black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 468: The Prince Out of Control

Chapter 468: The Prince Out of Control (1)
Today is the birthday of the concubine Feng Ke of the Gregorian calendar. Feng Ke is the first married woman, and it is not a birthday. The general way of celebrating is to ask the kitchen to prepare some rich dishes, and then invite a few good friends with her. Just a little bit of fun.

Ke Qian has a cold and arrogant personality, and she doesn't have many good friends with her, so she only invites Cai Xuehui, who is already the third concubine, and waits for Princess Ruosheng and Miss Yu's Xiangrong in her boudoir.

Ke Qian ordered her servants to set up melon and fruit cakes in the plum garden, and invited the three of them to appreciate the proud plum blossoms in the garden.

"All the fragrances shake down Duxuanyan, occupying all the scenery to the small garden. Sparse shadows slant horizontally, the water is clear and shallow, and the dark fragrance floats in the moon dusk. Frost birds steal their eyes first when they want to go down, and pink butterflies are like knowing their souls. Fortunately, there is a little song to help each other You don't need sandalwood boards and golden bottles." The soft chants of praise came to my ears, and I felt a sense of comfort and smoothness.

Yu Xiangsu loves plum blossoms, and likes the bright red color like fire in the white snow. Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a raging fire, a raging fire burning with life. It uses its life to bloom with dazzling brilliance.

There are few women who do not love plum blossoms, and Cai Xuehui is no exception. Seeing that the flower bones on the branch are so cute and cute, she couldn't help but reach out and break off a branch. When she got closer, the faint fragrance came straight to her nostrils, and she smelled it. , refreshing.

Ke Qian looked at the plum branch in her hand and murmured in a low voice: "It's hard to draw a picture alone when the calyx is covered with snow.

Cai Xuehui was taken aback for a moment, the comfortable smile on her face slowly subsided, and there was a slight sadness in her eyes.

Yu Xiangrong read softly: "Counting the calyx with snow at the beginning, it is difficult to draw alone. There is a unique rhyme in the fragrance, and the clearness is extremely cold. The flute and the sorrowful listening, the oblique technique depends on the disease. Against the wind, it is easy to understand, and it is easy not to destroy it." This poem was written by a female poet surnamed Song in the previous dynasty.It seems to praise Meihua's beauty, arrogance, innocence and independence, but it is actually telling her that it is not easy.

The branches are slanted and scattered, like sorrow or sickness, if Beifeng can understand Daomeihua's heart, please don't torture her anymore.

Seeing the mournful look on Ke Qian's eyebrows, Yu Xiangrong asked softly, "Is 'Nifeng' the son of the Gregorian calendar?"

Ke Qian sighed silently, but they all understood that there was no one other than the son of Yang Li.

Lost in interest, Cai Xuehui placed the folded plum blossoms on the table, "I heard that my son took in a new wife a few days ago..."

Mentioning the new wife, Ke Qian's face became even more ugly.Yu Xiangrong sighed slightly, feeling a little sad in her heart, watching her husband live together with other women, which woman can bear it? !But, this is also fate.

Ke Qian took a deep breath, put aside the sourness in her heart, looked at Cai Xuehui, and asked with concern, "How about you? How are you doing in the Third Prince's Mansion?"

The sadness in his eyes appeared again, and he smiled wryly, "It's good or not, it's still the same. The master is not here, and those women who want to compete for favor can't find a partner. It's no different from a group of women who have been thrown into the cold palace."

Although Cai Xuehui didn't care about it, only she knew the misery in her heart.It's been three years, and it's been three years since her husband-in-law left.She has been married for three years and is still a virgin. From ancient times to the present, she is probably the only one.

On the night of getting married, he lifted her red hijab and hurried away, maybe he didn't see what she looked like, right?

Yu Xiangrong frowned, feeling that the third prince's behavior was really displeasing, even if he liked to travel freely, he couldn't leave a newlywed wife alone at home for three years, so he couldn't help asking, "Does the third prince have no letters?" pass it on to you?"

