imperial capital, from how many concubines his ancestors married and how many times he caught the cold, to how many piglets he raised in the backyard and how many litters of piglets he had, all in detail. !
Everyone guessed all the young talents in the imperial capital, and finally looked at Yi Shuran in unison, eagerly asking for proof: "Brother Shuran, is anyone among us guessed right?"

Yi Shuran shook her head with a mysterious smile, and took a sip of tea leisurely, "It's not right."

Everyone was surprised and looked at each other in blank dismay. They even counted His Highness the Crown Prince, so why is it wrong?

"Brother Shu Ran, don't be a fool, just talk about it." Qin Shou couldn't stand his appetite for it.

Yi Shuran put down his teacup, suppressed his smile, sat upright, looked at the crowd solemnly and said, "The Lei Ting Palace does not marry girls, but recruits, son-in-law, married couples!"

The loud words are like a huge boulder falling from the sky to the heart lake, instantly stirring up a thousand waves!

Everyone was in an uproar again: "A son-in-law?! It's actually a son-in-law!"

"This is too ridiculous..."

"It's ridiculous!"

Yeah, it's ridiculous.In Chengtian Kingdom, it is a great shame and humiliation for a man for a husband and son-in-law to marry into the father-in-law's family.A man's marriage is like a daughter's marriage. She abandons her surname and her ancestors. After marrying a woman, she puts the woman first in everything, and even the blood of the child can only take the woman's surname.Generally, people who choose to marry are the kind of shameless people who have no father, no mother, no relatives, no family, are lazy, greedy for glory, and have no sense of shame.Because even an upright, upright and good man would not want to be a person who abandons his surname, abandons his ancestors, and looks up to others!

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the young man in white laughed dryly, then squeezed into the crowd, and publicized the benefits of becoming a 'princess' to everyone, "Oh...everything has two only see the bad side, but never thought of the good side. side."

Someone snorted and sneered, "It's okay for a man of seven feet to look at the face of a mere little girl to live his life, so weak and incompetent?"

The young man smiled coquettishly, and raised eyebrows at him, "Brother...don't forget who this 'little girl' is, she is a noble and powerful feudal lord!" She said, "Marry the prince, climb her towering tree, and worry about having no official position, no power, and not being able to show your strengths?! I believe that all brothers and sisters are people with real talents, practical learning, and ideals and ambitions, but looking at In ancient and modern times, that literati student has no ideals, no revenge, and no real talents? How many people can show their strengths and realize their ideals and ambitions! Therefore, if you want to stand out and be famous forever, you must seize the opportunity. And Now the Thunder King is your chance!"

He curled his lips into a smile, and his dark eyes were shining brightly, "Besides, what is this prince marrying? He married a 'concubine', and a male concubine is also a concubine. The favored servant of the fourth rank, Guo Tingyi, Guo Tingyi, Mrs. Guo, has also bowed his knees and called out respectfully as 'Madam' when he sees him." He did not miss the envious expressions of these people when they talked about Guo Tingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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