"I have the letter." Thinking of the content of the letter, Cai Xuehui's face became more bitter, "Except for ordering the housekeeper to invite the eminent monks from Ganye Temple to come to the town house in Fuzhong to pray for blessings, there is nothing else..." The letter only told her He didn't mention the word, and I don't know if he forgot that there is a wife like her in the mansion, or he really doesn't want to mention her?
"The third prince is too much!" Li Ruosheng said indignantly.

"Whatever is too much is not too much, this is fate." In three years, she was smoothed and her pride was ground, and her whole body was full of sadness and sadness.Cai Xuehui dejectedly touched her cheeks that were not as smooth and delicate as before. How many years can a woman afford to wait...

Seeing Ke Qian's melancholy face and Cai Xuehui's sad eyes, Li Ruosheng couldn't help but shuddered, and said with fear, "It's so scary to marry. I've decided that I won't marry for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Cai Xuehui, Yu Xiangrong and both of them shook their heads amusedly, acting like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

Ke Qian was even more teasing, and poked her forehead with her finger, "Yo! You said you won't marry again today? Who was the one who yelled 'I don't want to marry you'?"

"Who, who... said it. I, that..." Li Ruosheng blushed and hesitated to speak.With a final stomp, he changed the subject and said, "Oh! Let's not talk about this. When I came in just now, I saw that the servants in the mansion were busy, and it was very lively. It seems that the people in the palace still attach great importance to your birthday. Yes, don't feel sorry for yourself, this man, who doesn't have three wives and four concubines, at least he is willing to spend some time on you, consider your feelings and don't dote on concubines and kill wives, just be content..." She shook her head and recited the words her mother used to say, trying to comfort the two dissatisfied wives.

Ke Qian gave her a funny look, picked up the teapot and poured hot tea for the three of them, and explained, "They don't value me, they value distinguished guests."

Cai Xuehui also heard some rumors, "But the old prince Feng Hao personally invited you as a distinguished guest?"

Without waiting for Ke Qian to answer, Li Ruosheng exclaimed, "Who has such a big face that you want the old prince to invite you in person?"

Yu Xiangrong also looked at Ke Qian curiously. With Feng Hao's identity and status, the only person he could invite him to personally invite is the current prince besides the current emperor.The emperor would not come out of the palace to attend a banquet at will, so that is, "His Royal Highness?"

Ke Qian shook her head, her expression was a little strange, she opened her mouth, and was about to speak, when she saw a pair of Bi people walking side by side from the waterside pavilion over there.

He is really an extremely right person.The man walking on the right looks like Pan An, a pure white brocade robe makes him extremely handsome and beautiful, his blue and clear eyes are as clean as the sea, his nose looks like a hanging bridge, his lips look like dandelion, and his skin is like cream. ; Waterfall-like blue silk falls on the white clothes, and only a white belt is used to tie the hair on both sides of the ears behind the head, the breeze blows, the hair is flying, and the beauty is as beautiful as a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

Not only was the woman walking beside him not covered by his dazzling brilliance, but his glory made the woman even more unattainable and unattainable!

Appearance is second to none, as far as that majestic and noble aura is concerned, it is daunting to look at!
Yu Xiangrong and the others noticed her distraction, turned their heads, followed her line of sight, and were taken aback when they saw her.

The woman was dressed in a pure black robe, and as she walked, the flowers embroidered on the corners of the robe floated faintly, setting off the deep atmosphere.The pure black hair is bundled up, and the soft jaw outlines a beautiful arc. Her gestures and gestures are not the fragility and gracefulness of ordinary women, but the kind of cleanliness, elegance and dignity, and the deep wisdom revealed in the eyes, which is enough to make everyone feel happy. The civil and military officials of the DPRK were all impressed by it.

(End of this chapter)

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